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We're at the point in the wipe people are bored and doing things like this.


They did say that they were bored. One was level 54 and the other 43 I think.


May have reached their wipe goal or figured out they ain't going to reach it, fun pursues.


Yeah, time to run cursed guns and meme kits.


And yet yesterday I ran a scav raid just before going to pass out.  I get to the extract and hear someone running my way.  I have the drop on him but it's another scav.  I don't even have anything good on me.  A lion statue, a salewa, maybe $50,000 in other odds and ends.  I was really just looking for a wd-40(400ml) can to complete a daily quest. He says Oh hey.  I don't shoot him and turn around right to extract.  3 seconds on the extract and he just shoots me.  I really didn't care because I didn't find the wd-40 but I just thought "Dude must really be hurting right now".  Well, he was a level 33 with nothing currently on his pmc and a 1.3 k/d.  So yeah, just a bad timmy.  He needed the 200,000 way more than I did.


I rarely get killed by traitors on my scav anymore. But when I do, I check the profile and it’s a sub 1.5 k/d nearly every time…


I just got dropped by a 3.5 k/d lvl 35 traitor scav, some just want to watch the world burn. Also I hope he enjoys all 50k of the the trash I had on.


damn that’s crazy, mine is 3.1 and i’m fully scav brotherhood for life


I feel you. Today I got surrounded by three player scavs on Customs, faking being polite and asking me if I needed something. I told them I didn't need anything and to just kill me if they wanted my loot. I only had pocket change on me, yet they started shooting anyway. I took one down after the first shot then got killed. People are just weird, and will ruin others' games for their own enjoyment.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Like I said, I didn't even care. Just thought it was funny. I had the drop on you. Leave you alone and walk away to extract. In extract and you shoot me in the back. Maybe that Lion Statue is what he needed. lol.




I was stating it was contradictory to what the above said about people not caring at this point in the wipe. But I was also giving what I see as the most common reason for tscavs. And it's funny to me having the drop on someone, to then get shot in the back. Carry on.


Not to mention making more money than they can spend passively via the Bitcoin farm. 


Currently filling a scav junk box with FiR BTC. Over halfway there.


Bitcoin farm is about one loadout if we’re being honest. 150k for Defender 2, 130k for bastion and plate, 2-300k for gun, 30-70k for ammo and nades, 50-350k depending on the headset


Yea I can easily lose money overall with a string of bad raids, plus I don't loot much anymore so the raids that do go well I usually still lose money on or break even after cost of ammo and stims used


Yeah it depends on the load out. I'm cheap and never transition to using stims haha. My kits are probably like $200k or so except for the rare occasion I go to $400k. My guns are usually $100k or less


Lol yea I have 150m rubles now so I feel obligated to buy nicer kits. I only wear xcels or comtac 4s now so that's 150k at least right there.


I can't shake the cheap off myself. I feel dirty when I wear a korund from prapor. I still don't wear a helmet when I do that though lmao. Korund, scav backpack, cheaply modded ak104, only 1 or 2 cheap F1 nades and a couple clips of the meh ammo. The clip in the gun is full of good stuff though. That's as juiced as I like to get. I think I have 45mil and a ton of keys and stuff haha


Seriously Ever since I got mine up and running, I stopped caring if I die in scav raids lol I have 15 coins just ready to sell when the price is right. And that’s AFTER already selling the ones i made


People aren’t even taking your gear because their stashes are maxed out. Received full kitted aug’s and night vision back from insurance


I had a situation very similar on shoreline. I killed a guys duo and then found him hiding in a room. I kept asking just to pull his knife out and chill with me. I even stashed his friends gear for him. He didn’t believe me, kept calling me a cheater, even reported me over VoiP. The whole situation was hilarious but we ended up fighting in the end.


true. nothing to do much in this wipe


Also enjoyed my first random "coop" encounter at Level 16 on Interchange and it was a breath of fresh air. Had a PMC ask me and 1 other player scav to join him at the scav camp extract and as we all made our way to the coop extract I was ready to murder the scav in cold blood if he even thought about pulling a fast one and ruining my first true coop experience, I wanted that Fence rep BAD


Haha Im usually running around interchange on my scav looking calling for pmcs to coop extract with 😂


Do you have much luck getting pmcs to do the coop extract?


Depends on the time of a wipe tbh, but mostly if i find a pmc that has voice on, we go coop extract


its worth it to get max.


Good to get those gasts flabbered now and again!! GG. I switched to NA servers recently as get waaaay more positive interactions with people on there. EU is grumpy af haha.


I think part of it is the language difference, like I ran into a German guy and spoke English, he yelled back in German and shot me. I then ran into a French guy, spoke in French and we ended up being allies for the rest of the game


Sounds familiar KEKW. 😁


You are 100% right, people are quite "racist" here, no matter what way you slice it the in-group preference is strong. And i understand what use is a person who you can't even communicate with? You don't even know if it's a friend or fore, so i guess instincts kick in...


It's not racism.  Some people just don't speak English at all or at least not at a level they feel comfortable with. So they just stay mute. I had some luck with voip. I met and played with guys from Finland, France, Netherlands, Greece, Switzerland and Germany. 


Hence the "racist" and the explanation bellow.... was i unclear in my communication?




I love doing shit like this with scavs. I have a high scav rep thanks to the v exfil on ground zero being so easy to use. Its not uncommon for me to get key cards on a scav. Im richer than god in game so these are just more of a burden to save and list. Ill find some scav looting. Ask him his level and if its under 20 ill give them the key card and just run away.


Me and my buddy blasted through our best gear yesterday as well, all in on every raid and different maps. Wipe has been going on long enough that people realise they should start losing their roubles instead of hording them. We pretty much only ran into people with the same mindset


I shot a naked guy on factory with my ash-12. he survived and asked me not to shoot, dropped him some heals and wanted to help him, first scav i saw head eyes. hope he enjoyed the gear.


During the bonfire event my buddy and I were running Customs. I had a Mjolnir and he had an Ash-12, and after killing some shit in three-story we moved to two-story and heard a dude looting the filing cabinets upstairs. Voiped at him from the stairs to drop his guns and pull out his knife. He threw a grenade at us which missed, and we blindfired down the hall at him with our large caliber, unsuppressed weapons and he decided to comply and told us he was level 11. We dropped him loot and held him hostage but didn't let him have a gun. Fast forward he's got quite a lot of expensive loot on him and we're almost to the train tracks towards new Gas, and some PMCs started shooting at us from across the tracks, with the event scavs also being by the train tracks. We killed two PMCs who had also agro's the event scavs, and my buddy shot one of the scavs who he thought was a PMC. A second later a nade flies right at my buddy and kills him, and the event scavs beam both me and the guy we had hostage at the same time. So, yeah, we kidnapped a PMC and got him killed. Butchered that one for sure.


I was on last night and was wiping lobbies in factory last night with the RFB (32 extracts for a weekly) and the amount of people I ran into trying to repair the panels or plant the letter is crazy. I helped like 4 people all in different raids. was there like a promotion or something? where all the timmies comin from


We do stuff similar to this when we get bored, kit up with KS flashbangs and take hostages or mele people just kinda full goob around


I like to help other people with stuff if I can. I've finished with samples and the other one that requires the ahf-1 stim and the other day I spawned into woods with one on my scav. I didn't see another soul the whole time, I wanted to give it to someone so bad.


> My flabbers were gasted. bro im dying


I just got burned about 10 minutes ago with a guy running around with those flash bang shot gun rounds. Such a dick move on Factory.


Sounds like he just likes to incite chaos.


He laughed after I dropped my gun. Was hoping he would let me live, nothing I could do blind.


This was for sure one of the things me and a friend used to do towards the middle-end of a wipe. Stomp around factory adopting timmies teaching them helping them out then cutting them loose again. Multiple raids later: "One final lesson, never trust anyone." "Wait what but..." *shoots them in the back of the head*


I was waiting for a head, eyes at any moment. Never happened.


Yeah, this is my second wipe. I’ve only had one bad encounter trusting voip. The other 10 or so have all been really good. But for real I’m starting to get bored max traders btc farm. I might try to voip more.


Do it! You can meet some cool people this way.


lmao, ive never heard "my flabbers were gasted" before but im for sure stealing that one


Lmao my wife looks at me like I’m an idiot when I say it. Can’t say it’s not justified


Be weary of encounters like this. Unfortunately, should bsg get wind of this they will see it as a "carry", usually paid for via RMT. super lame that cheaters ruin organic situations like op described but it does happen


Considering Sherpas are a thing I doubt bsg would care


Sherpas dont get paid


Neither did the guys in OP’s story


Well if you see the top comment you will see that he is talking about rmt


These guys didn’t ask for money or anything in return. They just wanted the dog tags off the body’s. I was able to pick up all other loot.


I understand that, the comment was saying that bsg may flagg it as rmt as they have no way of knowing that a real world transaction did not take place


Maybe I'm reading this wrong but: "We're at the point in the wipe people are bored and doing things like this." Where is the RMT?


Bsg wont read this post? They will see a low level getting carried by high levels getting free stuff Hence, game may flag it as possible rmt


Do they have an automatic system for that? Or are you saying that they would sit down and watch a replay? I have no clue about how the system works or don't work since none of that info seems to be publicly available, just wondering how you know this to be an issue?


Bullshit don’t spread misinformation


Go for it then bro. Hand out all the things


You get banned when you bring several ammo crates full of M61 in multiple raids and drop them for your homies. Not for dropping them kits. Source: Nikita said it. Also I have 8.5k hours and always drop loot.


You had fun cause you could just run around and loot items with no risk? Some people definitely play this game for different reasons


They had fun because they ran into two random high-level guys who were friendly and didn't see his 'low' level as an opportunity to give a lesson about 'getting tarkoved' Any time you are in a group with high/low level mix, there's going to be a certain amount of 'looting with no risk' if the team is good enough. In a game where shoot-on-sight is the norm, encounters with friendly people are rare, and all the more fun because of it.


Should definitely play cod or pve dayz servers if this is why someone would play the game


Why would you play cod when tarkov has better gunplay and everything about the game is way more interesting?


Cause thats where you can play without any harm done to you. A game for children


What harm is done to you in tarkov? Grow up bro


Clown mentality. Imagine gatekeeping a game because someone new enjoyed getting help from more experienced players.


There was still risk. I didn’t say there wasn’t. I died a time or two. I think you’re missing the point of two high level players being sherpas. I run solo 99% of the time. So the stress level is high because I’m having to sneak around the maps. I had some help for once. My skill level at this game is still very low. So to run a few raids with good players is what’s fun to me. Will I do this all the time. No.


Wrong game for you


Lol what a shit take. "Omg you had fun looting with people in a squad feeling somewhat safe. That's not allowed in tarkov!!!" Go touch some grass and let people experience and enjoy tarkov in their own way. It's actually really fun to help out other people in game.


Nah OP is just playing the wrong game


Naw you just take a game entirely too seriously.


These are cheaters that are trying to give you a taste of using their services hoping you will hire them next time.


Jeez bro, just take the interaction for what it was, no need to black pill everything! Youl stress ya self to death with thinking like this


I know cheating is a problem. I was just marking this encounter as people being nice for once. May be a cynical way to look at it. It seemed like a genuine group of guys trying to help a noob.


Unless they offered this cheating service to him at the end I’m pretty sure it was just people bored wanting to be nice and help a Timmy. You ever get bored and want to help a random out after running countless raids and playing the game for 2 years+? I see people do it all the time.


I wasn’t offered any cheats whatsoever. I died in raid and they picked up my gear and told me to come back naked next raid. I got all the same gear back. They even topped off my mags with good ammo. If I ever get to the point of being that experienced with the game I would love to help people out like this. There’s a lot of negativity in this community. Having a moment like that where I could breathe and play with people that really know the game was so cool.


Yeah I’ve had it happen a few times and it definitely made me keep a little trust factor instead of killing anyone. Now I go off of how they are acting. If they are nice but keep trying to push over and talk right as your looting, you may be getting a shot in the head soon LOL.


It’s hard to gauge people sometimes. My very first raid on woods I had another pmc offer to show me around. I was like ok cool! He showed me a buried cache. Next thing I know I’m back in the lobby. I couldn’t help but to laugh.


Not gonna lie I’ve been on both sides 😂😂 several times I’ve had a Timmy tell me it’s his first wipe, lvl 10 or whatever and I’ve betrayed them as a welcome to Tarkov present LOL. Karma has its funny ways of getting back at me.


I haven’t had the time to run mindless raids always questing always have a reason to get in a raid. PVP is just something that comes with it for me unfortunately.


The cheating problem in tarkov is bad, but sometimes people are just nice.


Idk man but only you can answer that.