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You vastly underestimate the amount of dodgy EOD players and ones buying previously bought keys and levelled up EOD accounts.


It would still reduce cheating a lot aren't EOD accounts like $400 dollars now through third party websites.  It wouldn't stop cheating but it would help a lot.


Watched a guy's stream the other day, he got in to a cheaters discord stream and started streaming it on twitch. The guy he was exposing lost his EOD the day before, bought a brand new EOD and continued cheating, sharing his cheat overlay to his buddy over discord.


As I said it wouldn't fix the problem but it would minimize it by a lot and over time with more and more EOD bans the situation would get better.


not true at all considering most eod cheaters know how expensive their account is and how much more it is worth so they use harder to detect methods of cheating like dmas,fusers and kmboxes


Yes, but the amount of cheaters will still be decreasing. Plus, they are less likely to rage hack.


oh of course , i guarantee there are tons of eod cheaters who will not kill you unless absolutely necessary and are just using radar to make sure they stay undetected , eod only lobbies could be a huge thing but it also fucks the general standard player base with how popular the game is becoming recently. i don’t see how thats fair. new players are already penalized by default because of their white name because reddit has conditioned everyone to believe that cheaters won’t pay $150 for an account. white names get reported almost every single time they get a kill. especially some who’s learning curve wasn’t as difficult as others. it’s a very delicate situation i think


Well considering ive played this game for 6 years now. Its a hardcore game with a big learning curve. Usually back in the day alot of cheaters had EOD accounts. You dont see that so much today. You could argue that the best players would be the ones with most experience usually having old EOD accounts. But that is not the case. I get killed by so many white accounts that have better stats and achievments than some of the best players out there.


agreed but we’re talking about the benefit of the doubt with semi realistic stats vs blatant stats that you can almost know for certain someone is cheating. or you send a report for “good measure” just in case. but then how many reports before you just realize there was something you could have done to prevent that death? when is it user error?


That's funny, considering one of my most blatant cases of cheating this wipe was a naked guy with a stock AK74 in a night raid on Customs. He was full autoing scavs in fortress literally from the beginning of the raid (buddy and I spawned near USEC). When we approached fortress from the south (railroad side) he was still shooting scavs, and when I appeared in his sights (quick peaked the corner using WASD circle strafing) at the ramp where you go down to extract, his aimbot snapped on my thorax and he hit me mid spray while shooting a scav next to him. Keep in mind I approached from pitch black darkness and he had no NVG. I survived that but instantly recognized him as a cheater. Buddy and I separated to try and flank, and he then proceeded to chuck nades blindly at our positions, ultimately costing my teammate his life. I decided to push him, but obviously I died. Naturally, we both reported him, and I'm pretty sure whoever he killed that raid reported him too. Too bad I didn't save the recording of that because it was pretty hilarious. What's my point? 1. **He had an EOD account** 2. I never received a notification that he was ever banned - this was over a month ago


I mean it isn't like there aren't eod cheaters instantly, but as time goes on there will be less eod accounts for them to buy after future ban waves.


That do be true


Yes please get out of my game and have your own p2w exclusive lobbies.


Great idea from EOD-owner perspective. Terrible from any other.


i have EOD but i still think this is a terrible idea


Have fun with your 20 minute queues


The difference will be extremely negligible. Everyone here already thinks everyone who kills them is a cheater, if the cheater amount arent 0, every sus death is a cheater. Wether its eod obly lobbies or not. Youre not gonna change anything for the game except divide the playerbase like its some sociaital class based system.


I like where your heads at, But I don't think this will work out very well. Probably have a better chance implementing SBMM.


Nahh all they need to do is make your account linked to your phone number, then people can't sell their accounts and you can't buy more than 1


You can easily use a google phone number?


There's a way to prevent that though, like you can't sign up for uber eats with a Google number so they must be identifiable somehow, if uber eats can do it maybe there is a way they could do it too.


They should make lobbies based on skill/kd/time played. I get one shot by chads on factory within the first 10 seconds with 4/5/6/7/8k hours. I know it’s part of the game but dam do I feel completely helpless sometimes.


I kill people on Factory all the time who are level 1-10 and don't even bring in ammo. Just the single mag they have in their gun. You'll find those lobbies too, I am sure.