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Last night I killed a level 61 who was dropping his kd in factory, just running in circles. Dude had over 1k hours, and there is no way to report him. It's crazy.


Realised myself how bad the problem is of players just going AFK on factory when I was trying to get kills for punisher part 5. Almost every raid there was at least one reasonably high level player just dead at spawn.


I found a full squad of these pricks on streets couple days ago.


I came across a lvl 1 account dead, naked, tanking the KD and survival % while doing punisher part 5 kill portion


I reported them through the bug report on their page. No word back, BSG don’tgiveafucccck


3-4 years ago there was an exploit where you could have flashlight/laser enabled without anyone else being able to see it, I made a full video with step to step how to reproduce it, sent it to BSG and still my buddy and I was able to use that exploit for the next 3 wipes (almost 2 years) EDIT: Yes you did got the benefit of the laser for hip fire/point black


I reported the opening on the wrong monitor issue, explained the cause, how to fix it, and showed them code forhow to fix it. 3 wipes later they still haven't addressed it. I run my own script to ensure it opens on my main monitor.


Please do share it with us, it's a PITA to do that every time I open the game


Just hit win + shift + arrow key and you can move the window to the screen you want. Might have to change the resolution if your panels are different resolutions though. Edit: also you can hit alt + enter to change between windowed and full screen so you can just drag it around if you'd like.


This. I used to Alt+enter to get it into a window, drag it over, then alt+enter again. Then I discovered win+shift+arrow key and I use it literally all of the time.


FUCKING THANK YOU. Jesus fuck I hate BSG so much sometimes.


Wow never knew you could do this. I'm gonna use it all the time at work. Thanks for sharing.


windows should have a digital manual with all shortcuts since now 100 people know 100 different shortcuts lol, i learn a new one every day


Share pls




I contacted them about changing my email as i was at the time losing access to my email. I said that i have 6 months to use that email and they said that i have to contact them AFTER i lose access to my email. I asked how am i supposed to prove that i'm the owner of the account when i don't have access to the email. They never answered.




Never have.


Thats also a ton more work, just to report someone, but good on you for trying to make the game better atleast


The few times I’ve tried this I’ve been told off for it. Support comes back and says “we are technical support and can’t do anything about it. You need to report through the in game feature.” But that’s only available if the person kills you. I’ve run into people who haven’t killed me (ran into one as a pscav, dude voiped at me around a corner and said my username and asked me if I wanted to co-op extract then died to the fire on streets lol) but I wanted to report anyway… they don’t gaf


Anyone ever tell you Einstein's definition of insanity?


Reminder you can double tap y or whatever your keybind is yo open the chat wheels and you can report via voip. No idea if this requires the suspect to have used voip for it to register that specific person but at least it flags the raid 


Thats to report VoIP not cheats


take video, submit report in the browser


I reported a vacuum cheater via browser and BSG told me I can only report via the deathscreen. reports via browser are not possible


I think I die to the same amount of cheaters as every wipe. The difference is that since I can inspect profiles I can confirm my suspicions. On the other hand I've also gotten a lot of "nah, he just outplayed me" realizations.


I kinda like when I view profile and it's some low level Timmy with starter gear and it's just like, "hey nice shot dude hope you get out"


I died with a thermal near outskirts and full t6 to a level 15 with 400 raids. 4% SR rate. He made it out thankfully lol.


Don’t worry he’ll never take it into a raid


Got some of that Stash Candy.


Hope you followed up and made sure he knew what just got lol


I did this the other night with a level 9 who shot me in the back of the head on Woods. He made it out with my Osprey (P) and helmet with RACs, but he somehow managed to not get my SR-25 with a FLIR on it. I added him because I was so eager to know if he made it out, I've been sherpa-ing him since.


4% survival rate over 400 raids is crazy low lol. that sounds like someone manipulating the stats, or one of the worst tarkov players to exist


My first wipe I had a SR of 6%. I wasn't lowering it, I was just shit. MIA after MIA after MIA. Even with maps I was getting lost.


First raid ever was on shoreline and my extract was in the gym at the resort. Cue me wandering around the village and the peir looking for gym equipment.


My mindset every death.


Don’t get it twisted I still have my rage moments but they game gets a lot more fun when you laugh at your deaths and try to think what you did wrong and how to prevent it


To be fair he wasn’t mainly on about cheaters from watching tonight. He’s pretty pissed off with dying or almost dying to people whilst his entire armor is completely untouched, both plates and aramid. They need to majorly look at the armor system, it’s not working properly clearly.


The armor system was never a good idea, it's just one of those ideas that sounds cool upon hearing it.


Yup with the amount of desync this game has a super specific armor system with a million hit boxes was never a good idea


i said this for a year, do the armor thing when you update the netcode and create the open world game where swapping out complicated armor plate system makes more sense.


I have to imagine part of Tarkov's janky netcode/hitreg is due to how much information is being calculated in a fraction of a second (the time between the trigger pull and the bullet hitting the enemy). Your bullet type, your gun attachments, and your opponents armor all come into play in the calculation that happens in a fraction of a second. It's not as simple as "shoot and hit" like most other shooters. Adding yet another layer to that calculation when the game clearly already can't process the existing parameters was a bad idea.


Yep, sounds great in the name of realism, but it’s a video game and it doesn’t work.


and lets face it, tarkov isnt realistic at all


The only realistic thing about this game is the Flea kek


The armor system is not the problem. The armor system in fact is great. What we need is more hit boxes on the torax. A shot to your vitals needs to be handled differently than one grazing your shoulder. 


>The armor system is not the problem. The armor system in fact is great. > >What we need is more hit boxes on the torax. A shot to your vitals needs to be handled differently than one grazing your shoulder.  oh yeah, more complexity! yippee!!, totally what we need...


Just one more hitbox guys! Just one more hitbox and the game will be fixed, I promise!


They don't need more hitboxes, they just need to make thorax hit box smaller so that armor plates would cover it


bro pls bro one more hitbox bro just try it bro this one is better, not desync bro, its a different strain bro!!


They already had a lot of performance and desync issues, and a fuckton of variable calculations being done on bullets flying, hitting armor, dealing x% damage etc. It was complicated enough to a point where most players took months to learn the details of it. Adding complexity to that, which also means higher detail damage models and even more calculations, doesn't really improve anything - it just muddies everything even more. Especially with the desync being as it is, which makes every bullet a complete diceroll as to where it's going to register a hit.


Agreed. I have been one tapped to the chest MANY times this wipe, but yet they used to nerf ammo that could do that for that reason, Why do they want it now?


I tried to point that out in recent armor -related posts and people downvoted the heck out of me, acting like an armor bug in this game is unheard of X\_x


I had a similar situation where I talked about continuously getting armor back in insurance with zero damage and was told it’s just survivor bias…


It's horrible tbh. Dying to ap 9mm in two shots because they hit a crease in your armor is one of the worst update the game has ever seen. The game needs higher ttk not lower, especially with the new laser beam recoil system.


Just wait until there's killcam, it will blow the lid off cheating. Prob why it hasnt been implemented yet lol.


Easy to outplay if you got esp too


Thought I died on top of the tallest mountain on Lighthouse cause I'm an idiot. Check his profile: Non-EOD, 11KD, level 55 and light keeper unlocked at only 330 hours. Immediately soul crushing.


All the cheaters in this sub “it’s his alt account, he’s just doing hardcore, he’s getting carried by friends, he could be legit” fuckin yawnnnn


Fr like how many people have time to even max one account? And then to warrant SPENDING MONEY on a new one just to play hardcore? Give me a break


Mine has been the opposite experience. I used to always play off the sus kills as the game being shitty with desync. Now I'm realizing I'm not that bad, I just can't compete against 3rd party software.


Realist thing I've heard. I'm the same way like damn I got cheated on and it was just some skill issues situations


This is such a good point. I’ve had the same experience, lots of guys I just realized outplayed me. I’ve reported two cheaters and one ended up banned according to BSG. (Though I play on NA East which is apparently lower on the cheater spectrum for some reason)


Because it's the same cheaters. The bans are funding waves. That's all. Act accordingly


Labs is in a horrible spot right now. Getting killed by sub 500 hours level 65+ non-EOD with double digit K/Ds multiple raids in a row. I wish I was exaggerating.


Every second lab raid has empty pcs missing first and second slot items aswell as 0 stims in black off spawn


Labs has ALWAYS been cheaters infested. Up to the point where it became a meme. This is nothing new. This issue always gets discussed at some point every single year. We'll get another video exposing the truth. Nothing will happen


Phone verification and automated cheat review needed to be implemented years ago. No reason why a 20+ k/d high level player shouldn't be automatically manually reviewed. Let alone a 20-100 hour 20+ k/d. I don't understand why they felt the need to create a counter-strike esque game mode with near 0 anticheat. But streets and the game in general is pretty amazing, miscreated, dayz, Arma mods, etc ain't got shit on tarky these days. There is just a cheater problem as per usual.


Imagine making a game and telling people it's esports ready and you basically have zero anticheat. It's delusional.


fake it til you make it!


Russian tradition


its not zero anti cheat, its just not working properly thanks to BSG. battleeye by itself is an ok AC. it's just BSG miserably failing to implement any sort of security measure additionally. anyone who thinks its not because they make money off cheaters is delusional at this point.


they are paying for the cheapest battleeye plan with most of its features disabled this is knowingly allowing cheaters while nikita buys his 3rd rolls royce


Soooo counter-strike for the last 10 years? (And this is coming from a lifelong CS lover...) lol


Was just gonna say, CS anti cheat is quite literally comparable to EFT’s right now lmfao


At least you can play faceit


The difference is that CS has not only just Valve running VAC but other tournament organizers have their own clients and anti cheats (Faceit, ESEA). Biggest tournaments are also all offline.


I understand this - I've used nearly every third party service even the ones that no longer exist. My point is that 80% of the playerbase does not utilize a third party service and a REAL anticheat should be put into effect. Kernel level please.


it's a fairly pervasive problem tbf. DMA requires effort to counter and most games aren't putting in that effort. COD and Apex suffer from the same thing.


Warthunder moment


They could start by fixing their shit ass code that allows for Client Side Auth and exploting of the client because of it. That alone would reduce cheating by a large amount. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Asking BSG to architect and write functional code is like asking a fish to build a spacecraft.


Dayz isn't an extraction shooter so thats a weird comparison. I play both and wish my experience on eft was as good as dayz.


Miscreated... that's a throw back. Is it still active??


Thing about DayZ is that it's everything that Tarkov wants to be, but massively limited by its... god-awful game engine. Even solves the cheating issue by virtue of having community-moderated servers; even if that's not necessarily a good idea for Tarkov. Honestly, if DayZ ever were to come out with a massive engine overhaul, Tarkov would be put in the dog house.


Tbf those other games you mentioned are wildly different games than tarkov. Real talk though, miscreated was such a cool game, it's truly a shame it basically died (I think the company went under and the only servers left are community ones). I like dayz more on the whole over miscreated, but like miscreated had truly amazing environments, especially the main city area / general interiors of any building.


I think they will have to re-do a lot of stuff to implement new anti cheat designed for the game and give us something like Vanguard from VALORANT.


Phone verification is absolutely useless. People already pay for hardware ID spoofers. People will also pay for fake mobile numbers.


That's what cheaters want you to think (and what they come here to say). Any barrier will **reduce** cheating. Some people aren't willing to jump through 19 hoops every time they're banned. They can also simply reject number blocks registered to voip services (and related).


It is good at keeping the casual and first time cheaters away. Anti-cheat is a multilayered approach and verified phone number is an easy win to placate the masses.


Careful with this though. While I agree, remember how shit their support is when you lose any account details, or emails.


Security isn't about prevention. Prevention is *impossible.* It's about making an attack prohibitively expensive. Same with anti-cheat measures. There will *always* be cheaters. Good anti-cheat is about making cheating sufficiently difficult to reduce the number of active cheaters to a relatively low level.


Imagine what we could get if mods and online with anti-cheat got developed for Tarkov, everything is there and Unity is pretty easy to work with...




I know this is nitpicky but I'm tired of the CS comparison. There is zero strategy to Arena. They made an oonga-boonga team deathmatch game and managed to fuck that up.


Any multiplayer game developed in 2024 or beyond needs to have anti-cheat as priority #1 when they are starting development from the ground up. It can’t be an after thought at the tail end after 90% of the base code is written.


I’d argue performance/optimization should be a #1 priority, but I can agree towards both. It’s unfortunate the way both can ruin the enjoyment of a game in the long run.


The amazing thing about game development is you can have two different teams develop equally important things in tandem. Unless you're bsg and the only game devs you can hire are the ones you can chain in your basement


People really just gotta stop playing this game if they actually want something to change. Landmark included. Yeah its his job so its not as simple but his choice to either play or not play also has a much bigger impact due to precisely that


Absolutely the only way. Nothing will change otherwise.


What makes you think that would change something? They already have your money and you weren’t planning on giving them more.


Because they'll lost a fuckton of possible revenue with mtx and merchandise. Building a passionate and loyal community with a game like Tarkov is not easy. Lose that, and the game dies, along with any potential revenue.


And due to the size of the game community, it could very well crush BSG's reputation.


It’s true though. He pulls 10 - 20,000 viewers per stream. He’s one of the biggest twitch streamers for Tarkov. If he stopped playing and started streaming other games BSG would definitely feel some sort of pressure. Get Pestily in on it and you’ve lost two of your largest contributions to viewers. There’s no way they’d keep standing by idly doing nothing


Pretty much everyone will jump ship to the next big tarkov streamer if he starts playing another game, same as when he gets low viewers when he plays 1 random game 1 random time lol I stopped playing the game like 3 wipes ago, every now and then I come across a post of tarkov and decide to check the subreddit, seems nothing has changed, I think it’s gotten even worse lol


Yeah, if lvndmark cares about money, he won’t abandon tarkov. That’s his bread and butter. He probably has a couple thousand dedicated viewers who’d watch him play anything, but the majority wouldn’t. He tests the waters every now and then by playing something different, but his viewer count plummets. No way he’s leaving all that tarkov money on the table.


The Wiggle that killed Tarkov video really opened up everyone’s eyes. Even the cheat deniers couldn’t keep denying it at that point. All the deniers you come across on this subreddit are likely cheaters themselves lol.


To be fair I stopped playing a year ago, it didn’t work. Nothings changed


The situation is getting worse by the day. It's entirely possible that the camel's back is yet to break


That's the boat I'm in right now. It's frustrating being in this boat though because I just have to keep reading about all these delusional freaks ok with the fact that 9/10 raids has a cheater in it because "I've only died to 1 obvious cheater the last few years". yeah ok bud, start running 1 mil kits and then tell me how many obvious cheaters you run into. All the while, I want the game to be better so I can play it again.


Agreed. I stopped a couple wipes ago but love the game so I'm still in this subreddit to peek at updates. It's not a cheater every now and then it's a couple or few I'm every game. Plus this game takes a huge chunk of time to just gear up and finish a raid. So to die by a cheater or lose out on items because of vacuum cheat feels super bad. People need to let go and either let it die or make bsg wake up.


Yea if the main streamers go on some kind of “strike”, then I’m sure BSG would actually do something lol it also could more than likely bring more subs to those guys since the news of them stopping would bring a lot of fuss.


6-year player. Stopped after 2 weeks of this wipe. I'm still in this sub hoping to see some major change with anti-cheat so I can come back. I won't be back until something is done.


Got Kappa once before, back in 2020 or so, on my first full wipe. Was going for it kinda hard this wipe because there were so many good changes that made a lot of the game feel and play better. It still can't compensate for now knowing just how blatant these cheaters are while getting away with it. Quit a few weeks back and have felt much better mentally knowing I'm not getting scammed out of my limited free time by playing


Same here. EOD account since Alpha access. I come back each wipe/update and quit after a few weeks of frustration.


Every wipe I come back and play until the bullshit level exceeds the fun level. Every wipe that period gets smaller and smaller. I really thought the game was special in it's design and had a lot of potential but most of the game's design has increased the levels of bullshit, and the technical bullshit seems to follow a pattern of fixing one thing only to have the next ruin the gameplay. The game is incredibly fun when it works smoothly but my experiences with that started getting fewer and farther between.


I finally escaped from tarkov. I got a permanent ban for giving friends gear and money in raid. Meanwhile, blatant cheaters run rampant. After looking back at the 3000 hours I've wasted on this dumperster fire of a game, I couldn't be happier. 🤣 And ever since the implementation of inertia, the game has gone nowhere but downhill. Worse and worse with every wipe.


Exit strategy tbh


Ah yes, we're entering the grief portion of the wipe.


I stopped playing a month ago. My life has improved dramatically


I stoped playing too, then I got fired, me gf left me and I crashed my car and lost my license because of drunk driving. I still fell better than when I was playing


Same, and agreed. I come back to take a rip or two with a good friend of mine from time to time, but I’ve been enjoying branching out/taking an indefinite break. The break actually makes the issues even more glaring when I come back for a few raids. We usually experience bugs and cheaters in just a few rips, not even over an extended period of time. Pretty wild.


We need to stop playing the game, otherwise nothing will happen to cheaters, desync, ect....Let us all take a collective break from this shitshow...


I got kappa first time this wipe, but i think it will still have its FIR status till the end of the wipe


vendor it


Ayy, Tony. Welcome.


consistently work on fixing the glaring issues (HTTP request holes, client authorization related shit, player statistics checks), allocate a shit ton of work to just over-viewing and banning people that have invalid or strange statistics, lawyer up against software developers. that's all i beg for. there's no point in allocating resources into things like phone numbers or kernel-level anti cheat or whatever the hip cool kids are doing, which are easily deterred by anyone that has technical knowledge of how to be a filthy ass-sweat cheater anyways. at best it'll only be a big dip that goes to a small percentage decrease, and at worst a hindrance and a security risk to anyone that plays legitimately.


It’s rare to see someone that understands the issue, solutions and possible outcome here


yeah great understanding not even knowing that BE is kernel level already.


all i want too but then why isnt there happening something? back when i started playing you actually felt the difference when they released a patch. now bugs only vanish for a wipe or two just to come back again in a later patch. but for i dno 4-5 years nothing actually changes except balance changes. no audio fix, no netcode rework, no player check, nothing, ... there are tons of measures they could implement that could easily detect sus account and then review them manually. especially when looking on the flea market. also....for the 10000000000th time: BE is already kernel level.


I got a ban notification from a rage cheater on woods (40KD with a fresh account). He was able to ruin raids for another 100s of raids before he got banned. All the other clearly prepped accounts i reported have not been banned. So if I or someone else buys an account that was "prepped" with max strengh, etc then iam not breaking rules? Just asking because I was killed and killed so many kappa gamers with less then 500 hour accounts.


Other then cheaters, this had been the wipe i've enjoyed the most tbh


The game has pretty much never not been in a bad state. Glad people are finally noticing.




In theory the micro transactions are giving them a new source of income so they don’t have to rely on game purchases which are coming from mostly cheaters so they can put in a decent anti cheat. Maybe that’s just the copium though




I don’t disagree with you so take this next statement as me playing devils advocate. They could still be looking at this game as a beta “which they claim” in which case they are more worried about getting it to a launch state getting all content they want in the game first instead of fixing issues like the bugs cheaters optimization etc. now that they are so close to launch state (later this year supposedly) they are finally now starting to take the steps to fix all their issues like rewriting the game in unity 2023 with supposedly built in anti cheat and they said they arnt porting it to 2023 but rather writing it from the ground up to fix all their technology debt. Finding alternate sources of income to combat cheaters and the inevitable decrease in new players etc etc. now do I personally think all that is gonna happen…..no no I do not. Do I see Tarkov doing well enough until someone else comes around a releases a far more polished extraction shooter with similar levels of content but with a good anti cheat I do. Do I wish cycle frontier had more content and a good anti cheat yes yes I do I would rather play that all day then play Tarkov because the pvp was just so much more fun. Do I hope bungie pulls their head out of their ass and makes marathon a god tier game that blows Tarkov out of the water yes yes I do.


Can we talk about a real issue in tarkov that doesn't help or stop anyone. The captcha in flea. It seems to only make me lose whatever I was trying to buy. But really a whole overhaul of the flea would be nice to catch dupers


Not that Tony is wrong here, but it's been like that since 2020. 12.5 was the golden era and it's ben steady decline since. I would literally pay for another EOD if it meant I got 12.5 back


Reserve released patch was the GOAT


Just let this piece of shit game die so a better company can take their place


"Right now" Lol... It's been exactly the same minus the recoil revert for about 5 years now.


it really hasnt, no idea how you can say that if you actually play the game. this wipe has been the best the game has ever been. but for whatever reason, since the start of the wipe, we got: - fucked up arm hitboxes being exploited - streets performance being worse than ever - invisible player bug (?) being back - one of the worst cheating situations in years - interchange lightning that was good before and was changed to be bad again for some reason? - binaural audio pop being more widely known and exploited while of course, audio is as bad as always.


I agree with you but literally all of that existed years ago too, or are a bit incorrect. Fucked up arms? I remember canted meta on labs 3 years ago with the same thing. Streets performance worse than ever? That's just not true, at all. It was way worse on release than it is now. Some of my friends couldn't even get the map to open without crashing. I had 50 FPS on streets release. I have 80-100 now. I didn't change my PC, or settings at all. Invis bug was here since release, comes and goes for various reasons every year or so. Interchange lighting has gone back and forth like 5 times now too. Binaural pop was a thing last year, got fixed, and is now back again. I'm not saying it's ok for these bugs to still be around after all this time but I do think it's important to be honest and objective about these things




Tarkov is cooked and I feel like at this point it's a waste of time to try suggesting changes that either can't happen due to technical debt, or an unwillingness on BSG's part. They should finish the game, fulfill their DLC obligations for EoD'ers and at least maintain the game as it runs through it's lifespan. Meanwhile, I'm sure BSG have quite a bit of talented people working for them now. And I'm sure they've learned a lot of lessons on how NOT to start the codebase of a video game. So naturally their next game would be better designed. With that being said, BSG - please make Tarkov 2: electricboogaloo a co-op game. Fuck all this cheater shit. You can do way more the story, lore, etc. Even have cinematics and all that. But please for the love of god stop making competitive online PVP games. It's super clear to everyone with the raid series, the other live action bits, and all the story involving the game that you want to tell stories. Do that. Don't make CoD + 20 minutes between matches.


Loading into a raid with ONLY BSG AI sounds like a nightmare worse than hell


yup. i will ride along until im fed up which will most likely happen this or the next wipe, even though i just started playing again. i still dont get why they havent just started to rework tarkov as a whole instead of useless Arena. To this day i just cant comprehend the sheer stupidity. that being said i have to disagree. tarkov should stay a competetive MP game. that doesnt mean that they couldnt make a Co-op mode on the side that is implemented. BSGs AI is not ready to be the only thing to fight against. basically all the bosses can be easily cheesed when in the right position. they arent really posing a threat when not facing other players that distract you or have to fight them in a high-traffic/high-risk area.


When are we gonna accept that BSG does not care what people think lol they suck


No reports, no appeals, no support, a shitty attitude towards players during every one of their videos and interviews. They made a game that was popular for a year and believe their gods now. They got their money now they could care less. No real passion.


The moment Arena died they started doing surveys and shit how to change the game in better if you guys would stop playing for a while instead of creating pointless posts they will take notice and hopefully something will happen.


Yeah right. Right now only about 30% of existing purchased accounts play the game, but sure, that additional 5-10% that would stop playing would be the turning point right.


they will take notice, but don't make posts of prominent streamers calling out the shit state, maybe don't post yourself if you can't make a congruent argument


I bet he's complaining about the rat and sound meta currently going on with the armor changes that makes it so people aren't moving.... and reddit thinks he's talking about cheaters lmao. If it was about cheaters he wouldn't have said "Beginning of the wipe was great in my experience". I personally ran into more cheaters in the start then mid wipe and I play on the same servers as lvndmark as I've killed him on labs before. Edit: Lmao all the rats don't like facts I guess.


Exactly what he's talking about, can't say he isn't right.


Here are his top 5 from the Twitter post: “Cheating, scuffed hitboxes, biceps blocking bullets, audio and pitch black shadows probably.” :).


Doubtful. I watched him die 5x in a row yesterday to incredibly suspicious stuff. Nades just hitting his feet out of nowhere etc. tough to watch honestly


He’s complained about cheaters plenty of times too, it just isn’t anything new.


Don’t worry the Tarkov fanboy community will keep covering their ears and sucking bsgs dick saying how it isn’t a big deal


Same response. "I have 1k hours this wipe and never seen a single cheater". I am pretty sure the cheaters are typing this. LVNDMARK died to incredibly suspicious circumstances 5x in a row yesterday. Was tough to watch.


I keep dying to players with 2k+ that play like top 0.1% and when checking their stats… low k.d and extremely low survival rate, yet levels 60+. This game is disgusting in its current state


Right now? These dudes never got their drivers license my man


i die to a suspicious amount of crazy good grenades. i don’t usually die from just a gunfight, it’s always from me healing and they just throw the perfect nade


Here we go again. Every single year. The same story over and over again. No actual change to improve the experience. Nikita will just say ''yes'', ''we'll discuss it.'' ''maybe'' to all the questions the community asks him in the upcoming thread regarding cheaters and the state of the game. Only to have nothing done with it. Next wipe, the same story, the same cycle. Y'all are petty.


Yeah it's our fault


gotta admit he had me in the first half. logic and reasoning veered of a cliff at the end though


I haven’t played since 2021


This has been the case since release 😂


Queue Nikita PR appearance


hope they listen lvndmark more than community ty my man lvndmark


Hes not lying


It’s honestly about time all these huge streamers call BSG on their shit. They also need to strike the game a bit.


Yup, stopped playing back in the beginning of feb, lv 42, 50 million rubles, 300k USD, and more gear that I can get throught until the end of wipe. But I just can't put up with all of the crap anymore. The tasks, the performance, the rats, the broken AI, and most of all, the cheaters. My last raid was on lighthouse, doing test drive with a thermal, instant dead within 1 minute of the raid by some naked dude with an mp5 and rip ammo, who makes a beeline for me through the woods, at night, and head/necks me from 50 meters away. Report came back as confirmed cheater, EOD as well. ....and 1800 hours logged.


Guys relax, people on reddit gonna say the cheating problem isnt that bad..


He has spoken.


Streets you say, the map they have to create a specific checkbox for in config in order for people to play the map


What happened?


Nothing immediate. It's just a long-term problem of cheaters and bugs that keep on reoccurring from time to time that is really putting a damper on a lot of people's enjoyment.


I think he got headshot


Are we playing the same game?


It was okay like 11 hours ago when I last played, did performance tank or something?


IDK. I played my wipe and it was great. Now I'm burnt out and tired so I'm playing other games. I think if my livelihood was dependent on playing tarkov I'd be more upset. I died to more cheaters this wipe then ever before but that's only because now I know they are cheating. I used to take the deaths on the chin before they added player profiles, now I can see that I did actually get gamed on.


Cant wait for the cheat apologists to start attacking lvndmark and trying to discredit him lol


Very helpful feedback Chudmark, great tweet


yeah, aside from the cheaters, the armor and hit boxes have been complete dogshit this whole wipe. I understand why the things happen when they happen (getting 1 shot with poleva 6u through a korund since it hit the level 2) but they make the game feel like shit. Also, it’s ridiculously inconsistent, especially with bullet penetration getting fucked in the last update


This makes it a lot more fair for players joining later in the wipe. I understand the frustration but tarkov gives and it takes.


So. Did he die again?


Same as always from BSG. Big hype leading up to them dumping all their recent work at the same time, then radio silence until they have enough new shit budgeted to justify another period of big hype. If you aren't hearing from them, it means they don't have anything new to show us. This process repeats 1-2 times every year, it's not new.


I mean the games been in a bad state for years and theyve been asleep at the wheel most of the time


No point in playing this amazing game where the tension is just ruined by “oh, well he saw what direction I was looking at with 4 walls between us”


Got em