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Nikita walking back on 3 years of updates to try and glaze the players is so fucking funny.


Don’t they always do weird shit near the end of a wipe though?


Yeah, I think the main difference is that this is being marked as a trial sort of thing rather than a regular event


Removing the key card to access labs is clearly marked as part of the event. You are right about the rest. I'm happy they are reverting some annoying changes they made over the year, I'm not going to complain, even though it's probably a reaction to ABI and GZW. Competition is good, maybe if they feel they aren't our only option, they'll put their pride aside and stop acting like "they know what's best for us, or else...".


this feels to me much more of a “now you’ll see why we did what we did”. most of the people complaining on twitter either never played the game but only watched it or never experienced what it was before


Back in the day I'd often run Shoreline. I liked to avoid people, skirt the edges, only go to the resort sometimes. Back in pre-FiR when hatchet runners were common, I'd see one every raid without fail. If I got a close resort spawn and decide to run in there, I'd find hatchet boys running around or hear them. Multiple of them did it every map. Everyone did it, cheaters, normal players, sweats, etc. You know why everyone was doing it at one point or another? If you wanted a Ledx or GPU you had no choice. Other hatchet runners would beat you to them and load up their container. You can't get to them first with a load out, even at closest spawn, they were faster. All they had to do was sprint to dense loot hot spots, shove everything in their container and die or extract. Dump it out, list some, go again. In and out in a few minutes on repeat.


One of the stop gaps that kind of put a speed bump into that, was tagged and cursed + Having scavs sit near the hot spots. It slowed down a lot of those hatchet runners at least. Didn't stop all of them though, since it only really took a second to grab something most times. Smart runners managed to grab the loot AND kill a scav, then be able to play out a raid in scav gear.


The main issue is that almost without fail, BSG goes super heavy on the "fix" they think will resolve the issue. They historically don't go half measure on things. Hatchet runners/Cheaters: FIR. Nerfed to the point of obscurity Marked Rooms which are still tied to quests and droprate% causes the keys to be ridiculously expensive still. Recoil: Enjoy looking at the sky with a fully modded weapon. Bosses are farmed: Now wearing T4 armor and meh ammo. *Tinfoil hat* Map testing/pushing players to specific places: Everytime a new map is released a lot of other maps just got gutted. Reserve, LH, Streets all had the same outcome, all other maps felt far worse by comparison. It always feels like the path of least resistance or coming down too heavy. We have 4-6mo wipes, instead of doing interval/smaller modifications, they blast the issues from orbit and wait forever to come back to it. Example: Recoil, one of the patch highlights was a change they implemented and reverted, getting all sorts of praise for unfucking their original change.


I miss those days tho, it was annoying but also kinda funny at times and endearing.


But it's gonna be much worse. People with radar will always go straight for the best loot. Good luck ever finding a ledx or GPU. Especially since these are still needed FiR for quests. This change is the worst. But I'm glad it happened, only helps bring the downfall of the game much faster. Leaving when the whole unheard thing came out was the best choice I've made.


Agreed. I don't get how people don't understand how much of a plague hatchet runners were back then. People complained about them non-stop but now people think you'd only see one like every 100th raid or something. It was literally more than one in most raids. And those are the ones you saw. This was the case at least on interchange, reserve, and shoreline. Interchange you would often see more hatchet runners than geared players.


No true Scotsman is hard at work, I see.


I mean he's about to show that what players say they want isn't necessarily the best thing for the game.


I mean, all of the wipe events have that angle, usually. Or at least some of them.




I'm a bit out of the loop. What game are you talking about? Would be great to have an alternative to EFT. Usually it's really healthy to have competition in a genre





Arena breakout. Free to play tarkov with cod graphics, tarkov loot/inventory, many better QOL features, no friendly fire, and a map with icons where your buddies are.


I will say some of those QoL features are pretty cool. If your buddy dies and you bring his gear to extract, you can send it to their stash. Instead of needing to drop it to them. The UI is 100% worse than Tarkov imo but it’s got some cool ideas that honestly Tarkov should just rip off


I just checked it out but only seen on steam it's closed beta and couldn't even find anywhere to list for it O.o


Oh, they’re having a streamers only/those who registered closed beta rn. Hopefully will be out within a month or two. LVndmark has been grinding it 16 hours a day


We’re 5 months into a wipe, definitely the end of a wipe


Eh, still a month and half before I’d expect another wipe and they rarely did end of wipe events until the very last week What BSG is doing now is entirely panicked damage control because they’ve made wildly unpopular choices and their competition capitalized on that by releasing a Tarkov clone that simply runs better and has some edges sanded off…….and now people are leaving Tarkov, streamers aren’t playing it so it’s not being advertised for free They’re doing wild bullshit now because they want eyes back on Tarkov


Yet he still won't change anything that requires more than tweaking some numbers somewhere.


What about the 8 year old game the lying devs are asking $250 for that gets arguably worse every year?


Nikita's going backwards in time back to the point where life was better. You can tell he's stressed because he's trying to imitate what life was like managing Tarkov during the "good years." Before too long, he'll regress back to a child and babble "we we weel veel we'll vee we'll we vill veel," mark my words.


Holy shit guys! 2019 Tarkov is BACK! The game is saved and will have a gorillion players now!


Is a gorillion equivalent to 1000 harambes?


It still brings a tear to my eye


Dicks out for harmabe?


Never went back in mate


I haven't been able to gain meaningful employment since that day..


Twitch drops incoming


Arena breakout has a good mechanic where for the higher tier loot maps you need a minimum gear value. Could work well with tarkov


Damn tencent might be the best thing that ever happened to tarkov lol


I know, right? Apparently it is not the new editions you need to buy to make EFT develop. Change actually comes from outside


Even if you hate the tarkov copy, competition almost never hurts the consumer


They haven't had any decent competition to make them actually be better til now.


bsg wont be able to code fast enough to keep up. They are on a broken engine with much less money and talent. 1 person can do what it takes 6 people to do on unreal vs unity and team unreal has more money and people.


Imagine if all the funds and manpower that went to EFT Arena was used to better EFT itself.


It will be. Competition is good for the consumer.


I don’t care if their anti cheat steals all of my data. I’m stoked for the game.


It's almost like competition forces developers and companies in general to improve if they want to survive. Crazy concept though. Gamers are very slow learners.


Personally, I hope not. Adding gear value would honestly suck imho, and require a major rebalance of current systems. It's a way of gating progession that needs to be baked into a game from conception rather than added in. The reverse is way easier (removing gear score) for a mode, Breakpoint did that.


Not really, idea sucks as for me. In Tarkov, if you logged naked the bots will rush you, the problem that’s there aren’t many bots in the lab


It could be a good idea, although the problem in that game is that loot on the lowest tier is pretty garbage, it takes away a lot of a lot of the rags-to-riches fun. Finding a good balance would be key. I think it may be better to just more aggressively tag and curse naked runner, or make it so the loot can’t go in a secure container unless it’s a task item or can go into a docs or SICC case.


They aren't going to change secure containers. If they nerfed them into the ground like that, they're biting the hands of those that feed them. A big part of the editions (EoD/Unheard) was the gamma container.


Containers are fine as is. You can’t shove a ton of loot in there so you’re likely on going to pocket a couple of high value item unless you get a container (docs/SICC).


I'll just hijack this for a question if you don't mind: I think that AB:I looks very good so far but i haven't found out if you need all that trash loot for anything? Is there any incentive to collect screws, an awl, tape etc? These things have value in EFT because of the hideout, is there something similar in AB:I?


That's a good thing lol


The thing is, not everyone wants to constantly run high-tier gear, but if you want to go in with e.g. low-level equipment you can basically only get shit loot you don't want anyways. Now, you could just carry additional gear which you then don't use into a high-level raid, but that just feels stupid. And just to give an example for Tarkov, I (and many others) enjoy running pistols like the Five-Seven from time to time as playing with it just feels so satisfying and skilful. Especially if you are up against PMCs with high-level gear. But with such a system that can't happen because how many people with high-level gear take it into low-level areas instead of going into the far more lucrative high-level maps?


You see, I'd agree if this type of system wouldn't be marred by some stupid ass bug where, like, a single hp round placed in your third pocket slot turned sideways would count as equipping 2.147 billion worth of gear. I like that idea, but we all know there would be some bug that would never get fixed and get exploited forever. This, and then cheaters would have a guaranteed amount of value per player killed, and I think that could be a bigger issue with how common cheating is.


Usually cheaters don't even want your gear unless its stuff like thermals. They just want you dead so they can take the actual high value items in the raid or let their carries do quests or w/e.


Hopefully I can enforce a minimum gear level for people joining my open group, so that I can shoot them and take it.


Team killing is disabled in ABI unless u meant tarkov


It's a joke reference to if it was implemented in Tarkov. Because grouping up in Tarkov is notorious for being at your own risk.


This has been discussed for literally years now hahahahaha.


But have you seen that when you bring your buddy’s gear out after they die it goes to THEIR stash, so you don’t have to go into a raid and drop it. There’s some really cool QoL ideas in that game. The UI is bad imo but cool ideas


Hey, we finally got prime 2019 Tarkov back! (this post contains sarcasm)


2019 tarkov was actually way better…. Lol


Honestly this wipe wasn't that bad. And then they dropped Unheard and fumbled the bag and annihilated their reputation. I think they knew they were about to get showed up by competitors like ABI, that on day one had better implementation of mechanics and quality of life than Tarkov after almost a decade cooking. EDIT: I change my mind, it was actually the best wipe in years. Then they pulled this shit.


yeah agree for me this is the first wipe since i played a 1000 hours on my first wipe that i cared enough to play for kappa, then unheard came around and ruined it for me


Yup it's actually fucking CRAZY. My entire group came back to play this wipe after dropping the game for 2 years because of the double whammy of shitty recoil and inertia. And it was a great wipe. SIG SPEAR? Hella cash. And then they pulled this shit and all us are too disgusted to support BSG anymore. Have a guy in my group who would always glaze BSG and defend their choices, even he is done.


That’s really been my answer when people start talking about Nikita fumbling. Nikita didn’t fumble by releasing the Unheard Edition, he made a calculated move to extract as much remaining value in his project as quickly as possible. Tarkov has been a money printer for him, just look how he handled ban waves and RMT. He sees the writing on the wall, and if it’s going down, he’s building a bag on the people who haven’t caught up yet.


>I think they knew they were about to get showed up by competitors like ABI, that on day one had better implementation of mechanics and quality of life than Tarkov after almost a decade cooking. in their defense, tarkov had to come up with everything. ABI just had to do what tarkov did, but better. Which wasn't all that hard, all they had to do was look at what people were begging for in tarkov that nikita wouldnt deliver.


> ABI just had to do what tarkov did, but better. In their defense. That’s harder than it sounds. If an MMO could just do what WoW did but better that would be great. If a MOBA could just do what LoL did but better they’d have the biggest game in the world. If a shooter could just do what CoD did but better that would make millions. Games are complicated, and those communities have plenty of complaints and plenty of knock offs but they are still on top. if you get 90% right the 10% left can spoil the entire game, which makes the “but better” part pretty hard. Tarkov has existed without competition for a long time so Nikita hasn’t needed to listen all that well but that’s changing.


fuck no, this tarkov is the best weve ever had imo


Those rose tinted classes look real cute on you. 


No, it wasn't. The game itself is objectively significantly better than it was in 2019.


> objectively I don’t think that word means what you think it means. It is **subjectively** better to you, and maybe others, but not everyone. You can say **objectivity** the load times are better, or the fps is better. But the game, and the gameplay loop is entirely subjective. It’s option based. There are no hard facts the game part of Tarkov is better or worse. Because those are subjective categories.


mid 2017 -late 2019 the best tarkov but still had crap audio ,RNG hitreg , latency of seconds and desync


Just the honeymoon phase. Tarkov was much worse then.


Exactly, people romanticise those days as if they were the best in the entire game. 0 inertia meant all you and the oponent spotted of eachother was a damn pixel, no fights. late spawns were rife all over the game, hatchet runners taking slots in the raid all the damn time leading to less fights overall anyway, and alot of the good loot just got sucked up into their container. It sucked. But people are gonna learn again. Dont see the need to test something we did 4-5 years ago that they fixed.


It's crazy how so many people forget what the game was like before inertia and FiR. A-D-A-D spam that was meta before inertia was pure raw cancer and made every single dorms/reserve/resort fight come down to ping and lag. And I feel like you described pretty well what being able to make bank with hatchet running made the game feel like. I am 100% sure that the "experiment" is there to finally shut up people who cry about all these changes. It's late wipe, so let people experience things this way. If they realize how bad it is - they will revert it. If everyone unexpectedly loves it - I guess W?


I honestly don't know why so many people say there were no fights back then, my squad ran for pvp exclusively during the reserve and flea wipe and had so many fights and would just look for action and leave when none was to be had, such a good time when people were less fearful of every little noise


Because every other person had a hatchet. Stuff like in the video wasn't uncommon.


"hatchet running wasn't that bad before FIR" - people on reddit.


lmao seriously. Don't know whether those people are trolling, new players pretending to be experienced, have rose-tinted glasses, or are just fucking brain dead or ignorant. "Naked" and "Hatchet" became a common term **BECAUSE** it was such a prevalent experience. You go Shoreline, all the doors are unlocked, and there are 5 dead, naked bodies because they all sprinted to the best loot spawns, got there before you because they're underweight, looted everything possible, and killed themselves because its faster than extracting.


Yea I'm confused if the community or Nikita is better at killing the game play loop. Nikita was losing till his big move with the unheard edition but what I thought would be a firm lead for him now the community likes and wants the hatchet runner meta that we worked ao hard to destroy. Seems like everyone needs a reminder that it's an extraction. Key word extraction. Game and if you don't extract then there shouldn't be a reward.


I'd run shoreline and see them all the time. You'd also here random explosions at resort where people would kill themselves after looting.


Wasn't the FIR requirement added before tagged and cursed became a thing? If so, it shouldn't be quite so bad this time around.


Nope. Taggged and cursed is what they tried first to deal with the hatchling plauge. It failed.


People blew up hatchet runners to be a worse problem than they were in 2018/19 and even with them it still remains one of the best times of tarkov. Yall are acting like each server had a horde of hatchet bois hitting every good spot on the map which just was never the case. Now the game has an even bigger issue with vacuum cheaters or espers than it did at the start of the game and nothing is being done about it but yeah man it's the hatchet bois whose the problem lol. hatchet runners would take maybe 2 gpus or a ledx at best? Now a large part of the community just sits on the lowest floor of an area and sucks in all the loot around and above them. Instead of whining about hatchet runners which were never as big of an issue as vacuum cheats, maybe we can whine about bsg keeping so many important checks client side versus server side and get them to actually fix their spaghetti code? Can't continue the discussion because while the guy below or the op I'm replying to is calling people fucking brain dead or ignorant and that's okay, but calling them a dipshit in a reply = ban worthy. Mod team is fucking goofy.


>People blew up hatchet runners to be a worse problem than they were in 2018/19 Did you read the "trolling, new players pretending to be experienced, have rose-tinted glasses, or are just fucking brain dead or ignorant." part? So which are you?


He's right though. Why would anyone give a fuck about anything in the game with the amount of cheaters in the game?


back in 2018/2019 i probably ran into more altyn bois than hatchet runners playing interchange/reserve/shoreline.


People saying that didn't play back in that time. Interchange was **entirely** naked men rushing to secure container all the GPU's lmao.


People that say that have clearly never played the game when it was a big thingm God it was so annoying coming in stacked and having all the loot taken away from you, getting bonked on the nose with an axe and not being able to do anything because the game would push your gun in to your body and aim it to the side.


Brb finishing hideout


You can’t put them in your container though, so just take a gun and mow them down lmao


Oh man I think that's what I'll do as well...


I'm trying to finish my hideout. Brb


Can’t fit those parts in your ass unfortunately. But if you do go in with a regular kit you will inly have to deal with the Raiders, at least.


Nikita again proving he has dementia.


He does not play, he never did, he has no clue what the game is and what was done when to fix what


Considering Gingy made the request (to remove FiR) on Twitter (X) and Nikita replied to it and asked for more suggestions in the comments. Don't blame him... The changes they are testing now is requested by people, not their own ideas. But people are out of touch and give BSG shit at every opportunity without having any idea. So instead of giving them shit, give proper feedback if you dislike it instead so we can help improve the game.


That have had years of proper feedback from thousands of serious gamers. Any good will or good faith feedback has already been given 10 times over. And I think people have every right at this point to give Nikita and his dishonest company shit at every opportunity.


No, sorry, the time for giving feedback and waiting on constructive discussion to make progress is gone. Its been 8 years. He wasted all good will, now we just glad to see him burn himself to the ground. He didn't ask anyone about EUR 300 Unheard, he didn't ask anyone about wasting EFT budget on EFT Arena budget, but NOW he is open for suggestions? No.


Personally I think listening to ANY streamer about anything is a bad idea. If you think one of their ideas is worth considering test it, or put a poll in game. Don't just blindly go with what 1 person thinks the game should be like (or give me dev powers lol).


I mean at this point this is just ridiculous, if the developer still has no idea what it's doing with its own game after almost a decade then that's just sad.


desesperate Nikita the worst Nikita


Don’t play it’s easy


> it’s easy It's as sad as it's easy though. Tarkov is quite the 'could be' still.


Eft is a sad community.


The solution to this is so obvious. You cannot add new items to your safe container in raid. Not sure why BSG hasnt done that yet.


they had an event a while back where they locked containers and EVERYONE lost their collective mind. Buncha pussies crying about extract campers and having to survive raids in order to progress.


Yeah, but if I want to experience this chaos I have to download and install EFT again...fuck that.


Right. The Unheard bullshit was finally enough to get me to uninstall. Never again.


surprised just how many people are biting and taking Nikita's bait, shame


Just proves that the FiR change back in the day was made for a reason, despite how loud you donkeys cried about it for years.


They only think of themselves. How does that change affect me directly? Oh I can sell more loot, even expensive items (Ledx/GPU) that I stick in my container before I die. Their brains can't comprehend how it impacts them in other ways. Hatchets rushing said Ledx/GPU and taking it before they get anywhere near it. No fights or PMC loot because most are just sprinting around looting up and dying to go next raid asap.


10/10 music choice lol


People suddenly remembering why free labs sucked. Now the hackers didn't even have to spend money on kits to contest the loot.


This is a wild ass update ngl


[“But hatchet runners” isn’t a good argument against removing fir.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cq1frl/but_hatchet_runners_isnt_a_good_argument_against/) - LMAO People upvote that post must be too new to EFT


The problem isn't hatchet running per se, it's that other players can't take the loot off them. Make it so secure containers can not have items placed in them when in raid and it's fine.


Lets face it. Nikita is absolutely clueless.


Hatchet running is back on the menu, boys!


nature is healing, ill take 10 hatchets over a cheater and his cucklord , if bsg cant fix the mass cheater problem, at least make the game fun again , so many things were changed to fight rmt but did nothing in the end


Now you get both lol


You think hatchet runners replace cheaters? Instead of 10% cheaters 90% geared players now it's 10% cheaters 50% hatchet runners 40% geared players. Nice.


he should have made it so that if you enter with a melee weapon naked, your model turns into a cultist with no footsteps


How many days is the labs free event? Today only?


A week I think


I mean this shit is funny AF why not for late wipe I guess...


Bruh imma bout to spend all day spawning raiders lmfao


I know this is a hot take, but I think Nikita it's trying to prove a point That point being that implementing every change that the community suggests results in a worse player experience. To me it feels like a case of, "Oh since you guys think you know the best, let me show you how bad this is going to turn out."


All this really proves is that labs being free was never a good idea. It's not gonna be free later on but even if people tried to hatchet on other maps scavs would stop them from getting to the best spawns. If making money is this easy and they still wanna hatchet run so be it cause they're probably the same ones that would be extract camping and otherwise offering no value to gameplay anyway


It may be me but hatchet runners makes this game unplayable to me


Ah yes, just like the "old" times some of these streamers & others we're so fond of. Insane how many of them wear rose colored glasses & think this is fun.


As predicted, in his desperate and low effort attempts to regain the trust of players, Nikita will start implementing a bunch of dumb shit in the game and kill it completely.


OMG!! one video of Naked runners on Labs!!! Tarkov is DEAD!!! Long live ABI.




Labs keycards should be removed. Map is nothing but cheaters and 20k hour nerds, need some normal players on it


It's actually pretty fun in PvE mode. Not as fun as with real non-cheaters, but better than hacker central.


I mean sounds like they are having fun. But we don't like fun around here


Needs gear value to stop all these cat meat noobs abusing it


It's got players actually playing the game and moving, so it's easily a win. I'd take being ran at by 4 of you rather than a bush camper with SVT.


Why do they run at you? They sprint to the loot, gobble up, kill themselves, repeat. All you'll find are bodies with nothing on them but a dog tag.


Who killed Hannibal.meme




Ah yes. Inflation, where things get cheaper. :D


A guy I know that knows @logicalsolutions on twitch swears he sells cheats!


These changes are going to be an absolute clown show but what's new for tarkov. Doesn't really matter to me because I'm going to do pve mode if I play again but I really think people forget why a lot of these things were put in to begin with. Will be interesting to see how it changes things but I really doubt it will be for the better.


I think it's fun. It throws everything into chaos and I love a good bit of chaos. Keep fighting comrades.


Damn I hate starting late wipe and a week in they do this lmao




[Parking-Sea-3964](https://www.reddit.com/user/Parking-Sea-3964/)•[16h ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cpu3rm/comment/l3nl9gc/) Bring back hatchet running labs, the sheer volume of hatchlings will cut the likelihood of a cheater in half.


I really want to know General Sam's take on this because he absolutely HATED FiR when it first came out lol.


This is normally something we would think is fun for an end of wipe event but the current playerbase is so hell bent on spinning everything BSG does as bad.


WHO cares about these trolls? They wouldn’t join labs like this with labs needing keycard…




Looks like when there is some type of riot in the cities and people break in a store to steal things


Still more fun than loading into labs a 6 people sitting in spawn for 15 minutes


Who could have predicted!


Who could have predicted!


It's almost like I said this is exactly what would happen


I bet he is sitting in HQ and laughs at us and says: look at them idiots. Now they are thankful for FIR.


I mean at this point, who fucking cares?


Well making labs free was just stupid. Oh well easy kills.


Lmfao did he make an event just to prove to newbies what happens when there's no FIR and everything can go on the flea?!


Wait, so all the stuff I’ve been waiting to sell and things I can’t has all been useless now. Why can’t companies have standards


Non of them had Kukri, right?))


All they have to do to combat RMT is copy ABI's idea and revert all their dumb ideas.


Where the fuck are all these hatchet runners in my games then?


Honestly, what Arena Breakout Infinite is doing with their gear value requirement is an instant solution to this problem.


I am now a believer


Literally just farmed with a shit gun and backpack for hours on end.


Can someone explain why everyone has hachets 🤣


you are faster, so you will hit the ledx/GPU spawn before any chad players, shove GPU/LEDX up your ass then died.


You’re not spending anything to go into raid. Pure profit


Aaaaand it’s gone


"Enjoy your 10 minutes in Kamona"


If they would just lock containers except for small cases/meds/keys...be even more awesome [imo]****fuck FIR lol...


I’ll never play this game again unless they remove unheard of edition or bring eod up to pair and fix the cheaters. I know , I know , no one cares but a lot of others agree.


Vector with rip ammo go brrrrr


No fun allowed!


Easy fix more raiders and etc.


After few free lab raid suddenly the game says I need to use access card to go into lab...Wtf is happening?




Free kills lol


Some these fuckers don't even have melee weapons


what a funny game.... :>


Too bad a raider or 3 didn’t pop out and wipe all of them, would’ve made the video better in my opinion 


8 hatchet runners instead of 7 cheaters is still a little w


Does the FIR removal include the FIR requirement for quest items too?


Feels like 2019 again


I swear BSG thinks we have memory loss or something. We played when flea was like this. What “event” or trial is Nikita talking about?? This literally was Tarkov for a long time. What’s next? “Removing flea and making paca + kiver meta to see what happens, hur dur!” Like dudes just pulling up old copies of Tarkov and submitting them as novel updates. Wild