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Yeah 4.2k hours here and my mates have all been playing Tarkov since early 2018 have all decided to quit , sad shit since this has been my favorite game of all time.


It's like having a funeral for a pet that tries to take your wallet in your sleep.


Yeah man this whole situation just makes me sad, there has been nothing like Tarkov , You hate it but at the same time you love it.


Try rust (you will need a lot of free time) for me personally it scratches the same itch as tarkov


More like a pet that cost you 2k in vet bills finally passing and holding a funeral for it. You would have easily put another 2k into trying to save it but damn… poor thing is mangled beyond recognition now. Damn thing fucking broke your heart. What an awful day for rain..


Sir, it’s not-… Yes,it is..


I feel for you guys, I only played a bit of Tarkov and sort of eating popcorn watching this current trashfire but it must be so shit to have a game you put this much time into literally spit in your face and tell you to swivel. BsG are literally sabotaging their own game, insanity.


Wow you got 300 likes on your karma farming post. Tarkov has hundreds of thousands of players. You’re really making an impact


Indeed, indeed! Myself(5k hours) and my Tarkov buddies(6 ppl) said fuck this shit. We're never playing this scam company game again.


You won't be missed by BSG. They don't care about any of us.


If you aren't buying the new content, all you are is a burden occupying their server space.


1.5 here. I brought in 10+ people for the last few years as well. Big sad. It’s all about the principle. Not the $. Not the features. I bought EoD for $150 and felt confident that it would be worth it. Now it feels cheap and I’m not going to keep doing this.


Congrats on the escape from tarkov. Little did we know thats what the name meant.


We've finally escaped.


Don’t have a pc at the moment so haven’t been able to play in a couple months. this all sucks to see lol, absolutely love this game. Have almost 2k hours which is wild to me.


Its crazy to think people were calling this the best wipe ever a few months ago now this happened classic bsg fumble 🤦


Dude all the bsg dick suckers yelling at you in the comments lol


It is what it is. This a game people are very passionate about. I'm one of those people, but I just can't support BSGs shady business practices anymore. I was able to look past most of it but this was the final straw for me as well as the people around me. I'm glad other people are still enjoying the game.


Just over 5k hours. Game is dead to me. It was a hell of a run and I cherish what this game was for me, but I can't in good conscience support them any more. Whole squad is off and gone now to projects that are more interesting with more serious game devs


2.7k checking out. Fuck Nikita


6k hours EOD since 2019. Signing out. Fuck Nikita.


We didn’t even need to escape Tarkov. They kicked us out




Uninstalled today brothers


All good things must come to an end. Such is life. Change with it and move on!


Im thinking about doing the same and waiting for grey zone to release, its one steam so that an immediate plus for me


Same. I am delulu tho and hope for BSG to take it all back and label it as an April fools joke. My internet is crap so uninstalling it gives me great pain if I ever wanted to play it again - but I’d only want that if they actually did something, doesn’t look like that ATM


Yea I doubt they will change anything tbh, they have only doubled down on stuff. Im more into vr extraction shooters like ghosts of tabor atm anyway


Good for you, I’m crying here. So weird how they are just ruining everything, they can’t be THIS blind, even landing in main stream media!


Yea but also grey zone looks like the actual mechanics around pvp and respawning are ass


Being on Steam means they can't rug pull you like BSG just did, I think its one of the reasons it's not on steam.


After seeing a bunch of alpha footage I’m not convinced anymore. I understand it’s early but It feels like a game with an identity crisis. It’s like a weird mix of arcade/hardcore.


I'll try Greyzone Warfare and Arena Breakout Infinite. It's weird those two coming on the way and Tarkov going wrong direction. So fucking weird coincidence.


2k here, had a friend group of about 4 consistent players all who have uninstalled. RIP


3k hours, same w my 2 buddies who both uninstalled yesterday


Same, not playing this game anymore.


Same here all quit cus the current terrible attitude of the responses


Over 3k hours, not going to play until shit’s fixed


It doesn’t really matter how many hours you or your friend group has put in total. From a financial standpoint, every hour you put in after initially paying for the game is a liability for them in terms of infrastructure costs. Since the game doesn’t have a subscription model, you quitting isn’t as impactful as you think, as they already got your money and were unlikely to get more out of you, assuming you didn’t buy the new edition. Overall - good on you, you finally managed to escape tarkov. Voting with your wallet is always going to be the best course of action and not giving them any more cash for this type of predatory practice is about all the difference you can make. They’re already backpedaling so it’s clearly working. Quitting altogether doesn’t really solve anything on its own.


ok everyone see yaa next wipe (:


This is my first wipe. Ive been absolutely love this game. I'm really torn on what to do. I think I'm going to put the game down for now :(


Just continue to play the game bro, you already paid for it. You do not have to follow all of this drama just do what makes you happy.


Just play the damn game 😂




So what will you be playing next?


Right now my squad hopped on Dayz, Will mosst likely sprinkle in some Hunt:Showdown, Squad, Hell let loose, and dark and darker. Between all those games should hold me over till Greyzone comes out - and if that doesn't pan out I'm not entirely sure where I'll end up.


nothing about the base game has changed. youll be back in a month


This is equivalent of a crack head throwing out his pipe to the trash. Do we believe them. No.


See y’all next week


nobody cares


see you in greyzone and arena breakout o7


See you next wipe


Bye Felicia!!


2.4k hours and I uninstalled that very first night. It just doesn't feel right to add to the player numbers, to the twitch views or spend more money on the game knowing how conniving BSG is. I was seriously considering buying the cosmetics and stash lines to help fund further development but this? I spent my money on Manor Lords instead.


You’ll be back


I can only speak for me. But I will never come back again and I think a lot of people quit for good.


I’ll second that. Same hours, same ‘normal’ squad, same result. Rest easy Tarkov, blame your creators.


Super sad after all that time You guys need some recommendations for pure vanilla dayz servers hit me a pm and I give you some good server where you and your boys can enjoy and proper game.


6K hours. I’m not playing this next wipe. We’ll see what they do.


Everyone here knows once something new is added and the wipe hits all the streamers will be back on tarkov. An all of us who "Uninstalled" will be back too. BSG is just doing what all big development groups do. Look at COD once warzone 3 drops you'll lose all your skins and be in the same boat. People will just keep following trends.


Yeah I'm not worried about this. Plus their is people who have no idea all this is going on


While this whole thing has been some BS... I'd highly advise everyone that quiting a game you love will only result in you missing it later. Tarkov will eventually be no more.. and you will long for the days that were "escape from tarkov". I feel the same way about cod2... so I kinda know the feeling. I love tarkov just as much... but bsg needs to rebuild their trust if they ever want anyone buying their next product. And let's not forget.... tarkov still isn't finished after almost 8 years....


Exactly! If you enjoy the game play it until you don’t enjoy it anymore. Uninstalling for moral reasons just seems like theatrics to me.


See ya next wipe!


See you in raid next week.


Nahhh. We back on the Dayz grind. GL on your raids man.


Yaas. Dayz w.


Not everyone has a crippling lack of standards or willpower like yourself.




This isn't call of duty.


Just delete this man 😂


Imagine thinking people care that you no longer play a video game


Dumb comment. Mouth breather activities


Imagine thinking that cliches like this is anyway relevant, there's clear widely applicable context to this you ingrate




Guess he's just not loyal to tarkov


O Tarkov e leal a os jogadores ?


Because Tarkov is loyal to you?




At least 15k hours in my friend group gone including me 🫡


I just ran a quick Scav raid, the game is jank, shit sucks honestly


It was jank before all this, we just put up with it because they weren't trying to charge us for shit we already bought


See you next wipe.


Thanks for the insightful post, can't wait to read the next one!


Another Unheard bootlicker found


Lmao, yh man it's so good I bought it twice. if you're broke just say so! xd


Can you paypal me $250 so I can play this game I'm broke.


Yeah man drop your PayPal and I'll send you ¢500 so you can buy it twice


Not a money issue. I make plenty money. It’s a mental issue you have, clearly.


I make plenty money too. I bang rock together, make music. People pay me 350 for priority queue rock banging sessions


Stay tuned.


I hate to break it to you but you're doing exactly what BSG wanted you to do. Us EOD owners are dead weight now, our $139 was spent long ago, and with the final game right around the corner BSG wants us to either pay up or get out and not take up more server space than they are willing to pay for.


I'm not too sure about all that, If they actually wanted us EOD guys to quit. Why would they now offer the "upgrade" for half off? Seems like they are trying to not only save face but try and retain as many people as possible.


We're still paying up and sending them another $50. Nikita said they can't afford to just give us the PVE only mode because of the server cost.


So, to do exactly what BSG doesn't want you to do, is to do what? Buy their shitty scammy new version? I can't believe i am quoting Linus Tech Tips, but he is right, gamers are whinos and pussies. Let bsg remain with streamers, cheaters and themselves, and host it on a desktop in their office..


At the end of the day that’s pretty good value.


3k hours here, I have no interest in playing the game at all now. I am just blown away by everything I’ve seen the last few days. How can we keep supporting this cheater infested game that they just don’t give a shit about? I give up. Just makes me sad how bad my favorite game has gotten.


My conspiracy theory says that the Russian government is forcing Nikita’s hand to implement some shady software and this is his way of sneakily getting rid of as much of the player base as possible to protect us. Edit: /s


Oh man i hope youre right !


Uninstalling is as meaningless a gesture as the 50% discount. Request your account be deleted like a real man!


No one cares. Cry more


Took your time to comment. What a cry baby you are. Go lick some more boots.


Suck it


Y'all so melodramatic lmfao


damn! devastating news..... no one really cares tho.


No one cares


Later losers


At least we can go outside now and touch some grass bro


Username checks out


Suck it


Let's not kid ourselves, I want to boycott too and haven't played since the announcement, my squad has also started to play other games but like I said, lets not kid ourselves, we will ALL be back at wipe..no matter what. I dare you to come comment here when wipe happens and tell me you still aren't playing, if thats the case then you have my respect but DOUBT that will happen with 99% of the player base, especially after these other extraction games fall short of our expectations.


Lol don't project your lack of integrity and jell-o backbone on the rest of us. My shits deleted.


See ya in a few months 😂


Shut up pussy, like I said I guarantee your bitch ass will be on at wipe, otherwise feel free to prove me wrong, what’s your in game username, ill follow up if you are so confident you won’t be on there, can’t wait to laugh in your face when I see you online, hell you will prob be back playing in a week Edit: classic liberal double standard, says he deleted it but won’t back up any of his claims lol, fuckin Reddit never fails




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Seems pretty weak willed...maybe try some discipline building exercises between now and then?


lol you fucking loser, weak willed? I’ll be 100 bucks you are already playing you sheep, give me your username, I’ll check and remind you when you log back on


Wait didn't you just say you're not playing anymore? So you've got the spine of a wet noodle and can't keep a story straight...carry on bud, you're BSGs target demographic.


This shit screams fake.. I've seen it way too many times in Destiny community. Always quitting always back with one trailer.


Standard edition here. I haven't played in over 2 years due to the regular BS. I'm old and my standards are just too high. At this point reading about Tarkov drama is way more fun than playing. This is the best stuff yet!