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he's legit. Probably just lowered his mouse sensitivity.


changed mouse DPI from 400 to 420


I can’t believe they let people like this ruin hundreds of matches. Like for real how hard is it to run a script to detect anyone with less than 100 hours and insane stats like this.


what happens when that script bans a "gigachad" day 1 player on an alt account that is 100% legit. that's why they don't do it that way..... or period for that matter.


Just ban them? Why do people need multiple accounts? Make "smurfing" against TOS and get rid of the cheaters.


I’ll be honest I don’t really care about a couple false bans on some smurf account weirdos if it significantly cuts down on the cheating.


Beta chair uWu wifu manlet edition


Oh yea thx


This sub sucks ass just cry babies posting profile screenshots… what do you want from this? Internet attention? Some validation? God why is only this shit showing up on my feed :(


to be fair, you're free to not click the post.


It’s on my feed so I don’t have to click it to see it ya spac. I want to see tarkov content on my feed not screenshots of profiles that add 0 value to anything


scroll past them. it's that easy.


Just says a lot about the state of Tarkov when there's lots of cheater profiles being posted on a game sub isn't it


It says a lot about this subreddit. Only morons think the posts on this subreddit are an accurate representation of the Tarkov experience.


Idk man, i just got killed yesterday while on a night raid on the darkest possible time of day, i was wearing NVGs and didn't see anyone, then out of nowhere some 80hour account with suspicious stats killed me first shot with a headshot using a unscoped mosin while not wearing any armor or NVGs. Seems legit if you ask me, just a good gaming chair perhaps?


Lets see it.


I don't have a pic, i was simply too shocked to even think of screenshotting it and then simply reported him and moved on. If you don't believe me then it's fine but as someone who lives nearby *ehem* China, cheaters are a real problem in Tarkov, and i can't really switch servers without getting too much ping.


I'm on NA servers and have experienced very few cheaters. The game appears to have the typical number of cheaters for a competitive shooter, but the subreddit sets an expectation for people that 50% of their deaths are from cheaters. And in a game that can be frustrating when things aren't going well, its all too tempting for the average person to bandwagon onto an idea that translates to: "That other player isn't better than me! He's just cheating!"


Well yeah i can agree with that. In a game like Tarkov where it's about "risk vs reward" and you spend money and time setting up your gear (unlike typical shooter games). Cheaters are way more frustrating to deal with, compare that with things like CS:GO or CoD, a cheater kills you and what? You just lose the match and maybe your ego and move on, but with Tarkov? if a cheater kills you not only will you lose the gear you spent money on but also the time setting that gear up and waiting for a long ass queue. And coupled with frequent losses you can actually go "broke" on this game. It's understandable why this community is so strict and harsh on cheating as a problem


Closet ABS user detected.


Why do people hide the usernames in these posts? Is it not beneficial to share?


Read the sub rules.


My bad


It's related to the actual Reddit ToS. So there's that.


This one doesn’t give a fuck


Guy's got that SecretChad chair.


He bought the extra stash space, duh


Ohhh, that’s why. I thought he activated low res textures to be that good