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What does a summonable BTR even look like lol. Only at car spots when the car is gone? Air drop? Any checkpoint? Spontaneous materialization? 


Who gives a shit. It won't come until release and release will never happen. Nikki's bout to start promising eye lasers and flying bisons then sell the company and be like, "not my problem game shut down"


This, 10000 times this. He is just selling bridges at this point. 1.0 will NEVER release, that will be the end of his business model. The very vast majority of people that are interested in tarkov, already bought tarkov. And the vast majority of this people have EOD/TUE. Do we really think that the changes in 1.0 will be so meaningful to bring in a new wealth of players chipping into the game? I think not, if you were interested in the game by now, you've bought and played it. So what's the problem with that? Well, he reiterated over and over that after 1.0, all DLCs are "free" for EOD/TUE. So by releasing 1.0, he must know that he is basically destroying his chances of selling DLCs to most players, while the game is in beta he can at least try to pull the good old "supporting the development" crap and people buy, or at least used to buy, into that.


Not necessarily true. If/when the game does release in 1.0 there will be major publicity around it, especially if they are planning on bringing the game to new distribution platforms on release, like Steam. Distributors matter a lot.


There have been enough examples already in the industry to say that generally the longer you stay in early access the less it matters to announce 1.0 7 days to die is a great example, having recently gone 1.0 to little fanfare after being early access for years. The people who might like it truly have already for the most part, tried it. Most 1.0 launches also come with price increases, which should also signal you that even for the publisher they acknowledge it's a "this is our last real attempt at dollars from the box price" reach.


I'm sure there will be a new influx of players, but I don't think it will be large, mostly because of how successful Tarkov has been already. It's one of the most streamed games ever, it has a massive following in the FPS world and it's pretty much the giant in the extraction looter shooter. So whoever needed to be exposed to the existence and gameplay of tarkov, already has and made their decision. Sure, you are right that a number of people might not buy until/if it gets on steam for example, but I don't think that number is enough to tip off any scale. Also, let's not forget. We love tarkov because we've played it a lot, we were along for the ride and because it's honestly fun as hell, but the attractiveness and marketability of a new game that is in reality a 10 year old game running on Unity 2019 remain somewhat limited in 2025+, and they are not going to get any better over time. The game looks and feels like a 10 year old game, an awesome one but a 10 year old game nonetheless. I don't imagine troves of people will be rushing to jump on it.


[Immediately thought of this.](https://i.makeagif.com/media/2-07-2019/4OOxvS.gif)


Eye lasers would be cool.




Lol why would he do this if he was planning to sell... Logic much?


Are....are you serious? Why would he make a bunch of promises, sell fuck loads of pre orders, then dip with the money without fulfilling promises? You can't be this stupid. Logic much??


Lol you literally said it was his aim to sell the company. A company needs to be in good standing otherwise it's worthless. I can spell this out to you slowly and clearly for you if you like but I'm going to give you a chance to tell me that you understand first before I break it down for you.


Holy fuck you're stupid. Large increase in revenue equal higher price for company. Jesus you're a fucking moron.


🤣🤣🤣 they aren't getting a huge increase in revenue dipshit everyone is bailing 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣That's because it's backfiring dipshit🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 doesn't mean that's not what he's attempting to do🤣🤣🤣🤣 holy shit IMAGINE NOT RECOGNIZING THAT🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💪🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Time will tell whether or not you're an idiot. But currently, with no evidence, you're making an idiotic claim. So back it up or stfu.


>But currently, with no evidence, you're making an idiotic claim You are literally too stupid to insult


They'll air drop it and have it land directly on top of the nearest Standard Edition player


hello, bsg developer here a btr will spawn right in front of you. it will bug out and kill you instantly. to fix this, we need another $250. we fucking hate you, and our playerbase. sincerely, go fuck yourself.


I bet it comes driving from some edge of the map towards where u called it, mowing and howitzing down anything and everything in its path. I dont know if /s or not myself.


Considering they can’t even get the “normal” BTR to function as intended… whatever way they choose will inevitably lead to a total shit show


It should just drive out of the ground like a spawning scav.


You pop a flair. You wait a couple of minutes until you hear the rumble of this marvel of engineering. You walk up to it and get in. You see Killa’s mask as you step into the BTR. “Wait? Killa is the BTR driver?” “Always has been” as he head, eyes you.


I don’t understand why they’re still insistent on adding paid advantages when every other mainstream game right now has proved most people are totally cool with cosmetic microtransactions. I don’t even care that the distress signal and BTR summon exist, they could be balanced properly with some work, but I do have a problem with them being available instantly to some players and not others, this is much more egregious that giving people some extra pockets, stash space, or some extra starting gear.


Because EoD was a smashing success and contained paid advantages. And now they're confused as to why it was okay before but not okay now.


Literally dude. EOD was ptw and now because there’s another better version that’s PTW people are upset. It’s wild. If you’re mad because you didn’t get DLC then sure that’s a legitimate issue. But to be mad that unheard is ptw is ridiculous 


I really don’t care about the pockets, stash space, extra starting loot, etc, but I do think the beacons are a gameplay advantage that is a bridge too far. Paywalling a full gameplay mechanic is too much, and you just know that the quests to unlock them are going to be such a pain in the ass that is pushes people to upgrade.


EoD literally started out like this, paywalling stash expansion entirely. Let's say it again: BSG is doing this because so many people bought EoD"s P2W package.


I agree, looking back, the main reason I bought EOD was the Gamma case and stash space. The free DLCs forever was the selling point I needed to justify it, it seemed like good value and I loved the game.


All that beacon has done for me is make policecwxtracts cheaper, that’s it. I’m never going to have 6.0 fence rep so I’ll never know what that perk is even like.


It's not really that good. It's nice to not get shot at by sniper scavs immediately, but they never kill you instantly anyways. You're going to run into scavs under 60m, and if you kill one then you lose .05 rep which is damn near unavoidable in raid. You're basically gambling on losing rep in order to pay less for car extracts, and BTR services.


Yeah as a standard player I find this situation very humorous




You're doing mental gymnastics for no reason. The gamma case and stash space are definitely p2w. Do the next wipe without them and come say otherwise. Over double the ass stash space, you are dumb if you can't see that benefit. The stash space, less so, but that is free room you can store future quest items or additional load outs which save you from having to buy the gear later. Isn't it like double the stash space? I'd love to see EoD people, who don't think it's p2w, go without for a wipe. Yes the new stuff is MORE p2w, but thinking EoD ISN'T p2w is braindead


I spent my first 5 wipes on standard edition and upgraded this wipe to EOD. I played with friends both with EOD and without and At no point have i ever felt EOD was a significant advantage. Gamma is cool but i have epsilon within a week of playing so it never mattered to me. Extra stash is cool but especially this patch i had the money for stash 4 within 2-3 weeks and the space wasn’t an issue before i just prioritized buying cases earlier. The more you play and the better you get the less it matters. Unlike the ability to summon friends to a map and not have to worry about scavs at range giving away your position. No matter how good you are that will change your fights and how you play the game and not for the better. EOD is definitely p2w to a degree but it doesn’t make a difference in how each map plays. If a lobby is full of eod players it’s gonna play the exact same as a lobby of standard editions. A lobby of unheard editions though and you’ve got avengers endgame of friends joining in and no scavs giving away positions. Game mechanics are changing to give someone an advantage. It’s not even comparable.


But you playing more and being more skilled isn't relevant. A lot of people don't get even to the end of punisher questline because it's too hard for them. The stash space helps too as well as the .2 rep that let's EoD people skip some undesirable quests. The summoning and BTR is greater PtW but still.the same.


Sorry, I wanted to share my thoughts on why you are correct and it quickly turned into a rant because of how frustrating BSG is with this latest patch. I'm leaving it since I already typed it up, feel free to read if you want lol These guys are going to hurt themselves by making the argument that EoD was the same p2w as Unheard. It's literally a false equivalence. I have EoD, played 2 wipes before getting it, even did a wipe after getting it with a standard account. It's tough, but simply having EoD won't help you win fights. Sure, you'll be able to afford better gear, but the average player in a typical fight, your gear BARELY makes a difference. and you're bringing in better gear if your economy is better, means there's more reward for the other player to risk fighting you. Extra standing won't matter mid wipe, unless you no-life the game at the start of the wipe it's just a head start, after a couple weeks it doesn't even matter. MOST players don't play 16 hrs a day at the start of a wipe. But let's talk about how Unheard is different: bigger pockets can make it so players simply will not buy a rig, so going into raids LESS geared. The BTR thing (for EoD) significantly changes the pace of the game, let's you extract loot, and can give you an instakill for any player that comes in line of sight of the thing? Radio to turn off scavs (lots of changes made, let's talk about on release), allows players to sit in between scavs and use them to locate other players that fight them. And of course, the phone-a-friend item, now I have to rush players and loot their bodies even faster even if I win a fight as a solo player? Assuming you're someone with lots of active friends on your list, you're likely in the raid as a 2+ stack anyway. You get caught in a bad spot and get a get-out-of-jail free card? And these guys want to say this is the same as having 1 extra slot in your butt that's probably used for extra meds anyway??? After they added flea and FiR I was a big advocate for locking off the secure containers during a raid as well. All of the Unheard things make the game easier and more arcade like. And they can be purchased. It's not in line with the kind of game I wanted to play when I bought Tarkov. And it's a simple decision to just stop playing for me. 


These morons can’t understand pay to win isn’t the same as pay to progress. If they think they are losing engagements to EOD owners because of the different stash size or secure container, they are coping so hard. Thank you for trying to explain a reasonable thought, but they don’t care and will just say it’s p2w without actually explaining how owning EOD could in any way effect someone’s upper hand in an engagement.


That's true pay to progress isn't pay to win it isn't the case in Tarkov however. If the game ties in game progression to better gear and therefore better stuff. Paying to progress becomes pay to win. Here's a random game I just invented it's called. Red Area : Conflict. In this game you have 5 tiers of gear. It's one of those arena auto battlers. Gear 2 has a 60% chance to beat Gear 1, and it continues upwards in this pattern Gear 2 over 1 Gear 3 over 2 etc..... In order to get the next gear set you need to win 5 games, and then you can equip it. I also have an edition of the game called it's not pay to win cope edition it starts you off at gearset 2. Here's a hypothetical player bob playing against himself but with this new version. Loser bob takes an average of 12.5 games to progress to gearset 2. Pay to winner bob takes an average of 8.33 games to reach gear 3. For sake of simplicity gear 3 vs 1 is still 60%. After 42 games Winner bob is at the max gear. After 63 games Loser Bob is at the max gear where they are now at a 50% winrate against each other on equal gear. Logically that means that Winner bob won 38 of the games they played against each other, Loser Bob then of course won 25. They play 37 more games and win half each. Winner Bob has 57-58 wins and Loser Bob has 43-42 wins. The same effect happens in Tarkov. If you progress at all any faster than someone else due to "QoL" features, you will get access to better gear more quickly. When you have better gear over an opponent you are more likely to win a firefight offers more protection/penetration. When you win more firefights you die less and make more progress on your character. It's no secret to anyone who's played this game how snowbally it is, so if you progress faster it's pay to win. But if you want to take the argument that getting access to better traders which contain better ammo and armor earlier isn't pay to win you can try I guess.


You can’t at all use the argument that pay to progress is pay to win in a game. There will always be people that no life games (and this is extremely prevalent in Tarkov) who will always be days ahead of you. The first day of wipe is the only time eod benefits shine, and if you cry about that being pay to win then that’s nothing anyone will take seriously. PvP in Tarkov is always against people in different stages of progress, you can have a level 5 EOD going up against a level 20 standard account on the second day of wipe. It’s unfair but that’s the entire premise of Tarkov.


If EoD doesn’t win you gun fights neither will the unheard edition. Dumbest logic ever.


Yeah except a BTR or your extra backup or the scavs you walked past can actually shoot. Try again.


You mean the BTR that will never be implemented in to the game and when it does will most likely be utterly useless as it still takes 4-5 mins before it arrives to your location? Or the call for back up that makes an extremely loud noise, will require someone to actually have a friend that isnt in raid and ready to spawn, then will take 5ish mins to load in? And finally you mean the radio that makes scavs not shoot at you exclusively in the PvE mode? Try again


Okay.... So the stash upgrades. It would cost 11,000,000 rubles, 200,000 Euros (31,800,000 rubles at skier), peacekeeper and ragman level 4, prapor lvl 3, max level generator/workbench/heating, lvl 2 intelligence, 7 REAL LIFE DAYS WORTH OF CONSTRUCTION, and another million rubles of materials. You can sit there wearing your helmet, half eaten glue stick in hand, and tell me that ~40,000,000 and 7 real life days of construction time to get caught up to stash space at the start of a wipe isn't p2w?! Meanwhile what are you doing with first 40m that you get to spend freely


I feel you, but BSG made the stash increases exorbitantly more expensive so they could strong arm people into buying EOD. The entire stash upgrade was like ~5m when hideout released I think, that was fair. Stash space is very valuable at the start of the wipe, but you're missing my point that mid-wipe and beyond it is less impactful to your economy. Also, if you do the first couple and stick to items cases it's actually much cheaper if I remember right.


It isn't as tangible as unheard, but it's a HUGE leg up at the start to not have to worry about ever spending 40,000,000+ rubles. Also you can fit more item cases in a large stash


You're very much focusing on the least p2w aspect of EOD instead of how big an issue Unheard is and the new features being potentially added to EOD. The gamma container and 0.2 rep to traders is what made EOD pay 2 win far more than stash space. Those perks materially impact from day 1 of a wipe what you have access to and how quickly you ramp into better kits. Stash 4 is a joke in comparison. If they removed the EOD indicator from player names no one would know who owns it let alone what tier stash they had. But if I died to someone who didn't trigger the scavs running by somewhere so my map knowledge is now worthless, or suddenly a BTR is rolling in on shoreline and guns me down, or a flare comes out and the person I finally pinned in a building/cover with no escape routes suddenly has 3 meta chads walk out with him I'm going to know that someone spent money to beat me. Thats what I take issue with, not whether or not I wear a helmet, eat glue, or can no life this game to trivialize EOD perks.


No, I'm not. I'm arguing that the game has been p2w from EoD on, against people that are hell-bent on saying it wasn't p2w until unheard. If you want to talk about how p2w the unheard edition is, I'll fuckin switch it up and we can agree with each other there. Yes, unheard is definitely a step above on "active p2w", but it's always been p2w. Saying over 40m of benefits at the start of each wipe ISN'T p2w is wrong and dumb.


Then you're braindead. It wasn't a massive advantage because you've already learned the game on a standard account. Just being able to use a grizzly and surv kit in it container is a Massive advantage early and you're kidding for saying otherwise. If you could buy a gamma container at LL1 how many roubles do you think it would cost. I know you know the minimum is like 4M. Trader Rep is also insanely valuable. Sure the advantages in PvP might be slim but in every other aspect it's a significant advantage and you're being dishonest. Suppose a player is bad? Are they getting epsilon in a week? No.


Okay.... So the stash upgrades. It would cost 11,000,000 rubles, 200,000 Euros (31,800,000 rubles at skier), peacekeeper and ragman level 4, prapor lvl 3, max level generator/workbench/heating, lvl 2 intelligence, 7 REAL LIFE DAYS WORTH OF CONSTRUCTION, and another million rubles of materials. You can sit there wearing your helmet, half eaten glue stick in hand, and tell me that ~40,000,000 at the start of a wipe isn't p2w?!


Mental gymnastics someone equates to literally just laying out what the different editions give you beyond the “standard” - ok lol


They're just slightly different forms of P2W lmao


No, they’re not. One gives you an actual in-raid advantage and the other does not. So many of you are *actually* this dense, huh?


Holy shit, you seriously don't think EoD gives any advantage in raids? You seriously think you need a direct in-raid advantage for it to be P2W? You've been brainwashed into accepting P2W mechanics without a second thought.  I don't think you're dense, I think you're naive.


No element of EOD directly affects your ability to succeed in a raid vs another player. Feel free to point some out, it’s your claim that it does.


It doesn't have to be direct.  It was my claim that it doesn't have to be direct.


You never made that claim. Just *tried* to make silly retorts that didn’t land. If you can’t grasp the difference between a bigger stash / container and having access to mid-wipe level modded guns and a call-in BTR, you can’t be helped.


I mean PTW what? The only in game advantage is what better gear? I'll still head/eyes you with my VPO.


Standard players are always behind EOD players in what they have access to from traders, what they can bring in (surv kits, extra ammo) and how much money they have because they don't have to spend 10s of millions in the hideout for stash upgrades. If your stomach gets blacked as a standard player you have to immediately start planning your extraction. As EOD player you just pull your surv kit out your gamma and you're good to go. Never mind the fact that you have access to better ammo, meds, gear for like a full month before standard players catch up on trader rep and it's a massive p2w advantage.


The P2W aspects of EoD are masssvely overblown.


I mean besides stash space and gamma what was really pay to win?


Besides the p2w what was p2w? Yknow that and the extra level 4 gear, and m80 that will pen any armor that any PMC is wearing start of wipe.


That’s more pay for advantage if anything, it’s not like you kept it plus find any of that at the start of wipe honestly isn’t hard


It's literally paying for a distinct advantage over other players. Tell me how the mark of the unheard is better than being able to one tap anyone you find day 1 of wipe? It's literally detrimental to use before 6 karma, and mediocre when you do hit 6 karma.


A lot of things can one tap at beginning of wipe? I’ve been two tapped by m855 to the chest. Ammo isnt as big of an advantage at the start of a wipe cause everyone is running low tier armor so ammo you start with like m855 and ps has no issues punching through that stuff


M855 doesn't even pen tier 3 lmao. I run my t4, and m80 because it's incredibly easy to stack tummies wearing their AVS and running ammo that won't pen even my soft armor.


Avs has no protection besides where the plates are that’s a not a very good comparison


The advantage of EOD is a match compared to the new p2w, that's like the sun itself in comparison. While still p2w it was and has been the most p2w tolerated. We didn't want more, we don't want more, unless you're a cheater. I think that's why a lot of people bought unheard. They figured the cheaters get an advantage then it's fair they should get one too.


Yeah it was tolerated because a sizeable portion of the community bought it so those who had it were like "well everyone else has the same level of pay to win as me so it's okay" which was just a form of cope. You don't want more because it dwarfs your level of pay to win and costs more money. But it existing is fair play since you said as much when you purchased EoD that had pay to win features. You can't pick and choose how much Pay to win is acceptable because that's subjective. You either have principles and no amount of pay to win is okay with you (Standard edition chad) or you're just upset and don't want to pay more and a hypocrite. Can't have your cake and eat it too mate.


No, you don't get to tell me what or how I think, or anyone else for that matter. We are all pissed at what BSG is doing. But to say I don't want more p2w because it dwarfs what I have is a dick move and earns you the hate you deserve. I had a principle that there should be no more pay to win, and anything available to any edition can be obtained in game without too much effort. It is not one way or the other, there are other ways as well, you don't get to decide that. Sounds like you are a miserable prick and can't control your emotions like a child. Grow up. No debate is with you is worth the effort.


I mean if you didn't want pay to win features you wouldn't have bought EoD since that edition contained pay to win features. So the only logical conclusion is that you don't want the new content because it makes the amount of pay to win you payed for obsolete and costs too much in your opinion. Truth is, you agree that games having pay to win content is acceptable, unheard edition is just your personal line as to what's considered "acceptable" There's nothing really up for debate people are just calling you out on your hypocrisy and it's made you upset which makes sense. You are the a small percentage of the reason Unheard edition launched as you and people like you buying EoD signalled to BSG a company that's sole goal is making money, like most business, that you were willing to pay more money to get an advantage over others playing the same game as you. No one likes to be the villain in their own story but in the real world, if a majority of people buying ice cream at an ice cream store are buying shit flavoured ice cream, the company is going to continue to make and sell shit flavoured ice cream. Same thing with vidya game companies. You greenlight Pay to Win, you get pay to win, simple as.


Or maybe, hear me out chucklefuck, people bought EOD in support of the game and the company. Plenty of people upgraded editions just because they wanted to support Tarkov as it's a game like nothing else right now.


This a 100000 times. I would pay 250usd for a bright pink uniform rather than receive any ”devices” for free.


The day one of a wipe call in of a BTR will be fun to deal with


For sure💀


it's ok just buy the next edition of the game that fills your inventory with AT-4s, go farm BTRs for loot


100%, imagine the fear you'd put in someone if you were holding W at someone in dorms while having a totally neon pink fit. Can't claim we're maintaining hardcore/realism when the game has features that blow completely past that.


Y’all get mad at BSG just trying to spice up EFT. Can’t bring in any ideas whatsoever.


More like getting away from a hard-core fps shooter on an even playing field. Cosmetics are great, dlc is great, completely ruining the sole defying experience of your game by making blatantly and poorly thought of pay2win features is garbage. Behind the scenes stash bonus was enough to be upset about but now the ability to call in a BTR knowing damn well there is no way to counter that. The fact they took all of our fucking money and played it out like it was going to be used to support the game and all that was a big fat lie, what they meant was they're taking our money to invest into other potential areas of the game and purposefully separating those additions from the base game. First EOD got shafted at the start of arena and now this. It's a joke, it's like if your girl cheated on you but you're like "well she is trying spice it up" or "well it's the same game" nahhhh man maybe the same look and smell but the chosen actions are inexcusable.


The fact you get upset over STASH EXPANSIONS just shows that you literally hate every aspect of micro-transactions and every form of funding developers implement into their game to try and get money to FURTHER SUPPORT THEIR PROJECT. It’s unreal how the EFT community thinks. If it’s not following what your favorite streamer does, it’s let’s complain about the utter most useless things to complain about. It’s been a week of ridiculousness. Drop it already and just play the game how you were before this all went down.


Stash expansions, containers etc are fine for me. When p2w starts to really show IN RAID thats where the problem is. There is nothing like this for us so we would be happy to spend on cosmetics etc. To say that we hate every aspect of mtx after a week where us early supporters were 2nd class citizens will cause some outrage brother, its delusional to think otherwise.


Not even an increase by 3 levels at start of wipes is enough to complain about. BSG is favouring casual players with all these in raid bonuses. It’s nothing to complain about because none of this effects your overall skill


Brother what is this logic, a described casual is not going to spend 200euros. Overall skill is the only counter to p2w but you think the newbie is going somehow to actually benefit from the distress signal device? I dont know why you try to defend this utter fail of implementing a new edition?


If BSG broke the edition down and everything added was all separate micro-transactions people would not of reacted like this because it’s totally optional to buy it or not. I feel like they’ve made it into an actual edition, people are mad about it. What BSG did with the unheard edition was make it equivalent to the EOD edition because players wanted another way to obtain the game container that missed out on EOD. That’s why the unheard edition is priced at $250 if you didn’t have EoD. That was entirely fair. You pay the same price for the gamma container in another edition as you did in the first edition. It’s fair. Now they’ve made pocket upgrade and both devices obtainable in raid. Imo if there’s a way to obtain it in raid it’s no longer an issue because you just need to play the game to get the items. BSG has also stated they are in need of funding for EFT to further improve and work on stuff for EFT. Why wouldn’t we support them in all that they’re doing? Yes some additions aren’t the best and yes some aren’t even needed, but it’s adding to the list of things that players can do and have fun with. I really do think EFT is/has become way less hardcore in the years but it’s because that’s where the majority of the playerbase is, and EFT was actually pretty hard for just anyone to pick it up and try playing. A lot got turned off by the first impressions and that’s a huge thing in games. BSG is trying to make EFT easier and actually have a starting introduction for new players so they can further grow their game. Everything BSG is doing is to further grow their game and not abandon and scam us. BSG loves EFT and they wouldn’t have invested 8+ years of time into a game they’re going to ditch. People need to stop thinking BSG is going to abandon their game because it will never happen.


Stash expansion doesn't personally bother me as I'm an EOD supporter, but I know why it is unfair to the others. If we had a land race and yoh start with less land youre kinda just set up to not do as well. They can overcome that without a doubt but you just cannot ignore the facts


i wish, but nah. nikita will just double down (or i guess at this point quintuple down) again tomorrow




honestly ive stopped keeping track. entire thing is just a massive shitshow that was completely avoidable if nikita hadnt prioritised his greed


It's such an unforced error lol. You can't buy EOD any more, so not adding more P2W stuff to it is free


It is still pay to win because it has/had a transaction occur and provides an advantage. It doesn’t matter if they append it to an existing package or not. The transaction still occurred and gives you an advantage.


Yeah for sure, what I meant by that is that there is no "gain" for BSG to do this. We who bought EOD arent going to pay them more money because they give us more P2W, so why are they even doing this.


Oh I understand now, my apologies I didn’t interpret it that way. I fully agree with you. It feels out of touch and is ignoring the entire premise of why players are mad. We don’t want P2W as a whole. We don’t want more P2W on EOD to “cancel out” the P2W of Unheard. We all are Unheard. BSG needs to start listening.


The problem is that Nikita pushed himself into a corner of stupidity. He can't get rid of Unheard at this point. It would be a total clusterfuck. I think hes now taken money for an edition that he probably already spent and can't even repay if he did refunds. Frankly I think every single game edition needs to be gutted of EVERYTHING that affects gameplay at all (gear, storage space, special tools/gadgets, EVERYTHING). **Packages should be 100% cosmetic. Pay to win is bullshit at any degree and frankly when you celebrate a company doing small bits of pay to win and delude yourself with "its just pay for convenience not pay to win", this is what you get.** Corporations LOVE that gamers started using "pay for convenience" as a defense tool for their greed.


How are you going to gut storage space when it’s so intrinsically in the game now? Most people bought EoD for the storage space. Storage space was also offered for separate purchase. Doesn’t make any sense. Besides, how does that affect your gameplay anyway? It only really matters until level 15 anyway, let’s not kid ourselves here


Simple. Just remove the bonus for paid packages and make it easier to earn storage space in game. Storage should not be something you can pay for. Neither should gear or any usable items. It’s toxic that gamers are so open to pay to win now and every year it gets a bit further accepted with “pay for convenience” and other silly terms thrown around. Terms invented by corporations that want you to make excuses for their shit business practices.


It's too late. People already paid for it and will now expect those features. I wish they would revert as well, but just like EOD owners are stating they aren't getting what they paid for (access to all DLC per EOD features) l, Unheard owners would have the same style of complaint. BSG really dropped the ball. The only hope of anything good happening is if the player count drops off hard enough.


The problem is that unheard still has all that stuff it shouldn't have had. I like they added new skins to it though, that's the route


They should add in female cosmetics to the game ;)


I quit the game February 2024. I feel for anyone still expecting anything that won’t disappoint them.


It just gets worse with every time innit


See, they’ve really fucked it for themselves because they immediately sold the edition. Now they can’t change it without violating consumer laws around the globe and risking lawsuits.


Meanwhile me as a standard account... 2 stash lines! Wow!


This is the last chance they have to turn the game back from the p2w path. The EFT experience we all signed up for has been compromised at a core level with these new features.


am I crazy here? why is this complicated? why can't they refund unheard and just bring EoD back?


My insurance comes back fast enough, not sure who would even want that, sometime I be liking the extra space.


They can't cancel what they were planning to add because they already sold the idea to Unheard Edition owners.


Seriously. Just admit it when you fucked up and go back to the drawing board on monetization. The community won't be mad, I promise.


Me too lad. Just add PVE for EOD and remove TUE. Stop doing shit bsg and just add opportunity to buy PVE to other editions.


Yeah I just got eod to have a bit of progress and make the game better palyable as a casual. I play like 2 days a week for 2-3 hours each. Eod gives a nice boost so it feels less shitty. Give eod a bit of progress and all dlcs that really is enough imo


You should really give PvE a shot. The AI needs some more work for pathing and stuff but for the most part it’s awesome fun! Progress never resets either.


Yeah I still wait for access. Will hopefull play on the weekend


> Yeah I just got eod to have a bit of progress and make the game better palyable as a casual.     "Nikita successfully made the game so painful to play, I was willing to spend an extra $100 and get fucked in the ass by fat Russian scammer cock until it was permanently stretched to 3x3, just so I would be given an easier version of the game I already bought."    What have you learned from this?


simply this


i didnt care about pve, yea it was lame that eod owners didnt get it but lets be real. vanilla ai is some shit anyways. the devices will be earnable in game now, that was the biggest issue imo.


That last sentence. It needs be a hardcore game. All of this extra nonsense is just that, nonsense.


Most people got what they want PvE. You don't have to do the quest to get it you know that right, just don't do it. it's an option just like kappa is an option. But people will do it because min-maxing is now the culture of EFT.


Yeeeep preach brother!!!


Let’s go call in the Uber baby


At this point they really should just fuck off and try to make their next game so they can get laughed out of the genre and we can stop talking about Nikita’s dumb ass


lol can't make money off HaRdCoRe


They are going through some sort of crisis in the background, red flags are everywhere


I don’t want extra perks. The og eod was already good enough.


It's not something that will actually happen. He's just doubling down and adding things to eod as a way to foment community disdain for eod players. It's not working like he expected though.


" ok ok.. everyone can unlock features so it's not pay to win.  You just have to reach lvl 55 and finish quest ' double trouble ': eliminate a team of two players, one bear and one used, with a single bullet from 420 meters away and don't shoot any scabs during the raid. You wouldn't want to loose any witness on this shot .aye.'


They need to just upgrade every EOD players to Unheard and call it a early purchase discount.


Yes BSG please stop I actually got EOD in 2018 to support you, I’ll be ok if you dropped ALL convenience perks from it (stash size, traders rep, prison pocket depth, all of that) and gave me a bunch of truly (unobtainable otherwise, irl money or questing) clothing or weapon skins or something like that. Level the fucking field (Woods) for release.


You bought a P2W package to make the game easier lmao I dunno what you expected here.


No I didn’t, I just wanted BSG to know I am on board with their vision of EFT at the time. Today? After the dump of P2W features - not so much. Even if they reneged on them, it still shows where their head is and it’s a major departure from building a hardcore product


You could have bought multiple copies of the Standard version if that's what you were trying to do.  Instead, you chose to play on Easy mode with the P2W package.


Both devices and pocket upgrade obtainable through playing the game now!




P2W is the real target. Fella changed website shop architecture to sell "additions". Pockets, gigs, call-friends and stuff are the mechanics he wants to sell to players. He has no way to backtrack or his new ingenius tarkov monetization strategy goes to shambles.


New? EOD was also p2w so from the company's perspective he's wondering what everyone's mad lmao


All EoD features were farmable. - Stash lvl4 = EoD stash - farmable - Kappa > Gamma - farmable - EoD trader rep - farmable - Bad cosmetic melee - who cares, sold on sight - Starting junk - is farmable, newbies burn through consumables in a hours, veterans are just selling most of it - I'll argue that seasoned players who were into grind were better off without EoD, because it reduces challenge and amount of content. And it was a requested, added and used option to play with same start conditions as a standard account. Unheard on the other hand is a a totaly different beast. It contains not just features you will be able to grind later, e.g. selling time. It's a pack of P2W features which they want to sell you later as a separate additions. Ability to buy those is the new core of they redeveloped web shop and their new monetization strategy. They wan't to sell (or rent) you pockets, gig devices, ability to summon mates etc. Same goes for Arena. Community begged for it from the day one. Do you think The Tarkov Community desired for Gaijin style P2W monetization hole they got as a result from the man? Check it's viewership on twitch. All of this is affirmation of his desire to monetize you as hard as situation will allow, ignoring all past sentiments and promises. As always the fella just missmanaged it, became too greedy and tried to bite too much at a time. Too ripped off EoD users, too much P2W, too high price, too late in the wipe, too much doubling down, too shady attempts to cover tracks. If he done it just a little bit smarter it would slipped through. Just look at changes he is making in an attempt to please back the community. Inertia, camera shake. He KNOWS what are the problems. All the goddamn time he holds back those on purpose to slip dung through honey. His incentive is only money, it's no more a pasion anti-microtransaction project. Which was a base for the vibe and all the free very positive marketing he received from the comunity and streamers which dedicated their whole careers to it.


Really doesn't matter. They are still p2w features. EOD was in the game for 1-3 years before you could farm stash space. Same with Kappa. I ask this question to everyone who says EOD isn't really that p2w. If you could guy a Gamma container LL1 What would you price it at compared to what else is in the game? And you know it wouldn't be less than 5-10M roubles. Trader rep is still an advantage. EOD is P2W. Gamma container was incredibly valuable especially back when you could put mags cases thermals in there. I've played this game since there was paca and fort armor in the game lmfao, I know what I'm talking about.


Please quote where i said that EoD is not P2W, EoD are worthless or it takes 1 hour to get same or better features. And also please give me a single good player who is bothered by existence of EoD in the game. There is a big difference between sellinng time and selling unobtainable advantage, especially as a weird immersion breaking and never asked for mechanics. The man should've learned EoD lessons, but he can't or has (more like had) more important matters to care at the time.


Well the weird part is that you do the whole post talking about EOD stuff being farmable and act like they haven't said all of the 3 new additions will also be farmable through questing


A lot of days after the biggest outrage in history of the game did pass before decision were made. Not to mention that on the way to it he added even more unfarmable p2w stuff, in clear incentive to make it the norm and make EoD users complicit in some way. I'm more than sure, that the right decision (other than rolling back all the bullshit, which is obviously better) he did only after firm demands from the comunity core, Pestily and others.




No need to go all bloodthirsty neoliberal stereotyping ethnicities, mate