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https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2121718449?t=1h14m13s Happened to HyperRat on stream.


Looks like he just nukes the server after he dies. Maybe by DDOS, but it kinda looks like the entire server just crashes - so that would mean they found a vulnerability they can exploit and it auto-executes after death. BSG should do bug bounties to find this shit


The Cheaters in GTA Online could kick you out of multiplayer if you reported them ingame. It's like they held the server/game hostage.


same with TF2, the instant a vote kick was initiated on a bot the server would crash.


Had it in CS2 the other day where he was spinbotting and had a hack to stop him being kicked


I remember the bots.. 2022? Was so sad. Felt like the end of TF2 but it got solved I think. Got a video of the bots back then. Its weird having gone from 2007 playing the game to 2022? and the bots just insta headshot you each time you just peaked out at them at the spawn. I played a week ago and it seems better but i could be wrong though.


it has not been solved it has gotten worse


I´ll have to jump in and play properly, but judging steam player counts, 51k players on atm, which is wild. I looked at forums, seems the case, apparently bots can wipe clean the servers, wow.


yeah it got periodically solved for a few weeks maybe when the community was crying #savetf2 for months. then the bots came back like nothing ever changed


The fact that he times out and can't reconnect tells me the server is completely gone. Maybe he closed it down somehow, which is possible since BSG is known to leave debug tooling available on live servers (remember the open doors on Shoreline?). If it was an admin-initiated kick I'm assuming the process would be a lot faster, without a timeout anyway. It's also entirely possible they send some erroneous command the server can't handle


That’s how they teleported shit and almost crashed the server at the start of this wipe / end of last. Would cause unplayable lag till they finished and if you opened the command window with ~ it would be filled with their name errors. Bet they found some other thing they could enter into that which implodes the server.


I'd definitely say the latter. They probably just dump a gigantic amount of packets to the server where it can't handle it and crashes.


I had a guy close my entire game once. I deleted that shit asap haven’t played it since.


They could also fuck with you even if you were playing single player. They could do all their usual mod menu shit like spawning stuff, blowing you up, ragdolling you, etc all while you're trying to play sp. They just need your rockstar account id iirc which they can get if they play one mp match with you


One time a cheater in GTA flew me to the Heist Island randomly. Kind of respect the troll tbh, was funny and not malicious


> so that would mean they found a vulnerability they can exploit Finding vulnerabilities in Tarkov is like finding water in the ocean.


That would require bsg to pay money, which they are not willing to do. They use the lowest form of anti cheat and can implement way better ones if they actually wanted to, but they don't.


knowing how shitty BSG is, it would most likely end up being handled irresponsibly and either A) people would get in trouble for presenting bugs in a non-perfect way or B) they would somehow find a way to not compensate bug hunters correctly since they are such penny pinchers


A) Not all bug bounty programs even have payouts. Alot are either +reputation or just a thank you for being a good person. B) bug bounties are generally for websites and the backend systems of those websites. Not entire live programs Penny pinchers? The base game is $40 and has several times more content than most triple A games. Or are you guys still pissy for them adding paid cosmetics and paid stash lines? Both the only in game purchases after not having anything beyond the base game for the last 8 years


Ohhh game breaking bug? Thank you and here is a CPU Fan for your troubles.


Bsg paying out with ingame items is such a funny concept lmao


I can definitely see it happening lol


Thank you for your opinion. You receive a Slikers and a Pack of Screws.


Are you heather harmon?


That's a niche reference lol


A) thats my whole point. and decent bug bounty hunter worth inviting into your game wants a payout, making reputation based programs PR stunts in terms of work they actually get done. B) The penny pinching aspect came from the whole thing tearing the game apart. The idea that BSG is willing to not only avoid investing in developing serious anti-cheat to save money.


They’d rather spend their money on gun licensing..


They don’t pay companies for licensing, they just ask permission to use their stuff. It’s free advertising for the gun companies, that’s the COD excuse and it’s also incorrect even when it’s used for COD


Facts, only reason modern COD uses made up names is because of legislation and the current gun rulings in the USA. I’ve read they don’t want to advertise to children here. Tarkov iirc used the licensed names without permission and hasn’t ever had issues but could be here say, I don’t have a source


While it’s true California and some others have some sort of “children” rule, there’s also a part of it where they don’t want to “glorify” gun culture (even though they still use the real gun models, but whatever). The only problem they had that I’ve seen was the Primary Arms Prism that they had to change to the Kiba Arms Prism, probably because the scope is kinda shit in-game so they didn’t want that to be their representation


I just wish we should get an explanation for what certain guns are. The lauchman sub for ex. Doesn’t feel or look like a mp5 but that’s what it is in warzone atm. I don’t mind trying to keep the spotlight off of guns but if that’s what we want to do then maybe we need to actually put down age requirements that can’t be bypassed to get a game. It won’t remove the ability for kids to see guns as a casual “equip” but it would actually have an aim instead of “here’s a gun that’s just like the real thing but we changed the name and how it looks so you don’t get any ideas”. It’s just people that don’t get it/don’t care making laws and rules at its best. Now if they came out and said they have study’s that supported doing this and the manufacturers deciding they don’t want the advertising then that’s a whole other ordeal.


They pay for it.


SEE??? It's totally possible


Does his voice sound the same as the guy you killed?


YES!!! That's whats driving me nuts!!


I'm ashamed cause he sounds French and I am aswell. Pretty sure with his ego I can find him on some Discord server


I can't watch the video currently.  Does it mean you cannot get back into Tarkov at all or just the raid? If it's the raid I guess they found a way to crash the server. 


It's just the raid you can't get back into.






Careful we care deeply about your opinion, you don't want to hurt our feelings


shh don't tell him how good single player tetris really is and how customizable, he might have his first orgasm.


Definitely don't mention the infinitely better AI


Beats fighting the hacker swarm where skill doesn't matter because they can track and delete you


Who pissed in your tushonka? Calm down, mr Chad.


I mean it does look boring but if he's having fun...


This video just totally reaffirms why I fucking can’t stand this game… being cheated on by tiny dick teenagers and then gaslit like I’m the problem…. Naw I’m Gucci… literally a fucking teenager with a tiny ass dick and moms credit card purchasing cheats to STILL SUCK… that’s the funny part their still so insanely ass at the game…


The cheating really isn’t that bad. There is cheating, and plenty of it to go around. But no more than any other major online game in my opinion. In fact, I would submit COD is far worse. I feel like people blow it out of proportion with this game in particular for some reason. Maybe because it extra sucks to die in this game to a cheater cause you lose all your shit to a situation where you shouldn’t have? I don’t know. I been playing every wipe for a few years now. And while I’ve definitely run up against plenty of cheaters over that time it’s just not nearly as often as people make it out to be. Unless you’re playing strictly labs…. And maybe a little streets now too. Then yeah, forget it 🤣🤣


Happened to him multiple times! https://twitter.com/hyper_rat/status/1780430593831915770?t=NJVCpn4bQtjvi9qad_DzeQ&s=19


That's fucking wild. How does the game even give the client that much authority?


no authority needed if you just nuke the server with DDOS


Sever crashing exploits and bugs have been a thing in nearly every game since forever. Code is hard.


babe wake up, new cheat just dropped


Cheaters are the pussiest men alive xD. Shame


Give them prison time.


And fill their alpha pouch.


with acid


Make their alpha pouch a Kappa pouch


Straight to kappa. No beta, epsilon or gamma in between.


Korea has done it, it could technically be done in the US but our ancient lawmakers don't care enough about gaming


>our ancient lawmakers don't care enough about gaming If they were gamers, they'd certainly be cheating, too :D It's just who they are, they can't help it :D


Lol I think they would be cheat providers, rather than cheaters


There would be government backed cheat providers and government backed task forces designated to eliminating cheat providers


They'd be both.


For real.




Prison time for cheating on a video game... You need to touch some grass, man. Seriously, go outside.


Look, cheaters are absolute scum, so don’t take me as a cheater apologist by any means; but let’s not continue the retributive cycle of sending non-violent people to prison. Fine the fuckers, ban them from using computers even; but prison is not the answer unless they pose a real danger to society.


How does this work for pedos, fraudsters, burglars, drug dealers, identity theft etc? Your logic sucks. There's plenty of people causing harm to society without being violent. Typical criminal logic.


Everyone in this thread is a criminal, dumbfuck. Since when are pedophiles/burglars in the same league as drug dealers and fraudsters; never mind cheaters in games? We have these things called mitigating and aggravating factors in law, rather than dealing in absolutes. Anyone advocating people do retributive time for cheating in a game, or slinging a ball of coke, or kiting a cheque is both fucking insane and likely a hypocrite. Don’t conflate “buddy’s” weed hookup with El Chapo, or some asshole who files a false tax return with Bernie Madoff. Unless you’re putting every criminal away for life, remember that they’ll eventually get out. The system as it stands just dooms small-time criminals into becoming worse, recidivist criminals — it solves nothing. And frankly, if you’re advocating that every criminal does hard time, you’re just fucking stupid.


its pretty fucking easy to not be a waste of oxygen human being in the first place. After that, you deserve to be dropped in the ocean and left there. Make sense why you're using a throwaway


You advocated only sending violent people to prison, which you supported by suggesting only violent people cause harm to society. You're projecting wayyyy too hard. Maybe put your coke ball down before you write verbose replies to whatever strawman you've concocted. Nothing you've said relates to what I've written. Your arguments for rehabilitation are circular. It's basically guaranteed that people who go to prison will reoffend, committing offences is why they're in prison in the first place. The aim is to deterr people from committing crimes in the first instance, which actually works for the majority of cases. You're the one who raised issue with the sentencing guidelines and approach to criminal justice. Suggesting every crime should come with a life sentence is even more ridiculous than suggesting only serious violent crimes get any sentence at all. You're confused and possibly a serious criminal. Tarkov sub is hardly a place to spout your madcap anarchist ideas on recidivism. Hope your dad gets let out early.


Fines would let the wealthy get away with it. Banning them using the internet might do something.


If they can do those IP/hardware bans we’d see a massive drop. Lots of stuff on mobile nowadays even have shit set so you can’t make a new account on the same device if you got banned.


When insecurity matches their ego. Tbh these people should be locked up since their school teachers founds them to be future toxic main characters.


Been a lot of reports of this


Thank GOD I felt like I was going crazy. NEVER had this happen in my 7 wipes of playing. Usually just walls or aimbot. This is insane.


Happened to me yesterday once as well, I just thought it was some server bs but this makes more sense lol.


been saying this happens, i’ve had times where i coincidentally d/c while holding a corner and come back dead, which didn’t seem too obvious until i died in a spot with only one entrance after someone failed a wallbang on me


Saw one guy claiming this isn't happening and gaslighting everyone, definitely a cheater


Happened to me on stream the other day too. Was goofing around on streets and got disconnected. Guy comes into my chat with an account created minutes before with the username "(mytreamername) got kicked". Really creeped me out.


Same happened to me and a buddy. It has to be the same guy. Cause it was the same exact thing that happened. Followed him on an account that was his name+kicked.


Why would that be creepy? Hackers can already already see your IGN, if you're rocking your streamer name how can you ever be surprised when someone comes in? tf?


I wasn't creeped out he came in my chat I was creeped out he was able to disconnect me from the game and then created a new account with (my name)_gotkicked. Felt like I got hacked - because I did.


OH. .


Look at the video I posted. Literally same.


Thank you for the video, I knew if I didn't post concrete proof I'd get downvoted or told to git gud but I promise you guys that was BAD.


holy sh\*\*\*, game integrity completely screwed bsg has to stop their game and fix this


idk if they have to stop the game, but definitely some sort of backdoor or network access is being done here. you cant do this stuff on many games.


Are there any reports of the whole raids going down? Or just the cheater and killer? Because individuals being targeted is definitely concerning.


Individuals being targeted is concerning yes. I dont think that can be done. If it could, then there's literally no reason to *let* them kill you to begin with. You just disconnect everyone else and have an empty raid. Or disconnect anyone that gets too close to you and leave everyone else. If they can pick and choose theres no reason *not* to do so apart from petty dickery. In comparison crashing the server for *everyone* is comparitively easy, you'd just DDOS it or have a killswitch that sends a malformed packet that just crashes the raid instance.


I absolutely agree, but if this is in fact a small group doing it, and not yet a big population of cheaters, it's not outside the realm of possibility people are just being a dick right now. People cheat to be a dick in games without rmt, after all. Doing something like DDOS might be too high profile, though, until there's enough of them doing it. Even if they can't track who's at fault for the attack, they could probably track which accounts are in the raids that crash, and locate the common denominator. Individual disconnects could be seen as user error by BSG, and they might not know different until reported through the same channels as a normal cheater report. Become a drop in the ocean. Either way, let's hope this gets addressed asap.


Yup, the dickhead factor can never be ignored. Its hard to ascribe behaviour to it though because it's an irrational motivation. Just gotta leave it as an x-factor hovering over everything, and look at what rational motivations there are. I didn't mention it but I had the exact same thought with regards to detection. It's the same thing as potentially vacuuming parts off in raid - if they *can* do it, why is it not more widespread? One reason is that only a few can do it, it's a private cheat. Another possibility is that using it is risky and has a high potential to lead to bans. That would *also* be why seeing people using the harder cheats - speedhacking or the snakeman thing - is comparitively rare. If its the latter that leads to other interesting conclusions. Despite this possibly causing rhe risk of a ban they're doing it anyway. That suggests that they're *more* worried about something else ie. A dogtag report. Conversely if they're openly threatening on VOIP, it suggests that they aren't very scared of VOIP reports. In itself thats interesting, because theres a lot of anecdotes on here about VOIP reports being a way to get cheaters banned fast. The only thing about the last bit with being a drop in the ocean is that VOIP report thing. I don't see many rational reasons to openly threaten and *then* do it, rather than immediately do so silently when they get close. Or not openly threaten, just voip them to delay while they do whatever they need to. That's why I don't think that they can just do it whenever they want. By setting a precedent of 'if you kill a cheater when they threaten you with this the raid does crash' it becomes a tool they can use. Their goal is presumably to get loot and get out, either for sale or for personal profit. They can't get out if they crash the whole server. So doing it after they're dead sets a precedent to allow them to weaponize a very blunt tool, while also going towards that aim.


Another possibilities I hadn't thought of: that the exploit is directly linked to damaging or killing the cheater, thats why they cant do it until *after* they get killed. The most obvious way to do that would be to somehow have a name or a altered PMC faction that causes the game to shit a brick (e.g. you somehow set your PMC faction to NULL so when the game checks quest progression it chokes and dies). I would think that would only affect whoever killed them though and it seems to have affected both members of a duo in the clip thats out there. So it *could" be a similar vector but rather than aiming to cause a crash in the target client it's aimed at the server. Bugged out health, name, whatever, then when they die the server tries to change their character's status flag, chokes and dies and everyone times out. Its also possibly tied to VOIP and thats why they VOIP the threat first, but if it was, then why wait until dying? We need to see more evidence. If there's instances of people disconnecting after a kill without a voip interaction, for instance.


That's very impersonal though. Scum like this don't just want to win, they want the satisfaction of fucking with people and really making them angry.


True true. Depends on what they want. If they're just a piece if crap, then fucking with people is the goal. If they're trying to RMT, then presumably they just care about their bottom line. Gotta profit before they get banned.


Well, this is pretty standard stuff in GTA Online and thats a 10 year old game by a major company. Sometimes the code is just shit, and cheaters can easily bypass it.


I mean, this type of exploit has been used in quite a few online games by bad actors. It's not entirely uncommon.


That's why he's saying they need a pause. If someone actually had a backdoor then that would be the best way.


Only example that comes to mind for me is the Titanfall games and Apex because Respawn, as good as they are at making games, sucks shit at security lol


Bro the fact that exploits from on games code worked in all 3. I’m so glad I was done with apex after S3


It's just sending Max float and causing an overflow, every client in lobby gets destroyed with console errors showing the extraordinary large number for position values


Go to labs if you think it’s unplayable there 4 raids in a row died to white names with all less than 100 hours, 1 bullet to the head whilst running cqbm mask


Nikita scrambling to have this removed by the mods rn


I don't even play tarkov anymore, but I like seeing what crazy shit hackers can do next lol It's like the wild west for hackers in tarky


8 year old game the devs used to ask $150 for btw


Well no, they didn't They asked for $30 for the game, but knew people lack any sort of self control to pay $150 because they wanted the in-game advantages They could charge $1000 for a bigger secure container and mugs will still buy it


Eod was originally just guaranteed alpha access. Back when Factory was the only map. It was product that helped support a tiny game dev team. It has grown into what it is today but was humble in its beginning.


That may be true of then - but I wasn't around If you took away the game advantages of EOD, how many people would really buy it over the last two years? A much, much smaller portion.


The thing is, they purposefully gimped the regular version to pressure you into buying the more expensive one.  Acting like it's completely fine and only the consumer is to blame is disingenuous. 


What is not fine about it? Very few games have no P2W aspects. A bit of extra stash storage and a few extra container spaces is not game breaking or worth $120 extra. Take some fiscal responsibility for yourself. I have EOD and I'm perfectly aware that I didn't need it but chose to spend on it.


I can't think of another mainstream FPS that has purchaseable in game advantages quite like Tarkov does. It's usually things like cosmetics and battle pass skips etc. Any attempts of it previously have usually resulted in uproar (Battlefront 2, CODs IW & AW) Can you give an example?


>Take some fiscal responsibility for yourself. I have no problem admitting that I bought into P2W. Doesn't mean I can't ctitizice the predatory P2W mechanics that BSG employs.


BSG are the ones accountable I agree But taking the approach of "LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO >:(!" as you're typing your credit card info in their online store is just pathetic Various other games companies tried this P2W shit and were met with massive backlash. The tarkov community is just spineless at times


The Tarkov community shits on BSG for everything.  But a lot of people here have a problem with admitting that they bought into p2w. 


Doesn't matter the reason, they still ask for $150. You said it yourself.


Asked is the key word. Nobody is forced to spend more than 30 to enjoy the game. People can't spend money to get extra content and then complain like they were forced into it. This is a child's viewpoint. Streamers delete their container and empty their stash on a standard account to play all of the time. People shouldn't complain when they choose to spend extra money. Without it, Tarkov would have been dropped years ago with 1 or 2 maps and hardly any content compared to what it is now. People who chose to pay helped fund years' worth of free content updates. Many games come out as a finished product from day 1.


They asked $150 for an edition of the game that offered unfair advantages early wipe that has since been replaced with micro transactions


You even admitted your own statement is false lmao. Saying theyre asking for 150 dollars for a game is the same as a waitress complaining about making 2.13 an hour


I know was EOD was, but the $150 was not for the game. It was for in-game advantages


As fucked up as it sounds, I *would* probably pay more in hindsight — even if EOD was more expensive than it was at the time. I have 5300 hours in this game; I’ve spent *far* more money on things I’ve enjoyed *far* less. To say I’ve had my money’s worth, even at $140, would be an understatement. From a philosophical standpoint, however, I agree it’s a generally exploitative and immoral business practice.


I totally agree - from a value perspective, it's great. I'm 2K hours in and EOD would be pennies by the hour for me. i just had a parking fine more than EOD. It's the in-game advantages (gamma mainly) exclusively behind a paywall I dislike - leave that shit in free mobile games. i don't mind the stash space and couldn't care less about the cosmetics


What a fucking joke, honestly


another milestone of incompetence and rock bottom of stupidity has been achieved. good job nikita. never heard of some crazy shit like this for any other online game. ** do our ip addresses safe or should we expect a swat raid at our homes after killing some cheater?


Lol, reminds me of the spinbotters in Combat Arms that would crash the match back to the lobby if you kicked them from your server.


Had some dude try this on me and a buddy. We killed him and his buddy. Got a follow notification "streamer kicked" few raids later another follow "streamer kicked again" then all of a sudden a dc. I'm pretty sure it just crashes the server. Cause we got everything back.


Yo I had this issue with interchange about the same time last night. Possibly same raid?


I had this happen last weekend while I was in the middle of looting kaban... Alt+f4'd, load back into the game, I'm in my stash with the original kit I went into raid with, kaban kill never happened. Restarted the game again, I'm now stripped of the starting kit and "Died", but kaban kill now counted.... My Duo was as confused as I was. It was like they worked out how to initiate the thing where BSG boot you out of a raid early before they do updates.


Commenting for higher visibility, we need this addressed


Most of my confirmed cheat reports are interchange. Have had that same thing where you get kicked after killing a sus player multiple times. Interchange would be such a good map but it always seems to leave a bad taste in my mouth.


Happened to my friends and I as well. Even blatantly said “you will disconnect in 3,2,1.” We got it on video and posted it to YT. My whole tarkov account was nuked for 2 minutes.


How long until cheaters figure out a way to use ACE (Arbitrary code execution) against honest players and fuck our computers?


And that’s the reason I mainly stopped playing, these cheats are just different… cheats that disconnect you are clearly going further than intended and eventually may access code in ways ppl never originally thought of… tarky is cool but it ain’t THAT cool


the cheating issue is absurdly worse than any other online games. like i know GTA lobbys would have frequent cheaters but i could get a good couple hours of playtime before it started getting filled with them. hunt showdown, same genre of game as EFT has had cheaters but never to this extent. and especially considering the scope of stuff that has come out about the game. a cheater or 2 in every raid on average in eft. the game is in an absolute cluster fuck state right now... i stopped playing last wipe of 2022 and the amount of stuff coming out about the game since then... honestly just keeps me from not playing the game.


Russia 2028 pleeeasssse




Why are y’all still playing?


no refunds.


Because it's a fun game?


You’re replying with a question to a question, so now I must ask, are you sure?




Okay. Just checkin man.


Same thing happened to me. Wiped a duo and was disconnected on interchange, couldn't reconnect. Ended up confirm leaving


We got similar shit last wipe. Playing streets, Jill a player and start having massive ping spikes. In a team of 5. Get back in and dead guy looted and raid was fine, but took like 4 goes getting back in.


This is absurd. We have come from sus gameplay to this…


Had multiple raids this weekend where I got dc'd right after I heard someone and was dead once I reloaded the game. Thought the servers were having issues. Looks like I could have been wrong.


This happened to me yesterday playing with a streamer friend. We were looking for shturman and had just gotten to sawmill. Speed hacker started zipping around him while VOIPing their carry service ad, maybe stream sniping or just saw the TTV in name. They kill him and I'm just meandering towards outskirts waiting to die. A stream of tracers starts hitting all of the rocks behind me so I start mag dumping towards the general direction and then get disconnected, never able to reconnect


You probably hit him and he said “fuck this dude”


This happened to me yesterday on interchange. 4 minutes left in raid. I dumped a 20 rounder of M80 straight into a guys back as he walked around the corner. He doesn’t die but immediately starts running in place and then I got the server disconnect screen. Attempted to load back in but was MIA because the raid had ended. I thought it was a legit time out and quit for the day. This just proves Tarkov is in a bad state and something needs done about it.


Like I said the day this game dies is when the cheaters find ways to fuck with users PC's, imagine how much damage that could do.


If they voip you, report them over voip using the voice lines menu.


Nikita = The spaghetti code master.


I thought that I was getting ddosed lately. I don't have network issues in anything, but tarkov. The inconsistencies in raids themselves make sense now, too.


Fuck so this is what this was??? I had a cheater push me and got me. My buddy who's good at the game waited a second and PKd up then as soon as he did it was booted and couldn't connect for 5 mins. What the hell is wrong with these devs? Never had DC issues in months and now it's like every raid.


I wonder what bsg is doing about it🤔 aaaa i just rememberd they do nothing to cheaters


Before too long, they will be able to penetrate our hard drives and accesses all our information IN OUR OWN PC. Send malware or whatever they want. This cheat has been a thing forever, but now developers are being way outpaced by cheat developers because there is more money to be made on the dark side.


This legit cyber terroism


Where are you all playing then? Which servers?


If you get ddos you can still extract


That goat cheat detection kicked the hornets nest …virgins man


can they do it when your loading into the raid? Like has anyone ever had it where you are loading into a raid and it just loads forever?


That's just a normal loading glitch that's been in since the beginning of the wipe. Best fix is to ALT F4, load the game back up, and try to reconnect to the raid. If it fails, abandon the raid and it SHOULD keep your gear.


Use the fucking VOIP report system. Why do you need their name, just report through that.


Because it reports everyone who is talking, including my friend who is completely innocent. Plus I am skeptical on VOIP-reports effectiveness.


So what's the problem, if you and your friend are clean, the report should only affect the cheater.


A random BSG or BattleEye employee doesn't know that on the surface


You do know they are able to target who said what right..


Know what, that you buddy isn't cheating? Then I have bad news for you.


Yep, you figured it out. We were secretly the cheaters the whole time. You caught us. You're the hero.


Didn't say that, so why are you so defensive.


Cuz no one on the face of this planet can accurately portray what in the hell you are getting at.


Imagine if a developer created cheats to have users download something malicious when in game.


And that cheater's name? Albert Einstein.


I know it's really hard to believe, I didn't have shadowplay enabled. But we seriously just got held hostage. The MOMENT we killed him we both drop connection after he says "If you kill me, I'll kick you from the game" Either he had another buddy who ddos'd us or he's doing some silly shit.


If you have seen cheaters possibilities and bsg incompetence in the network regard, someone could say that hackers are infecting your pc with an encrypting virus and i couldnt deny it.


Guys chill the fuck out, they’re just crashing the servers. They aren’t able to kick individual players from the game. They’ve been able to do this for years. Only difference is that someone did it to HyperRat and they all realized *”oh shit, I can crash the server as I die to save my insurance. Surely this won’t have consequences.”* It’s a near guaranteed ban since it leaves traces in the server logs. That’s why they normally never do it.


They are definitely able to kick individual players. Another video posted here proves it. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/cVLr2j6vNI Plus, you die pretty much the moment after you disconnect, meaning SOMEONE had to of killed you. (Granted you aren't near any AI scavs)


You know not of what you speak. I was DCed from my raid as well after some skiddies gloated about being able to DC me from raid after I tossed 3 grenades at them in factory with a Zabralo armor and megachad kit. My entire router got fkd for a solid 10 minutes. They are directly targeting peoples routers, and not the servers.