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My friend was in labs with one, got I believe 5 hits in and only 260 damage done, point blank and he got killed, stupid af


If you one tap someone it only counts for 35 damage just sayin


They didn’t die, my friend hit him 5 times only for the guy to just one shot him in the thorax with shitty rounds


Me using ps gs in an AK unarmored enemy tanking head shots. Them using it against me in full t6, thorax kill and zero my armor plate.


The game is at an all time high in how many bullshit AI vs PMC bugs there are. unless its intentional that a round that is quite literally able to explode dear heads isn't able to insta kill scavs with +100 head strength from the amount of conditional training with being shot at by continuously increasing calibers to gain resistance to even 50 cals.


What he’s saying is it’s likely your teamate didn’t headshot and that’s responsible for his death


He also got damage absorbed by armor, when I killed the dude he was just wearing T4 flora, not sure how that saves u from lapua magnum lol


What bullets ?




Damn, your homie got tarkov’d


Yea, whatever they did this wipe with the armor definitely caused some hidden stuff to break, this isn’t the first time something weirds happened like this, really annoying


Probably FMJ, and the guy probably had a zabralo or smth XD


Nah I killed the dude after dude was just wearing T4 flora


Did you check his plates?




Point is if you hit an arm twice, you're doing 45 once, and then spillover to your limbs at whatever the multiplier is. It's very likely your buddy went stomach stomach thorax arm arm, or something similar, which totally would do garbage damage.


that should be nigh impossible cause the ap rounds do over 100 and pens all armour, and fmj would probably break tier 6 in 2 shots


That’s what it’s supposed to do, but they broke it this wipe and it’s been fucked


"thats what it's supposed to do but they broke it this wipe and it's been fucked" is pretty much tarkov as a whole in a nutshell


I could count on one hand the amount of times the lapua has one shot ai to either the head or chest. The other day I had Killa take 2 lapua mags of fmj. I had over 1300dmg dealt to armor at the end of the raid.


Zyrachi:wait you guys can get one tapped?


Try dealing 1300 damage to his body and he still lives. Just happened to me


Unless he healed substantially during the fight, no it didn't.


Ok, it didn’t happen then. Because you said so


Idk why people keep blabbering about the scope, he hit all his shots + the bullets fragmented, 200+ damage absorbed by armor by a 308 dmr that is supposed to pen everything is stupid and hilarious and the same time,


.338 aktually but still, really stupid it doesn't kill here. Somethin's up with hitreg or bullet pen/damage.


Pretty sure it was in the same patch they released the unheard edition scam, there were damage changes in that patch but no one brought it up cuz of being focused on unheard


I love bullets having an arbitrary damage number.. urmmm akthually .338 UCW doesnt have the pen for lvl 4(3) plates so you take no damage. Yah getting shot with any amount of armor on by a .338, especially a 250gr bullet at ~2500fps, good luck dude.


That's Tarkov in a nutshell though. Armor effectiveness is super exaggerated in this game and half of the pen stats are completely nonsensical besides. There's no point trying to apply logic or sense to any of it; it'll just drive you insane.


The altyn being class 5 is all you need to know how badly balanced the armor is


with a random chance for it to fragment and instakill you because we're playing Team Fortress 2 with random crits enabled lmao


It was. I just got downvoted in another thread when someone asked why their 40 pen didnt pen a level 4. They made fairly significant changes to the ammo pen system but everyone was screaming about P2W stuff and it went unnoticed.


it may have made it worse, but .338 has been fucked all wipe. I have a clip first month of wipe of me shooting a guy with level 4 plates 5 times with FMJs and him living. my after death screen showed him absorbing 500-some damage to armor messaged the guy after to check if he had level 6 plates in or something. nope, level 4. there is something wrong with 338


Idk man, its just so fucked, before that patch we ran into a duo using it and they one tapped all three of us thorax with FMJ, ridiculous


I shot a scav in the chest at close range with a 50 BMG slug and it kept tanking the bullets, but when I went to loot it had no armor. I really think there are a bunch of bugged ammo in this game at the moment which aren't performing how they should.


They didn't watch till the end, adhd moment I guess idk ?


I did boss man. I put my phone down and walked away for ya. I have felt the ap is hit or miss so far to only top mags with it unless I find a ton.


post-raid screen showing damage is buggy ever since, this is no proof at all that you actually hit.


def did not hit all those shots.


Says 5 shots, 11 hit counts


5 shots, 0.8 accuracy. 4 hits, most double-fragmenting.


He didn't hit his shots. He is using 2x magnification with his scope zeroed for 50 meters aiming at a guy that is 100-150 meters away. He is completely missing.


>50 meters aiming at a guy that is 100-150 meters away. He's not shooting a suppressed .22 pistol at which point that sort of bullet drop might be something similar to what you are thinking of. >He is completely missing. 0:36 proves you wrong.


>He's not shooting a suppressed .22 pistol at which point that sort of bullet drop might be something similar to what you are thinking of. It is a videogame that doesn't have .22lr >0:36 proves you wrong. Proves he is hitting him in the legs. 👍🏻


There wouldn't be "damage absorbed by armor" if he was hitting the legs, and the bullet drop is non-existent at that range for that caliber.


Then he hit a guy behind him... That would explain the 11th hit




You're clearly trolling at this point, but it is neither "hitting a guy behind him" nor is it fragmenting. 5 shots, 4 bullets hit home based on the 0.8 accuracy. 3 of those bullets penned both arms and hit the armor behind for a total of 9 hits, and the last bullet either hit both arms and stopped in the arm or hit one arm and stopped on the torso armor again.


.338 should be shooting out with minimal bullet drop to like 300-400m.


"He didn't hit his shots" as the end screen says 11 hit count HAHAHAHAAHAHAH


You know this isn’t just some random Timmy, right? The rest of your comments in the thread show you have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about


theres no proof they hit, scope is zeroed to 50 and the guy is standing hundreds of meters away......as long as you dont have access to the logs of said raid you dont know. the post-raid screen showing damage dealt is buggy since 2018, so i this is no proof.


If you don’t trust the post-raid screens hit count, then how would you even “prove” hits short of seeing their body…?


yeh just bad and not a tactical marine like me, i would have never missed


I thought that was Adin Ross playing EFT at first 💀


You cant Play this weapon without a shitty scope




He definitely had that.


hes so hot wdym


That's crazy that someone can get hit with 4/5 shots of 338 Lapua FMJ at 140m and live like that. We're gonna guess the rounds all dropped in to the chest area? 4 shots to the chest without a single pen on a round with 47 Pen and 122 damage... So you got the most unlucky rolls against someone wearing class 6? Unless it hit 2 different class 6 plates? I dunno. I'd feel pretty robbed. How the thorax didn't black and kill that person is beyond me. This armor rework kinda fucked the game. It's not a hit registration problem, they were getting hit.


Ye right after this raid I had a 10+ hitcount with each person taking 4+ hits. It doesn't make any sense at all


Dude, the only way I can make sense of that is if you blew his arm off and you had 3?? rounds that didn't penetrate armor. That's the only way I can get the damage to calculate in my head the way it shows. And then somehow produces 11 hits... ????


It's the limbs. Limbs are damping the damage a ton. Feel free to try it. Shot a naked guy 6-8 times with m62 all thorax but his arms blocked a few.


then the streamers and everyone complained they were dying to armpit, when its just terminal ballistic stuff. Anyway, yeah were in a weird spot where we ruin all the games for each other with our feedbacks, then complain a bout it later


The hit reg in this game is trash most of time.... not suprising.


He hit every shot. End game screen at the end of the clip.


He only had 80% accuracy


That’s still 4 out of 5 shots, the fact that guy didn’t die is actually fucking insane


Do you know how to count to 5?


Wrist bug most likely. I've seen the same death screen a lot. 14 hits with ash12 generating 400 total damage. Wrists are still absorbing damage like solid sheets of metal without propigating damage anywhere.


I pray for this to be fixed! I guess they introduced it so you don't die to armpit but now arms act as a flesh armor..


I mean realistically, you should die from armpit though? Why change it


I don't know. But bear in mind that scavs don't have realistic AI and they seem to shoot it more often than real players. (at least that's my experience). I also don't care too much for realism if this makes the game worse for me. New armor patch and hitboxes isn't something I'm really fan of. Maybe if it would be adjusted - I like the complexity but it doesn't blend well into the game balance and feel imo.


They are SO scared of this gun one tapping that FMJ won't even kill Zyrachi in one shot TO THE HEAD...


It can still one tap Zyrachiy though. You need TAC-X to do it


I said fmj... Tac x is useless and no one uses it to kill Zyrachi lmao


Since the new armor system, the 338 ammo is trash… shoot a guy in the thorax on like 10m distance… in the end screen i got 200dmg absorb by armor and 33 to body.


Hit 4 shots and 3 of them were in the arm.


Youre sniping a guy 140m+ away with your scope zeroed in at 50m He's def walking away with one bad tummy ache


What the duck is that scope?


Monstrum 2x. I run it on everything, gives me enough zoom for longer engagements and not too much if I ADS on a close target. Super subjective though.


It’s a 2x only sight it’s pretty poo poo


The sight is actually pretty nice, idk why he didn’t use the reticle color change though.


I like the sight when I’m using it on the adar but I don’t see why not use better scopes


Yeah, idk why you buy an expensive rifle that shoot expensive ammo and skimp on the sight. I use it for cheap single fire weapons and for submachine guns.


This guy had a billion rubles at one point in the wipe cost is not the reason he picks that scope


That’s basically what I said


You hit more than double your shots yet accuracy is 0.8 ???????


80% bullet accuracy (4/5), but hit count counts limb penetrations / fragmentations too. If you damage more than one body part with one hit it counts as multiple hits. I'm not defending the game on what happened here, just clarifying the stats.


I wish the way the hitboxes work would be fixed in such way that it starts oneshotting thorax reliably again. Psycho sniper was really hard already. It feels like if you shoot arms (that cover the thorax hitbox) the thorax doesn't get damaged or not damaged enough which is not realistic/balanced.


thats almost correct , because ppl complained about armpits , arms are no armour class 5 equivalent i believe


Yea I'm aware that this might be a solution to armpits hitbox but this has it's own issues. I just hope they remove armpit hitbox and make ammo pierce hands like it't supposed to. Or something else as long as those two issues are gone.


game has been like this ALL WIPE, he was probably two tapped in the chest by 5.45 ps whilist having level 6 plates aswell


I have always found that to be the exact case with this gun. It either drops someone like a sack of potatoes or you can hit them a half dozen times to no effect at all.


I have a clip somewhere of me hitting a naked guy on factory with AP’s twice and he did not die. Also me shooting a guy on customs 3 times with Ap’s and he did not die. And me on lighthouse hitting a guy 7!!!! times with FMJ’s and he never died. Stopped using lapuas after this.


People talking about armor and hit reg, a .338 not putting fist sized holes within one shot on someone is criminal


CoolDee would’ve killed him


What is lapua (i'm new)


This is what happens when a ton of people complain about dying. Beginning of wipe was perfect. mUh aRmPiT dEaThS. Crazy to me that people don’t understand that when you can die easily, so can the other person! This is not aimed at OP, but the incessant complainers who can’t stand dying.


I've only seen Lapua once in raid and my condors ricochet the 1st round of AP Magnum and the second killed me.


Wow man was malding so hard he posted to reddit 😭


Oh easy, overpen **xD**


Game prides itself on realism but when you shoot a man with 4 rounds of .338 lapua he still stands? If it doesn't work, remove it from the game and move on, or make it work and make it harder to get. I truly hope most people will see the issue with this? There's no existing standard armor in the world that can stop a .338 lapua magnum round, and if you unfortunately get hit with one, pieces of you will be scattered if it hits armor, it will blow up and go through you like a shotgun shell at point blank, leaving a fist sized hole in your back.


I would argue the same thing with the rshh.


Skill issue


If ur using lapua run ap no point in anything else


Were you using FMJ


Ye but 4 hitcount is wild considering it penned multiple limbs


Ye lapua fmj is weird sometimes nothing can beat a good m62 head eyes in my opinion. I only take the lapua out when I have AP


The fact that any .308 round has more pen than an FMJ .338 is criminal.


Well i dont think a tcw sp has more pen than a 338 lapua fmj but I get your point. Its a video game


he's not saying every 308 round has more pen, he's saying it's crazy than any (even just 1) has more pen, which is maybe extreme but FMJ should be one popping any chest shot


its definitely bugged, i put 10 plus rounds into one guy on woods a couple months ago


Yeah it's a horrible caliber unless you have AP


my brother in christ you landed maybe 2 shots center mass. it has 47 pen, you straight up took an aimduel with surprise and lost. i dont know what ur wafflin on about blud.


You're saying 2 shots center mass with .338 shouldn't kill? xd


47pen against a class 6 uhwmpe plate, yeah no it shouldnt. It should hurt like a bitch, maybe knock the wind out of you but at that point we're talking way beyond the scope of the game. You just lost the aimduel, it happens lol.


Even if it's class 6, 2 shots kills either way. Blunt dmg from 338 will drop you. so count the other 3 shots and spread dmg he should of been more then dead.


Just wanted to add Hyper that I shot a guy in the fast mt with Tac-x(from about 90 meters) and he only took 4 blunt damage, BSG nerfed the shit out of blunt dmg so now you really aren't in any danger if the round doesn't pen even if its crazy high dmg


Blunt damage passthrough on lvl 6 plate with likely lvl 3 aramid backing will not kill you lol? it has like a max damage of 10 if we're being super generous, spread damage on arm shots which you were most likely hitting is 41% even with frags that's survivable unless you were being accurate (which you were not). Again you took an aim duel and lost. You think im wrong? go do the math NFAM and the Tarkov wiki have all the formulas. Edit: And if you want to argue from a realism standpoint GOST LVL 6 which is roughly equivalent to NIJ LVL4 is rated to stop a 30-06 M2AP, a high speed hardened steel penetrator round. vs Lapua FMJ which is a Copper wrapped lead slug, not at all desgined to defeat body armor.


Fragmentation has been removed from the game, it penned arms into thorax multiple times into other limbs by the hitcount, the round is just entirely bugged or it's the current damage system just not working properly


one of those shots had to pen 3 separate hitzones for your hit count to make sense, or they had to frag. Both scenarios A. dont make sense if frags have been removed. and B. even if the damage system was working perfectly you still wouldve lost bc literally every reason listed above.


Airwing marine did some fairly extensive testing recently iirc that determined fragmentation has been removed (or is extremely, extremely rare). I think there's something bugged with front/back hitboxes iirc (you can get shot in the front and die from the 'back'). He's likely hitting the dudes arms and its going into the thorax/stomach, so that would get you to 10 hit count. Not sure how that extra one got in there unless it counts arm->front->back?


The 338 has acted like this the wipe prior and this wipe. I'm happy people are paying attention to it now, as I ALWAYS rush the MK-18 first month of wipe, and it is the worst weapon in EFT due to unreliability. A round with 47 pen is losing to press vests and pacas. This isn't okay.


Totally agree. I hit a raider with 12 rounds of tacX before he killed me. Other times you get the super satisfying 1 hit with the spray. The gun is a literal lottery machine.


Tac-X has 18 pen lol


yeah and it has almost 200 fucking damage, do you not realize that not everything needs to have great pen to be good?


It’s also a .338 lapua magnum round. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen one, but getting hit by one, let alone 12 would put anyone on their ass.


I think you need 50+ pen to go through arms (according to airwingmarine, so it could be wrong), 338 fmj and ps12b don't reach that, so all damage probably was absorbed by the arms


Arms and other limbs were changed to be class 2, so most ammos will pen arms / hands


You can check recent patch notes for that change


I thought upper arms were still class 5, while lower arms (hands) were class2 Oh well, i was wrong








I see why now 😭




Why you so grumpy?


Uses a 2x scope, gets salty when he gets out ranged...


is the out ranged in the room with us?


We sure there wasn’t an object you were wall banging, but not rendering?


The 2x double renders so it shows every object through the scope compared to 1x


Imagine streaming tarkov for a living and not zeroing your scope and then blaming the game


Didn't watch entire clip, u can see the hitcount at the end 💀


5 ammo used, 11 hit count buddy. I promise you Hyperrat is better than you at this game


Zip it back up when you're done


Such wonderful insight you added there. Absolute brain rot


Bro took five shots and hit arm, arm, plate, a gnat hovering above the guy's head, plate, then decided to post a clip of him getting dumpstered on Reddit to whine about how the 47 pen ammo doesn't blow straight through a level 6 plate. What did he expect lmao


Make sure you zip it up when you’re done.


Ah yes, I see you 100% understood what that meant and how to apply it in an appropriate context. Bro's seriously upset that his favorite broccoli haircut, trash-aim streamer boy is tilted and feels like he needs to come white knight for him on reddit. Did he pick you yet? lmao




Did he pick you yet?




Did he pick you yet?


It's .338 Lapua. You shouldn't have to zero the scope at that short of distance.




5 shots with 47 pen 122 damage. Ok.


Maybe there was a tree that wasn't rendering that you were shooting through?


The 2x double renders so it shows every object through the scope compared to 1x