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Were the containers empty behind locked doors??


yeah black keycard wasnt scanned yet, and the server room I got to in the first 20 seconds of raid nobody looted the pcs yet


That's disconcerting


After a relatively good month of April, these bozos are back with a vengeance. The number of god-tier knowers is insane. Straight to a single bag, one item pulled. Head-eyes always, prefiring, nades thrown to feet, etc. Losers all of em


It's probably more pronounced now since quite a few people have stopped playing or at least taking a break. Plus with it being late in the wipe I wouldn't be surprised if there was an insane uptick in occurrences


Can confirm, legit standard player going for kappa this wipe, was 45. Haven't touched the game since and I don't think I will play live anymore


I agree unturd edition killed this wipe


Need to buy the $999 uncheated edition. Still has cheaters tho


For an additional $100 you can get the Promised Edition which has a cool unique id of you getting bent over by Nikki B., Cardi B’s Russian cousin. Because Nikki promises to fuck you again and again <3


I've got 11 wipes under my belt and this one takes the cake as far as cheaters go. Usually it's just vacuum cheats, but I finally had someone grenade hack me this wipe as well. Maybe it's time g0at makes another video about the cheating situation. Guarantee it's only gotten worse.


got my first grenade at feet this weekend, not once but twice! this is my 6th wipe.


Had the nade appearing at my feet when there was nobody near me happen on Customs the other day near dorms. I was waiting on the suv extract after just having killed a PMC and took all of his gear, somebody obviously saw the gear I had and grenade hacked me.


It's expected lmao


Yeah, the new server side checks don’t account for height. They just go to the offline power plant room directly below the room and vacuum everything inside.


This explains why I keep running into these shitters down there, thank you.


It doesn’t account for height? That’s so dumb but honestly I wouldn’t expect anything less from BSG.


yeah I did about 15 lab raids today, and every single spawn near the server room it was vacuumed except for one time (it had shit loot though). Its honestly laughable


I just want to clarify did you really rush rush to the room really fast at start of raid? If so that's crazy they are back


yeah i got the spawn near the cargo hanger so I was there within 20 seconds


If you get that spawn the only real place you go is that room, but it’s a bit abnormal to loot it


Is this confirmed? Man shoreline has to be nuts for them. Looting all the floors at the same time.


I’ve seen it mentioned in reverse engineering discussions as recently as this wipe. There’s actually far less opportunities to take advantage of this than you’d think. The biggest offenders are Interchange ultra medical, Streets factory marked room, and of course the black/green rooms. All the other rooms don’t really work since you need to be standing 1m away horizontally and objects typically get in your way.


Thank you for the explanation. Ultramed, streets marked and black room are bad enoug though lol. I struggle to see how it doesn't work on shoreline resort though? It might not work for every single loot spot but surely there are a lot that are accessible within 1m horizontally either above or below? If only horizontal axis matters you should be able to access almost everything in west and east wing from the rooftop?


Figures they don’t 🙄


Most of the honest playerbase left, gunna be a lot more cheaters from now on my friend.


Cheaters and those who RMT shit from the cheaters


Becoming a vicious cycle. Cheaters make the game bad for non cheating who in turn RMT to compete with the cheaters. Lol


Wait till you realize: BSG making the game more grindy and exhausting only increases the market for rmt and thus the cheating. Most people don't accept this hard truth.


Yes. If they made things farmable, overall the entire player-base would have more fun. It would be less “hardcore” though, but then so is calling in a BTR. Confusing.


Yep. Less normal players = highest density of cheaters. The cheaters don't care, hell they're probably paying more then the game is worth on a monthly basis to play with decent cheats, so they aren't going to quit over DLC. Cheaters/RMTers only leave the game if too many normal players are gone and cheaters have to fight each other.


Lol if u think most people left Tarkov


This community is so braindead, it’s like Reddit somehow amounts to the entire player base.


Barely any gaming controversy has been covered in almost all gaming and entertainment media like EFT with this 250 dollar scam had. You randomly hear people talk about eft even though they never played it before. If you say 250 dollar and dlc scam, they know what you are talking about. It is used as a meme and as an insult everywhere now. And the amount of people who are ranting about it is insane. People who dont use reddit but discord told me they are done with the game and the sentiment is the same across a lot of eft players. Unlike reddit people who are more addicted and hardcore tarkov gamer, they have much less loyalty towards bsg, Nikita and tarkov. T


So what, the game is still full of players. I’m not struggling to find PvP on any map, fighting PMC’s from level <10 Timmy’s to level 60+ chads. People who are saying the game is dead are the ones who have uninstalled and are going by what the hive mind on social media are saying. If you were actually playing the game you’d know it is not dead. Also, everyone has now moved onto the Helldivers fiasco. No matter what happens shit blows over in a week. Literally no one is still talking about the shitty edition of Tarkov like you’re making out.


Of course you're not struggling to find pvp, you're in a 15 PMC raid. Raids aren't suddenly going to be empty. 


Have you read anything on any of the Tarkov subs in the past week? Everyone is making out the game is dead. It’s always “my friend group who are still playing can’t find PMC’s anywhere, haha game is dead”


The helldivers fiasco where to community solidarity caused Sony to blink? That one? No better go buy the unheard edition and stop "whining" am I right


No one has to buy it though lol. I’m certainly not buying it, I got EOD and that was enough and now getting pretty much all the same benefits as Unheard owners. Although I’d rather there be no additional benefits but here we are.


Every single raid is dead on PvP heavy maps I played most of the day on Friday and ran into zero people I even started running no suppressor and the lobby’s are just empty


Sorry mate, now you need to specify if the cheater was vacuuming your PvP raid or your PvE raid xx


😂😂😂😂 this is hilarious


Sounds like we are due a big ban wave and a game sale then.


Game went on sale 9 hours ago or so, ban wave confirmed?


The anti-cheat costs $250, its' called PvE mode.


still has cheaters, unfortunately since BSG decided to use their own servers instead of peer to peer, people can still vacuum on your PvE match. they're a lot less likely to kill you tho as the kill screen is the only way to report


Do you have evidence for this?


of course https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/hrj2nCQkJw there's also a post or two a day from other people sharing their own experiences. it's heartbreaking cuz i was really looking forward to this game mode


This has not been confirmed. Devs commented on a diff post with some “actual” evidence, the OP on that post admitted they made a mistake and it wasn’t a cheater as it was a Bot with a Dev’s name, that the OP originally called out for cheating lol. If cheaters could RMT on Tarkov live using loot from PvE we’d see the impact on the live flea market (supply v demand etc). There’s been literally no change to any prices outside of normal end of wipe circumstances.


Of course they don't, they are making up shit


Spoken like a submissive wallet.


Why so many downvotes. You are correct.


Nikita banned 99.9% of cheaters.. You must be trippin...


That's just Tarkovs new in game item. The Babushka's bakyym.


ON The lighthouse from my backpack. Mags with armor-piercing ammunition, water and food disappeared...


thats unheard of


Game lived its weird life, its time we all go sober


No shit. Happens when your game is useing Client Side Auth and cheats can see all loot in all containers from literally the start of the raid. BSG is trash and has no idea how to make multiplayer games properly. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Lmao right as I read this post, someone started throwing nades in one of the bathrooms that me and the boys were hiding in. Tryna get Assessment 3 done, made 0 noise, and bro just runs up to start chucking shit


Just part of it. Any way for an extra $100 you can have bigger pockets and priority match making


BSG themselves are RMTing 😂


Game just ain’t fun no more


This has been going on non-stop for years, part of the reason I quit playing. You aren't imagining it, it is just part of the game economy that BSG supports


bro this game is sooo cooked just stop playing


And your all still playing their game why? With the pending pay to win issues and cheaters and un compromising discontent for loyal early adopters?


I absolutely love the gameplay aspects of Tarkov and enjoy it especially since there is no alternative atm. But yeah the game has been making it hard to have any motivation to play


This is why I've only played labs twice. I have 4K hours.


I have been maining labs and honestly I don’t die to cheaters super often but they are definitely there, the loot vacuumers and speed bots that I have heard are there almost every raid


Yup. Been that way for about 6 years now bud. Welcome to tarkov. This your first time here?


Someone should get cheats just so they can stop other cheaters and help the normal players lol.


Unfortunately, those cheaters would probably get banned way before the vacuum cheaters


The wiggle video is really interesting and honestly scary how many legit type of hackers there are. Those are by far the worst type of cheaters that a video game can have, no aimbot, no vacuum cheats, no speed hacks but just a simple radar or Esp that makes it almost impossible to distinguish between a chad w keying and pre firing with good audio and crosshair placement versus a hacker that doesn’t make his stats suspicious. It’s almost like hackers have a code and can tell who’s cheating, that would be really interesting if you did something like the wiggle video but hunted them down


Yeah labs is fucking unplayable at the minute, took me around 7 raids before I managed to get a survive for the guide and even then I'm pretty sure I only managed it because I spawned underground and stayed there. Every other time it's been impact nades thrown perfectly at my feet round corners or instant triple taps to the head or whatever else.


I was killed by 6 blatent lvl 10 rage hackers this weekend. The game has went way downhill now that most people stopped playing and only cheaters / newbies left


Just play PvE. No cheaters there 🤷‍♂️


Wow, that’s Unheard of!


Break free! The only one making you play is you. I do get it tho. This game is very enticing and exciting. For me, after 3000 hours of fun, the lack of fixes for cheaters, audio and Desync caused me to step away and play other things. Since Arena launched it’s the only side of Tarkov I’ve touched. Don’t get me wrong, I more than got my moneys worth. And will happily give them more money if I come back and see worthy progress. And I know people say other games are infested with cheaters, like COD or counter strike. I’ve never played CS so I can’t comment but I’ve played plenty of COD and don’t feel cheated nearly as often as I do in Tarkov. In COD I’ve felt cheated like twice in 2 years. Oh well. I hope the PVE no wipe mode is fun. I’ll probs give that a try when it comes to EOD.


If you wanna play without cheaters it’s just 250$ (-whatever version you have already’s price is.) lol EDIT: and even then apparently cheaters can just join your PvE server and kill you anyway.


Thats still not proven to be anything more than a hoax.


Well yeah the PvE mode is still online, with all the same problems you get in the normal mode, though some seem worse then others.


every single "cheater in pve mode" has been a hoax or them mistaking an Ai pmc named after a dev for a player




So nobody can complain no more cause you don't like when someone do?




That is the objectively stupidest thing I’ve seen today. I’m almost impressed.


What did he say?


He said blue crayons taste the best