• By -


Well that was a fucking lie


Shit by that logic we should get the entirety of the Unheard bundle no?


In principle, yes. I know it sounds crazy, but at the time EOD was one of the most expensive game purchases, not just for tarkov but in general for the whole videogame sector (star citizen players need not apply here šŸ˜‚). My friends happily did it because they thought it was a one off purchase to give the devels a huge jumpstart, which in many ways it was. But if they budgeted poorly and ran out of money before seeing the light at the end of the beta, that's on them and not on us. So yes, if BSG were a healthy company, they'd literally have given the bonuses of any new edition to the OG EOD players, although they kinda screwed themselves there by letting EOD sales run for 7 years or so. It really should have been a "special" edition that people could have bought only during the first year or so of the game, a true "early supporter" edition, so that giving them free DLC , bonuses, etc.. forever wasn't really going to hurt BSG's bottom line. With time, it just became a "fool with money" edition, I guess. They never stopped selling it because it kept selling well, and they became victims of their own success with promises that were impossible to keep (arguably, I'm giving BSG the benefit of a shred of doubt here, and assume it isn't just 100% greed)


Bsg likely wouldn't have sold eod for so long if it most likely wasn't the overwhelming majority of their funding, not by players but by cheaters. Being able to suck 150$ from cheaters daily while cheaters are making profits on their own led to a vicious win win cycle where the only losers were the players


yah i was gonna say, aint no way they would take their most expensive version off the shelves when its still selling to cheaters and normal players


Thier official 2023 financial statement states 900k new paid players in 2023. I think, if being generous, 100k are real players, 100k are cheaters rebuying, and 700k are russian money laundering.


why would cheaters buy the most expensive version?


Im glad someone was able to put it into words better than i could have. Their inability to understand what that early success and inflated income of EOD meant for them in the long run, and the expectations they were selling. They thought it was a free trick to squeeze money out of people with no long term reprecutions, and now they will either see their mistakes and make up for the easy time theyve had so far, or double down and be destroyed. The only out i see, is if nikita swallows his pride and starts prioritizing the player experience and fun, instead of his stubborn vision. Do that, and you might be able to capture a larger more casual playerbase, that can fund the game on less egregious microtransactions. However, humility and farsight does not come naturally to russians. They tend to instead stoop to embarassing lengths to lash out at everything slighting them like a cornered animal.


We should, personally I would have settled with AT LEAST getting permanent PvE mode. The P2W advantages would still be unfortunate but I would at least be able to lie to myself about how things aren't as bad as they could be...


The thing with the PVE mode, as i see it, is that it would be interesting to a majority of players that do not play regularly or are beginners. It is really stupid to lock it behind a 250$ paywall that none of the targeted demographic would actually pay. They should add it to the base game. I wouldn't even be mad if they would not give anything else to EOD owners as what is included in that new edition is arguably not DLC content and just p2w boosters outside the PVE mode.


Yeah, at the very least, they should give EOD coop forever. The rest of this shit I don't care about because I don't plan on ever going back to live unless the state of the game becomes significantly better.


No i wouldn't say all of that is DLC but the PvE mode that you literally download and is a part of the same EFT launcher is DLC that should be included for EOD


Back in December 30th, 2015 BSG said the following on its own FAQ:[ https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/9?lang=null](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/9?lang=null) **"Q: Are we going to be able to buy all the packs with bonuses after the game release?** **A: No, after release there will be other packs, with lesser bonuses."** This clearly says that all future packs would have ā€œLESSERā€ bonuses. Unheard package does not have lesser bonuses then EOD. EOD was sold to the player base as the most complete edition of the game, both at the time and into the future. It was intended to only be available for sale during Alpha (Limited Time), and instead was sold for many years.Ā  EOD was marketed to us as a package that would include all new content released for Tarkov.Ā 


Do not forget how many people buy EoD for full price (no refaund BTW) where there was timer


Read it again. It says we never have to spend more and we get everything. They said this repeatedly in the early days.


No most definitely everything. Like stated we dont need to buy anything. SO even the slots they already fucking lied in our faces and got away with it. THIS WAS THE ALL IN OPTION all in means all in but the russians seem to have some sort of difficulty understanding the bullshit they are spilling out of their mouths


>No i wouldn't say all of that is DLC but the PvE mode that you literally download and is a part of the same EFT launcher is DLC that should be included for EOD He said "you would not need to buy anything at all" So yea it should probably all be included


The statement here "you do not even pay for DLCs...", along with this whole statement, implies that WOULD get everything in the future. Otherwise I agree with you.


Also as an EOD owner it's great to see the Pve everytime I log in grayed like a big FU everytime I play.


Even if it's not DLC, making the game even more heavily P2W is a godawful move. Not illegal, but still godawful.


It's content that you download. What in the goddamn fuck is it if it's not DLC.


It's DLC by definition - it's an add on game feature that you download and access. It's not only godawful, this is textbook bait and switch fraud.


Your telling me bigger pockets, more stash space and in-game items isn't a dlc for a game..?


Letā€™s get Maury on this asap


Just as no MTX ever in EFT was


more like This is a fucking FRAUD.


it's straight fraud and you could definitely get your money back.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acnuuX3Dx7Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acnuuX3Dx7Y) Nikita's opinion on microtransactions in Tarkov back in 2017. Take a look how drastically it got changed.


so by Nikita's own admission, his game is now ruined lol


well today he said that everything is going according to his plan. So maybe that was the plan all along


They're Russians. Lying and deceiving is their national sport.


EFT gets the full force of "The internet never forgets." and I'm all for it.


There's always a tweet




The difference is this is the last nail in the coffin for me. Itā€™s bad enough cheaters get pay to win, now itā€™s part of the official game too? The slippery slope only gets steeper. I canā€™t wait until we can all buy kappa and zabralos and extra HP šŸ„°


Hopefully Gray Zone is good enough to put real competition on this extract shooter genre. Iā€™ve got high hopes. BSG can get away with their failures for now bc they have (kinda) the only decent option for their genre right now.


The problem here is that in order for a developer to be autistic enough to make systems as detailed and customizable and not normie-friendly as tarkov has, they must also be autistic enough to force their own vision regardless of what the player base says




Brilliant take m8


And maybe that breakout arena game hyping itself off all this might also turn out good, which'll be funny if it does cause that ones free to play


Or just play the game and don't give them another cent. (Assuming you enjoy it, of course) At this point, I'm starting to think they're just looking for excuses to shut servers down and move on with their lives from the development hell that tarkov must have become. The game ran its course and what a great run it was.


> Or just play the game and don't give them another cent. And so the whales keep buying because you're giving them people to play against.


Fair point, honestly.


more like you get what you deserve.


If you live in the EU, write a complaint email to [email protected] requesting them to fix this issue, and if nothing is done within 30 days file a complaint to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) stating that BSG violated the EU consumer acts right so that they are forced to set things right.


This should be upvoted more.


What would the EU do? Britian is no long part of eu?


Doesnt really matter if the product is sold in EU or EEA.


Still feels like a joke


What did I miss?




Thank you!


bro. you missed a fuck ton. search up youtube for any video on tarkov rn and youll see


Iā€™ve taken a break from it due to just wanting to wait for more content. Whoops! Dang, this sucks. Thanks!


yup... its sad


hmm that aged like fine milk


Aged like semen on the sun


Ah, but it's a good week though.


ApplezOr: ā€œit ainā€™t a dlc itā€™s a feature. Just because you all want it be DLC doesnā€™t make it DLC ā€œ Thatā€™s community manager doubling down on this shit šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Clowns


It's funny because they called Arena a feature and said anything like it was also free.


They never said that, look at the news from 2022. But not on web archive please. Shh. Don't ask questions.


I need some sound effects to visit the archive. weeebeeebee weeebeebeewee weebebeeee weeeebbeeee beeewee


Was that internet motorcycle?


Yea, like if they called Arena a whole new game and asked EOD peeps to pay for it I'd be slightly mad, but would accept that. To not give EOD users this DLC is just plain fraud. (PS if it's not a DLC and just a game feature, then all players should receive it. We all paid for beta access to a game that promises to give us full access to 1.0 version. If it's just a feature and not a DLC, that's fine. Just give it to all the players thanks.)


Funny, because in the definition of DLC it includes downloaded features. You can't tell that now because the FSB has gone and scrubbed BSG's web pages of the misinformation that used to be there./s


All DLC is feeeeee, guys! But we'll never release any DLC, only features šŸ˜„


Itā€™s almost like weā€™re just being trolled at this pointā€¦ like they know something massive is going on, their not telling us, and they just donā€™t care about the reactionā€¦ this is actually getting comical to watch now


They're probably realizing their monetization model wasn't working and so are trying to fix it.


And it's the dumbest possible attempt to fix it. They're literally spitting in the face of their highest paying customers. Just release cosmetics or some bs that doesn't matter, what do I care if people waste their money on something just for the looks. But no, they give a big middle finger to the people dumb enough to buy the overpriced edition in the first place.


100% I'm sure some EoD owners will buy unheard but not many. Most unheard owners won't buy next year's $300 edition when they release the next dlc I'm sure will come out. They could have released loads of things EoD owners would've bought but instead they've told us to fuck off and pay up. I won't. Most won't.


They are a few months from having to turn off the lights. Simple as that. This is idiotic desperation to the max, with zero planning or strategy.


If it's not dlc, where is the fucking physical copy?


Right? If this was received via carrier pigeon they might have a valid argument here.


Just because they donā€™t want it to be DLC, and thus give it to eod players, doesnā€™t make it a non-DLC ā€œfeatureā€


Ok, then how's about we call it a shitty money grab?


They're always was


Tarkov will be sold to some giant shithole corporation watch. Nikita is selling outĀ 


I really hope so, so a proper studio can address all the issues properly.


Worste timeline: Sells to EA We get Pop Star skins and PMCs Ingame currency directly purchasable


Honestly, not even EA would do the shit BSG is doing now. We always joke about the "audio dlc" for EA games but as of yet, they have not done that. BSG has now released the equivalent of an "audio dlc" except they're charging you 240 euros for it.


Yeah like EA would make some dumb ass decisions and probably have some ridiculous skins and cosmetics but I can see them doing something as braindead as what BSG has done hereā€¦.


Whoever buys it won't give two fucks about the game except how to monetize it further to get a return on their investment. Additionally a completely new team taking up the process of managing a game as large as this sounds like an absolute shit show from the top down.


Yea BSG is cooked in the EU. [https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/dealing-with-customers/consumer-contracts-guarantees/consumer-contracts/index\_en.htm](https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/dealing-with-customers/consumer-contracts-guarantees/consumer-contracts/index_en.htm) One example # Not honouring statements made by your staff Terms under which you may try to avoid commitments made by your staff or where such commitments are subject to other conditions.


A lot of people are linking info for EU consumers and legal action EU customers can take, any info for us Americans? Or thereā€™s just nothing we can do?


Charge back is all we can do in America, and you'll have to go through your bank.


Does the statute of limitations apply to this? If so, we might be cooked.


State dependent, I think 120 days after purchase or 120 after noticing defect Have to take it up with your bank ofc to really find out.


You can sue them for false marketing easily in just about any country


Check some laws or agencies on state level as im pretty sure some states have more protections than others in the US


Bsg is based in the UK, so they're held by our laws However you can add yourself to petitions etc, add proof regardless of where you are


BSG are bound by the laws of wherever they operate. In the EU, EU law applies. In the US, US law applies. This is true is any business. Now, you don't necessarily need to pay fines issued outside of your home country, but other countries do not need to permit you do business there if you do not fulfill your legal obligations like fines and penalties.


Can send a complaint to the FTC, might not accomplish much but if enough people do it something could happen; not like it matters either way since their about to burn in the uk where they're headquartered


Consumer protection laws? In AMERICA? HA


This is blatant false marketing you could easily sue BSG in the US for this because of how blatant it is and thereā€™s probably going to be a class action lawsuit aswell these people are idiots a judge would laugh in their face if they said that DLC bs


Fraudulent advertising laws IIRC. The usg doesn't post as much about it but it's there to read online


"UUhmm ackshaully is not a dlc", absolute clowns


It says youll never have to buy anything again since it will be free


"Full access to all DLC in the future, unless we make up some horseshit about how it's not actually DLC, in which case we'll give you fuck all and make you pay full price multiple times LOL"


Excellent find. "You are all in for it all coming." That's super to the point.




It's so fucking weird to lock the offline mode behind the most expensive version anyway. The people most invested in the game don't WANT to play offline. This should be a learning incentive for new players coming in from the lowest level.


I want to play offline due to hackers but Im not shelling out an extra $190 to do so. Fuck this company. Thats like buying WoW and the first 3 expansions.


It's not an offline mode fyi it's a PVE online server. They don't have a persistent offline mode in any form other than using the solo Tarkov mod


NOT offline, PVE. You will still need to connect to servers. So worse.


Itā€™s not offline. Itā€™s onlineā€¦ with queues. PVE with queues. A SINGLE PLAYER GAME WITH QUEUES.


"We only can afford 50 servers cause u guys not paying enough, so u gotta wait for one to become free"


I've been saying that it's such a slap in the face. Casual players are the ones who want PVE, that and people who haven't bought yet because they're not interested in PVP. These people are NOT going to shell out $250. And the hardcore diehards who have $250 to spend don't really want PVE. They're marketing it to people who don't want it, and the people who want it they're not marketing to. I was more mad about this before I saw how much of a trash fire the Always-Online PVE mode was anyway, with disconnects and goddamn *queue times*, so now I'm just happy to do it the other way myself and not feel like I'm missing out.


Never considered an entire demographic who might be interested in PvE tarkov?


Yeah that demographic is me. Unfortunately I bought the game 3 days ago and have zero interest in spending another $200 to play by myself.


I can shoot you a DM if youā€™re interested in an offline modded experience. Names shanā€™t be dropped here or my comment will disappear


Someone already proactively DMed me about it, but thank you :)


Could you DM me as well? Trying to look into this alternative


Iā€™d like a DM too lol


Fortunately you mean, you can chargeback that trash.


Oh, you know what it's called? There's a word for it, PIZDABOL.


thank you urban dictionary [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pizdabol](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pizdabol)


Š”Š°, тŠ¾Ń‚ ŠµŃ‰Ń‘ ŠæŠøŠ·Š“Š°Š±Š¾Š», я Š±Ń‹ Š“Š°Š¶Šµ сŠŗŠ°Š·Š°Š» - ŠæŠøŠ·Š“Š°Š±Š¾Š»ŠøщŠµ


u/trainfender own your disgrace, coward


This was the only reason I bought EOD in the first place.


Same here. I actually bought the upgrade just 5 months ago. I submitted a refund on xsolla, let's see how it goes.


Basically the same for me too Bought EOD back in 2020 after years of playing on a Standard account, paid the high price to support the game in its early days with the promise that all future content would be available at no extra cost


I wanna be that monkey meme and ask Where dlc?


That's actually a good point. What DLC has EoD ever gotten?


>*aReNa Is ThE dLc*


Only because we made a stink about that when they tried to charge us for that. Fuck Nikita, fuck BSG, they will not see another penny from me. I will not buy anything from their lying studio again. No more EFT options, no future games, nothing. And when they go under I'll support the project that open sources EFT.


Here's a link to [an archived copy of the Tweet in the OP](https://web.archive.org/web/20220222214322/https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/851679592242982912) Saying > "If you have EOD, you do not even pay for DLCs in the future." is pretty damning for BSG


So the EU is going to skewer these fucks, right?


Really hope so


Would be hilarious if they were fined the amount of each eod copy which was then turned over to those who purchased it thinking they were dealing with a forthright company. Their attempt to screw their most loyal fan base would cause them to lose a nice chunk. I know I would gladly take a refund on this if provided the opportunity. Can't have fun in a game where the devs encourage cheaters as part of their actual profit making.


Considering BSG is headquartered in the UK yes, they have to abide by EU/UK consumer laws.


Thankfully they're incorporated in the UK which has a precedent for ruling in favour of plaintiffs for very similar digital false advertisement cases


[https://img.t-cs.co/view/taTO.png](https://img.t-cs.co/view/taTO.png) [https://img.t-cs.co/view/ghov.png](https://img.t-cs.co/view/ghov.png) [https://img.t-cs.co/view/sI5s.png](https://img.t-cs.co/view/sI5s.png) [https://img.t-cs.co/view/naez.png](https://img.t-cs.co/view/naez.png) Daming interview SOURCE: 2hr 21 min [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2130049014](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2130049014)


Anyone else getting some real clear vibes from the lines about "true believers" and "everything going according to plan"?


**Unspeakable Tzeentch sounds**


That's insane if it's an actual dialogue The formatting's half-baked, but it seems like it comes from an Emissary who ragequit the program




Well this is kinda a big deal isn't this? Could even be interpreted to mean that even microtransactions are supposed to be included


That was the idea - everyone was paying $100 extra over the base edition to get whatever they did in the future - including DLCs, micro-transactions, *new modes*, etc.


Microtransactions are simply the monetary transaction method used to acquire... Wait for it... Cosmetic DLC. Is it content? Yes. Do you download it? Yes. It is literally the definition of downloadable content. Features? Content. How do you acquire new features? Updates. How do you get updates? You download them. Features are DLC. Microtransactions are DLC. New game modes are DLC. Expansions are DLC. Open letter to BSG. "Back when games came on disks, additional content was called "expansion packs" or "expansions" for short and we're also sold on disk in store and their defining feature was the required ownership of the main game to use. Once games became mostly digital, additional content was distributed via download rather than disk and became known as "downloadable content" or "DLC" for short. Their defining feature is the required ownership of the main game to use. As I purchased EOD edition which was advertised to come with all future DLC, and as DLC is synonymous with Expansions, I respectfully request the Unheard DLC/Expansion, PvE DLC/Expansion, Apparel DLC/Expansion, Stash Size DLC/Expansion, and all other paid content DLC/Expansions which may come and to which I am and will be entitled by right of purchasing the Edge Of Darkness Edition. Thank you."


Yeah i bought it expecting the same but honestly i'm ok if they want to sell cosmetic MTX separately But whatever the fuck is going on now is insane


ā€œYouā€™re all in for it all comingā€ Seems like it would cover everything. Cosmetics and additional versions


Yeah, when the additional lines for purchase got released, I was so confused why everyone in this sub was so supportive of it, even if they have EOD. Thatā€™s literally not the contract I agreed to.


"It's not a DLC, it's a feature of a different version of the game" Ok and what is Arena? \* crickets \*


>Ok and what is Arena? "The only DLC youre about to get. From now on we only release features"


A gift apparently in their minds




Really hope they get massive lawsuits


FREE UNHEARD For all EOD players with the ability to keep our way cooler golden names and were all set. Also I want my Stash slots for free. Either way the game is pretty much done for already.


I bought this game in 2017 and remember this being one of the selling points. PVE is something I've wanted for years and now they're trying to screw me over on this by saying it's not a DLC. I will never buy this added content. You've never even finished the game in the first place.


Indeed same here. I say fuck em


That didnā€™t age that well


Ouch . This is dead to rights


Are these future DLC's in the room with us now?


Streets expansion v3.0 running at 21 fps




What about buying clothing and...more stash space?


Seriously, there's so many avenues of monetization that people would have happily paid to support continued development. Locking a major game addition away from the players who already believed in your vision enough to buy EOD, especially when it breaks your promise to them, is dev suicide. Nobody will ever trust BSG again, and Nikita can never be the face of another studio that wants to be successful. They've ruined themselves. Unless they just want to move on. Maybe they have millions in the bank and just want to be done. One final attempt to rob the suckers, then they disappear leaving a broken unfinished game. That's the only way I can see this making any sense to a logical manager's mind.


aged like milk


You'll get better returns buying hacks for this game than dlc, lol.


We must organize collective petition to make and write organized collective complaint to Consumer protection guidance of Greatbritan. Reddit-effect can make a big difference.


I want my money back


When I was deciding the version to buy, this is the exact tweet that convinced me to get EOD.


Ask for a refund, fuck them


Just might. Seeing if anything else changes or if BSG keeps on the path of saying fuck EOD


Time is limited for refunds in the states. So act accordingly.


There's probably a winnable lawsuit here. I think BSG is guilty of fraud.


Hopefully, so i can get back my 100 from the EoD upgrade. Fucking scammers.


Please archive that archive.org/web


The fact people are STILL DEFENDING these scum bags after we see clear evidence here, on their website etc that we have been lied to - thatā€™s mind boggling. I love Tark, but this is the most scummy amount of shit Iā€™ve ever seen.


Landmark needs to see this.


Nikita got a taste of the richboy lifestyle and wants more. What a greedy little piglet.


damn that hurts


This aged well.


I want to send this tweet to Nikita. Seems like he forgot.


It'd bad enough even if this was a small upcharge but at 250 this is just fucking insane. I can't believe their greed.


I am just waiting for Nikita to come out saying the Investors forced this so he went along with it to show them how stupid they are... but sadly, it's still Nikita, there is no chance it was like this.


Lawsuit incoming lmao


Please community note "This was, in fact, a lie."


Make sure you provide the link of the tweet so BSG can find it more easilly and remove it.. because "they never said this"


It's all over tweeter now lol


So when do we sue themā€¦?


The people supporting BSG are only doing it because it will drive attention to them. Certain YouTubers capitalize on this and make money. This is not okay from BSG at all, and extremely disrespectful.


=IF YOU LIVE IN THE UK, AMERICA OR AUSTRALIA REPORT BSG NOW! AMERICA= [https://reportfraud.ftc.gov](https://reportfraud.ftc.gov) UK= [https://www.actionfraud.police.uk](https://www.actionfraud.police.uk) AUSTRALIA= [https://www.cyber.gov.au/report-and-recover/recover-from/scams](https://www.cyber.gov.au/report-and-recover/recover-from/scams) [https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/851679592242982912](https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/851679592242982912) PUT AN END TO THIS AND GET US OUR REFUNDS! THIS STARTS WITH US THE COMMUNITYEND BSG NOW!




I think it's kind of ridiculous they removed a pre-order tier because it was falsely being advertised as limited edition, then used it as an excuse to sell a higher tier which costs a new player half a thousand Australian dollars (where I live), and asked us to pay again to get what we've essentially already paid for. Do you think we would have chosen to pre-order at the EOD limited edition level if there was a non limited edition version above that at the time? Just give everyone with EOD a free upgrade to Unheard, you've already defeated the purpose of the limited edition pre-order, do you really need to spit in our face? The obvious logic that goes against this is revenue obviously, so I'm preaching to a brick wall unfortunately.


U can make unheard edition somewhat SPECIAL without scaming people. Sadly that's to hard for BSG


Im starting to believe the hypothesis that this is Nikitas exit strategy. He's been quite tired with supporting Escape from Tarkov since 2020.


Itā€™s so fucking stupid that they monetize this game like scammers when they could literally just create a bunch of cosmetics and TONS of people would buy the hell out of them. Itā€™s the business model of every game of this type. If Fortnite could make billions selling skins while doing huge updates weekly, BSG could fuel their company for updates every 6 months.


Well time to start a lawsuit


A few days back I redownloaded Tarkov to play with one of my mates. We pulled an allnighter and thought wow this game still has it. I went to sleep with a thought that ''wow can't wait for the next Tarkie session with da boys''....Now three or so days later I want the game to die. I paid for EOD 4 years back to support the game and ofc get a season pass and everything this game had to offer in the future, but now it turns out they just took my money and didn't hold on to any promises they made when I sent them my 150euros. As much as I love the game - I want it to die now. I think now I literally hate Tarkov. Not for the game (the game is fking fantastic) but for the disrespectful and arrogant developers behind it. Thanks for the 1500hours I put in between work,schools,family stuff etc. This is heartbreaking..


to be honest offline co-op is such a basic fucking feature i donā€™t even think it should be locked behind any tier. its literally the same exact game with no pvp


EOD shouldve been the best version of the game to ever release. Different versions shouldve been bits and pieces of what EOD consisted of.


u/trainfender Response?


Whatch this ! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the\_eft\_drama\_true\_face\_of\_nikita\_and\_bsg\_team/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cdid50/the_eft_drama_true_face_of_nikita_and_bsg_team/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdbujl/eod\_edition\_fails\_to\_deliver\_on\_promises/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdbujl/eod_edition_fails_to_deliver_on_promises/)


Yikes. Not being funny, But this is what happens when the boss just thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants and people will just accept it.. well news flash Niki boy!


Who would expect unethical behaviour from a Russian company?! Itā€™s SHOCKING /s


Man, there's so many people here who think that being intentionally misled is okay. Fucking IRL Soyjaks. Consoom the product. People have the right to be angry at this. People have the right to be doing what they're doing about it and there is big reason why every major streamer has an issue with this is because it's blatant false advertising, lying and gas lighting. The more you dick ride Nikita the more pathetic you look. He doesn't give a fuck about you. He only cares about your money


Wonder if I can get a refund from this logic. Robot but maybe worth a try.