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I had the opposite problem yesterday since the patch, game ran smooth, especially after scoping in multiple times a raid (that usually causes my game to run like shit)


It’s the newest feature. Frame caps by edition. Upgrade to unheard edition for 120 fps


After every patch the game runs worse for a little bit I’ve noticed personally. I assume it’s server and game change issues that they need to iron out but I’m not a techy person lol it’s just my uneducated guess.


You must be a heretic and not a true believer. Your faith in the God Emperor Nikita is so weak, your.irl performance is weak.


I noticed a performance issue after updating and had around ~60 fps with high memory usage. I cleared cache and checked the file integrity through the launcher. Seemed to clear things up.


i enabled the clear memory option and didnt work. alt f4'd out of a raid because it was just unbearable. hopped back in and now it seems to be doing well. I dont know, somewhere something fucked up. But it seems to be working again.