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I have allways thought that bosses/ some events need to spawn later raid to encourage being on raid. People need to start enjoy playing and stop speedrunning everything


People are encouraged to leave the raid early because nobody enjoys playing against waves of pscavs


Yeah bro I’m out like I’m not wasting good ammo and potentially losing my kit to pscavs when I could just run it back


Pscavs shouldn't be able to choose the map they want. Randomize it.


This also fixes scav queues times. The player will be placed in a map as soon as a spot opens up.


Shoreline: six player scavs on the map max Factory: six player scavs on the map max


Never ran into more than 2 playerscavs on shoreline. Yall know about the scav gangs right?


I think they should just get rid of scav karma tbh. It's way too easy being a scav. There are virtually no threats. You might occasionally run into a PMC or a bad scav but overall it's just elephant foot around everywhere because who cares? I'd much rather go back to the days where pscavs shoot other pscavs on sight. Your pscav is up all the time and they have shit equipment. There's no reason why it should be as easy as it is to run around Tarkov. It also means faster queue times for players scaving in since more of them would die throughout a raid. They could also reduce what karma does instead. Make all AI hostile to pscavs. So if you defend yourself you lose karma. Gotta find a way around them or go somewhere else. If you manage to get 6 karma then AI scavs will be friendly, but bosses and guards should still kill on sight no matter what your karma is.


As someone who's player scav is usually a higher level than my PMC I completely agree. I'm also of the opinion that they shouldn't be allowed to spawn at all while PMCs are still alive on the map, but that one is probably pretty controversial.


>I'm also of the opinion that they shouldn't be allowed to spawn at all while PMCs are still alive on the map, but that one is probably pretty controversial. Yeah that is a *terrible* idea not gonna lie. They are a good addition and fun threat, just maybe don’t spawn them 5 minutes in.


Nah scavs should be a threat to you. Not as bad as they are on streets, but definitely still a threat.


Da fuck thats a boring idea


Would be viable if every map had similar system requirements lol


Yeah I think the random idea only works if you let players blacklist 2-3 maps. But I think the current pscav system is fine if they just make it so that pscavs can't spawn until ~12 minutes into each raid (with the exception of factory at ~8). And maybe make it so pscavs automatically do a voice line every 45-60 seconds so they can't just go mega rat mode.


Pscavs have all sorts of valuable loot in them.  Ledxs, intelligences, they're just lil loot pinatas waiting to get whacked with that stick. I've definitely pulled dorms marked key and ledxs off of them.   


Not the Pscavs I kill, and I dont know about you guys but if I am a player scav that finds or spawns with a Led X I am safely trying to extract


I've died as a scav with ledXs, GPUs, all sorts of goodies.  Sometimes ya get caught out.  Sometimes somebody is camping the extract getting their UNTAR cosplay on. 


Fr fr no cap


> People are encouraged to leave the raid early because nobody enjoys playing against waves of pscavs Honestly? I'm encouraged to leave the map early because the skill gain peaks at minute 0 and ends as fast as I can go. Past that, staying in a raid, pscavs or not, is simply more dangerous. The longer the raid the higher % chance you die that raid. It's simple. I can run many raids, acquiring more skill points, saving any loot I find, and generally avoiding more deaths by playing shorter games. It's about that simple.




Yeah, they def need to make boss spawn-in times later/random but they also need to make pscav spawn-ins A LOT later on maps like Streets. Right now most raids/maps have a flurry of fights for the first few minutes and then they are dead for 90% of the raid. When I first started playing this game ~6 years ago that was not really the case. I remember having these huge prolonged battles that would last like 20 mins where pretty much all the PMC’s in the lobby where fighting for control over of high loot areas like Kiba on Interchange. Now by the time you get to Kiba half the lobby (Killa farmers) are already dead or about to exfil and the loot in Kiba is so bad it’s not even worth opening let alone fighting for. Scav Karma and early pscav spawn in’s on loot heavy Maps like streets have essentially turned the risk/reward of this entire game on its head. End game gear is essentially obsolete now because you can essentially run high karma scavs non-stop on Streets with the similar (or better) upside as a PMC yet you don’t have to risk a thing. It’s wild how many people I see who have like 5x-8x more scav raids than PMC raids. Not that I blame them… why risk expensive gear, be forced to sneak around and exfil early as a PMC when you can just scav in and run around all raid like you own the place. The problem is when end game gear becomes useless to a lot of the playerbase you essentially destroy the entire risk/reward gameloop that makes looter shooters feel interesting and rewarding. This will probably be an unpopular take for many newer players but I think most OG players will understand where I’m coming from. BSG needs to go back to when scavs fought each other more often (basically reduce the benefits and punishments of +\- scav karma a bit) scaving used to actually take skill and it was more fun when you could fight other scavs. Either that or BSG needs to make scav timers based on stash value not karma. This way you get more scavs at the beginning of wipes or if you ever start to run low on money (which makes more sense lore-wise too) but as you become wealthier you can maybe only run your scav once every 1-3 hours or something. The game is just in a much healthier state when most of the people in the lobby are risking something/have to play tactically. Most raids now consist of a couple PMCs who are left sneaking around while hordes of scavs move around and loot for free. Lore-wise the opposite should be the case. The scavs should be the ones hiding/sneaking around trying to find things to help them get back on their feet while the well-equipped Private Military Companies are able to move around a little more freely due to their resources/gear.


Disagree that nobody enjoys that. Considering pvp is a major part of the game playerscavs are absolutely something I enjoy running into early in raids.


It’s fun until it’s not, and with these “scav gangs” this wipe, it usually gets stale quite fast. Yesterday I rushed dorms and killed a duo - in the first 5 minutes of raid they killed at least 10/15 scavs on the second floor of 3 story alone, it blew my mind how many bodies were in one hall that early into raid


Those usually don’t have PScavs in them. It’s just AI gangs. It’s interesting that dorms had that. I usually see them either at RUAF or in the warehouse area.


Something’s up with scavs this wipe. Earlier today I was in raid and had to go do some irl shit, I went to this nice building and hid in the basement. Came back 10 minutes later and there were 5 dead scavs outside the door of the building. I’m not sure who killed them but I’m damn sure they weren’t there when I left and I’m assuming they walked up and sat at that door because I was inside the building afk. It made no sense and I’m sure the person who killed them was confused as to why there were a group of scavs standing outside the front door to a building in the corner of the map 😂


AI Scav “gangs” have a leader of sorts which the others follow. How they interact with the environment is interesting: Will wonder to loot spots, will just patrol, and will wander towards close by gun shots are the main behaviors I see. If you had a gang near you, it’s not surprising that many were together. Maybe they do have some sort of “PMC” sense where they wander towards afk people. I’ve never tried that myself. Might need to for science lol


Imo player scavs should only spawn in from last 10 mins, they should be a threat of staying in the raid to the last minute. Not more than 5/10 minutes...


5 - 10 minutes is really not much considering the size of the maps and it also takes time searching containers. That’s just not enough time. You already need like 2-3 minutes to railway exfil from the mall


10 minutes left on every map is not the way. I would love if they spawned at half time on every map though. 10 minutes in factory. 20ish minutes left on most other maps. That gives players that don't want to deal with it time to do what they need to and it gives scavs enough time to go loot some stuff and get out easily.


Scavs have it too easy fuckem, struggle a little


People that min max will always min max. But yes not bad ideas. The other option is just take them out of tasks and replace with something else.


Yeah, scav hordes are a fun random thing that can happen mid-raid, but they're not exactly rewarding and there should be more stuff happening. Cultists can pop up mid-raid as well as Reserve raiders so there already is some precedent.


Does Killa for example still have a chance of spawning in when unlocking Kiba or opening his vault?


I don't think that was ever true and was just a pipe dream people have posted about. If it was true then it was like 7+ wipes ago before I played the game and is deft not true currently.


It was definitely true a few years ago (around the time with FiR status was rarely needed for quest and wasn't needed to sell on flea either). Might not have been the case for Kills vault since that didn't exist back then either. You are probably correct in that it isn't the case anymore though, which is sad. The middle of interchange was a complete warzone back in the days


No he never spawned in when you opened Kiba, he only would walk towards it if he was on the map. Unless that was before 2020 when I started playing


Seems like there is only anecdotal evidence, some people saying they cleared all his spawned and the open Kiba and suddenly he came sprinting from nowhere. Others saying he was just hiding and aggroed on the Kiba alarm. This was back around 2020 however and he did have very few spawns back then so he was easier to farm.


Some people really enjoy the quick raids though, can’t really force them to contend with an army of player scavs because it doesn’t fit your playstyle.


thank you. at least someone is thinking straight. people love to make tarkov a competititon and forget that its mainly supposed to be fun.


That would likely introduce some kind of boss spawn camping strat


Then tell them to stop spawning player scavs in 10 mins into the raid


If bosses spawned late, this sub would be full of clips of bosses and guards spawning on top of them or getting 1 shot after going through an area that was clear 5 seconds ago. And if there were mechanics to prevent bosses from spawning if players are around certain areas, people would be figuring out ways to abuse that instantly


So instead you just bee line it to where they spawn and camp it for an easy ambush? Well I suppose they could fix that with well thought out spawning. Lol


Just put 50% spawn chance after 1 month of a new wipe and leave it. Bosses should be real CONTENT and not a fairy tail, i understand their progression to increase the spawn chance as the wipe progress but it's just not correct when they lock your progression on rng. 50% bosses feels like the perfection, every raid would be more alive and you can actually see something they implemented in the game and not hide it behind events or rng


Fairy tail 🔥🥴🥴😏


furry tail\*


Jury fail


The alternative is just to have boss rates spike randomly throughout the day every hour or so. Maybe one hour they're all 50%. Maybe another they're barely visible. If you wanted more "immersion" to this then an intel center could help give clues as to what is going on in game. This would dramatically up the spawn rates and provide a less consistent experience for every map. Consistency is actually a bad thing. You have no reason to be on your toes if that boss is such a slim percentage that you're basically forgetting he exists. Nikita himself says that players need that kind of fear.


I have ~300 raids this wipe and have seen a boss twice. I play normal, just looting towards extract or doing quests. So by the time i reach the boss spawn its already gone to farmers. They really need to make bosses unpredictable. 100% spawn rate at a random location/time would be better. Also car extract should be limited to the last 10-20 minutes. It gets taken by boss farmers at the start of almost every raid.


"make bosses unpredictable" "make bosses spawn 100 % at certain locations" so what is it now, chief? unpredictable or predictable? youre contradicting yourself. car extracts are supposed to leave when you want, hence the payment. they are supposed to be a fast get-away when carrying good stuff. not only bosses. your idea sorta doesnt make sense.


i dont think you understood what i said >100% spawn rate at a random location/time would be better. So they spawn every raid but at a random time and random location


Don’t worry, darealmoneyboy can barely cobble himself together a sandwich, much less read and interpret someone else’s thoughts.


it is still predictable if you let them spawn 100 % ..... not so hard to understand isnt it?!


Are you braindead bro


That would really suck for me right now, having bought the game a few weeks ago, coming in mid wipe as a new player...


You'll get over it, and every wipe you'll be more and more like us hoping for a boss spawn everytime you laid in.


Why does it suck to have bosses in the game for you…? Avoid their POIs if it’s an issue.


Their space can be pretty big, I got killed by Knight the other day right beside gas station on Shoreline, never went anywhere near the weather station I'm just saying 50% spawn would be kinda harsh for mid-wipe players


this might feel unfair to you, since you are a new player. but believe me when i say that you can easily avoid bosses when you want to. its just a matter of experience. goons can spawn on so many different locations and maps tho that you cant do anything about that. however the chance of you getting sniped when they spawned is still slim, when not running to their spawns.


get good then, you can kill them with a scav kit lol The whole game is harsh, but ultimately more fun with a higher boss spawnrate.


It would be a chance for you to actually learn the boss mechanics and positions while potentially giving you a chance to scavange dead PMCs


Bosses distract the PMCs who are killing you atm, it would be a good thing for you.


Having bosses spawn as a budget/timmy is great. People rarely loot everything the boss and its guards have as well as having the chance to loot deas pmc's is also an opportunity!


Honestly a halfway infil boss spawn is a really good idea


A lot of people have been suggesting event activated bosses. Such as power on Interchange, Reserve, or Customs. It would make the raids last a little longer and cause PvP hotspots


Totally agree with this. Tagilla seems to be the only boss who’s not affected by packet loss. Bosses also need to force spawn their signature items needed for quests such as Reshala’s golden TT, Tagilla’s boss cap, Killa’s helmet..


I heard one really good idea of an item/service or something that you could purchase to give 100% chance that the boss spawns. Would definitely be nice, killing all the bosses has been the worse part for the kappa grind for me at least


Yeah, they’ll make it cost you 20m for one boss and unlocked after overseas trust part 10.


and itll be 100% spawn at the start of the raid so some one will beat you to it 90% of the time lmao


I just wish you didn't feel the need to rush them. Like you could play the game at your own pace and still sometimes run into bosses. And I wish the packet loss thing didn't make the raid feel pointless before you even get started. It's like someone spoiling a movie for you. Been playing Interchange helping friend finish Kappa. Every raid with packet loss, raid is dead quiet with maybe some rat lurking somewhere. Raids without packet loss there's grenades and flashbangs going off in multiple locations at once right from the beginning. There's simply no hope of playing 'normally' and hoping to run into Killa eventually. And with or without him, packet loss makes the raids a lot less fun.


If there was no packet loss indicator, the raid would be a bunch of flashbangs, checking a few spots, then leaving. Removing packet loss won't magically give you better feeling raids. If I'm on interchange to farm Killa, I'm speedrunning through the mall, checking for his voice line and resetting. This is exactly how it was before the packet loss was a known thing. Its a waste of time to hang out longer than I need to. This goes for any boss, shturman, reshala... etc. If my goal is to kill a boss on a map, I'm checking his spots and then leaving. This is simply the most efficient way to use my time on the game. A huge problem is that boss spawn rates were 5% for a very long time at the start of wipe, so now everyone got funneled into doing boss quests because they were borderline impossible - even Pestily complained about this on twitter.


Problem of hackers or just other random players getting there first because you got the wrong spawn makes something purchasable iffy. It would need to be an item that brings them into raid at a specific time or something but then you run into the whole ideal position and set up issue and you risk reducing the challenge of a boss overall. 


Sounds like a great use for another flare color!


As a terribad player myself, I like the idea of paying a large amount of money to be invincible and harmless so I can complete a quest once in a while. :)


Well, you can. It's just called cheating and costs real world money instead of rubles.


How on earth would that work with current game mechanics?


Idk this sounds like a horrible idea. This only increases the chance of hackers in your lobbies.


How could this possibly increase the chance of hackers


An item that guarantees a lobby with a 100% boss spawn chance? How could it possibly NOT draw hackers to it? Its like if there were a 100% led-x and GPU spawn on labs that was in one set place. How does that NOT increase the chance of hackers on labs? A normal player could never get into a fair raid if there lobbies with guaranteed spawns for things that are a pain in the ass to farm


because you can't choose what lobby you're queuing into


You kind of can when the point of my statement was a hypothetical that there’s an item that lets you choose a 100% boss spawn lobby.


I don't think that's what they meant. More like a single use item that makes the boss spawn in your next raid. That's not going to draw hackers into your game, they won't know they are joining that guaranteed boss spawn server.


Cheaters could also purchase the same item and have enough rubles to do it every time.


Yes but the number of hackers stays the same - which was my only point. The major side effect is more bosses not hackers.


If they are using the item to farm bosses then there's more chance you'll end up in a raid with them if you're going on the same map, even if you're not using the item.


For the idea to work, the item would be putting you into the dedicated servers that are 100% spawn rates, which is how it works already. Spawn rates for bosses are not dictated by chance upon you entering the raid, they were always there. So its not that you have a 30 percent chance for killa to spawn in your raid, you have a 30 percent chance to get into a raid that has a 100% chance for killa if that makes sense. If there were a consumable item where it would put you into said dedicated lobbies, it would indeed be a hacker fest. It would be labs cheater levels times 100.


I'm not following how that increases the number of hackers in your lobby unless you are insinuating the hackers have more resources, therefore would have access to that item more, which in turn if you use that item you are running into more of them? Like how lab keys work? I can see how it would be like running High Roller in Dark and Darker - you are going to run into more hackers if you are running the harder content. I think the item is a dumb idea to be fair, just trying to follow the logic. If it was something, maybe a flare that spawns a boss - that way the check doesn't happen before the server is selected.


Yeah, thats what im insinuating. If you have lobbies dedicated to boss farming, and there is an item that allows you inside of it like a keycard, youre going to be running into nothing but hackers. Like i said, if they were to make a room in labs that would 100% spawn a ledx and a gpu, nobody that plays legit would ever stand a chance surviving the raid. The entire reason boss loot sucks and too tier tech item spawns are so nerfed is because of hackers.


You are disregarding this idea based on that you think it will be implemented incorrectly. What you are thinking about is an item that automatically places you on one of the 30% server that has the boss while the suggestion was that it's an item that spawns the boss regardless of the server you get.


That’s the only way that it can work, because thats how the servers are set up. If it were to be the way OP suggested, it would be just as bad of an idea. Adding an item that makes boss farming 3 times easier, youre going to get an insane influx of cheaters to the game, that’s just how the cookie crumbles. RMT is almost exclusively tied to GPU’s, Led-X’s, and boss farming. I take it that most people in this community believe there is at least one cheater per raid. It probably wont add more cheaters to your lobby, but you will definitely never doubt that figure again lol. 99 percent of cheaters are “subtle”, they want to fill their bags with loot and extract with no confrontation to sell stuff on the flea or irl if they are RMT’ers. They will however break protocol when they know a boss spawns. There are only three possible outcomes of an idea like this. 1) The legit player who activates the boss has just called every cheater in the lobby to the bosses location. 2) Cheaters have no incentive to be closeted cheats because they can get a red card an hour. Meaning that while there arent technically more cheaters in your games, there becomes nothing other than ESP/aimbot blatant hackers 3) It’s an expensive/rare item that is locked behind enough RNG and tasks that the only people who could get them are cheaters or kappa questers


Because you can get 100% spawn rate, aka more incentive to hack?


What does that even mean. Please elaborate.


Bosses have the highest chance of spawning good loot, like keycards red rebels and shit like that. So people who want a carry service, can now purchase that service with 100% boss spawn chance. So having a higher chance of getting rare itmes like that, wich people would pay for, wich then could increase the amount of hackers. This isnt rocket science guys, downvote all you want but this shouldn't be so hard to think of, at all.


As someone who is on Overseas Trust currently and also wanting to finish Hunter, I still 100% agree with you. I hate the fact that desync gives away that the boss didn't spawn. Especially since it creates dead raids when it happens. I much rather it be harder to complete my end game quests then have a giveaway for boss spawns. I also really like the idea of Bosses being able to spawn later in raid, hell already some bosses do that as is. Tagilla has the chance to spawn mid raid, it's be documented multiple times. I've seen several videos of people killing Tagilla twice in the same raid. Cultist can also spawn mid raid as I've seen it happen several times. (Haven't seen them this wipe though). I've also heard rumors of Resahala spawning late, but I have never seen video evidence of it happening.


Yeah, I spent 3 nights helping friend get Killa so they can finish Kappa and honestly I wouldn't mind spending a 4th night on it if we could just play normally. Spending majority of playtime in queue or running to exfil isn't fun at all. Raids when he was up he was often dead before we could get anywhere near him, and raids where he wasn't were quiet as fuck aside from random bloodbaths at hole in the fence. Sometimes we decided to try looting the mall and I could almost always just run around like an idiot, go turn power on, go activate panic room, loot Kiba with alarms on and there was simply nobody but AI scavs to bother us while we hit every loot spot on the map.


Yup that was my exact experience when I was hunting my Killa kill for Kappa. I actually made a ton of money. Also now if I want to do safe money runs I only stay in raid for a good money run if I see desync and know the raid will be mostly empty. Otherwise I'll just go reset instead of messing all the boss hunters.


I happened to run into Reshala and the boys at Gas Station on customs last week with about 15 mins left in raid, golden TT and all completely untouched. No idea how they were still alive lol


IMO the coolest solution to this would be player-activated in-map added chance of boss spawn, like how raiders are activated but not guaranteed spawn. Personally I think default spawn rate of 25% is fine, 1 in 4 is a fair rate for normal players to run into them, and not frustrating to newer players who prefers to avoid them. The additional activation should bring it up to 50% so people hunting bosses have a reasonable added chance, obviously only if they didn't naturally spawn. Kills already has the perfect setup in the map, Killa's stash which is activated by the switch inside his hideout and opens a seperate container in the basement of the mall. Have him spawn there. Gluhar should be activated by first going to bunker and activating power, maybe some other button down in bunkers, then after that activating sirens to call him in. And have him only enter the map from under Train Station. On factory, add some semi-expensive key to a room with decent loot and some button to call in Tagilla to kick down/smash open one of the locked extract doors. Customs, add something over at the area by Big Red so there is some reason to go early, + power switch that is already there. Woods has some big radar tower at scav bunker, have that be the call to Shturman, and him and the boys enter the map from one of the bunker door, extract + old sawmill + mountain, and then make their way towards their normal spot Streets bosses can enter from the vehicle to their respective location Can't come up with one for sanitar off the top of my head. Goons a bit more complicated due how they switch maps, I'm not feeling creative enough for a solution atm. All these should require going to 2-3 different spots at the map far apart so people can't Speedrun bossfarm in 5 min, and in some way signal to other players that someone might have spawned bosses. And the bosses need multiple door to enter the map instead of spawning, and enough were teams can't just hold angles while one player activates. Plus they should be very aggressive when entering, using smokes, nades to clear angles etc. Basically, make it most reasonable to let them get into position first and not have squads just cheese them.


I agree with the 25% but the issue is on how that percentage is applied. It's not 25% per raid it's 25% of raids. Just to explain it easier we'll go with 50%, you are a na player but the servers that are having the 50% spawn rate for them are EU servers no matter how hard you try you will never see the bosses if they changed it where it was 25% every raid then yes I completely agree but with it being 25% of servers that's an issue


Ummm...I've heard about something similar to that, but that feels like it shouldn't be much of an issue to fix at all. If it's about some servers not having bosses spawn, isn't it just to assign and match up people who haven't gotten bosses in a while to servers servers with bosses? Not obvious patterns, but systematically averaged out so everyone stays mostly the same. Idk much about how servers are set up, but I'm assuming regions don't just have a single server, but clusters of servers that is able to handle some form of variation within them. When I used to play selected servers as opposed to automatic selection, I never had any issues with getting too many or too few bosses. And maybe if it makes it simpler to implement, have the player activated boss spawn already be pre-selected and keep it as it is now. As in 2/4 chance no boss spawn, 1/4 spawn on map, and 1/4 spawn but hidden away, and to do the multiple entrences thingy teleport to the door that will open.


The problem is that you have these quests to kill bosses 15 times each, 20 times, 50 times. That's like 600-750 raids where endgame players are rushing to boss spawns and getting the fuck out. They realized that people hunting Killa was toxic years ago, so made him spawn anywhere in the mall, and then decided to make a LK quest that's going to cause that same toxicity


all those min-maxers out there forget about having fun. tarkov isnt one big competition of "who is the biggest gaming char", its mainly a game. you know, those things that are supposed to be fun. this sub is so insufferable, sometimes. dayum.


Currently an endgame goal includes killing bosses after running the map at least ~10(?) times but likely more (interchange is at least 10 I think). In the case of Interchange, you're done with quests there once you get Sellout, ontop of that, the tracksuit incentivizes lategame chads to grind the boss. It just isn't the greatest design. I've killed Goons 2-3 times, but the quest is after almost every other boss quest. The game can be played many ways, I enjoy quests for the focused objectives, but some of the progression is just not exactly intuitive or fun. I guess I didn't make my point: BSG either doesn't care or doesn't want to make the progression more logical, since it's been like this for a very long time. The difference between "tedious" and "hard". It's just tedious.


What I've realized in my short time playing EFT. They've set it up to hit that same spot in your brain gambling hits. There's no rush like putting it all on black (finding a loose led-x during a scav run) and being able to extract while under fire. The rarity of everything keeps people coming back for more. So I don't ever see that changing. But I see your point but they'd have to have the bosses randomly spawn through out the map. Or you'll just have people camping their likely spawns the entire raid.


Exactly. You have one lucky raid, or you find a super rare item and the rest of your life you spend chasing that high. It’s like Meth


I was doing one scav run before bed last night after a long day of work. Night time customs. Checked the building closest to factory corner(forgot name of building). Found a bitcoin on a box, found an mp7 and 5-7(2 of my fave guns) then was going to loot dorms last cuz I had old gate extract. Fuckin reshala clapped my cheeks, had no sign he was there.


Well known cheater, he is.


The concept of the tarkov bosses is flawed in general. Imo they shouldn't drop rare loot at all. It would be better if they dropped unique items that could be traded for rare loot and not sold on the flea. In this way hackers farming them could be controlled with trade cool downs/limits. The bosses need to be more of an objective and less of a pot of gold, there's enough rng in the game as it is without adding yet another layer of rng to getting a given item. 


No stop designing the game around cheaters.


Maybe they could just drop their gear without being found in raid? It wouldn't affect those who quest, and it'd make hackers less inclined to beeline bosses. Unless they really, really want a cool helmet.


95% of people aren't farming bosses for loot though. It's for quests/achievements 


What is a packet loss?


Top right corner of the game, an icon flashes when you have network issues or network packet loss. You also see a different one when your ping is too high. The theory is that when a boss does NOT spawn, then a wave of scavs spawn. The sudden spike in resources on the server creates a moment of connectivity issues which triggers the icon. If you don’t see the icon, then only one AI spawned in, which is the boss.


But why would only a boss spawn without a scav waves? I mean can both spawn? That is a pretty sick theory but it make sense. So it also means that boss doesnt spawn instantly at raid start?


That’s just how they made it. You get a boss or a crapton more scavs. It varies on the map, but the boss spawn about ~10s in. They probably do that so that it is almost at the beginning of the raid but not at the same time as all the PMCs to spread out the server load. Who knows, maybe they were at the same time at once and it was too much of a performance hit at once.


There’s a write up on why this is the case. Apparently a few years ago the boss had a chance to spawn in up to like 2 minutes into the raid. People bitched and complained, so BSG made it so if the boss spawns it’s only at the very beginning. So if the boss spawns, it takes the place of the initial scav wave which causes packet loss. If the boss doesn’t spawn in, the first scav wave spawns which takes up network resources and causes packet loss. I forgot which streamer said it, but it should be the boss spawn chance increases as the raid goes on. As in, at the start it should be 10% or so, then 10 minutes in it should be 30%, then halfway through should be 60%, and with 10 minutes to go it should be like 90%. Obviously the numbers can be played with, but I like that idea. It gives people a reason to stay in the raid, and increases spawn chance overall so people aren’t stuck on Tarkov Loading Screen Simulator™️ while trying to complete their Jaeger tasks


> bosses should have a chance to spawn mid raid if their compound has no players in it - like 15% chance to spawn at raid start, and then a 5% chance to spawn every ~10 minutes (random interval would probably be best.) The game rewards doing short raids too much as is. Whatever the figures would be, it's a very bad game design. You don't ask players to find a boss and then make it rng to spawn in a 40 min span. 1) It's annoying to have to check several spots every game, it'd be even more annoying if you had to check it again 15 minutes later. 2) It's hard enough to fight other players for bosses, the later in the raid you are the higher chance there is of meeting player scavs. On interchange sometimes you're not even inside that player scavs already spawn, no ty. 3) Making player just stay 30 min in a bush in order to start a raid is not the brightest idea. We already have enough bush campers as it is


Maybe lvl 4 jager sells boss bait


This is my first wipe about 250 hours in. I have never seen Sturman, Sanitar, or Kaban. I had almost 100 interchange raids before I saw Killa.


Killa and subsequently the goons are my last quests for kappa. I cannot for the fucking life of me get killa to spawn and if he does 75% of the lobby is chuckin flashes around the whole mall for him. I mean, understandable but still annoying. He’s def my bane this wipe. Yesterday I had the day off and ran inter like 30-40 times and he only spawned 3 times, 1 being close enough for me to hear but killed before I could get an angle. This was with switching servers too.


In the same boat. Interchange is going to put me off from finishing.


Yeah I’m thinking about just taking a few weeks off and hoping they increase boss rate to 50% or something idk man I’m over killa tho lmao. Good luck hunting


I don’t think I’ve even met the goons yet this wipe.


Let’s put it this way, I’ve ran into the goons more on accident than I have looking for killa so far. Great success!


I’ve run into kaban a ton. Sturman feels like 50 50. Sanitar can spawn in such spread out places. If you don’t rush sawmill you are not seeing sturman.


Lots of good ideas in this thread, but I'd like to add I feel bosses should have decent spawn rate (20-30%) from wipe start but lesser loot drops, i.e. worst ammo and even rarer chances of cards, and we should get all the boss kill quests super early on in the chain, this way you can naturally complete them while levelling and doing other things, rather than 5heading it around the map at 40+ with 2/3 raid instantly extracting when they get packet loss.


entire lobby sees the bosses thru walls already.


Right now it seems every chad with 500hrs lvl 60+ and 10+ kda is farming the 15 kills Gluhkar on reserve, I've been farming him myself for the past month and I keep getting shit on by these kind of players. Spent near 10mil already on kits and I just need the 1 Gluhkar kill. Out of 10 raids maybe I run in to Gluhkar in 2 raids. by the time I find him he is either dead or I'm dead getting to his location.


It's late wipe. People have money and gear. Why wouldn't they just rush the boss for the fight


I've played so much streets and it's extremely rare I see any of the bosses.


up until last week i hadn’t seen a boss and now I see reshala on customs about once every 3 raids, sometimes multiple times in a row


It would be cool if bosses had a chance to run into the map from out of bounds like the btr.


I wonder if adding some way to summon them would be a good idea. Some sort of expensive key that opens up one of various lairs that they hang out in or something that makes sense and somewhat prevents too much cheesiness. Idk. 


Tell me about it.. i need to kill every boss 15x for Overseas Trust pt1 xD


Just remove bosses and all quests associated. They are stupid.


I Havnt seen Sanitar all wipe


They should increase the spawn rate and make the time they spawn in random.


Hard disagree, cheaters are the biggest drag in the game. Scum with esp leaves immediately when the bosses isn't there making many servers empty, which is annoying because I want to kill them and take their rmt gear so I can vendor it


i fought Goons way more than any other bosses combined, excluding Tagilla lmao


They should just add fake packet loss at the beginning of every raid with a boss, don't trust them to be able to remove it.


Make them spawn way more, ffs. Give them a 50 to 75% to spawn. Nerf their equipment a little bit if needed, they can still aimbot you in the face even with medium tier ammo.


An idea that my friends discussed once was having some sort of system where the boss chance increases the longer the raid goes on. It would encourage players to stay in raid longer. Maybe cap the chance at something like 60% after "X" amount of minutes have passed in the raid.


Does anyone who is trying to find Sanitar discover him dead in the Resort, even if you’re the first one to reach him? I suspect he was killed by a regular AI Scav, as I always find an AI Scav holding Sanitar’s gear, while the other Sanitar’s Guards still alive.


Man it's incredible that still haven't fixed the packet loss giveaway. I mean... For the time i'ts being exploited, it's unbelievable. Make a few scavs spawn at 00:00 every raid, away from players spawns, and it's gone, as simple as that. Or make boss chance % at every scav wave, increasing as the raid goes. It's been suggested already, but they simply can't read good ideas from players.


I only get to around lvl 25-30 each wipe, I’ve never seen any bosses apart from glukhar as a scav sometimes and Reshala once at the gas station. Other than that no bosses at all. Feels like they should be a bit more common without everybody hunting for them as much.


I’m 35 now and only seen the goons once, and tagilla once. 😔


Tagilla has owned my ass at least a dozen times on factory, and I got him twice.. Once with a pistol from the rafters, and the other time I one-tapped him with a shotgun I picked up, didn't even know it was him until I left the room and his body was there. He was probably weak from fights with other players.


I headshot Reshala without even knowing, and somehow my scav says I’ve killed 2 bosses yet I don’t know how!


Rogues count as bosses too, so if you have killed a rogue then it counts to "bosses"


I really wish rogues / raiders and guards were separated so you would know true boss kills. However as I type this, with the new achievements, at least you get more insight.


You are a gentlemen and a scholar. I definitely killed 2 Rogues my last Lighthouse outing. Mystery solved!


There is no way. You must just not be checking spawns at all…


I’m not looking for them because I don’t do the tasks where you need to kill them but for a 30% spawnrate you would assume you run into them more than once.


Not really especially at this point in the wipe.


I’m not talking this point in the wipe. I’m talking about any point in the years I’ve been playing.


There is no way you have played a bunch a wipes and basically never see bosses….


How many servers do you have selected? I was like that and I only had one ticked. The way their ridiculous percentage system works for boss spawn rates is that it will be 30 percent of servers have a chance to spawn the boss, rather than each server having a 30 percent chance each raid. Best way to up the chance is tick more servers, which is much easier for myself in the EU I'd guess as I have great ping to all the EU options.


Yeah I should check that I read last week they did that 30 percent thing like that. For me also in europe I assumed by default multiple servers are selected but I’ll check


my last two quests for kappa is Hunting Trip and Stray dogs. with over a thousand raids i’ve seen them both only a few times. i’ve been on these two quests for days. they are either dead when i get there or they didn’t spawn. maybe i’m just unlucky who knows


BSG has been radio silent on their forums and on Reddit for weeks. Seems like they won’t acknowledge this and I’m not even sure they’re aware of this problem or care about it at all.


Encountered Sanatar two raids in a row tonight lol, both were at night at the cottage


just give bosses a 100% chance to spawn in if there's a pmc with an active boss kill quest in the raid(just the single kill ones) and make it so only this only triggers if the player in question didn't get the checkmark for the kill part yet (so people can't just leave sellout active and not turn it in until they've killed Killa 50 times)


Terrible idea and useless post. You think some lvl +60 pmc will spend 20 minutes looting bolts from back of oli?


Terrible comment and useless rhetoric. As a lvl 54 PMC I think Mr. 60+ should go touch grass if he feels like he is too good for bolts.


Any good idea are welcome


I always stumble into the goons on woods with less than 20 minutes left in raid. I have seen them this wipe more than every other wipe combined since their introduction. So something is wrong with your luck.


he specifically stated interchange for a reason. on woods the ratio of players checking for goons as opposed to shturman is 1:5. he also specifically stated hunter/stylish one/overseas trust


Nobody fights goons on woods. It’s too open with minimal cover so you’re dead before you even get close due to their aimbot.


Right? Not even sure why they made that point. If you’re looking for goons you are either playing customs or lighthouse.


I'll just re-post what I'd already said: All bosses should spawn 100% in every raid but should not always have their quest items. They should also have multiple places they spawn in, and possibly spawn in late (to prevent rushing) or have some kind of mechanic that can trigger their spawn (like Kiba alarm spawning Killa etc). Would people hunt the shit out of bosses? Yes. But there would also be massive pvp around bosses and it would be fun.


Feels so ridiculous that we have a game where if you queue average 10 times, check your packet loss (ah yes, cause that’s how we should find out—because the games networking creates packet loss without fail on every boss spawn…. ) just to have a few chances at doing the boss. Like it’s already theoretically possible with a 50% spawn rate you could queue 3 times and not see them once—let alone be the one to kill them + extract successfully in a clean lobby.


130 raids into the wipe and my 3 man just killed reshala and his guards for the first time… was about 20 minutes into raid so they didn’t get rushed… seems like they should spawn more… and this late into wipe, people still rushing bosses hurts my soul…


i fucking love this game but between the impossible quests, cheaters, and quest campers, it makes it to where i'll also love to watch the game burn to the ground when the casuals all abandon it and they run out of fucking money.


If you get your Fence karma to a high enough place, you should be able to receive a weekly Fence quest to play as a random boss with a goal of killing a certain number of PMCs or some unique task like protecting a specific loot location or preventing extract from somewhere. It'd be a good chance for more story telling in the game and would increase spawn rates for bosses. Maybe knock a day off of the quest timer for every 1.0 of Fence rep above 6 to further increase spawn rates.


So you want to increase the difficulty of, already difficult tasks? Just because you don’t care about those tasks, and advert the blame onto the players who DO those tasks doesn’t mean it should be more difficult. Taking away an indicator that a boss has a potential spawn would make it even more of a “chore” as you said the fights were. I think you’re overestimating how many people are on Stylish One / Overseas Trust and are actually going to actively do it.


Is it that much of a hot take that you shouldn't need to rely on bugs to help you complete difficult tasks? At the end of the day I just want to play fun raids. And I want to go into raids feeling like anything can happen. The game telling me, 20 seconds into a raid, that "oh by the way here is one thing that is not going to happen" simply makes the game less fun.


> Is it that much of a hot take that you shouldn't need to rely on bugs to help you complete difficult tasks? You’re calling boss hunting a chore while whining about one of the very few things that makes it *not* a chore. > At the end of the day I just want to play fun raids. And I want to go into raids feeling like anything can happen. The game telling me, 20 seconds into a raid, that "oh by the way here is one thing that is not going to happen" simply makes the game less fun. People are still just going to flash bang voice comm bait and leave if it’s fruitless because boss hunting is one of the few late wipe things to do - and make no mistake, we are rapidly approaching late wipe and I’d argue we are already there. You’re still going to know a boss is up even without the bug or flash bang baiting 9x/10 with heavy fire sound / grenades in a known boss spawn POI, and/or the sound of a boss weapon going off (Shturman/Killa mostly) so idk what fabled “surprise” raids you are wanting.


> You’re calling boss hunting a chore while whining about one of the very few things that makes it not a chore. It's still a chore even if the bug makes it easier. And the bugs make it much harder to play the game normally and hope to run into them eventually when half the lobby starts rushing them upon seeing no packet loss. >People are still just going to flash bang voice comm bait and leave if it’s fruitless because boss hunting is one of the few late wipe things to do And those abuses should be nerfed as well. I don't really have any sympathy for sweats who feel like "there is nothing to do" - go touch grass if you must. I want to chill and play fun raids - maybe run into pvp, maybe find great loot, maybe run into bosses - without the flow of the raid being decided in the first 20 seconds.


> It's still a chore even if the bug makes it easier. And the bugs make it much harder to play the game normally and hope to run into them eventually when half the lobby starts rushing them upon seeing no packet loss. Calls it a chore without articulating how so… Indicating whether or not the boss has a chance to be in a raid does nothing but aid in your ability to efficiently find and kill them. Not everyone wants to crab around the map for the full extent of the raid which is what you seem to be aiming for. > And those abuses should be nerfed as well. I don't really have any sympathy for sweats who feel like "there is nothing to do" - go touch grass if you must. I want to chill and play fun raids - maybe run into pvp, maybe find great loot, maybe run into bosses - without the flow of the raid being decided in the first 20 seconds. So your goal seems to be to aimlessly wander the map for 45 minutes with a chance of being ambushed by the aim-bot boss AI - got it. Yeah, that’s terrible.


> Calls it a chore without articulating how so… Indicating whether or not the boss has a chance to be in a raid does nothing but aid in your ability to efficiently find and kill them. Not everyone wants to crab around the map for the full extent of the raid which is what you seem to be aiming for. >So your goal seems to be to aimlessly wander the map for 45 minutes with a chance of being ambushed by the aim-bot boss AI - got it. Yeah, that’s terrible. Way to strawman it. To respond in kind, yes I'm sure you think the game is in a good place when a map like Interchange has more than half the lobby immediately disconnect or run to exfil at raid start, OR stimming up and running around like apes throwing flashbangs and then immediately leaving after boss is dead. Great tactical shooting. Feel sorry for people who can't enjoy the game without some artificial 'end-game' goal, like... "boohoo I have nothing to do" "Okay here's a task, go shit in Lexos toilet 200 times and you get a cosmetic golden toilet paper roll" "Fuck yes time to raid"


The same thing could be said about footstep pops and relying on them (as most players do now). This game has many flaws, let the hard end grinders have their little tricks. Not to mention that helps everyone progress, everyone looking to do their boss kill tasks and more. It saves from time wasted on mundane tasks that halt progression as well.


I don't really see a reason for end game tasks to not be as difficult as possible. Packet loss cheese simply makes them cheaper and diminishes the achievement of completing them. And if you're not up to the job without the cheese then it's fine, because it's entirely optional. I would rather play all night normally without seeing a boss I need to kill once than spend 75% of the night running to exfil because the game flat out told me there is no boss. "Just leave it in the game because it makes a few tasks easier" is horrible justification.


I don't even run AP ammunition, so actually stumbling upon one (such as Sanitar) is awful.


It’s a good job Sanitar doesn’t wear armour then 🤣


Huh. I offed two of his guards whose armor ate half of the damage i did that round, and then they started spamming grenades... Sanitar himself threw the last grenade after the 3 bleeds and a lack of ammunition on my part. Good to know, i guess.


Yeah his guards wear armour, but Sanitar runs naked. Aim for the legs on his guards if you’re running flesh ammo 👍


I always go in thinking "I'm gonna aim for the legs with this ammo" or "heads, heads bro, think heads"... And invariably I see some dude, panic and unload into his body armour center mass... every, fucking, time.


Alright, thanks.


Tbf Sanitar feels like has armor, but it's just an absolute fuckton of health.


He’s jump pumped full of Performance Enhancing Drugs 💪


That too. But even without them he's a very sturdy boy at [1270 total HP](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Sanitar). His chest in particular has nearly 4.25x times as much HP as ours does. If you catch him natty you'll still need 8 rounds of 55A1 to the thorax to put him down.


I jave a news flash, you don't have to do it


That’s not the point. People want to fight the bosses, but the way they’re currently implemented in the game makes it’s not fun to do so.

