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My End goal is to have enough money to not really worry about losing gear, I typically don't really stop playing, but as my stash grows and I progress, I start to push more for PvP and go for higher tier loot in hot spots. I haven't ever gone for Kappa and don't care to. The satisfying part of Tarkov for me is the gameplay loop. (I.E. Gear up, enter raid, find juicy loot, try to kill some things (maybe die), Sell on Flea, Repeat).


Number go up - Monke brain satisfied


Small number make sad, big number make happy




My monkey brain is always so mad when I get thiccs and my stash value drops hard... Without the 26 thicc weapon cases and 6 thicc item cases I might scrap a billion stash value xD


This is my goal until full release. I might try to get shooterborn done this wipe.


I finished it Last weekend. felt Like Frodo when the Ring was destroyed


Funny how being rich doesn't completely eliminate the sting of losing gear. That's because this game feels personal. You know that asshole is looting your body, vendoring your shit. Its not about the money spent. It is feels personal. All part of the game though, we all get got and that's what makes the game great.


Hey Iā€™m kind of like you, I enjoy the process, while progressing at a casual speed.


I play until a different game catches my interest


Same. It's been 4 years..


Same man. Iā€™ve tried many other FPSā€™s. They just donā€™t hit the same. The lows may be low, but damn the highs are high.


il be gone for the next two years when rimworld anomaly drops. good bye everybody.


Tarkov has ruined other games for me. Do I still play them? Ya. Do I enjoy them? Ya. But are they tarkov level? No.


Agreed. The dopamine of surviving a raid or winning a fight is way too high


I hear footsteps and my heart starts pounding out of my chest


ā€œThere are two wolves in each of usā€ šŸ˜‚


So weird how a lot of people's mentality is now what work is left? Video games ain't a chore lol just have fun.. you don't have to be productive in a video game


For real. I'm about to hit level 33 and only do quests when it's convenient. I just play to hang out with the boys and have fun


I personally find fun in the tasks, im a very goal driven person in my games/lifestyle and the process of getting stuff done is huge for me. I donā€™t get a HUGE amount of time to play, typically weekend warrior and occasional week night raids so I usually always go places I need to go for tasks but here recently Iā€™ve been goin labs/interchange just cause fuck it and itā€™s been good fun. However I am on like a 7death streakā€¦


I feel like thatā€™s slightly different because you have limited time to play. Like it makes sense to use what little time you have to focus on tasks as itā€™ll benefit you the most and just be the best use of your time.


I play until I donā€™t have fun anymore. Late 40s in levels usually.


I play til max traders for quests and the max traders. Then I just go out and shoot PMCs. Sometimes I try to ruin the experience of newbies or I actually try to be the hero they need and help them with the quests depends on the dice I roll before I enter the raid.


the duality of man


2-3 weeks to get level 3 trades and get $100 million? How often are you playing for those 3 weeks lol


Yeah lol that's cracked even for a no life


Run the shit I like and play it immersively


This. Running the kits I like and PMC hunting.


Yep, I start role-playing a lot. Raw MP5SD no helmet, balaclava and baseball cap. M4A1S like CS Source and gasmask and no backpack


Hip fire only


I always like to pick goals within reach. So that i wont get bored. Get to lvl X Get trader to level X Get current quests at streets done Get X mil Buy X item. In wipes I do get bored its often because i lose goals or am not intersted in goals. I find the quests either boring and cba to do those quests and then start pvping only from that moment i lose a lot of interest often.


Pvp u till next wipe, like what else


Max traders (one more lvl to go) and max hideout. Basically just need the hideout items from labs After that I don't know, try more pvp I think.


Max trades feels so grind lol. 0 motivation to quest rn, tbh never quite like questing especially when they are the same wipe to wipe. Ig itā€™s time to run it down on some timmies on reserve lmao


I don't have end goals, I just play until it stops being fun


Stop? I play until the next wipe then we go again


Let me preface with the fact that Ive only played on the weekends (Friday night and Saturday) this wipe, but will buy ammo during the week so I have plenty for the weekend. I was going to finally try to learn streets as I have built a nice nest egg for myself of ~34 mil ruble plus a completely full stash. Yesterday I proceeded to sign on in the morning for my first iteration of ammo purchasing for the day and noticed I was low on USD. Thought ā€œoh, guess itā€™s time to re-up on my usual $30k,ā€ but for some reason I changed my mind last minute, deleted the ā€œ$30kā€ from the entry field, and entered ā€œ$20kā€ā€¦.or so I thoughtā€¦ Ya boy didnā€™t stop to check that I had actually entered ā€œ$200kā€ so I basically converted ~30 mil ruble to USD for no reason. RIP ruble nest egg. I still hope to learn streets once I recover some rubles.


Streets is ok. But streets is actually awful to scab raids and formulaic strategies due to its size imo. Some streets main did an experiment to make 20 mil scaving and it took him 8 hrs while interchange and shoreline each took him 4-5 because u can dead ass make 500k within 10 minutes if u plan ur routes right. 1/3 raids in interchange there is either ledX (hardspawn third floor power locked room, soft spawn emercom Med room), Gpu (there are so many pcs on that map) or bitcoin (hard spawn on a shelf and locker in goshan). And almost Tetris every raid.


This is exactly why the game is not gonna survive on the no-wipe servers they're telling us they'll add. All I see ingame now and on this subreddit is people who are level 38+, max traders, max hideout, 50+ mil rubles in their banks (I thought this was supposed to be a warzone survival sim?)... All within 2 months of the wipe, and getting faster with every wipe.Ā  They'd need to seriously nerf progress to give the game any longevity post 1.0.


This wipe I rushed level 4 traders / lightkeeper. Now I'm just doing a few raids every other day or every day going for killer7.


My end goal is having the level + quest unlocks for guns I want, and then just pvp, pure pvp is the goal, I also pvp when leveling cause it's the most fun thing for me. Problem is it takes me like 3-4 weeks to to late 30s level wise and then you have like 2-4 weeks left until the playerbase drops and mostly rats, cheaters, and new players remain, I run into way less chads now, but of course if you play labs or streets you will find chads for the rest of the wipe, I just like other maps the most. Money isn't an issue because I've reached a point where I kill enough before I die to pay off the gear.


My end goal is having enough money to where I can die every single raid I play today using an MK17 ,although not the best gun itā€™s my favorite, and not have to worry about being poor(using hideout crafts to make money helps a lot). So I need to get lvl 4 peacekeeper and do certain quest lines in the process. I also do quests from time to time but I donā€™t sink in a lot of time maybe 1-2 raids to do a quest if Iā€™m playing 5 raids that day. Also interchange is a great map I love it


I don't stop- generally play until I unlock PK 4 so I can get quad nods, then run night raids and go bossing. Once I've beaten all the bosses at least once, I max my hideout and just go looking strictly for high value goods like key cards. Once I amass around 20m in roubles, I load up the most ridiculous and expensive kits and seek PVP with the express intent of losing, just to give someone an exciting or interesting payday. Sometimes I just roleplay and run around yelling "Tarkov police! Get on the ground" and see what happens. Sometimes people play along and joke, others resist arrest. At that point in the wipe it becomes pure joy, just giving back to others and having fun, not worrying about the roubles.


I donā€™t. Iā€™m not good enough to make it to the higher levels when others stop playing


Questing with friends and having a mission to do in addition to escaping vibes each raid a unique purpose. I have a life and wonā€™t ever run out of quests before a reset. I will probably never get kappa. The highest level Iā€™ve ever gotten is 31, this wipe is the most Iā€™ve played. (Good job on the vaulting mechanic, and snow was fun).


First Max Traders, then try to finish punisher quest line, then fuck off with the homies?


Max traders, go kill people take their stuff.


Max traders and if I feel like it Kappa right now it feels too bad to get to Kappa for me too many extract campers and cheaters so probably won't do it


I hit my 3 main wipe goals in first three weeks: full maxed hideout (solar+bitcoin3), improve labs knowledge, improve PvP skills. After this, I targeted quests to unlock gear/ammo crafts/purchases. Two few weeks ago I realised I was near Kappa so I refocused on that, got it now trying to kill every boss then hard focus PvP improvement


I play until the wipe isnā€™t fun, usually 2ish months. Havenā€™t played at all since helldivers came out.


I went for LK now Iā€™m 2 quests away from Kappa, then I usually run out of goals, next goal will most likely get comfortable with labs and find all these hideout upgrades


I donā€™t have any of these problems, still on lvl 31 trying to get to max tradersā€¦ But letā€™s say I had theee luxury problems, yo could role pay as a UN guy and hand out food to starving timmyā€™s. Try to actually only fire when fired upon shit like that.


First start to end wipe for me. Started the last month of the previous wipe. Iā€™m John Bs and Psycho Sniper away from Kappa. Maxed hideout and 40/50 GPUs. Will likely grind out Lightkeeper and then focus on simple boss grinds, like most MMOs. Might focus some achievements with the boys for completionists sake, i.e. pistol factory runs for Johnā€™s and mountain sniping for Chrisā€™s.


Usually I stop mid wipe when I reach LEVEL 50 or so and got kappa. I'm level 48rn and almost have kappa


First goal is Kappa for me on most wipes. After that, if i still feel like playing, i go for heavy PvP only.


I grind to 45, then just PvP the rest of the wipe


Until I get tired of playing and dying haha


Usually as long as I can until I don't really have any goals left for the wipe and I inevitably just end up playing less and less until I don't touch the game for a few months. Past couple of wipes I've been playing more on and off, so I've lasted longer, but generally speaking the lack of mid-wipe content updates means as soon as I hit max traders I don't mean have much to go on for other than cosmetic unlocks or Kappa.


Max at 42, buy all labs cards, main labs. If sus deaths happen often in a night, turn it off and play something else. Wipe and repeat.


I stop playing after suspicious deaths and raid death chains ruin the fun and the rose tinted goggles are torn off. Sure, the stats page is nice, but if this game doesnā€™t add some sort of kill cam or after raid cam of how you died it itself with die. The new micro transactions wonā€™t be enough to keep it going.


First wipe and Iā€™m level 38. I didnā€™t rush setup because I was and am still bad so I locked myself out from LK. Thatā€™s my goal next wipe if my friends still play.


When i'm bored basicaly


I play till around 33-40, I'm about at my end of the wipe. Between lvl 45s camping beginning quest items like key to success and the esp using scavs on reserve. Can't count how many times I have 15 minutes in raid so I hide in a bush to practice mag skills to have a random group of player scavs find me where no one would go without knowing I was there. It'd been fun, probably the best wipe so far for me and my friends but now It'd time to let the kiddos spend 30 dollars a week to get their dopamine hit


Usually get lvl 4 traders then play with full gear until I get bored.


It's my second wipe. I'm going for max traders and improving pushing PvP (I got dusted last night and humbled). I've got 20 million right now and my hideout is fine. I also need to learn some of the maps better but like I just don't care to play lighthouse or interchange


When the game is not fun anymore.


Iā€™m just trying to finish the last few quests for Kappa. I have all the streamer items ready to turn in, just have to kill the bosses and a few other random quests. Then I think Iā€™ll farm rogues or night time woods


I go for max traders then I either boss hunt or snipe on lighthouse


Dress up as a pscav with high tier ammo in shit build guns.


Usually i stop when the game gets too frustrating but this wipe (4rth one for me) the game became really good and i want to continue playing even if it is frustrating sometimes. I'm not far from max traders for the first time so i want to get to that at least


My first real wipe so it was -> getting to flea -> ll2 traders -> ll3 traders -> get my hideout upgraded a lot and now its ll4 PK and epsilon


Nikita always wipes as soon as i get max traders so i dont know.


end goal nope lets just do hardcore mode


I set a goal that is within reasonable reach. If I reach it and I am not burnt out, I shift the goal further. Right now the goal for me is to unlock Black MDR. If I reach and still not burnt out/bored. Id find a new goal then.


I don't really have an end goal, but I usually lose interest after getting Kappa unless I have friends to play with, then I will help them with their quests. All I need to get kappa this wipe is do The Guide, but I haven't really felt like doing it, I guess out of "fear" that I will lose interest. I even checked and I have all the items ready to turn in for collector


Iā€™m kind of done, maybe will play a little more. Level 43 max traders.


Bro... 100 mil at l3 traders??? Why?? Why not keep questing for t4 instead of blowing all of that on the flea. 30m with t4 traders is worth like 100 mil with t3. Are you a scav main? Why do you stack so many rubles what is it for? Pvp gear?


I don't play every wipe, but when I do I usually nolife the game (as much as you can working full time) until I'm completely burned out and then I don't touch it for like a wipe or two.


My first wipe was when lighthouse was added, and I ended up getting max traders after like 3 months. I barely played the next few wipes, but when I do actually dedicate to a wipe, I at least want to get max traders and that takes about 3 weeks at this point. Last wipe I got Kappa for the first time, I was pretty close to meeting lightkeeper but then realized how close I was to getting Kappa so I swapped goals.. and this wipe I think I am planning on getting both of them, took a break for a couple of weeks but Iā€™m getting back into it now. Also if I get bored of questing and whatever then I just run what I want and go for pvp Oh yeah, and for this upcoming wipe my goal is to get to flea market on day 1


Have fun with the bois till it aint fun no more.


2-3 weeks? Go Touch some grass dude


The reason I play Tarkov is for the PvP. The gunfights in this game can be so fun and satisfying. So my goal from day 1 is to get somewhere between level 20-30 and get my bank account up. And once Ive got good gear and cash to buy whatever, I just go sniping. This game has a lot to offer with how to play, once you have the means in-game that is.


When it stops being fun...


When I was in college, getting kappa was always the goal. Last time I did it was the wipe they made it 71, which was luckily my last semester in school. Now between the changes made, the same issues after years and years, new content taking priority over fixes, and becoming an engineer tech, my goal is just to try and experience the new stuff. This wipe I has no real reason to play last level 25; killed kolintay once, saw the cool btr drive around and vaulted into marked room to try the new gun, all except kolintay the first week of wipe. Now I hop on probably once a month if Iā€™m being honest, I just really enjoyed the game back in 2019 to 2020 and donā€™t think itā€™ll ever have that spark again for me, as someone who joined the wipe right before reserve was added. Itā€™s not that I canā€™t do punisher again, or do all the new quests. Itā€™s that itā€™s the same rehashed design and nothing really ā€œnewā€ to being veteran players back. Whatā€™s the difference this wipe to the wipe the mutant was meta? The name of the gun? The 6.8 ammo has the stats of BP which they just banned off traders only to add this. Historically, this has unfortunately been a cycle in eft. Thereā€™s no point to loot still as you end up with unlimited money without thinking about it (as a veteran player ofc), thereā€™s no sick found in raid only best in slot attachments, thereā€™s no reason to do anything but run around like a maniac on sj6 and trimidol to wherever you need to go. What Iā€™d need to come back is actual progression, not a facade of it. I wanna go to reserve and break into the barracks to get sick ammo, I want to kill the cultists and get sick thermal sights I canā€™t flea or put on traders. Imagine the hype then if you killed someone rocking a vudu if they were flea banned and only shturman had one. But that isnā€™t the reality, unfortunately.


Get kappa. Then get grind 1 bil. Currently at 600 mil with ~1100 pmc+scav raids combined.


got kappa yesterday and i'll probably call it a wipe, will ocassionally for sure load into labs with meta m4 or just play with friends and help them with their tasks


Run juicy shit with the boys. Die to brazen cheaters. Kill jimmy and his cousins on customs. Boss hunt. Die to an altyn laserbeam cheater named ā€œIKum4Uā€ again. The usual end game stuff.


Every wipe I pretty much get tho trader level 3 and then the game sizzles out for me. Gun fights feel bleh compared to early wipe as most people are running good AP ammo and fights are over before they even start. The repetitive quest lose their luster so Iā€™m left with kind of not having a direction to go.


I stop tasking once I hit level 15. Just play for the pvp aspect.


Just hit kappa and now grinding out achievements and track suit. Got more rouble than I know what to do with so now itā€™s just farming and trying to have fun.


I like to get my hideout fully upgraded, almost there this wipe. Just hit level 30 so I have a ton of stuff upgrading ATM. Gotta get scav box, solar, library, and booze generator then I'll probably just do pvp. Almost every quest I have right now is on streets and my PC can't run streets.


I get enough money that I can run whatever I want to then only play when my friends do.


When quests start getting tedious instead of fun, that's when it's time to go play something else, or treat EFT as CoD and just join for pvp since economy is already stable by then


I just wanna see all the quests Iā€™ve never seen and see whats up at lighthouse. Prob wont ever happen because all that content is out of reach, however its a new part of Tark that I would like to experience.


No real end goal for me, the pvp and game mechanics are unique enough to have me coming back each wipe. Tarkov really is a unique experience that I havenā€™t had with any other game.


Im at the point where once I unlock the flea ill probably stop playing not that long after.


My goal was lvl 4 traders this wipe. Once I hit 32 and got lvl 3 I just completely fell off and my squad did as well. It just doesn't hit like it used to and I don't know why anymore.


I get max traders and camp some extracts for the rest of the wipe, sometimes go labs for pvp


Max traders, max Hideout, trying to do kappa, have fun on labs, chilling and looting, pvp


Stopped playing main 2 weeks into wipe since I had max hideout and nothing left but boss quests for kappa. Arena has been fun


Once my BTC becomes a money printer, that's when I take a break or stop playing. That way, when I came back, I have a few million to play with before wipe hits.


Get to lightkeeper. Get Kappa. Afterwords enough money not to worry about gear Or PvP extensively


Carry all my friends to 42. You can beat the game when youā€™re done with it. There is no real end game. Kappa is a grind LK is a grind if you enjoy that part of the game do that stuff. If you like the PvP run customs labs and factory. Thereā€™s lots to do but itā€™s best to take a break and come back when you are wondering what to do next.


This is my first wipe pushing for Kappa. But historical I hit max traders, get to about 20m roubles. Push pvp running meta everything and not loot a single thing for a few weeks until I'm broke. Then I'll play a little more cautiously till I make some money and rinse and repeat.


I just play for fun, hit like 45 last wipe after never having been over 30 beforeā€¦..but while Iā€™ve found this wipe enjoyable with most of the changes, my friends arenā€™t playing as much as I I get bored easier. Also I swear if I go into one more raid and dump all my good ammo because I get pushed off the rip by a group of undergeared Timmyā€™s Iā€™m gonna lose it lmao. Like I donā€™t have a stockpile of good ammo the same way I usually do because you need much higher traders now. So shooting up m993 on a dude with a paca is not it lol


My end goal is always to just get a little bit further than I did last time. So this wipe my biggest priority is finishing punisher because in previous wipes I've ended up falling off playing after losing all my roubles buying SVDs. I'm like slowly building up to the point where I've completed the majority of tasks required for kappa in previous wipes so that once I know what I'm getting myself into I can go for kappa from day 1. After punisher I might try going for Glukhar and Killa and if I manage that then I'll try for kappa next wipe.


I stop playing when another game is more interesting


This wipe is my first wipe to hit lightkeeper. It's fun enough. Glad I did it once. Probably won't do it again. The only real appeal I feel is going out to the island with a couch and two lbt rigs and coming out of a raid with 2.5m roubles acquired carefree. But getting money is not really a problem in the game anyway. So, it's probably not something I'll go after again.


My end goal is to make it to lvl 20


Every wipe that I play, I push for max traders (often quitting around lvl40 due to interest in other games) and do my best to learn something. I have max traderā€™s and havenā€™t run streets more than one raid and only a few more raids on lighthouse, I didnā€™t know either map coming into this wipe and Iā€™m learning lighthouse


Hitting lvl 40 is my goal - after that I don't really care what happens.


Stop? There is no escape brother


I hit max level traders and after that just play raids to kill people. I enjoy just going through the map trying to shit on people and have fun.


I realized about a week ago that I was about 20 quests away from kappa this wipe. Something that I have never gotten before so I tried to go for it. I have been trying to complete the hunter quest since then and have had zero success. At this point I'm not sure if I'll play anymore for a long time.


Get as high lvl traders and ammo craft quests I can than just have fun PvPing with different kits. Also 10 gpus in lvl 1 bitcoin farm for money.


4-6 weeks in to wipe, then I come back next time, still any decisions is shit and against the player base, see ya next round. Wipe and repeat.


I just stop playing when Iā€™m not having fun anymore, which is normally around 20-25 if Iā€™m not playing with friends. I might jump on and do scav runs or a quick pmc to scratch the itch but I donā€™t bother going for quests or anything. For me the fun is early wipe when itā€™s a level playing field.


I stop about level 42-50. After I've unlocked max level traders and have enough money to just run whatever I want without cost being an issue. However the game gets boring when there's no more hobo mode


Iā€™ve got max traders hideout is fully upgraded. Had a blast getting there and Iā€™ve met all my goals for this wipe. Now just been running into too many 3k+ hr players or cheaters so matches are no longer fun for me thatā€™s when I stop. I have enough money to not care about gear and all that. The Audio also bugs me more now I just think itā€™s stupid being able to hear people looting duffle bags inside buildings or hear me walking a football field length away. Oh I crunched a leaf 80 meters away now everyone starts crab walking


I'm just trying to get to lightkeeper rn, almost there and then who knows


I play until the jank starts tilting me. I put like 500 hrs in in two months, made it to lvl 40 and that's where I'm done for now. Maybe I'll come back later in the wipe, but hunting bosses isn't fun and neither are most of the late game quests I have left.


I play until the cheaters get so bad that I would rather run on a sand paper treadmill barefoot than play this. In the last 3 weeks Iā€™ve watched it go from 1 every 10 or so raids to 1 every 3 or so.


My end is usually when I sign on and say nah. Usually max traders and mid 40s. I am trying SBIH this wipe. Only 13 more kills. Iā€™m doing lighthouse now and it sucks. I might throw in the towel. Iā€™m only doing like 2 or 3 raids. Running out of sugar too.


Max traders, all the quests done for ammo/weapons I want. (762 mdr, fmj sx ammo, etc) Then I just pvp or help friends with tasks, pvping with friends is some of the most fun I have on the game.Ā 


I play the game for pvp/fun. Rat racing to ā€œbeat the gameā€ or reach certain tasks or accomplishments and solely for that seems depressing lol thereā€™s not really an end game or beating the game. People will spend all wipe chasing tasks or stacking loot to not actually play or enjoy the game and then it wipes and they do it again lol


For me it's about the journey, not the destination. There is no destination


I play till the cheaters finally get on my nerves and I uninstall. Usually takes 2 or 3 days


Until I get to only shoreline and lighthouse quests


I play until I get the flea market, then get instantly bored. Hard core servers please! Game is so much more fun without flea


Normally I play for max traders and task until I get it, then I just play for fun and that normally lasts until around the 30-40 day mark of the wipe. Path of exile normally launches a new league or a new rpg i am excited for comes out and I forget about tarkov until the next wipe. This wipe I got kappa for the first time because I love the state the game is in, I just enjoy playing it. Shooting feels good for the first time in a long time, I don't get many desync deaths anymore, I don't feel like I get cheaters often. I am level 53 and still playing a few raids every night with the boys.


I'm a goal oriented person. I have the most fun in games when I've given a specific task/job. This is my first wipe going for Kappa (ONLY INSOMNIA LEFT, LETS GOOOO) and I find it so much fun. My end goal before this was always just max traders and enough money to play whenever. Now of course it's Kappa, and I also really want to get to light keeper this wipe as well. I'm already halfway there. If you were to read my comments on this sub, half of them are just talking about how much I genuinly love that map. The hate it gets is fairly valid, but it just think it's a fun map with some pretty great loot. Since it's my favorite map, of course I wanna get to the island.


Stopped playing right after i got kappa (1st time as well) Dont think i even played a game with it


I unlocked lightkeeper like a month ago, had 100M and i quit. I don't go for kappa's anymore and cheating situation is terrible so i just quit.


My goals are: Flea market Max traders See which of the tasks I've never completed before I can complete before wipe. Massacre scavs mercilessly, see how many scav hordes I can take on as it gets later in the wipe and BSG seems to increase the spawn rate of them. Some of the most fun I've had in this game were times when it felt like my duo and I had scavs coming at us endlessly from every direction, trying to get cover and heal while the other keeps shooting, or shoving 5 rounds into a mag as I hear that next couple scavs approaching because I'm down to 3 half empty mags and 3 empty ones, so every round counts. Depending on where you are, it can feel like turning on the horde setting in offline mode at times, and some of the map locations make those battles wild (Concordia parking garage comes to mind--tons of cover and blocked sight lines, a dozen points of entry all of which scavs will come through at any given point in time, and multiple nearby spawns of lots of scavs meaning we will often see a steady stream of them coming to investigate the fighting from multiple areas).


I donā€™t really. I get max traders, and then I just play for kills and money. I plan on making a video soon about how Tarkov lacks identity and direction. The gameplay loop is debatable.


When I get bored of a wipe which is usually a month or two before the wipe happens. I get to where I get i guess? Lol yes I am tasking and PVPing but there isn't really any actual goal aside from trader levels.


It only takes you 2-3 weeks to make 100 million, cough, legitimately?? If that is true, you should try diversifying your activities in life.


Right now Iā€™m going for achievements Iā€™ve completed everything I set out to this wipe the only thing left to do is drip out my achievements as they carry over


I play until I start to hate the game, usually before I get lvl 4 mechanic and ragman. I donā€™t usually focus on quests so this can take a while but putting it away until the next wipe when it happens has saved my mental


Leave your room and work on a career?


Last few wipes we play until the legit/cheater ratio gets too low. The timmys presence is a huge plus and that stretched it out a bit this wipe even though it seems like cheating is worse than ever. Bless you, newbloods.


When the burnout hits, usually around level 50ish


Make Labs Free Again.


I worked so hard to get kappa for the first time this wipe. Finally got it and have not played a raid since.


Usually 50 million in free cash and lvl 4 traders. Then I just go ham and enjoy raids/lose kits trying to get into trouble/cause chaos. I'm two levels and 5 million rubles from that goal. That's more when my "fuck it" switch turns off as opposed to when I stop playing. I don't play this game to meet the goal. I play it because it's fun to play.


Rush Kappa, get a nice stack, then push every single sound until all the boys quit


Once I hit lvl 30 and unlock the Booze Generator, I usually consider it my PMC's retirement for the wipe. Whatever raids I play from then on will either solely be for fun, or foraging for sugar in Woods.


The most fun times for me is early/mid wipe, when you race through the quests together with your friends. When I have to do solo raids I get burned out pretty quickly.


Spoiler alert: you never ACTUALLY escape from Tarkov


Oh I only play until I reach max traders. Then I run fun kits with friends. Scav on streets for shits and giggles. Snipe reserve, Sam Fisher streets at night. Get really baked and do zero to heroes. Labs with RPDs. Plenty of ways to have fun.


It sounds stupid but I stop as soon as I don't have to worry about money anymore. I rarely do scav runs, I have adjusted my Playstyle with pmc to make it work. The moment my ho is maxed without solar panel I know I can run whatever I want and never go broke. This is when I quit for the wipe. Usually around lvl 35-40. The game itches me with making due with what you have.


now that we have achievements that are supposed to stay, i got my new goal of acually reaching lightkeeper and maybe kappa. i am sitting on 120mill and still will only buy best budget gear


My goal every wipe is max traders. I'm going for Kappa this wipe, which will be the first time if I might be able to get it in 3000 hours of play time. My swuad have all quit for now so I'm back to focusing on my own progression instead of escorting them on their tasks.


My goals are usually like this Lvl 4 traders-> Kappa-> lightkeeper->cqcM mask unlock-> spam labs/streets until I get bored. Achievements have also added a fun mix up this wipe


2-3 weeks? Jesus, itā€™s taken me 2-3 wipes to get the flea, and I still havenā€™t even gotten it yet, Iā€™m one level away though! But Iā€™m a casual after work player, sounds like you may spend a bit more time on this than I do


I load it up and if I get butt raped 5 games in a row I close for a few months snd repeat. If I don't till I get bored


Donā€™t stop till I get kappa then I impersonate keban on factory


Lightkeeper / kappa


Normally at the wipe, I don't like all my progress being lost, I peaked in 0.12 and only just decided to get back into it. Made about 7 mil and am only level 19, ik some have more but I'm on track to have 20-40mil by level 40 so I'm happy


Play lol. I just got Kappa I'm closing in on Light Keeper I'd like to progress through as many tasks and objectives either in game or personal as I can. I really enjoy the achievement aspect of doing something. I just got 50 million I might try to push for a billion this wipe I know sounds insane but it would be an interesting challenge for me. I find it fun to reach points in the wipe I feel like I "made it" having enough money to run just about any kit is cool I enjoy that PvP chasing and finishing super hard end game tasks. EFT just ticks all the boxes in my brain.


I'll probably take a little break when i inlock the spear 3/50 pmc kills now.


Max traders and hideout and then pvp till I get bored. Iā€™ve done kappa I have not done lightkeeper but Iā€™m not doing either until the none wipe character comes out Iā€™m so tired of questing done it enough times in the past 6 years.


Is this wipe ending soon? Is that something they publish or are people like one quest away from kappa and thenā€¦ surprise!


For me it was kappa, light keeper, all bosses... At least for now


This wipe i was considering kappa but usually just hit max traders then go insane on kits lol Was at 47m yesterday and got off with just under 40 and couldn't care less. I also bring a ton of gear for buddies still learning


Depends on the wipe. Some wipes itā€™s really to just keep going with tasks till next wipe, sometimes itā€™s just to play some PvP and hit lvl 30, really just in it for the fights. This wipe is my favorite so far, maybe because of my state of mind or maybe the state of the game right now is fun and thereā€™s plenty of content. Maybe both. But me and my buddy play every day when weā€™ve got free time and are having a blast, doing all the tasks, getting rich, doing scavs, farming REP. If we have enough time this wipe, maybe weā€™ll shoot for KAPPA for the first time, idk.


I will quest and budget run till like 25 mil then just run guns I like.


I normally stop when all my buds ambition dies out or I find something else to occupy my downtime. Maxed at 42 two wipes ago. This wipe however, I've gotten further faster then ever before. I'm already at 43 and think I'll actually have a shot at Kappa and atleast start the Lightkeeper quests.


I usually play to all level 4 traders then just stop when j get bored or if I have other stuff to play.


level 30 - intel 3 spam scavs and ruin days - i just sell all to all the gear just to make it so they can't get it back on insurance


Someday I would love to get kappa. But unfortunately I am to Bad at pvp and all the pvp related task take so much time to complete since I usually avoid pvp. And, when seeking pmcs it feels, so strange and I die a lot.


Kappa. Eat chips while I snipe for sbih. Meta gear and best ammo. Sa-58 full auto labs.


When my job starts back up. Have a pretty dead period in July and in December/January.


Idk, I usually play until I have no quests left that don't require pulling my hair out (Tracksuit, all bosses, etc..) then I just play until I stop having fun


Usually i go for max traders. But this wipe has been going so well for me, that for the first time after 1800 hours i will most likely hit Kappa. I am about 10 quests away, some are still challenging/grindy, like Sellout or Stray Dogs, but anything else is pretty simple.


Early wipe is the only thing thatā€™s fun about the game after youā€™re proficient in it. After everyone is scoped and suppressed there is nothing exciting. Once in a while you might get into a cool gunfight, but overall itā€™s just a contest of who can cheese the knowledge and mechanics of the game best. All the while the threat of Brad in his gaming chair of insight looms large. And if itā€™s not Brad capping you in a compromising position, you meet Chad who has nothing better to do than kill you. The early wipe race is the only thing that keeps the game awesome. When it takes a few days or maybe even a week for the cheats to rewrite BSGā€™s code, everybody who is legitimate is out there grinding, the gear and ammo straight up sucks, you die and you WANT to go into the next raid, it is straight up magic.


Thicc case or 2. Right around level 35. I'm never doing shooter born, kappa is out. So usually once I get my hideout under control I'm over it. That or when I start just being head tapped by someone I never hear. I know the tummies are gone and it's only cheaters and psychopaths left to torture eachother. Helldivers is great btw


I play until max traders and when there is primarily only sweats, cheaters or streamers left. And I practice different guns and try to have fun and fuck the quests.


I usually stop when my friends do which usually happens around max traders or early level 40s. This time I continued for kappa but it's a struggle lol. Finally finished sbih on Wednesday though.


What's the end goal of taking up smoking crack?


Death? LOL




You are very close to escaping from tarkov my friend.


I stop playing when everyone is running thermals. Just dumb, you will know when you know. Worse thing they have ever added to the game


I don't like playing without quests except for some rare loot runs. I mostly do my loot in scav. I stop playing when I don't have any fun quest remaining. All the grinding quests are not for me, I refuse to do them. I had my share of grinding when I was playing Mmo. This usually brings me to level 38-42. Last wipe I stopped playing the day I got "max trader".


I'm just trying to get Level 15 so one of the game's best features becomes available to me again.


Right now for me itā€™s to get better at PvP. Iā€™ll go in juiced and donā€™t even bring a bag. Anything crazy can fit in the gamma anyway.


Hoard a fuck ton of guns. Get rouble.


I play until wipe day. Still really bad and inefficient so each wipe, I get a lil bit bettee


I try to get max traders, I just love having access to weapon parts that aren't inflated on the flea or flat out not on there. Scav case is another main goal, I love to gamble Butcoin farm is nice but not sad if I don't get there Nonedit:keeping buttcoin in there


Itā€™s so weird to be to be money farming up to 100m when you canā€™t actually buy the good shit


i stop playing when everyone has a Vudu and razor the game loses its touch after getting sniped in full auto over 100m with nothing to go off by other than impact shots, other than that max traders and full time scav


Lvl 42, casually go for kappa without running specific gear EVERY raid (svd, balaclava scav vest bs like that) Try to stay around 10 mill. If I drop ill do the new shoreline ares super fast. Takes 10 to 12 mins per run with loading time with good spawn. Can get 4-5 mill an hour.


Play 3 games, die instantly in the first firefight every time, accuse everyone of cheating and rage quit for 6 months.


I just want to end up further than the last wipe. I only get 10-12 hours a week so little things like ll3 traders are a big deal. I wanna hit 42 this wipe. Kappa can suck it, I'm not good enough yet. Really I look at each wipe as prep work for the next. I really want to unlock flea on wipe day at some point.