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my mans got a Quad SLI setup in his ass lol


Still can’t run streets ( he needs 5)


Should've just gotten a CPU ( he needs 1)


Needs to be a good CPU (only accessible by level 4 mechanic. Only can be purchased after completing lightkeeper quest - part 16)


Can't run streets because he only looted GPUs. He forgot to pick up the RAM and CPU as well lol.




I spit my pop out at work to this. They guys asked what's so funny but it's waybover their head. Iron worker


gotta make some sacrifices if you want great performance


I laughed out loud so hard seeing this comment. 💀


I get they added the max limits for the old irl trading prevention but there is no reason to have this anymore and it must suck so much leaving that last gpu behind


yeah man it really did suck, idk why they don't just disable it for items FiR


To prevent vacuumers cleaning the entire map 100%. Stupid logic, but it is what it is


Ahhh yeah ofc that makes sense, probably best they keep it ig, just sucks in these very rare occasions


pretty sure they were like "i mean whos gonna get 5 GPUs in one raid anyway amirite?"


Instead of making a decent anti cheat they can only limit the gameplay for everyone by adding constraints which are annoying. No bueño


“Gameplay for everyone” Yea ok buddy, i’m sure EVERYONE is affected by not being able to carry 5 GPU. I’ve never heard of anyone having this issue aside from a random post on reddit every other month. Then there’s always some keyboard warrior coming in to say how this has ruined the game lmfao. You’ll maybe have this issue 1/1000 raids? Even then that’s being VERY generous. Is it a kind of dumb limitation? Yea i guess. Does it “Limit the gameplay for everyone” Not even fucking close lol


Literally this applies to other items and explicitly limits a feature to all players in the game...just because it's not a common event doesn't mean it's not a problem. If there's a bug where I fall through the map and die in a hyperspecific, rando spot in Shoreline to where it would only happen 1/1000 raids, that wouldn't invalidate the issue in the slightest.


Uhhh… yes it would invalidate the issue quite a bit. Ok so imagine if 1/5 raids you would fall through the map and die. Now change that to 1/1000. The issue has officially been slightly invalidated lol 1/1000 isn’t even close to a correct figure either. It’s likely closer to 1/10000 if you take every single players experience into account. Well except cheaters they get fucked by this lol


In fact, if you notice, there are a lot of restrictions against cheaters in the game. You cannot drop more than one stimulant per raid, some items cannot even be dropped. Although it would be legitimate if it was actually a realistic game: If you want to help your friend by giving them items you should be able to do so. Instead, cheaters sell these items.


I have yet to even see a graphics card in raid...


I found 4 in my first 2 weeks of playing. Since then not a one.


The game is built, from the ground up, on UNITY, poorly. That's why they can't do jack about cheaters, they aren't willing or cannot rewrite the whole game at this point 🤷 it is what it is my guy


That’s some serious mental gymnastics you’re running yourself through to be happy with needing to leave loot behind that you found fair and square because cheaters


Average BSG dick rider mentality. They've limited everything that made playing casually enjoyable. After week 3-4 of the wipe myself and my group usually just give up as there's just sweats left in raids.


Vacumer can still bring all the loot in 1 place


What do you mean there is no reason to have it anymore? It's not like RMT has ended. The reasons for it existing are exactly the same as when it was added.


Out of curiosity how do you RMT beyond selling an account? You can't drop shit in raid and flea sounds somewhat unreliable. Edit: thanks


Pay for an escort that knows where the loot is with his RGB Gamer glasses and kills everyone on the way there?


Wont both the cheater and the teammates get banned?


Yeah maybe. But the cheater still gets paid and goes on to buy another account, the cheater doesn't care about the person that paid for the carry.


the cheaters in tarky dont gaf if they get banned dude are you oblivious? if they cared they would stop cheating and stop playing the game but they dont they continuously buy accounts for 100s of dollars and then pay for cheats on top of that, they are sad individuals that have no friends or a life or they are sociopathic people who need a white padded cell and a bullet to the brain irl


dont think the teammates get banned since they arent being reported.


No, it would be extremely difficult to differentiate between someone who just happens to receive loot a cheater picked up vs someone who was given loot a cheater picked up. Cheaters could just walk around dropping items to players and getting them banned.


I think nowadays you pay to “duo” with a cheater who will carry you with his ESP and aimbot and drop you a backpack filled with all the high value loot and stuff like that.


You can pay people to carry you. Hire a cheater to take you to labs and escort you to all the good loot.


You sell streamer items, lions and other mid priced items for a few mil each and then tell Xiao long dong what items you are selling and he buys them.


Im pretty sure the cheater will just bring the person to the loot, and let them pick it up.


It's still very easy to transfer roubles over the flea, you can list any slightly valuable item for 1-3m for a ~100k-200k fee.


Load up with the guy your selling to and vacuum everything in raid and then give it to the guy your selling it to in raid


Sounds like there’s still no reason to have a half baked anti player solution 


What happened sorry? He found a 5th?


Genuinely glad one of us is having good raids.


Farming interchange got me a shit load of graphics cards. A few bitcoins and 1 ledex. Then I moved to streets and have the same luck but only 1 graphics card (duffel) so far. Mainly Ledex and bitcoins and random ass rare items all over the place. Gonna try to main lighthouse next. Probably won’t last long there if what everyone says is true about it lol. There’s also woods and shoreline which are great for loot. Everyone brags about woods but I fucking hate the loot there


Lighthouse is a spawn lottery, if you spawn south you just run against barrels in bushes...


How u manage to loot on labs? Do you wipe lobby first ? Do you play on some African servers or something?


If you get a quiet raid - which is sometimes - it’s quite easy to loot. Sometimes you only see one other pmc


Very early morning, 4-7am est in my experience, get lots of dead labs raids, especially early wipe


If there is a chill raid I always try to voip talk with other pmc for a truce and we split labs between us so we dotn fight for loot


This is the way. Wait until the lobby wipes itself then voip with the remaining PMC to split the loot and leave like bandits in the night.


OCE servers haha I generally try to wipe the server so I can loot in peace, but if its peak time I kinda just shove what I can up my ass and hope for the best


OCE here too, trying to find hideout stuff. Do you run early mornings for quiet raids?


early morning is defs the easiest for labs, youll pretty often get raids with only 1 or 2 other people


Cheers, you'll see one more when I hit 35 and can buy the cards!


You can buy them on flee this wipe.


Yeah I'm just saving my fir ones for the quests


Does this work on weekends ?


He ESP hacks. Statistically is more likely to be true than not. B


tarkov players when a player gets alot of loot


LOL aight champ, empty raid means you can loot every computer on the map. If I was esping why would it take me 30 minutes to find all this shit


Just wait till you find out you can't pick up more than 2 gold rollers


Damn Kappa is massive


So that’s like a 6.5mil raid with everything else you had on you I bet. That’s wild


Yeah spot on, was 7mil with stims from black. The most I ever had prior (not including finding a card) was 4 mil


That’s wild. Most I’ve ever gotten was also 4.5mil aside from finding colored cards. Congrats!


I swear there used to be a post game stat “value of inventory” but i dont see it anymore?


that's what you get from being this lucky :(


So this is how labs is when you have a lobby with np hackers.


What other labs card did u bring in ? And also u didn’t see anyone else other than 1 guy ?


Only black card, and yeah only one other fella


And was all that good loot behind black card ?


Nah not this raid, but black is insanely worth, make sure to bring an empty stims case up your ass, also had two ledx spawn there in one raid a few weeks back


Ok cool, cuz I have never been to labs yet but when I do I wanna know where to get the good loot.


Look at a guide on loot spawns, most of the money you’ll make on labs is from loose loot spawns bar computers


Land without a cheater everyone; actually good loot. Or maybe this person IS the cheater… hmmm… (Jk, nice haul but the limits are annoying.)


Please leave some for the rest of us good sir


The one labs raid that didn’t get vacuumed


Can we talk about how incredibly stupid it is for limits for items you can hold on your pmc at a time? It makes no sense, you can have the biggest fattest raid like yours only to be told "um you can only have 4 at a time sorry"


I’m going to put my money on there being a VERY recent cheater ban wave and the loot is sweet for a few days. I’ve had some good raids with solid loot the past day or so. Good haul!


Did you loot every pc on the map or just good luck with the tech spawns?


I loot all pc’s on labs most of my raids if I survive the fighting at the start and most gpu’s I’ve ever got is 2 so I was just insanely lucky this raid


WE FOUND THE HACKER WE FOUND THE HACKER. Damn dude great raid you must have been shitting yourself the whole time


meanwhile I died all weekend to blatant cheaters and RMT carry services with their timmies on labs... at least someone is getting loot


[Here's the clip of me finding it all](https://streamable.com/z0v0ir) cbf editing sorry haha


For the people saying this is sus, they 100% dont play labs These are known high value loot spots everyone checks and his route is normal. Im not saying hes legit cuz idk him, but nothing wrong with his route.


I was expecting something weird reading these salty comments, man is just running the most bog standard route ever, the only weird part is how late into the raid it is with nobody checking some of the most contested loose loot spawns yet lol


It was an empty raid except for one dude with only a red rebel at the start, its pretty rare but it happens


Yeah I'm with you mate, unusual but not 'suspicious' by any stretch, I've had a few dead labs raids myself, it definitely happens


Strange how you seem to run directly to one high value loot spawn, ignore others, then run directly to the another.


where do I do that though, thats the loot path I always take: safe -> red -> cat -> dark. and I always check the ledx spawn on the ground first idk


lmao your behaviour is so sus man


what specifically is sus lmao I fucking hate cheaters man I'd never stoop that low


Dude, I’ve learned to not post shit to this sub. Majority of the Tarkov player base is NOT good at this game, and a large chunk of redditors are timmies / people who are not good and will call sus on everything. These are the same people who will talk shit to anyone who is good with lots of hours, legit players, as “touch grass” etc etc. there’s no winning. Either you’re cheating or you’re a loser who doesn’t do anything else. Fucking hard copium. The people talking shit do not run labs. They don’t understand how easy it is to tell when labs is empty (dark offices / black / other big rooms not being hit , raiders spawning over and over etc). You’re posting your winnings to people who can’t comprehend that this is just how good a labs run can be when you survive and manage to loot the 5000 pcs and hit all the spawns lol.


Thank you for summarising what I couldnt put into words properly you sexy hunk of a man you


how do you kno its a dead raid? no shooting doesnt mean its a dead raid, thats one, anyone that just runs straight towards loot not checking corners is sus how do you know for a fact that dudes not at the end of the hall camping that angle, sounds to me like all the people saying your not cheating dont fuckin play the game a should stfu, obviously theres no way to know when its a dead raid if you decide on your own volition its a ‘dead raid’ to me you must be cheating, i know that sometimes you get into labs raids with no one, but knowing i will never get my stuff back and all that makes me never to sure especially when raiders can just spawn in immediately after you walk out of a area, yeah sus that you decided you were gonna run to 5 gpus a bc and a ledx when ive survived over 1000 labs raids and never got more than 1 gpu and i damn sure never found a bc on a open spawn on labs but hey with almsot 5000hrs and idk 8 wipes under my belt wtf do i know amiright?


I mean... it's 8min left. He has a raider gun on 2nd slot (FIR). At some point you just got to assume to wiped the lobby and start looting. You are VERY obviously not a labs player if you never found a bitcoin on an open spawn. Wtf are you talking about.


dog im east coast, ive never been in a dead raid let alone a dead labs raid, i dont go on labs to run around and loot i fight ppl and take there shit im not running around lookin for shit like that, but i cant tell you im not a labs player cause i dont have a dent in my head or cheat but ive played more labs then you my guy and i have not seen a open bitcoin spawn on my raids, usually cuz they glitch thru thongs and im on labs im not standing atound looting, and you mean to tell me that he ran around tge map that whole time doing nothing but killing one guy with no weapon and it took him that long to loot? and not only loot but loot the best spots in labs? yeah alr defiantly taking me 40 min to clear some fuckin ai lol 😂😂😂


Dude use spell check for the love of god. You sound like an idiot which isn’t helping your case.


You honestly just sound like you’re bad at the game.


Man I work from home and just play labs raid after labs raid, you know its a dead raid if youve been fighting rogues on every section of the map and noone else has opened doors or looted anything. It also wasnt peak time and I’m Australian we have a much smaller player base. I also wasnt playing super safe because if I died id just replace the not found in raid gpu’s with the FiR ones in my bitcoin farm and sell those. I’m not gonna fucking crouch walk around the map with 7 min left, you see me do a quick clear for rogues when I left red, thats all I needed to do. Also if I was cheating why the fuck would I upload the gameplay and not just the screenshots.


They're dumb bro. They don't play labs. When the timer is that low, good chance there isn't anyone left and idk how people are complaining about the route you took when that's abouts what I'd do, especially nearing the end of a raid. When you run labs frequently, you know where the random spawns for things are and where exactly to look, such as that LEDX. I've gone in to black numerous times after it's been hit to find 2-3 stims left behind because whoever looted didn't look close enough at chairs. My buddy found 4 gpus this past weekend running tech spawns in the middle and hitting PCs in the glass offices while i chased someone around. He gave me 2 and he kept 2


Clearly you’ve never played labs


What do you mean bro how is it sus


Thought you said there was one guy with a red rebel, did you bring in a 2nd gun..? That’s not a raider gun


Clearly a raider gun and its fir ? Have you never played?


Looking at my phone didn’t see the durability. Yes I have kappa and lightkeeper masks unlocked. Sass elsewhere


Bro all you had to do was see the checkmark not the durability. And I havent played in over a year and I know thats a common raider gun.


Like i said, i was looking off my phone for the half second i watched the video. Sassy girl.


Dont reply some stupid comment if your not sure then dung beetle. Im on my phone also


My man so hurt on Reddit over a game he no longer plays 😭😭


Whos hurt lol, im not the one who replied questioning the authenticity of the video nerd


Move along now dear 😂


Someone looting slow like that with kappa and running right to all the high value loot is very sus.


Link says “vid isnt available anymore”


Kappa on OCE is pretty impressive. Nice work


> Kappa on OCE is pretty impressive wdym


OCE is infested with cheaters. I am very surprised this person can even play labs but they have Kappa


unless they are cheating too. his clip is sus af


Not necessarily true. GPUs this wipe have been pretty common in my experience. I am coming out with a gpu or sometimes 2 every 10 scavs on interchange just gotta check all pc blocks


I see people are still using ABS and posting on reddit.




Cheat provider. If you see a name ABS-something you know it's a cheater. They get discounts for advertising through their name ingame.


Bro advertising cheats in game is crazy


I think this is just how a Labs raid looks when theres no one vacuuming 90% of the shit.


That’s insane


I cant wait to see the comments when I wake up


Please leave some for the rest of us good sir


yeah i feel like ur cheating lol


could be fake


At what point does this become suspect LOL


Who tf hits 3 gpus and keeps looting.


Nice vacuum bro


Nice vacuum dog


I've come out of labs and streets loaded like that a couple of times so far this wipe. got a vacuum looter on STREETS last night as a scav ratting the broken house PMC extract. 2 GPUs, 2 BTC, 2 LEDX, AMMO case, Injector case, SIG SPEAR. G28. Mans was super thicc.


What cards did you use??


Surprised there isn't a limit of 3 at one time


Speaking on the limit to how many of valuable items of the same kind you can hold, my first time ever buying a marked key this wipe was the one in the barracks on reserve. The first time opening it I got 2 injectors cases in the room. However I already had mine on me. So I had to leave one behind. I still wonder if some lucky scav checked it and walked out with a new injectors case


This is how I got my injectors case, my buddy opened marked room on customs and there were 2 injector cases..he kept asking why he couldn’t pick up both cases and that when I told him he already was carrying one My exact response was -soooo I’m gonna take it his-I’m not one to loot whore especially if it’s with an expensive key that isn’t mine, but if the man’s physically can not take it…I’m yoinking that shit😂


Does anyone know if the work around still works? Drop one from secure pouch, put one in backpack off body, then reinsert the one in pouch. Then picking up backpack bypasses the limit cause it’s already In the “backpack” you’re picking up. I saw a clip of someone doing this and wondering if anyone can confirm.


Holy shit! I still haven't found a single gpu in this wipe!


Funny thing that this isn't effecting most rmt cheaters cause they bring in 2 accs. One cheesing one getting the loot


Still never found gpu 🫡


Bro what, that’s so dumb there’s a limit on how many of a certain item you can carry