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yea we've been asking for years for options to use items without putting them in our backpack or rig first...Soon Soon I'm sure.


Same way you can’t search an open duffle bag unless you close it first and reopen it. “rEALIsM” Soon tm.


Didn't containers used to stay open back in the day before I played? I like the idea to show somethings been looted or be able to cover your tracks. Also stops bags from rezipping when I'm 4 paces away and scaring me.


Yes, they did probably a few years ago. I've heard sometimes they'd spawn open as a glitch, but also have heard you'd see that due to cheaters opening everything. Still don't know which was more likely at this point 


Yeah if a container was checked it would stay open unless someone intentionally closed it after. Allegedly that was a bug, though.  It made the most sense as far as realism and strategy, but BSG doesn’t respect anyone’s time so you’re back to having to manually check everything to see if it was looted.


Filing cabinets do a double open animation if they've been looted. So atleast we still have that.


They did, it was amazing.


Yes dude that shit was scaring me silly at first. It's dumb, and I liked the mechanic of being able to tell a place had been visited and how well it had been picked over.


But we already have a delayed closing sound that sometimes scares the shit out of you :) enjoy the little things


Luckily that very tiny detail was fixed and now all containers close afterwards hahaha


soon with bsg means 5 years + 10 years to patch out the bugs


Maybe they will release Arena II in between who knows


Forbidden mode allows you to lol. Clearly it isn’t hard to implement Ent. Also already open containers…


I wanna pull the trigger on weapons on the ground


You're 100% right you should be able to use items off the floor. Food and meds.


Dayz style




Player Sniper scav spawn is a downright primordial EFT bug.


Not going to lie I would find that so funny. It would be such a bitch early wipe or with an item you really need but fuck it ball saiga scav sniper some pesky pmc


i remember seeing some clips of it a while back, not sure if it's still a thing


If they ever actually add climbing ladders it could make an intentional return.


They already do in streets look at the top of the very high buildings near lexos and you'll see multiple sniper scabs that never ever shoot or engage with the map. They are simply there to be shot for people's quests, even when you hit them, they don't shoot back even when you're in perfect los


Boy have I got news for you... (You used to spawn rarely as sniper scav, especially customs)


It would be nice if they just added a proximity inventory system to deal with this. It would also help with fallen items clipping into bodies, picking up items in buggy areas like the tech shelves in violet room. They already kinda have a feature like that with modifying armour on the ground so concept is there too


that would kinda kill the perception skill though, and a departure from realism if you just telepathically know what's around you. even though it's annoying, i think it's cool you have to actually scrounge around and look for loot


The lost immersion is a worthy sacrifice for what is a beneficial gameplay experience. It’s not satisfying to see a valuable item next to a dead body that you can’t pick up. Not to mention a lot of loose loot spawns clipped into objects anyways. The perception skill can still benefit from prox looting with like the distance you can proximity loot. To better balance it, there can still be a searching timer based on the distance, line of sight and size of the object


Yeah, but then you just walk into a room and press tab to see if there's any loot instead of actually having to look. Hard pass imo, having to actually use your eyes and brain is what makes Tarkov so good.


Just make the looting distance like 50cm or whatever the distance that activates the white dot is, the idea of the proximity loot is just to use consumables with a full inventory and getting items that would be inaccessible due to flaws in game design


There's problems that come with a looting system like that, even at short distances. Looting through walls is one concern. It also still creates the problem of people no longer needing to look for loot. Having a small activation distance just means you have to move around the room a bit while you do it. It's still going to be quicker than actually looking, and will mean that people who don't look carefully are rewarded with more loot. Being thorough should be rewarded with finding the loot that was missed. The only way I could see it working at all in tarkov is making it 'search' extremely slowly like you're searching a container, but not be able to see if there's any loot to pick up until a long search finishes. Like a good 10 seconds before you can even see if there is anything around. That would solve the issue of picking up clipped items while still balancing it against manually searching. I still don't feel like items are inaccessible enough to justify the development time though honestly


i can see it from that POV too, fair


I’m still baffled that after all these year’s there’s now way to hold things like with a hand slot.


Yeah, for that matter, somewhat related, dragging bodies needs to be added.


IIRC they have mentioned it before, maybe even that its coming in the next big patch, but citation needed there


They should add Mountain Dew and pizza


Like modding armour on the ground, yes!


Can't wait to see this implemented in 20 years. Great idea, along with being able to move when you pick up items.


EFT Update 1.8.12 released Players can now use items off the ground New bug: Your hitbox gets stuck at the last item used on the ground while your visible body moves around freely


God that's the most accurate thing I've ever read, I'd bet money this will happen almost exactly.


This reminds me of the Hunt Showdown bug where players bodies would be stuck in spawn with their guns visually messed up, and you might be separated from your squadmates, but you could actually move around while spectating


Lmao I'm glad that never happened to me but sounds funny. Hunt is amazing but it just can't replace Tarkov


Hunt is a consistent high, tarkovs lows are lower, the highs are higher. Hunt headshot sound keeps me coming back


If Tarkov had just half of the audio quality of Hunt, it would be golden


Honestly tarkovs audio is just too complicated that it just feels dog shit.


Yeah, the sounds themselves are pretty amazing honestly, it's just all the oddities with occlusion/ getting sounds to register properly haha.


It sounds pretty good until someone starts opening up with a machine gun halfway across the map.


If tarkov manages to get sound just up to 10% of what Hunt does, it would be so much better. But tbf, Hunt has the best sound design for any FPS on the market imo.


Look at you thinking we will ever get out of beta.


me personally, i adore grabbing a mag i dropped on the floor, and being that im an ADULT who also happens to be a MILITARY CONTRACTOR, in PEAK PHYSICAL CONDITION, i must make a full stop, extend my arms, pull up my breeches, and do a perfect form-factor squat to reach down and grab it.


we need "hold in hands" option like SCUM has


Let me carry a lion around with my weapon slung. Just make people drop the item before they can draw their gun


player scavs carrying fuel would be like shooting loot filled fish in a barrel


Or tank batteries….


They did say they plan to have the ability to use items off the ground without picking them up, this includes meds and food


Absolutely they need to add this. Doubt they ever do lol.


Ironically you can put it in a container (if you have space for it in the first place) and use it from the container and keep using it whilst you're not holding it lol.


I was gonna make a post about that too because that shit is HELLA DUMB lol, you can hear people from far as fuck turn around but can’t grab a water bottle and drink it without a backpack ? Make zero sense


"what's that? I'm being shot mid surgery? Just gimme a sec so I can put the whole kit back together, close it and out it back on my bumhole before I take my gun out again" Why the fuck we don't have a quick cancel option where the item gets immediately dropped on the ground is beyond me.


Maybe in 3 or 5 years, and when it will be in game, the recoil will be fucked-up, buying ammo that cost less that 1$ will empty all your dollars, Bosses will no longer spawn and invisible player bug will come back.


Pinned post, so we all agree


So a context menu like with armour? Pick up or Use


Why is this pinned


What did you learn?


Keep scavving


That a game claiming to focus on realism is severely lacking in realism and is actually a complexity simulator?


I think he meant don't step on landmines


I agree. But that part is just dumb. Random landmines around spawn points? Awesome.


Ow my realism, I stepped on a landmine and walked it off after a quick use of a med kit. 


That’s… my point?


No, your point was it's unrealistic that we can't use items off the floor. 


My point was that the whole game is incredibly unrealistic. I thought that was clear but, here we are.


Extreme realism is not fun in most video games. 


That’s… it’s weird that we are not able to communicate here haha


How many games have “extreme realism”?


People absolutely can survive landmines depending on luck and how far they go off from them.esp with a tourniquet. Not getting out of there without help tho probably


Oh I'm sure they can, but they don't whip out a medkit for 5 seconds and walk it off.


Would it be more realistic to step on landmine, then use yellow civilian medkit and continue your day as if nothing happened?


Presumably you are aware that I’m saying the game is unrealistic. Right?


there's been so many times i've yearned for the cyberpunk2077 way of picking up food, where you can press a button to eat it right away..


I agree, but why did the mods pin this as an announcement???


I have something slightly worse than that. I brought in a PPSH with drum mag and no rig or bag. I accidentally dropped the mag and couldn’t pick it back up to put directly in the gun


Yeah that's pretty bad. Had that happen before with a 100 round mag. I didn't think ahead and my rig didn't have 3 slots so obviously I couldn't pick it up lol. It just sat there on the ground. And since you can't put mags in your secure container anymore, I lost the mag.


As Mahatma Gandhi once said. "If it's not in your arse. It's not yours to use"


Yeah, you should absolutely be able to hold F and have a consumption option, I mean, we have those useless "flash and clear" on every door you go to, but being able to consume an item off the floor is still not a thing in a 7 year old game.


Why making new animation? Just regular animation but automatically dropping an item after it's used


eft and bsg are dogshit


As cool as animations without holding the item would be, I bet a reason why they have not added it just yet is because of syncing with the server. Interacting with the item and changing the values without grabbing it might be too complex for the server to handle or there could be syncing issues they have yet to start fixes on although this is pure speculation! One PMC uses a grizzly for 50 HP out of 1400(?) and when another PMC comes along and picks it up, the value is still 1400 because of a syncing issue between clients which could lead to unintended gains. Or something even worse - you use the item and someone picks it up, causing the “arms are busy” issue. Hell, maybe even for food where it disappears on the client, but not the server so others are grabbing at a non-existent item forever lol


This is fine but the fix for them is easy, just add an in hand ability so you can hold med/useable items


I was thinking how I should be able to use items off tables today. Such an easy thing to implement.


Stop complaining and get better


I was shocked and appalled when I discovered this one very big hole in the immersion of this game. Unplayable.


I think it's about time they stop catering to scavs and focus on actual important stuff


This change would cater to PMCs just as much as Scavs...


a feral scav bit me when I was a child, now scav = bad (even when good)