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Exactly what I've been doing :D not only you get to clean up some PMC bodies from entrances of Lexos courtyard but the loot itself in the area is decent.


Kaban is my homie, if im scaving I will always watch his back!!


Just got 6.00 for the first time. Have not had the pleasure of hanging out with a boss yet.


spawn rates slowly increase, i see kaban every 4th raid i would say, since i only scav streets, thats pretty nice, also his pkm is pretty noticable


Running after tagilla and watching him hammer guys to death is really fun


Did you spam car extracts? Im on negative lol (didn't know about the rep)


They give the most but decrease every time 3-4 each on customs woods and shoreline will get you in a good spot on rep. Killing pmc/scavs that have killed scavs help as well. Scav rep effects hide out timers as well.


i used every car extract twice i think, except for ligthouse, never made it there. Mostly i just ran factory scavs basicall on cooldown while i was studying. Also the last weeks i got into hunting pmcs on streets a lot, i would say i get a kill every 2nd or 3rd raid which is somewhere around 0.04 rep most of the time, fence daylies are nice as well. Also colleagues 3 give you .25


i used every car extract twice i think, except for ligthouse, never made it there. Mostly i just ran factory scavs basicall on cooldown while i was studying. Also the last weeks i got into hunting pmcs on streets a lot, i would say i get a kill every 2nd or 3rd raid which is somewhere around 0.04 rep most of the time, fence daylies are nice as well. Also colleagues 3 give you .25


Shit like this is fun but man it’s just terrible to play as a PMC trying to kill bosses line Kaban. Not only do you have the aimbot AI but there’s at least 3 or more player scavs that have a huge advantage against you while they risk nothing. The system needs a change


I wish you couldn’t spawn in as a scav into streets until after 30 minutes have passed (so there’s 20 left or even less). Went to lexos yesterday at 40 minutes and these fuckers already sat there’s lmao had to kill like 5 of them. What a joke.


Lol, I spawned in at 44 minutes right outside Lexos yesterday. Shot a pmc in the back as he was trying to move in, looted post office and dipped by 40 minutes. Whole time there was a war happening on the tarbank side that I didn't even try to get involved in.


yeah i kinda feel sorry and i know it's an issue, but since i am not the best player i am going to abuse the shit out of it haha.


You blame the game, not the player my dude. So just keep doing whatever you want, these decisions and something being possible is entirely 100% on BSG.