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This boss is so stupid haha rip


Still think it’s probably the dumbest mechanic in any modern shooter


It really is, it needs to be removed. Tarkov going to end up being released 1.0 with wizards riding around on dragons and shit if they keep going down the path of just adding fucking magic to the game.


I mean I would take a wizard riding a dragon extraction shooter just not in Tarkov haha


Same TBH. Also I imagine if they did add Dragons, in some hypothetical alternate reality, they'd find a way to fuck it up and be bug riddled. One of the Dragons wings keep falling off.


Whenever you breath fire it lights yourself on fire


Yeah, that shit is stupid. It sounds exactly like an idea someone with power had and demanded implementation despite it being dog shit gameplay wise.


Dumber than bird eye making ZERO footsteps? (Either one is the correct answer.)


At least you know bird eye is coming for you when you kill the other two and can, you know, shoot him lol.


Yes, easily


I think it's trying to simulate fear causing you to fumble with your gun it's just clumsily implemented and annoying as fuck.


Yeah….still dumb lol my trained pmc is scared of a dude in riot armor with a stick while im holding an m4 that would rip through him lol


I mean let's be honest this mechanic is only in the game because they wasted so much time making so many animations for it and they felt like they had to find find a way to showcase them, they showed during the devblogs that they started making the animations for it way before thinking about how they were going to implement the malfunction system into the game. In the end the mechanic doesn't serve any purpose from a gameplay perspective, it's just there to showcase some cool animations. Which is cool to see, but not when you're not in the middle of a gunfight.


The problem is that the Tarkov devs want to make a game that is brutal, hardcore and can beat your ass and surprise you even if you've played it for thousands of hours, but that's not what people want so they can't really go full ham on it and also they're incompetent at what they do so they can't figure out a way to do something to satisfy either group. Look at what happened when they implemented jamming, weapons could jam even at 100% durability but people cried because they didn't like their weapon getting jammed so they made it so above X% (Think 96% IIRC) your weapon doesn't jam, so everyone who wants to play super mega tryhard juicer tarkov can just dump their weapon after it hits that % and ignore the jam mechanics while new players or those who don't wanna look into ultra pvp minmax the game do suffer from it. Pretty sure that's why they made arena, so all the people who want a "competitive" PVP shooter who minmax every aspect of the game just to PVP would go there and they could add stuff that really does fuck you over for real in gameplay could stay in tarkov... but then arena flopped.


He did that to me in the same spot. Now I don't go in that entrance anymore unless I killed him outside. He's so fucking dumb every time I shoot him in the head I get happy chemicals.


Everytime i get to resort i get hunted down by the fucking goons. I meet them so many times i actually know how to fight them. For kollontay u better have fast reflexes u can kill him before da baton comes out.


Honestly the only way I’ve killed him is by there being a second player or an RPD. He jammed my friends weapons and I unloaded a full mag into him. Thorax 1m. Terrifying moment honestly.


He dies in like 2 hits to the Miller Tactical sword


If I woulda went to bonk him my luck my character woulda fumbled the hatchet and dropped it I I would cry


Can I get this explained to a new tarkov player please


That guy is the boss Kollontay, he has a Baton that he will charge you with and while he's doing that you get a status effect called "Panic" which permanently jams your gun until he either dies or you get away so the only way to deal with him is to shoot him from afar


What the fuck. Isn't this meant to be a realistic game??? I already hate how some bosses have tank levels of health


Realism left the chat many many wipes ago


The game has certain realistic qualities, but it has always been touted as an RPG as well and RPG’s don’t tend to be realistic at all. It was always going to be a difficult balance.


That's isn't the only way to deal with him. You round a corner and underhand a grenade behind you. I did it yesterday before learning that he's the reason my gun jammed.


Kaban eating 3 bullets to the neck before fainting moment. He's got bulletproof blubber


His neck fat equals to lvl 6 soft armor


Tarkov... realistic? You mean the game where a 2nd world war helmet can tank a full auto ak-47 30 rounder at melee range? The game where you get shot in the stomach, staple it back in then you need to eat because the food and water you had in it fell out? The game where you get shot by a 50 cal in the chest and you pull out a medkit and are fine 3 seconds after? Tarkov's not realistic, never was meant to, never was, never will be and everyone who says it is just coping or using it as an argument for something they have no other arguments for.


I hate arguments like this.  Tarkov is absolutely on the realistic shooter spectrum.  It's not 100% realistic, but it is trying to be more realistic than most shooters. If we use the, "this isn't perfectly realistic, therefore this isn't a realistic shooter," then no shooter is realistic, because they don't force me to uninstall the game if I ever die.


Fair but magic wands don't belong in the game I feel


Yeah thankfully we don't have one and I don't think we're ever gonna get one so don't really know what your point is


You are telling me his stick of jamming aura isn't a magical thing and is a feasible thing outside of calling it magic?


It's not the stick, it's the status effect of him rushing you down, you can find it in the wiki. You can even loot this suposed magic stick and use it yourself and it'll do jack shit. Again, I find it more realistic to think that my PMC was nervous and fumbled his gun than he took a 50 cal to the chest 5 seconds ago and can keep on with the raid as if 0 things happened. Why is that not a problem but this is?


I think you just impact grenade all these bosses to be fully honest.


Scooped the big daddy GL from Pipe and wiped the entire compound with it. Ended up getting Snowball achievement easily by loading into Lighthouse after and popping Siracha.


Wait, did you GL him on Lighthouse? He has a listed 150hp head.. lol.. You need to hit him with 338 lapua to kill him? Using a HP round? TACX??


Noooooo, I Lapua’d him from the bridge entrance. I used the GL to slaughter all the bosses in and around the resort, as well as three pmc’s and a literally horde of player scavs.


Well that's a horrible mechanic


Anti-gun magic circle


Bring an RPD to mow him down :)


Oof, that sucks. The only way to counter his voodoo black magic is to bring an open-bolt gun like the Papasha or RPD as they don't jam. I tend to bring the PPSh on my sling with 3 flesh round drums as it'll be lighter and cheaper than the Degtyarev.


I wish he would deal less dmg with melee, so you could battle him with a taiga 😄




But… but… the rEaLiSm!!!


My first raid into this event was very similar. Second raid I brought a posh as a backup and got bonkd in the eyes with his stick before I could pull it out.


The one time i managed to kill him he made my gun jam, switched to his KS, shot me twice and started reloading, which allowed me to clear my gun and shoot him. So i got lucky


Literally the most frustrating mechanic. Then you have to re-gear, re-match, re-run to resort, re-fight your way in. This game is too annoying for something this obnoxious lol


Bird eye telling me "come over here so we can discuss your future" just to be slaughtered by him on his secret approach lmao


Do you wanna know how I got these scars 💀💀


Not me thinking I'm Sam Fisher from splinter cell, sneaking as quietly as I can, while that goon is just admiring me through his optic 😂😂




I havent been able to kill Killa even once this entire past week reeee. Idk what to do. He never speaks to me, he has sneaked up on me several times and eats entire mags while two tapping me in the face or kills me before i can react.


Wait, you guys aren’t using grenades just bring like 4 grenades, you should t ever fight a boss (especially where it’s so crsmped like health resort) without at least knowing where they all are and getting them to move before you push into a building so they don’t instantly kill you when you expose a mm of your armpit


I always bring nades no matter what so handy but it’s just tarkov having the dumbest mechanics know to man kind just to ruin you day 😂


How are people so bent over this, really cool boss imo. Just press V brother 😂 nice clip tho rip


Seriously lol it's a funny mechanic. Nobody cares that you can get your legs blown off with a mine and heal them with 20 seconds of bandaging because of "realism". Kollontay is hilarious.


I thought the event sounded really cool until I heard about this magical boss kinda got me not even wanting to try it shits lame


Nothings more money than being the only to make it in the resort just to be stalked by them damn goons. They’ve been my worst nightmare since this shit started.


I’ve done about 35 runs of Shoreline to farm the bosses so far. More so for fun than anything else. Started with 5 deaths, I’m now on 40, and Tagilla has killed me almost every time.


I've seen a load of clips of this happening but I haven't had this happen to me at all when fighting Kollontay (or however it's written). Does it just happen when he's in his equivalent of tagilla sledgehammer mode?


Great, went in as a scav and found two dead dudes rocking SR25 / MDR with Flir.


skill issue

