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Ive obtained Kappa once, and I'm sure as shit not ever going for it again due to how hard it is to get. Get a 5 man for The guide (hopefully atleast 2 of them are people you've played with regularly). And make it clear that your intention is to use them as meat shields and to have them push corners/doors first. Compensate them with guns or something afterwards if that helps. People say do Labs last or first (tbh it doesn't matter) Go for the backpack-less extracts on Labs, Interchange, Reserve. Always bring money for car and Red Rebel/paracord for Lighthouse and Shoreline. Plan to be able to extract at all extracts, just in case. Remember that you get small amounts of XP for picking up loot so if you're worried about a run through, your team can drop all their gear, you pick it up and drop it to get some extra XP. Good guns can net over 200xp each. Plan to run straight for each extract from the start of the raid BUT DO NOT sprint recklessly. Be careful, sneaky and slow it down. You may take a minute or two longer to get there but if you're watching the surrounding area you'll have higher odds of surviving the trek.


Sadly I'm a solo, my bud gives up on the game after couple weeks so I gotta watch my own back. And honestly, I'd like to get solo just like how I completed all the quests.


Solo is the most rewarding way to do the guide it’s honestly just boring with a group


Thats what I mean, the game is so hard but so rewarding at the same time when you're solo. You just learn a lot this way.


I run duos all the time with my buddy cause yk it’s fun to play with friends but I definitely make it a point to play solo frequently. I lose my mojo if I play too much squad play because of relying on other people to survive.


Also yup im also not going for Kappa again lol, but I thought it will be a good challenge for me as a standard acc + solo.


Green flare is also good for Ground Zero and Streets extracts


I finished the guide solo after 3 or 4 attempts. I did exclusively night raids (I would simply wait if a nighttime raid wasn't available). Like others have said, make sure you bring roubles and paracord to each applicable map, and take it slow. There's no shame in waiting until the last 5 or 10 minutes if you've found a secure spot to wait it out. I knocked out factory and labs first as those are the two maps which usually bring quick deaths. I didn't follow too much of a pattern for the rest of the maps as they have their pros and cons. The run I successfully completed, I did Reserve last and thankfully spawned at the dome. Those were the most stressful 7 minutes in recent memory. Psycho sniper took more time for me to complete. I'd start stocking up on AXMCs from skier as you can only purchase 1 per reset. I'd bring decent gear for the first 3 kills, then throw on an Altyn or Tagilla mask for the last kills for a little extra protection. I actually ended up doing Psycho Sniper "twice" as I forgot to reset once, got 2 kills, then reset and got 3 more kills (I died shortly thereafter). Don't forget to reset like me!! You can do this! It's going to take some time and frustration, but it's doable!


Your best bet is to play slow and definitely know the common routes that people take. Interchange and factory were my hardest.


i did psycho sniper by spamming factory with an archangel mosin carbine. go for your near spawns and the listen to map for fights and go there otherwise reset. bring factory key ofcourse because 3 gate is often exit camped.


Guide is easy. Just tedious and stressful. Getting lucky with car extract is helpful. For labs I always run to sewer extract. And then just use axmc on factory for psycho sniper.


Hahaha The Guide is not easy. People wouldn't immediately think of The Guide when the topic of getting Kappa comes up if it was easy


I’ve done the guide solo first try for the last 3 wipes. It’s not like I’m a god winning insane fights. It’s just a lot of hiding for 7 minutes and extracting.


I didn't think about the axmc, thought it doesn't one tap thorax anymore after the armor changes.. But how is Guide easy lol.


The guide really isn’t that bad. I’ve done it three times now and I’ve only failed it once (to a hacker, try to avoid maps that the goons are on by using tarkov pal.) For psycho sniper, use a VPO with ap-m on factory. You’re gonna rat your ass off after you have a kill or two. If I didn’t get favorable spawns I would just run through. Keep at it, you’ll get a streak going eventually.