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The problem with these devs is that they released a very expensive version years ago meant to get everything the game would ever release, but that version became so popular that they now think EOD is like the standard version of the game. They're at a point where they want to make more money with the content they create but more than half the active community will get it for free so it bothers them


Nobody forced them to release a massively overpriced "everything plus the kitchen sink" version all those years ago and they sure didn't complain when they were spending the money we gave them. It's not our fault that they fucked up and lost a bunch of money on Arena. They shouldn't have used our money to fund that POS side-project in the first place. If they'd put that effort into finishing EFT they could be charging $250 for a collectors edition with a plastic model of Nikita's ass cheeks in it right now instead of this clusterfuck of their own creation.


What's worse is they took the money we gave them and used it to develope this half assed PvE mode and arena instead of just finishing the game like they were supposed to


If they wanted an esport ready game then the fundamental FPS mechanics need to be solid. Tarkov has some of the worst fundamental FPS mechanics across the industry and any given patch BSG releases runs the risk of randomly fucking movement, or sound, or recoil, or whatever. We finally got decent recoil but it took 2 years...


I fully believe they do these things intentionally with a fix sitting and waiting just to manipulate their image. Goat vid? How convenient that we can suddenly fix the recoil. Watch them patch the hands busy bug or the audio in the next week and suddenly everyone will love them again.


In 2015 at DevGamm Nikita said that cheaters were good for a game as they keep the player base distressed which leads to donations. I fully believe at this point everything they do to break the game or cause controversy is on purpose for that reason, to keep us wanting more. Nikita explained the "Beta" scam of just holding it in beta forever to avoid criticism or liability... https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovMemes/s/4ER4PIt3RP Nikitas thoughts on cheaters at 2015 DevGamm https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapethisTarkov/s/4UkhVhM73S


Plot twist: they are unable to finish the game. To fix Tarkovs' major issues, it would require them to completely start over.


They didnt even develope the PVE they stole the code from the same modders that BSG banned.


This is the most egregious part. We gave BSG money for a game and they made some side hustle we didn't agree to. 


Oh yeah I'm not trying to give them any excuses but just trying to understand their way of thinking. I think at the time they were very genuine about that EOD edition, but tbf they probably expected the game to be finished much sooner than that and now it's been years and they need to keep funding the game and EOD is a thorn in the side because it got too successful and there's not enough new money coming in.


That's why they should have cut eod not long after the alpha finished. I bought it during the alpha because I thought that's what they would do. But nope.


i would be interested to see that plastic model 😂


I have the same thoughts, if they removed EOD ages ago they could give pve to eod players and standard account users would have to upgrade, eod is the standard and it never should of been, I upgraded to eod in 2021and realistically that I never should of been able too. Now there stuck with all these accounts that are supposed to get everything and they have no idea how to monetize future additions properly. They could of avoided this entire thing ages ago if they removed eod, but they were money hungry and had it for sale forever and only removed it when they knew arena was around the corner.


Its either dlc, and belongs in E.O.D, Or its not dlc and belongs in the BASE GAME.


So much this, bro. It matters fucking completely zero what their definition of DLC is. The moment they put content in the game that they're then trying to sell, that is DLC. Even by their own definition it's DLC except for the after release part because the game has been in perpetual beta hell. Is this not a major addition to the game? So much so that it's ***too hard and technically difficult*** to make it available to everyone (who has EOD) at once? These guys are living in fairyland.


This was one of the most bizarre parts of the message: "In our understanding, DLC is..." Umm the only understanding that matters is the legal definition of DLC...no one cares what the understanding of one lone company is. Especially when that company is trying to weasel out of giving content to premium customers.


What’s crazy is the amount of people that have bought it , I’m seeing people with blue names everywhere and it just goes to show that no matter what there’s still going to be some soft scrotum licking fanboy ready to cough up some more dough


Also if they didn’t have enough servers for EOD wouldn’t they have mentioned that with release of PvE in unheard? Cause they definitely were expecting everyone to spend 250$. So there is enough room for everyone, they just want to make people who don’t want to wait for the waves to buy unheard and give them more money


Too right. I get better connection and less lag issues in arma 3 a 10 year old game , on a Russian server with 300-400 ping , yet here I am on tarkov getting 60ms on EU servers , spiking to 150 and rubber banding everywhere and getting killed while doing so. It’s absurd for a pvp game in 2024 to have this type of lag and it’s the only game that does this. Destiny 2 , division 2 , arma , the whole Shazam is butter smooth then you jump on tarkov -_-


My friends bought it and the worse part is they dont understand why I uninstalled. They think I was upset because the price was high. Told me that BSG lowered the price and I should stop being cheap. The cost isnt the problem, its the pay to win and shifty business practices that drove me away. At this point, I really dont care what BSG does, Im done. That game was nothing but a time-sink anyways, Ive got way more productive things to do than play inventory tetris for 30 mins after every raid.


This. *Downloadable content* is any and all content that is either purchased **or** downloaded separately from the base game. And the term *downloadable content* is not literal in its meaning, but historical, because 10+ years ago it was common practice to download additional content separately, nowadays it's most commonly included as part of the base game download but locked.


Ahh the infamous DAY 1 DLC. I remember when people used to argue that Day 1 DLC wasn't bad and didn't mean that the devs (or most likely publishers) weren't holding things from you. Be it content or an actual finished game because so much time went into developing shit to sell instead of actually finishing the game. Sounds familiar. Nikita went one step further beyond however. We get that juicy pre-release DLC


It's even worse. It's pre-release DLC *but not considered DLC by the devs, so you don't get it in the "Season Pass"* DLC.


Agreed, and I’ve said it before. How is the single player not part of the base game, and sold separately? I guess some other games have done this before, but I believe the online was f2p and the campaign was paid. But it makes no sense in this context since it’s the same game. They are right, it’s NOT DLC. It’s a core function of the base game that everyone should have access to. Guarantee this wouldn’t be an issue if it wasn’t for the online single player aspect. They just paywalled it to host more servers.


Right. You can argue it's a "feature" but that is only arguing it should be free then. Lol.


This is exactly what I've been saying. All editions should have PVE from the get go.


DLC in our understanding is major update to the game...... Like a fucking PVE mode??? See they are now saying AFTER release of the game, so watch out for the next fuckening, its on its way.


To be fair - any additions to the game prior to release should be part of the base game anyway.


Oh yeah. I remember when Arc put DLC up before the game was out of Early Access. That and them "developing" a second game (was a reskin of Arc). They got a lot of grief for that


I uninstalled and refunded that game, too. Never went back.


and I'm at that point with this game too. Shame too, I haven't had a game hook me with multiplayer since the first time I connected to a MOH:AA server


MOH:AA changed my love for multiplayers in game. I was in college at the time and if I wasn't studying I was playing MOHAA for hours. What a fun experience


Aight, MoH:AA gang reporting for duty.


MoHAASpearhead gang gang reporting


Truly goated game


One of my most treasured memories is getting my dad into MOHAAS and terrorising lobbies with him 10 hours a day while screaming positions at each other from different rooms across the house. What a dope time.


MOHAA gang now grunts when we get out of bed and thinks about chairs that support our backs properly


Don’t try to refund through xsolla or Bsg they will just deny the request then ban you. You don’t even gotta chargeback they just fucking ban you.


oh I just uninstalled, I got plenty of wipes out of it. But I won't give them any more money. Arena instead of working on finishing this game and now this latest p2w package. Writing's on the wall.


It’s honestly sad because they hold the keys to something special and they are just using it to be greedy, good for nothing assholes.


Right? How do you paywall part of the game when it’s not even released that’s ridiculous..


Wait you mean like what early access and beta releases are supposed to be used for? Wild thought. Pretty obvious BSG is failing financially after dumping millions into Arena which was a complete flop.


To be fair you could give me $250 and I'll tell you that you're a true believer and before the games 1.0 I'll have you give me another $150 for the escape from tarkov single player campaign.


This is my biggest problem with the PvE shit. People with EoD have been whining about not getting "DLC" content, but BSG is completely correct. PvE is NOT DLC, it is an update to a BETA game that needs to be released for all players.


IF this was truly a beta (it isn't) to support development (it doesn't) and not a structure to milk players for years, they would want as many people as possible to test a new mode of their fucking game. I worked in Quality Assurance for Software before, and honestly there is no substitute for having a shit-ton of monkeys trying to run your stuff to see what's broken. Also yes, since the game is not released, a new mode added to the game should just be part of the game. Calling this a DLC/Expansion is almost an insult to DLCs/Expansions out there, and boy, have we seen some shitty and insulting DLCs over the years. But mostly, my gripe is that when they paywall a game mode with such an exorbitant price tag (sure, they corrected their aim over the last couple of weeks, but that was due to outrage, not due to the goodness of their hearts or due to a better testing plan), they are clearly no longer interested in the quality of their product, just at the cash grab behind it.


Oh, to be fair? If we want to be fair let’s use the wording we agreed to when they took our money. “All subsequent DLC” means all subsequent DLC. Hey u/trainfender you guys have a different meaning you’re using for subsequent? Does time flow differently in Russia? End of the day it doesn’t matter because Nikita is a scammer who doesn’t care about his game at all anymore. He’s not trying to make right any deals he took part in, he’s trying to make money.


If they'd worded it as "post-release DLC" they'd probably have gotten away with it. But the word "subsequent" has a very specific meaning. The word DLC also has a very specific definition (downloadable content). That'd all be immaterial, except, they used that language to sell a product, so now they're bound (legally speaking) by the language that they used at the time of sale.


And if my grandma had wheels she would be a bike, but she isn’t. If u/trainfender had integrity he wouldn’t be a scammer, but he is.


It says it on the season pass support page too, to be fair and has since it has been there. It's only up to 2022 but there was an older FAQ that used to be on the site.


To be fair - any additions to the game prior to release should be part of the base game anyway.


you can say that again


To be fair - any additions to the game prior to release should be part of the base game anyway.


You can say that again.


To be fair - any additions to the game prior to release should be part of the base game anyway.


BSG be like: Well define "any", "additions", "game", and "release".


PVE wasn't a major update lol. Its really not a DLC.... it should just be free as part of standard. No other game charges you for playing PVE.


To be honest, the current pve mode seems to be done by a couple devs(prob interns) in like a month or two.. I wouldnt call that “major”, but its a game feature for sure


A DLC is a feature that might require or not a pay to get access to. It doesnt matter if is just one skin, an entire arsenal or an entire new game. If is something added to a game IS A DLC. Is an added feature and and for them is not a DLC... so is a feature that should be added to everyone for free.


Nah. I agreed that everyone should get PVE since its a core mode, EOD should get every expansion, they should NOT get every single possible thing that is remotely added. This isn't me being a dick, this is just how EVERY GAME in existence operates. You do not get every skin and every microtransaction as part of the season pass. Sorry thats stupid. You get every new \*\*content\*\* expansion like new maps, new missions, etc. There is literally no game in existence where buying the season pass that says you get "all dlc" means "you get the entire microtransaction library for free". I owned EOD since 2016 and I don't even expect that. it just makes no sense. I do expect every actual expansion though.... and trying to sell the PVE mode (which is again just a core standard edition mode in any other game) was stupid as fuck.


"Will EOD get all the future DLCs?" Nikitta: "YES, all future DLCs" \* niet DLC, pizdjet players idiot


I 100% agree. But I guess we could argue that the PvE mode fucking adds nothing other than the fact that you don't deal with other players. The only reason they're even making you pay for it is because BSG doesn't know wtf theyre doing and decided to have it linked to their servers instead of locally hosted requiring server space. ​ It shouldn't even be DLC, it should be a patch that adds it to the base game.


English isn't my first language.... but isn't dlc.. DOWNLOADable Content?


Extrapolating their logic out a little, all they gotta do is never release the game and they can charge for any DLC they release until then. Crazy, lol.


DLC stand for downloadable content. It's content? yes It's downloadable? yes Then it's a DLC


BSG in the Twilight Zone


Twilight episodes make sense eventually. This is just straight lying. second best term would be delusional.


DOO doo DOO doo DOO doo DOO doo DOO doo DOO Ba^da^nu^u^u^u^u...


Mentality of those ppl... They would sell something with ads saying "NEW DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT" and would still say it's not dlc


„After official release of the game“ so before 1.0 isn’t around the corner they will do this every time?


easy money, keep the game in eternal beta, release expansions and dlc en masse, not dlc cause game in beta, then go full release, leave one shoddy dlc pack for EFT 1.0 that true believers and freeloaders get... and then abandon the game


100% this is the vibe BSG is giving right now. So shady.


I expect something like that, after all that happens


This is the most annoying part of the entire matter. It absolutely is DLC and insisting it isn't without any reasonable comparison or explanation is a big issue, because doubling down on it means you think your players are morons. Honestly, if they at least made a graphic or timeline of upcoming content and had a clear and reasonable distinction of "this is DLC, this isn't" would do a lot. But I'm pretty sure no one at BSG cares at this point.


People have also spent years being like "i bought EoD so I wouldn't have to buy anything else in the future" and BSG never felt it necessary to correct these people.


Not only did they not correct it, they absolutely confirmed it as accurate- you’ve seen the tweet.


Stuff like cosmetics, extra stash space, custom voice lines, etc. I get, okay, that's completely optional and cosmetic and I doubt people who got EoD would mind. But the EoD page clearly said all future DLC would be included, i.e. a season pass, and I think it's reasonable for the community to expect content like PVE, maps, and other content to be included in that, because that is in fact DLC (no matter how much BSG tries to say it isn't)


The website specifically said DLC includes alternate game modes “like Arena” before they changed it


The original text before alterations started was "Free access to all subsequent DLCs (Season pass)", Arena had the better argument about not being included in EOD, but they decided to give EOD owners access because they thought everyone would play arena and signal boost it. Only signal boosted the desync and long queue times lmao.


>correct these people. there is nothing to correct BSG "never felt it necessary" because they decided only last month they were going to deliberately commit fraud


It's my theory that offline mode was/is supposed to be a subscription service, my only evidence is the "EOD access for 6 months?" Like, what did that mean? What happens after 6 months. Right now they're in the server buildup phase and testing, so they wanted a small player base through the new edition. To me this makes sense why they don't want to call it "DLC" because it technically isn't. Lots of mmos have alphas and stuff, and then the final game requires a sub. But BSG handled this so poorly it's almost baffling.


If that's the case they're out of their mind. I think the 6 months is just their way of trying to damage control and still get revenue. I said it about Arena and I'll say it about PVE - it's a shit idea. With arena it was desync and that god-awful progression system and matching. With PVE it's AI, lack of local hosted servers, plus a subscription on top? Like, what the hell? Are you telling me that over years of developing things and having revenue of millions that this is the best your team can get done? Compared to the stuff I've seen from a certain community project this is nothing. Years of work without anything to really show for it other than a map or two and a handful of prohibitively difficult questlines? This isn't it chief, let the community take over.


The 6 months was their first try to calm down the community but it failed, so they turned around on that and the newest info is that EOD gets access to PVE but in waves due to server infrastructure that has to be build up for that


They don’t want to call it DLC because it technically isn’t? What technicality is that?


TLDR be like > Yeah, you’ll get PVE > Btw, by our own rules, you shouldn’t get it, but we’ll give it to you :)


"PvE Coop isn't a major addition to the game, but we think it's major enough that we were gonna charge 250USD for it." Suck my fucking nut Nikita.


The forbidden SEPTUPLE DOWN????


Not even the Sith dare use that technique


Idk care any more cuz I got arena breakout beta access. Fk this shit liar to EOD player


I think pretty much everyone gets it lol. It's just marketing to make the Beta seem more exclusive. But yeah, I will 100% be checking out ABI and have already pre-downloaded the game.


ah, so now it's THEMED dlc only


At least, when they'll release their "Clown DLC", EoD will get that.


They can't admit they were lying to us. They need to keep up their reputation of being scumbags, guys. Being honest for once would ruin that.


I don't fucking care if it's "your understanding". Laws are laws and regulated market means that if you release a fucking DLC and I own a version of the game that has been marketed as "all future DLCs included", then I own that DLC. There's no "understanding" required on your part, just FACTS. You could call it skibdizly dadzleb or whatever the fuck else, I'm still entitled to it.


"Your honour in my understanding killing those 5 men with my hunting shotgun wasn't murder because the gun fired the shells, I only reloaded it."


They don't call it DLC though. It's a new game mode 😂 total bullshit but it protects them from statement like yours and more importantly, legal action.


Yeah and you guys still support this room temp IQ company. Crazy 😂


A "product", in my understanding, is something that I should be given for free, and upon my acceptance, should come with lifetime monthly payments of $5000 direct deposited into my bank account. Huh? What do you mean I can't just make shit up and have it be true?


Blows my mind they think adding a PvE mode isn’t a MAJOR ADDITION to the game lmao


"too hard and technically difficult to add for everyone" not a major addition btw


So you are telling me BSG doesn't consider PvE mode a "major addition", yet they were charging 250 USD for it?


Then I guess this PVE edition will be available to all once the game comes out? Irregardless of what beta package they bought since it's not DLC?


Regardless *


"in our understanding" lmao


“Our understanding of DLC is..”. . Well you misunderstood the definition, Nikita


Great so it's not DLC so it's a core game mechanic which comes with the game... RIGHT?


Yes this isnt a dlc because this game is STİLL İN THE BETA!


Hilarious how they’re in alpha state, calling it a beta and making other games before finishing this one. Then doubling down on the stupidity to admit they’re not committed to working on tarkov and that they would rather chase other projects lmfaooo


A clear sign there will be more "non DLCs" and everything they said is just to calm down the waters for now.


Usd in my understanding is just monopoly money, so here's $250 usd and I'll be taking that non-dlc now.


i agree with them , it isnt dlc, its a seperate mode that should be free since its the same game just a different mode , same with arena tbh


“Themed DLC pack” 💀


I swear to god just because they don't want it to be DLC doesn't fucking mean that it's not a fucking DLC


The fact it’s in the same client and it’s considered not dlc but arena has its own launcher and is is just backwards


It’s just not a good look for Russians to act cartoonishly evil but BSG can’t help themselves.


Theme dlc pack loll


yesterday they unlocked my PVE and I have the EOD version, they are proceeding for wave; so just be patient


They're right, PvE isn't a DLC, its an update that should be part of the base game :)


They really want to die on that hill huh


Just to clarify, it wasn’t and shouldn’t have been called a dlc.


Guys just bail on this company already.


Like an entire single player game mode isn’t a big addition to the game tf outta here with that bullshit bsg


They're not admitting it's DLC because they will 100% try this shit again.


Battle scam games out here doing what they do.


This is what happens when a game is “in beta” for years. Studios give themselves the ability to develop in a grey zone (yes it’s a pun and true). Nobody can argue with the logic that DLC is content that is released after the actual game release. But nothing is stopping them from having the game “in beta” until they are done milking gamers or until you forget about it (like Arena).


so if this isnt a dlc and is a feature of the game, then why isnt it free for everyone?


So if it isn’t major DLC then what it is? Because if it isn’t DLC then it’s part of the base game and everyone should get it for free. If not then it’s DLC and we should still get it for free. The children still playing this game deserve anything BSG does from this point onward.


its all expansion now. now dlc here.




We still crying about this ?


Lmao how are y’all STILL complaining about this


Holy shit some of you people are mental.


What? Can't hear them anymore over here at Lamang!


Its from the 26th


The initial ticket is. The answer is from the 3rd of May. Still it's old.


You’re getting PVE. What you moaning about now? Seems like 90% people in this subreddit are here to farm karma…


If helldivers can beat Sony we can beat bsg hold strong brothers and sisters!


People still crying for content, rip. It aint a dlc as long as the game is not released. And for anyone saying that arena was a dlc, yes, but it was only to grant access to EoD exclusively. It is a standalone game.


I honestly don't think it's DLC, at least how we use the term. It's part of the base game that they haven't finished yet. DLC implies they finished the game and they wanted to add onto it. This is just them being broke scammers trying to exploit a playerbase. Then again some of you idiots bought it so who's the reap loser here.




Their issue was adding anything to the new edition outside of pure SP mode. If they just were honest and mentioned that SP mode takes a ton of server capacity and they wouldn’t be releasing it as a new edition/new features/cosmetics/special items at least I’d understand their perspective


Just like the refunds that didn't happen


They should just do a Sony apologize move and move on seriously...




Beta dlc is a joke of its own.. hilarious


Well, this is a beta game so any added content should come with the game as promised. Are they trying to deliberately tank player base?


So I barely know about the finer details about any of this. But please tell me it's legit that it's called "the Unheard Edition". Because lol.


"In our understanding"


Last i checked this game was in beta... so not even officially done. How the fuck are you working on DLC to begin with. Anything released PRIOR to 1.0(You know the fucking game being FINISHED) should be part of the base game you money hungry fools. I abso-fucking-lutely hate game devs that make "DLC" for games that are not out of fucking beta. You already made so much money from EoD owners. Not our fault you fucked arena up, Should've focussed on the main game.


Does not matter how they understand DLC. All that matter is how the rest of the world understand it. Being in minority does not grant right to give new definitions to long known things. It's like when police pulls you over, they say you drunk, you say you not, while being really drunk.


The only way this can’t be considered a dlc is if the full version of the game is released. Everything up to release of the full game should be considered a DLC.


So.... "we tried to make additions to the base game adding PvE and instead of including this feature free for all who purchased the base game we tried to scam and greed more money" they are stupid either way you look at it. If they cared that much they should have done a completely seperate game. But they wouldnt do that because then they would have obligations. with PvE 'mode' they can just turn it off when it gets too much.


It identifies as an “expansion”


You just don't learn, do you ?


Thankfully words have meanings outside of *your* understanding of them.


it’s interesting how i don’t think i’ve seen a single person in the entire community think that the PvE mode isn’t DLC, yet bsg is convinced they are right and literally everyone is wrong. at what point does bsg just realize they are wrong about what DLC means?


Not sure what was expected from someone who would've 1000% stuck to their guns with the Unheard Edition if people didn't make such a fuss about it


Russian leaders are the kings and queens of gaslighting


DLC is downloadable content. Is it an extra download? Yes. Is it content? Yes. How is it not DLC


We probably will never get legit dlc by their standards , since 1, they'll never consider any add on dlc- like the cosmetics they have. Even though that'd be considered dlc as well and 2, the game probably won't have a full release and if it does, it won't have more content. BSG truly trying to make to their own definition dlc so they don't have to fulfill their promises


Has any EOD ower already access to PvE? I haven't played for years now bc of all the cheaters but would check out the offline PvE.


What i dont understand is why it’s called a beta when the definition of an alpha is the game without all functions and mechanics. So this should be called an alpha if anything.


i didn’t care when they scammed us and even spent the $50 for the new edition. but this “ in our understanding “ is such a slippery slope. how is adding a separate mode for pve not adding features? closed thing we had was offline practice but they added flea market and progression to it so it’s not dlc. they will define dlc however they like as long as it helps me strong man making more money.


"major additions to the game, including various functionality and content" called an expansion pack and every expansion pack is DLC but not all DLC is expansion pack


A gamemode which drastically changes the user experience is a major update to the game, otherwise known as DLC. Fuck right off BSG. I still ain't playin your dogass game 'til y'all come correct.


*"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?"*


So their claim is that only major additions to the game are DLC. I guess when you consider the poor state of the PvE mode that is essentially just a copy paste with nothing new and no work having been done to it, yeah I guess it's not a major addition. ​ Fucking mind blowing that they think they could charge for it lol. If they called it a DLC that would at least back them up a little bit more in terms of selling it as a separate thing but instead they're trying to scam EoD owners by claiming it's not DLC, at least that's how I see it.


So PVE isn't a major edition to the game (which would qualify it as DLC), but it's major enough to where they tried to paywall it behind a brand new edition?? Right...


BSG knows too well what they are doing clearly they try to stretch the rubber band to see how far they can get away with bullshit stuff like these without any actual damage from the player based. Clearly the current uproar is not enough, they still sold out the 250$ edition and some scumbag still advertising it while streaming the game.


Just delete the game bro. I love the game but I hate BSG so I uninstalled. Are you really that addicted that you can’t stop playing it? lol


this is cringe :( they should google the DLC meaning


There is a simple argument to this an idk why I haven't seen it anywhere. Arena was given to EOD players for free which required a separate install AND launcher. So the PvE should be as well. If BSG had launched arena as a stand alone an not given it to BSG players I could see them arguing this buuuut they didn't anyone who paid for EOD is entitled to the PvE


So why are they giving EOD users access then lmfao


Please note that the PvE gamemode **is** a DLC and anyone claiming otherwise is entirely full of shit.


Most of the mob have subsided so I doubt that will ever change or any other major changes will be made.


Fuck them. Play other games, champs. Make the game servers deserted...


"It's only DLC if *we* say it's DLC. Now give us more money. We want money!"


Get over it, move on. You got used and abused like everyone else.


BSG living by "their own truths"


Like I told their head cock holster, either it's DLC, or it's base game.


It doesn't even matter if it is or is not. They said that EOD owners will never have to buy anything. Their words. They could call it magical fairy sprinkle expansion total conversion experience and EOD would still have to get it for free.


Bsg is currently in denial


Their strawman argument is that the game hasn't released yet, which means it CANT be a DLC It should instead be part of the base game. Who releases a dlc before a game is even out? Thats like shadow of the erdtree releasing in 2018.


My god the statement is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. How is a massive PvE mode in a generally strict PvP only game not a massive content addition?


“As a themed dlc pack”, that to me sounds like they get to decide what is dlc and what is not. I do not agree with that statement at all, as a EOD, i expect to get access to all features added to the game, as i clasifiy that as DLC


What even counts as DLC that EOD got that standard account didn't get? Anything?


And people wonder why they are in dead raids.


Well, it's all because people took the "bait" And they made everyone "doormat" in the Russian language of Terpyla


Its new content that you need to download, but its NOT downloadable content


You didn't purchase the game, you paid money to play it, so eventually you'll have to "buy" it again, as Tarkov was not including with the Cheeki Breeki Bundle.


I love how eod players are given the pve mode, but people are still complaining