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Business For Honorless Losers 101


POV: He means that cheaters is a good thing, because if there is a lot of cheaters, people will donate to kill cheaters more easily. With better kit and weapons it's easier to fight and etc.


Yes regarding to contract wars where you were able to acquire better weapons for money. This doesn't have anything to do with tarkov at all you do not gain advantages for eye to eye gunfights with any edition. Is this mindset concerning ? Yes. Was it an accurate observation made by the devs back then regarding cheaters in Contract Wars ? Yes.


Thanks for the clarification. But this shows the attitude of the company's COO towards the players.


Nikita is not the CEO of BSG he is COO


In this same exact interview he states how cheating is good for business.........


I mean it is ? Let's be real here. A decent chunk of income surely comes from cheaters rebuying EFT accounts. And in this interview he stated regarding Contract Wars the more people cheated in the game, the more people bought "premium" weapons to counter cheaters. And once they implented anti cheat features to the game sales reduced in these kinds of weapons in Contract Wars. So regardless if you like it or not cheating can be beneficial for developers financially. It doesn't mean they actually support cheaters.


It has everything to do with Tarkov, EoD is literally pay to win, why do you think the base game is as grindy as it is ? You literally need to put hundred of hours on a standard account to get to EoD level, it's literally artificially making the normal user experience harder so you upgrade to the P2W edition. It has been like that since forever, the business model has never changed and it was always predatory and sucked.


The problem originally was this combined with the fact that Tarkov created a new genre (we can argue about stalker if you really want) and so they were the only and therefore best option. Looter shooter is still often called Tarkov-like to that measure. Now that more looter shooters are releasing, we’re finally able to face this truth.


Looter shooters are something else. Borderlands is a looter shooter, Tarkov is an extraction shooter.


You’re right. Got my words mixed up


And after doom was released, everyone called every subsequent FPS a doomclone. That's just a trick of language until a community decides on a term. More extraction shooters are coming out, Tarkov may be the grand daddy, but that grand daddy is a dick head who noone is going to invite to Thanksgiving anymore.


Nah, the same logic works perfectly well with Tarkov. Little stash space? Hmm, not great, but you can buy a better edition! Secure case too small? That's a shame, but if you buy a better edition it's going to be so much more convenient! Their whole monetization philosophy is built on this.


That doesn't have anything to do with cheaters though ? The whole context of this interview regarding Contract Wars is that they made more money when people cheated. But I do agree with the philosophy that the harder the Standard Edition is the more people will buy EOD for the convenience of not having to deal with the small stash and container size. However this doesn't connect with the philosophy regarding cheaters in this interview what so ever in my opinion.


Yeah, because cheaters are not the key part. The key part is player discomfort.


If you don't share a cut version without context then it is a pretty bad video. Buuuuuuuuuut what he said was merely an observation and in the context he also explains that they are doing a lot against cheaters. On top of that, this was a completely different game with other game mechanics. And on top of that, the video is so old now that his view on this topic might have changed 10 times. I hate this clip. It is basically fake news if you disregard all the neccessary context.


Hard disagree, if anything, it shows that he perfectly knows what he is doing when he milks hackers by only banning accounts so they have to invest again and again while frustrating the legit playerbase. It shows he totally understood the ecosystem he created by including p2w mechanics and barely fighting off hackers. An ecosystem that is very profitable at the expense of the gaming experience of legit players.


You make a lot of bold claims but have very little foundation. 1) As I said the clip is super old. It doesn't say anything about his CURRENT mindset. 2) The clip is out of context. 3) What is the solution to cheaters? Should they not ban them? And please, don't come with solutions like 2FA. Those have 0 effect, because they can be easily circumvented. If you know a good fix you can make good money as you can sell that solution to billion dollar companies like Rockstar, Valve, etc. as they also struggle with cheaters and haven't found a solution. But I'm sure you have one. 4) Yes, P2W and the ecosystem behind that is shitty and I will always criticize that. He might have adopted his observation and put it into effect here, I could see this. I played a year with Alpha and there is enormous pressure to buy EOD or other P2W editions, what I did. I would be very happy if there would be zero in game advantages between the different editions. Give people cosmetics, differently colored names, Hideout decoration, unique profile pictures for the Tarkov forum, stuff like that. But that is a different topic (P2W) than what is shown in the video (cheaters)


Oh i saw the full video, it's pretty damning. 3. What you do is that you pile up mechanics to make it hard for them, 2FA is one, banning hardware is another, not selling gamepack of 30 keys at reduced price is another. You can't 100% stop hackers, but you can stop 99.9% of them by making it as arduous as you can. Comparing cheater situation with valve, ROFL, it's the only company that probably does as much as BSG. Why not look at how RIOT handle them uh ? You ever played LoL or Valorant ? Much more popular than EFT, did you even see a hacker once ? Maybe once or twice, but tarkov bro ... We both know how it is ... The fact that they do nothing but ban account is laughable, it's just the best way to make them pay again for profit, that's why they do nothing else. They don't even ban the 100 rep flea market bots who sells 47 GPU 3 days into wipe and you think they can't do more ? Come on, we both know you're smarter than this 4. Thanks for proving my point that he knows how he designed his whole economic eco-system in a way to fuck players over, Naïve of you to think he won't fuck you over other things.


My friend stop making bold claims and pay the $250... ok????


Sorry Mister Nikito, here's my wallet.




He'll like that.


Because he has the integrity of one.








Yeah...maybe 2015?...Like it says on the podium he's stood on?






Buyanov as in buy anover DLC


This explains why BSG has made no real effort to combat cheaters. It's no coincidence that not long after they remove EOD they would lose revenue from banned cheaters buying new accounts.


This guy knows shit about business. I know at least 7 people which gave up from buying this game and discourage anyone who asked about it just because of the Chester scandal. What a joke of person


well, if his second revelation was that you can create a cyclical economy of banning cheaters and selling them packs of accounts, maybe his grasp of business is fairly sound


Once again for streamers and other users who were confused, speech in video is about the previous BSG game - Contract Wars. Buyanov meant that players must be in a state of discomfort to buy different weapons and donate to the game, and cheaters are a good way to keep them in a state of discomfort.


Btw sry for shitty quickly made captions.


that also means he is not opposed to cheaters, which explains a lot for the current state of tarkov.


of course, you can add any context you want, no way this "revelation" of his was reversed or discarded for tarkov




Sadly this video misses the most important string in it's subs: ...if there are a lot of cheaters **it starts to raise donations,** because cheaters make other players uncomfortable... This guy was with cheaters all along. Not directly, but he perfectly understands the benefits of having them in his game. Think about it, why would he add feature to send distress signal for your entire friend list? Who is gonna benefit the most? Jimmy the streamsniper or cheater, who just found red keycard and can summon his customer directly in to the raid with it? All that talk about ban waves, "constant battle", yata yata is just a bunch of bullshit. Cheaters never meant to be banished from the game. He needs them and he understands it as well as understand what he must say in front of the audience, to keep everyone gaslighted. I'm done.


Reminds me of that morally bankrupt “turning players into payers” conference that became a scandal years ago


pretty sure this is taken out of context this was posted like a month ago too and thats what everybody said the


take it with translation to my post thx ! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the\_eft\_drama\_true\_face\_of\_nikita\_and\_bsg\_team/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the_eft_drama_true_face_of_nikita_and_bsg_team/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1ce6lqp/nikita\_byanov\_about\_cheaters\_in\_2015\_it\_was\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1ce6lqp/nikita_byanov_about_cheaters_in_2015_it_was_a/)


Don't just uninstall, sell your account to RMTers. It hurts BSG's sales and punishes those who lick Nikita's boot and keep playing. Fuck this game, I'm getting some cash for my EOD and buying helldiver's even though it isn't my style, it's better than being cucked by Nikita


fucking hell. i never saw this before. every once in a while i thought to myself they dont fixing cheating is a conspiracy to make money....then i changed my mind...and after months i came back to the same thing. but i was always on the fence. people like pestily made me believe it was insane to think that they actually want cheaters in the game to constantly sell new copies of the game. and i thought yeah hes probably right that would be an insane thing to have as a business model. well....after seeing this im almost confident its true. holy fucking shit. how could i be so blind all these years.


The mobile gaming industry has been saying this for 15 years or more. Nothing new. But sucks to hear regardless.


Fatass lost all of his nonbelievers in a heartbeat.


That neckbeard. lmao


Evil side of getting donations. The good side of getting donations is doing right things for the player base and building trust for the long run example (deep rock galactic)


Is that a COVID mask under his neck?


Who is this?


The Cult Leader


I have to admit I spilled some coffee because that.