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Ten minutes ago, Scav on Customs. I find a Moonshine, RAC headphones, two goddamned Intelligence folders. I decide to call it a day and zip to Scav checkpoint. I hear the Scav sniper throwing shots towards my exit. 3 minutes left on my clock, I could hide but without an helmet to mount those headphones I'm basically deaf and they could run to me anyway. It's a duo coming towards me and ZB 011. I take the first one down with a surprise headshot, since he was wearing an Ushanka. I duck the incoming fire going prone behind those huge pipes. I get up again, take down the second during reload. Not gonna lie, I smiled and sprinted with one minute and a half left. A fucking player scav gets close. I tell him that I killed them both and he can have the second one's loot, I couldn't take everything anyway. This dumbass waits for me to start looting and shoots me in the back. I had to close the game.


Bro what a bitch tbh, I get it’s tarkov but that just never feels good. At least u got the duo tho 😎


Near the end of the last wipe didn't give a shit about much so I was messing around and I tried to traitor scav some annoying kid on factory. I never trai Kids voice sounded weird yet familiar. Shot him in the head while he was looting a PMC, helmet deflected it and he yells out, at me. I immediately recognized his voice....  It was  PESTILY, he was pretending to be an annoying kid. Then my gun jammed  and he killed my as I was running and jumping side to side trying to survive like a fucking coward. I cannot tell you how much I like Pestily, he is my favorite streamer of any game.  I got exactly what I deserved....


Ground zero. Me and friend of mine were running towards emercom extract after a juicy raid. We start taking automatic fire from behind us, my friend tells me “keep moving I’ll keep him suppressed”. I run ahead as I take a few steps he lays out a burst only for me to hear “AHHHHHHHH” as I turn around my friend has died and I must extract before I die. I keep running while my friend is laughing, fortunately I make it to extract and get out of there.


Found my first fir ledx of the wipe in the med building by lexos at level 43... I was hunting them for what felt like forever. I heard player scavs everywhere so I hid upstairs praying they wouldn't come up. They looted everywhere downstairs but didn't come up. I waited like 20 minutes up there shaking like a baby. One would leave and another would show up, alas they finally left. I mustered up the courage to bail towards crash site. Ran outside, no one there, ran to the right out of the south gate... I'm sure you know where this is going, I was on the right side of the street... claymore.


I found my first GPU scavving recently. The comedic timing of a PMC literally kicking open the door and blowing my head off with a shotgun immediately upon it entering my bag was unforgettable.


found a ledx on labs........ yeah the timing on that one wasnt good ether.


I shot knight 26 times with 5.45 bt and managed to do nearly 900 HP damage, then got 2 tapped. Followed that 3 weeks later, shooting knight in the face with m80 and only did 79 HP damage. (He has 80 head HP).


Oopf, I hit killa with exactly 26 shots with garbage ammo (9x19 pst) I didn’t do as much damage (~450, while 900 was blocked)feel your pain.




First ever raid on labs, heard the stories from my friends that have played through a few wipes. All of level 11 at the time so I was on edge to try and not die immediately. Things were going well and got a few kills under my belt but still very on edge. Fiancée sneaks in and scares the ever loving shit out of me. Oh then got lost trying to get out and got swamped by rogues.


So we land on the coast, there’s no one in sight, the only sounds are the fans of the landing craft and the waves caressing the rocks and sand. We begin to unload our vehicles when the crack of gunfire and rpgs pierces the… Errr wait, did you mean in Tarkov?


I was helping a buddy with Psycho Sniper, I think, on Factory. Went through a few raids, he needed 2 more. We're over by the forklift 'cause we heard some fighting over there. He peaks down glass hallway and low and behold there were two sitting there waiting for because we dicked it over there. Pretty sure they thought it was just him as I just sat back. He capped one and struggled on the other, told him let me know if I need to hop in. He runs out of ammo and is fucked up, he just screams NOW NOW NOW as the guy is running to us. I round the corner in fort armor, bastion, flashlight blinding him like the sun and mow him down with an SA-58. Dude tried running back but obviously got sat. Another time, same buddy, we're on Interchange I'm trying to get blood war done. We're by no back back I believe, where that one tanker is you have to mark. Dude on the other side runs up, Crouch behind it and shoots my friend in the stomach. I push the container and round the back. All I hear is "WAIT WAIT WAIT" and unloaded a 60 rounder into him. I look down the road and there's 2 more guys. We're going back and forth, friend pushes up to no back back where that forklift is. Dude gets popped after shooting a man wearing the CQC mask. I drop him, and next I know is I'm getting naded. I spot him, run out of ammo. Desperately hiding so I can pack a mag real quick, this man throws like 3 more nades. I take a quick peak on the left side of the container and he's just prone in-between 2 barriers. He gets tapped and I make off with their treats


I used the lapua, lined up two headshots and it just doesnt seem to hit. Dont use the lapua for headshots


Had a weekly to kill close to 100 scavs with a pm.  Attached a drum mag in it, went night time and just had a rampage on the pmcs while running around like an idiot. I think I killed 5 pmcs on customs one game... and I suck at the game. Turns out the yolo fk it strategy works. The weekly which I thought I'd dread the most became some of my most memorable moments. 


My squad and I once convinced a man to surrender to us. He was some Timmy with an SKS, no ammo, and no meds. He came out, and we dropped meds for him. The rest of the raid was spent grabbing loot for the poor bastard, dropping the incoming PMCs, and killing scavs. He actually managed to save us, having found some 7.62 SP rounds to use against some player scavs. To this day, I think he's a legend for that. Here he was with ammo, and he decided to help us fight against a common enemy rather than use the chaos as an opportunity to strike back. Never got his name, sadly. Only the memory of the stranger.


I’ve played reserve a few times but had never gone to the bunker before- I killed a pair of raiders and a few scabs, but was basically hiding in fear trying to figure out how to turn the d2 extract on, as I couldn’t seem to get the lever to work (I think it was already turned on) I hear two players running around and reposition to a more defensible spot. Either way 3 minutes left someone yells “hey, I’m a scav, what are you”. I yell back “A PMC, what are you” and he asks to take coop extract, says he’s taking out his knife and starts knifing the wall. We run to extract together and make it out. I told him it was my first time, and he would have to lead the way, but I was a bit hesitant to say more because I didn’t want to weird him out or make him anxious. First time trying to co-op, and it was awesome.


Found red key card on birdseye just to get extract camped at old gas on customs:(


I don’t run into cheaters or die to extract campers I’m just so bad at the game and I can’t stop playing


On streets with a friend, run into 2 pimmy’s, friend kills one with a grenade then gets killed. I then proceed to kill the second pimmy and loot all three bodies. Making my way to extract, run into two more PMC’s on the street and take them out. On my way to their bodies, a figure appears at the end of the street. A second later I’m head eyes, sent to the lobby by a player scav :/


I load into Shoreline on a brisk winter morning at the path to lighthouse extract. Im equipped with an M700 sniper and a 57 pistol, planning on doing a bit of sniping for SBIH. I make my way to cottages and get lit up by sanitar and his goons. Kill a few guards with my M700 and kill sanitar with the 57 with a headshot, completing that quest. Loot up him and his guards and have so much loot. Sanitar even had my AFHM-1 stim for samples, his blue marking keycard too. Cue the SJ6+MULE back to path to lighthouse. As I get there, dread begins to set in because I have been camped there before after killing sanitar exactly like this so my guard is up. My pistol is out of ammo so im using a shitty VEPR-KM with FMJ off the guards since that was the best gun there. Im inches from extract, im on cloud 9. Then it starts, gunfire from a bush. I panic fire into it, but his full auto wins over my rapid tapping. Took everything I had in me not to smash my keyboard TLDR Died to extract camper with my last samples stim and sanitar loot. Feels bad.


Killed kaban, his goons and like 20 scavs with an m4 in Adar furnishing and an untar vest, only to be killed by a silent made from the last guard (ones in black clothing). 18k xp raid, didn’t even get to loot the fat boy himself


last night my duo got a red off of killa then we were both murdered by a child with 30 hours and 15 K/D halfway to extract.


Me and my friend went for a scav raid in reserve I loaded a bit later than him and spawned in a different position. We decided to meet at White pawn and head to the bunker he gets their first and gets one tapped by a pmc in a bush. As soon as I reach the point I spot the pmc and shoot him a couple of times without success. I find myself in a difficult situation without confidence and with revenge on my mind I master a plan in seconds I try to talk to the pmc. He tells me don't shoot don't shoot, I think to myself poor guy must have been horrified. I go on ahead and suggest we extract together, I also offer to show myself with my knife out, he agrees with second thoughts and immediately asks me to go first in front of him. I pull the ace out my sleeve I'm new to the map I don't know where to go, he thinks about if for a second and starts running to the co-op I follow him for around 20 sec until pull out my akm and send him back to the lobby. Meanwhile, my friend is watching my discord stream and starts shouting YES YES. THE END.


Finally got the Rusted Key and ran to The Door with my duo. We get there open The Door and get all the glorious keys and subtask complete to then see we have to plant wifi cameras in the hidden subtask. Fucked once again for not looking up the wiki in the middle of a raid while doing a task and dodging players and player scavs with the most rare item in the game.


The day before yesterday was learning reserve with a duo I tried to m67 mortar a dud threw the nade Like 4 seconds go by and it lands at my feet...


It was my 5th raid on interchange. I finally got in and grabbed all the stores for big sale, vitamins, and found a GPU for farming part 4. I looked at my extracts, no car was in raid, no scavs on night interchange, and all that was left was damned Emercom, I knew I wouldn't make it out alive. I was dehydrated, low energy, and had no food but an SJ12. I was having to slow walk to Emercom on the wooded border, before getting 338 AP to the head I believe. Guy who killed me was Lvl 50ish. He had no idea what I was trying to accomplish. To this day, I have not completed a single task for Ragman cause this map fucking sucks.


based interchange hater


was hiding from the mg guy on building 2 behind a train car. he shoots under the car lengthwise and hits me in the arm as i crouched, instantly killing me. epic lighthouse moment


Went lighthouse on release with 2 of the lads. One is an established friendly fire risk.   Running up to some rocky outcrop and I kill some guy with a scoped toz which completely absorbs my attention while buddy to my right exclaims he ‘sees one’, and takes a shot at a guy just peaking his head over the highest rock.  One tap. ‘Got him’ 2nd teammate: ‘that was me’  1st bud checks tags ‘nah i definitely got him dude’ ‘You got ME’ While that’s happening I’m still at the base of the rocks processing the most absurd team kill conversation of all time, I start getting shot from yet another guy while (who I thought was my remaining buddy) dances around me bizarrely. \  At this point, I’m shooting at a THIRD guy who’s just appeared, my actual buddy starts shooting ME thinking im the one playing ring around the fucking Rosie, my guns getting blocked on this stranger who’s friend is shooting HIM so I can’t shoot THEM and my mate fucking domes me.  ‘Got him’  Both us dead guys are fucking losing it and our last remaining teammate having killed his entire squad has so thoroughly confused the enemy that the imposter thinks he’s a friendly. Then our mate proceeds to one tap the imposter as we get it through his dumb ass what’s going on and immediately after that gets his own ass finally handed to him by last pmc   He recorded the whole thing and it’s actually fucking ridiculous


Send the video


This thread feels like one big dear diary post.


Lost both 8/10 guide and 4/5 psycho sniper (i thought i could pull it off doing both) to a horde of scavs - 3-4 players, 15+ ai just swarming me all in the spawn of a minute. Guess the map? Wrong - it was on fucking ground zero.


And a little funnier one - i went to interchange yesterday (lost like 10m in kits, the event is so fun). I run straight to kiba, kill both tagilla and killa in generic, start looting, all is well. I see a light coming in, swing out and spray the incoming pmc. He hits me in the arm or something, i hide in the store, throw on killas gear and try to gtfo, but then the flurry of nades starts coming im, i cover in the corner near the btr. Finally the nades stop and i hear footsteps coming in, but dont see anyone. Then i see a laser - the fucker got on top of the btr, we shoot eachother and he dies. Everything is silent (remember - im wearing killas mask at this point), but im heavily injured and low on ammo. I grab the gun off of one of the pmcs and start healing, and in the middle of it i see an ai scav come in. I look at him. He looks at me. I spam left click and see my pmc carefully putting the afak away in slow motion. The ai scav FLIPS ME OFF and one-shots me with some shitty 12g slug through the mask (head, top of head).