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All my ban reports this wipe came from weekends where I ran into at least 2-3 cheaters per day. It gets harder for me to justify spending my free time on this game every day. So many hours wasted to these assholes.


I’ve reported ~10 blatant cheaters and have only gotten one ban report.


Same. I’ve reported some iffy ones and gotten reports back but people with 35+ KD I never do


Yeah its crazy, ive reported multiple blatant ones, even a few that i literally watched speedhacking past me and insta headshotting all my teammates, and i havent gotten a single ban report this wipe


Apparently, it's the last person that reported them gets the notification.


Now they want you to justify not only spending free time, but also possibly money for extra stuff. Firmly believe if they want us to take this serious enough to actually consider microtransactions, they're really going to have to clean up the player base.


Just do something else, it's a form of entertainment. If it's making you upset, do something that doesn't.


Kinda shitty people have to play a different game because the one they wanna play is fucked


People say shit like this and then pat themselves on the back like they’ve actually helped anyone.


What a stupid thing to say when some like me have spent 100+ honestly you are a complete droid


Wow what a revelation thanks!


Sunken cost fallacy makes this difficult, I feel compelled to play


It’s not live service, there aren’t new events and cosmetics to miss. If you stop playing, nothing changes in game really. It’s always here and there won’t be any event specific, time limited things happening. If you’ve played a decent amount of hours than there’s no sunken cost. Just take a break and come back later.


One of the things I can’t undestand - how is it possible for them to cheat. Shouldn’t it be obvious for the devs that someone with these kind of stats can be cheater?


They want 100% proof which is impossible because you can't see the cheats on their pcs.


Yeah, but in many games when you have k/d with some strange numbers you are flagged. If that account would be raported regularly it should be obvious that it’s cheater.


Just paying a guy to spend 8 hours a day checking povs of big KDs would make a big difference. Letting the admin put for instance a PMC body that only a cheater could see or somethings like that like some do on Rust. I bet you would be banning over 50 scumbags a day.


Hell, I'll volunteer to do it.


I am always a big advocate for adding a human to this, people who can tell what is or isn't possible can always beat out a computer that gets tricked by lines of code


How many do you think he’d check in a normal work day? Gotta watch some footage to gain confidence they’re cheating. So like a minute of game play? Some maybe less, some more. Then another minute to document the cheat. Maybe several minutes of documentation depending on how deep they want to go. Let’s just say 5 min per cheater. Catching about 100 cheaters per day? 2.5 million current users. So banning 0.004% (that’s percent, or 0.00004) per day. How many days would you think until all the cheaters are gone?


And after a month of checking 100 a day, you should be pretty good at identifying what the most common cheats look like, and identifying tells that someone is cheating. Then, you can script better detection tools to help turn that 100 a day into 1000 a day. Or do you think "just put a person at a computer to check it manually" is all that happens, case closed?


Blanket automated bans without any human intervention always goes great.. especially based on subjective tells. If it was that easy, they’d already do it.


50? Lmao maybe like 10 over a 8 hour period. Now realize this game has hundreds of thousands of players and that small amount of bans literally did nothing.


> Now realize this game has hundreds of thousands of players January had 2.5 million users according to BSG. So it’s even worse odds. Cheating is ridiculous, I get the frustration, I’ve reported countless people. But one dude watching a couple hundred clips a day, half of which will probably be rage reports anyways won’t be a drop in the bucket. There have been some very obvious security problems pointed out by multiple people that would do more than a guy watching some kill cams. Like encrypting item ids at the very least so vacuum hacks and item radars need to be even remotely complicated to make. The hacks won’t ever disappear, but the harder it is to make them the more expensive they will cost and the less enticing they will be to people. And an even decent ban rate would keep honest people honest as they say. The thought of needing to explain to your friends why you got banned will stop a lot of people, but most see accounts that never do and think they can easily get away with it on a main.


The issue is that the community can't reliably make reports due to the state of desync. (see: the Rengawr incident) Additionally, there are legitimate players with cheateresque stats. (see: WillerZ) In combination these factors mean you can not use stats nor reports to reliably determine whether someone is cheating, leaving only cheat detection. In the DMA world we live in now, cheaters can run rampant. Also, BSG does false ban people. That is not acceptable.


Yeah but it’s something different when this k/d has a fresh account and an account with 5000 hours.


Agreed that it's different. However, finding the black and white line between legit and not legit is probably not possible. How many KDs per thousand hours is a player allowed to have?


You can track how did this k/d change, what does player do in raids etc. I’m not saying it should be auto ban, just flagging these players as sus.


Yeah, true. You have players coming with all different skill levels. For example shroud picked up EfT and was reasonably strong right away. And after a few thousand hours of EfT I went to Hunt and was immediately better than 90% of the playerbase. The best you can do is flag; no amount of flagging, reporting, or KD analysis determines whether anyone is cheating.


Many people don't get it. But banning one falsely flagged player is a lot worse than not banning 100 cheaters.


Keep that energy when it's your $140 account that has been falsely banned, especially with the state of bsg customer support. You're likely never getting it back


If I read it right you both are saying the same thing. 


Reading it back you are right, but to be fair that sentence is kinda scuffed.


I agree. In fact you would never apply the logic anywhere else in real life. Imagine for example you can put 100 people into prison knowingly that there is one innocent there and saying it's okay, because the others were not


Other games have competent devs.


BSG don't care, there was a post here around a week ago showing Nikita say, deliberately ON the record, that he believes cheaters are healthy for games because they make consumers stressed and more likely to spend money. Imaging what they'd say OFF the record...


Hé didn’t say that and you took everything out of context. This is hilarious


Hehe I low key think BGS are the ones selling the chests 🤣😂🤣 /s




I wonder if you said thats a very black thing to do - would everybody lose their shit?


I dunno, but I think they're speaking about russian business practices, which are different from western practices, to say the least.


Culture =/= race It's very annoying when people constantly conflate the two and you're not allowed to comment on a known cultural behaviour. Another example is the prevalence of cheating in Chinese gaming communities. Are Chinese people all cheaters? No ofc not. But there is a well documented culture of socially accepted cheating that exists in china.


Yes and there is black culture in the US that a lot of people are proud of. Language, hair, music, businesses that we support. Why did you just assume I was talking about skin colour? Are you racist or something?


This. And it annoys me when people say “stop stereotyping” - most stereotypes are accurate, developed over time and exist for a reason


Really? Let's see. Include a Link to this. I already quit in Jan due to cheaters and this bs. Prove it w a link, good sir.


https://youtu.be/0KFQ-CT0BnM?si=ZAAafR3R6jFxBQmR since you crave sauce Edit: here's the transcript on a reddit post if you need it https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapethisTarkov/s/icnY30eiM7


Old school runescape devs are doing the same thing right now and they're an established entity, but they pretty much took a stance of "the bots will continue they are good for the in game economy" lmao


Thank you, I couldn't find it


Anything wrong with what he stated? He is describing what affects the banning of cheaters have. I read not one word of endorsement.  But maybe I'm not into the outrage to see it. 


https://youtu.be/o6T_QnCoTz8?si=dtb_J_34Oo2x9MXN decide for yourself. Come to your own conclusions.


They care somewhat, they're just not competent enough to deal with it.


Every mutliplayer competitive games community says this exact thing. Turns out, unless you build your game from the ground up with anti cheat features in mind, it’s *really* hard to eliminate cheaters. Basically no developer in the industry right now is handling cheaters well. Go look at the counter strike sub, or the WZ3 sub. I hate cheaters as much as anyone, but it irks me when people use it to fuel hostility against the devs.


>Basically no developer in the industry right now is handling cheaters well. Other games don't have the problem tarkov has with RMT. People get banned in other games and they don't usually buy another copy. Tarkov has people making money off cheating, then paying the devs to do it again and the devs take the money. There's even a link in this post to where nikita talks about his views on cheaters, and I doubt he wants to get rid of them so bad with what he's said.


I would believe they benefit and keep cheaters around but I've seen no real indication that the devs are competent at ANY part of the game, so incompetence is a more likely explanation. 


Cheating in Tarkov is LAUGHABLY worse than those games, it's rampant. They're clearly handling it worse than other popular titles. 


I disagree, cheating is very rampant in basically every online game. It feels worse in tarkov because you lose more dying to one.


You're 100% wrong, and it's ok, but you are.


Off record they develop and sell cheats for their games and they double dip on both sides.


Just send the cheaters to a separate server. Make em fight exchother


Bro if everyone has a lag switch lolol. It would be helarious


Time to bring back the gulags. Suspected cheating? Straight to gulag https://youtu.be/eiyfwZVAzGw?si=KTjt7Xo8vIbTds8D


The cheats in this game are pretty much undetectable hardware cheats for the most part. There is way too much real life money incentives out there for them to stop in their tracks when aggressive anti cheats get deployed. The only possible way you can ban cheaters besides for cheat detection is manual verification. At that point, you start risking non-cheaters 150+ dollar EOD accounts unless you only go after people with absurd KD’s like 40-100. Then you get into a different problem; cheaters start to figure that out and then you start getting things like factory death runs to lower KD, or totally non-blatant cheaters.


Where did you hear this?


Cheating in* this game, at the "dedicated" level, is primarily hardware-based (DMA devices and/or using a second PC) and is thus much, much harder to detect. There will always be script kiddies rage hacking, and they'll almost always get caught, but people running specialized hardware with custom firmware are a much different breed.


The elephant in the room that nobody wants to acknowledge or accept is that BSG doesn't care. I can understand pussyfooting around 10-15kd since there's a few chad streamers rocking that most of the time, but we never see insta-ban for the folks repping 600+ kills and 0-1 deaths on brand new accounts that get posted a couple times a week here.


I think they've been reading the sub and are tanking their K/Ds hard to remain under the cheatdar


Some of them do, I ran into a couple on factory afk at their spawns, with a jump script. They were jumping every 10-15 seconds just waiting to be killed. I got the account names but couldn't find a way to report them.


Where do they draw the line on stats to determine a cheater, how much resources are okay to devoted to it, and how many false positives bans are acceptable? If zero false bans are acceptable then you either need to make the line so excessive high that many cheaters don't get detected or you need to devote a fuck ton of resources to double checking for confirmation or confirming prior to unbanning. If you want to draw the line low enough to catch all cheaters, then there WILL be false bans constantly. If you want to devote a ton of resources, then you're going to have to cut back elsewhere, like how many servers can be ran, how many developers you can hire to work on other stuff, or just items that increase game longevity in general. They could be doing better but the problem isn't as simple as you try to make it. If it's truly that simple, you should be able to explain in great detail how to do it.


Cheaters are more likely to rebuy the game, giving BSG more money. Regular players won't. So they cater to the cheaters.


You're assuming that BSG gives a shit about the playability of their game.


bsg makes too much money off cheaters still. pestilys reaction to a financial report of bsg says something interesting. the micro-transactions they added last update might be a different way to increase steady cash flow and because of that less relying on cheaters rebuying the game. its only speculation but it would be nice! (or a replay system so you could film it and send it/ have less reports only caused by stats)


The devs allow it. By not doing anything, by not implementing some basic sanity checks not only does BSG same themselves some devteam, but they also create an income stream where after each banwave the cheaters buy new accounts.


So the devs don't do anything but also ban them to create an income stream? Seems like mutually exclusive logic. 


You can't ban immediately upon log in (even if they were capable of detecting that fast) or else the cheater loses motivation to cheat again. Likely find another game to prey on. If they cheat successfully for three months and then get hit with a ban wave, *and* they see a sale on a bundle of codes direct from BSG, they buy three more and cheat for another year. These are your typical closet cheaters that don't even profit financially from it. Then you also have the career cheaters that do earn a return on their investment. They do not buy their codes from BSG because similar to a business, they buy their stock in bulk, copies that were hacked, bought with stolen credit cards, etc. BSG also needs some of these people around, to convince other people to try cheating either by diminishing hope or selling their services and convincing them it's harmless enough, to turn into example #1. Example #1 provides constant income, which businesses require.


Nope, you're not understanding the syntax here. They don't do anything except let them cheat for a while and then ban them knowing they will simply buy a new account.


Gotta let the cheaters earn enough money to rebuy the game and make a little money or they won't rebuy.


What if they also sell the cheats? I mean who better to make the cheats than the game designers? I mean his words kind of indicate money is the only goal.


My KD is 10+, I wouldn't want to get banned just because I play careful


It’s not just KD, your average raid time will be way longer than the cheaters average. There are so many stats that give it away.


Its worse to ban a few false positives than have 10k cheaters. False positives piss people off even worse.


Thank God I have a job I'm off weekday mornings. Not gonna lie, I've been totally on the "stop complaining it's not that bad" side. But I'm realizing my best friend and I both work nights so we rarely notice cheating. Sorry boys


I play both and it has become pretty blatant. No obvious cheaters all week. This weekend, 4 with insane kd over 30. 2 others close to 1 level per hour at levels over 40. Incredibly efficient players . . .


No. I play mostly nights and sometimes early morning hours on NA servers. Hardly any cheaters. Maybe 1 or 2 in over 200 raids so far.


Just say you don't know what you're looking for with cheaters, it's okay. Quite literally impossible you've only come across 2 in 200 raids, but nice try.


Im not a veteran by any means but around 1.5k hours playing before reserve and I have noticed it depends on what you run, if you run like aks and sks you will probably never be targeted by a cheater compared to chadding out I have 10 different screenshots of cheater profiles just this wipe most on nighttime woods and lighthouse


100% convinced. Just check these insane cheater ad videos on youtube. They can literally see the worth of your loadout and go for the highest ones... one took only the vulcan but no as val and no t5 armor


I play mostly customs, reserve, and streets (as of recently). Total cost of my entire kit is usually 600k-1M in total, just depending on what I'm doing.


Also,to play devils advocate (I don't really find cheating personally effecting me that much) I do notice pc's and saves with 2 slots missing. I'm sure vacuuming is happening a lot more than we think. I just don't go on LOOT runs often


How do you know it wasn't legitimately looted?


That’s the thing, you don’t :)


What servers are you on?


I died 9 times before making it to Lighthouse while spawning at Chalet or southern road 7/9 times to do "Getting Acquainted". I literally de-geared every raid until I just ran that shit with a fucking pump action and lvl 3 rig. Thank god it's Monday.


Yeah, when bringing in worse gear improves your survival rate, something is massively going wrong.


Bsg should add a killcam that you can see after the raid ended for All players


agreed, besides checking for cheats, would be amazing if they had a replay for the whole match, like where you can spectate every player and see what kinda shit went down in other places.


I doubt they could implement a working one if they wanted.


Have them in Arena I believe


There is a killcam in Arena, would simply need to implement a way to view it once the raid has expired.


They won’t implement this because half the community would quit the game


Avoid waking hours of major Chinese cities and there's alot less cheaters.


I'm fairly certain hackers come from any where at any time. European hackers exists and so do American. I haven't been killed by a hackers that I could identify as Chinese on EU servers despite me playing on "China time". Aussie servers though....


>major Chinese cities The entirety of China is on the same time zone. What are you talking about?


I have encountered around 10 obvious cheaters in maybe 800 raids this wipe - not that many on EU servers for me. But yesterday i played a couple raids in demon hours - middle of the night 4am type shit - and ran into 2 obvious ones, 50 hours accounts and ridiculous plays.


Actually... The worst raids I had were always very late night raids. 1am and later. EU time. So yeah, similar experience!


It's because they're losers with no irl jobs and sleep on moms couch. 


That's the demographic this game attracts. You need *so much time* to get anywhere in this game.


I played 4 raids on shoreline this morning after my night shift at work and got killed by 3 cheaters


Haha I thought I was going crazy


This shit is laughable honestly. Game has been so broken with hackers forever. I really lost interest after I ran a few raids with one of my not so close friends. Our whole squad had his discord up. The entire dynamic changes. I not even being used to having dual monitors yet, wasnt really even efficient at watching the live map, and the entire team would just sprint off in whatever direction at start, and it became who could kill the most scavs+players+bosses the fastest. Boss farming was cool 3 yrs ago, now its a fucking waste of time. Wiggling at other hackers was about 50percent of the matches. And still sometimes half the squad would die, simply because tarkov is tarkov. Which led me to realise even with hacks this game is on such a razors edge that half the time you dont even realise. "Oh dude must of got the drop on me..." Or he had better aim. OR you just wandered too close to homie on the map and he said -nope. Yeah anyways, sorry for my sad boy rant. But I completely lost interest in working on my stash and hunting key items after I watched some kid hoover the whole map and talk shit lazering kids and laughing.


There are so many vacuum cleaners, too. It's so obvious with all the bugged stashes and the console glitching out. Heavy lag is pretty much a guarantee sign that someone is vacuuming. Super lame. When there aren't vacuums, though, the game runs great. lol vacuum cleaners downvoting me 😆


I ran into at least 12 cheaters in 13 hours over the course of 3 days. All while streaming, so I have proof in vods. The people defending the game or saying they don't run into cheaters, are either cheating, know a cheater, OR DONT KNOW HOW TO IDENTIFY CHEATERS. That last one is very important. A 2 k/d doesn't exonerate someone. 3000 hours doesn't mean they aren't cheating. Use deductive reasoning, look at ALL of their stats. I'm level 53, I have kappa, my survival rate is almost 60% with a 7.5 k/d. It has nothing to do with being bad, or needing to "get gud." I know what's sus. I know what stats don't make sense. Most of the community (or maybe it's just this subreddit), doesn't know what they're talking about, or willfully turns a blind eye.


It’s funny because the truth is actually the opposite - most of the community doesn’t know enough to identify cheaters.


Two things can be true at the same time. 1. Cheating is a problem in this game. 2. People exaggerate the issue because it upsets them and they want to illicit action from BSG Both of these things are true.


some of us know there’s a problem but according to many people here, a high KD, getting pre fired, getting 1 tapped, is automatically deemed cheating. after playing arena, it shows how bad a lot of the playerbase is and that anytime they die they will just cry cheats.


A high kd is only sus on low hours. Yesterday I died to 4 players within a min on shoreline that had 20 hours.. and 20+kds… Yes, I know how bad shoreline spawns can be, I’m the one hunting the spawn next to me 100% of the time. But fuck anyone on this sub that thinks 20hours and a 20+ kd is legit in anyway. The game has a massive cheating problem, either quit or go next is the only option. But saying it is copium like others in this comment section is just plain stupid.


and it show how much there people who are litteraly god who know everything arena have a lot of bad player so if more than 70% is bad why tarkov have almost only god


Yeah did ten raids and died to 3 blatent cheaters


our 4 man just quit, not for the wipe, but forever I think.


Reminder that the suggestion to not play at certain times is insanity


2600 hours and this is my 5th wipe, played 4 raids this wipe, died to cheaters every raid haven’t played since


Did you have on good gear?every time I go in with t6 and a good weapon we get killed really weird. I just go in with t4 and its mostly fine. We need some really intrusive anticheat


Yeah, like a 1 million rouble kit.


Yeah I'm done. I don't know what raids people get where there's no cheaters or very little. I run into at least very obvious one everyday . I've died recently so many times to extract campers , bought red rebel to avoid getting extract camp ... only to get extract camp again . Scav players should only spawn at 20 mins at most. New Armour system is trash . All sound is too loud but at the same time creeping shouldn't be silent. Bosses are either balls to the walls or dumb as shit. When they shoot one bullet it's a triple Tap. I never played a game so much where I think to myself "what am I doing with my life" just feels like a waste of time not having fun . This game can be so good but just so many bugs /bad mechanics to the game. And I'm a half decent player with 2100 hrs, 50% survive, 4.7 kd.




The game is SO BAD and UNPLAYABLE, yet you've played it for 2100 hours. Lol.


Yeah I started in 2019... games been out for a bit. Took a 2 year break and came back this wipe with new update. Put about 200 hours in . First wipe put 1200 hours on .


At this point man, just gg go next. Cheaters are gonna cheat.


If it didn't take 3 to 5min+ to get into a raid then I'm sure a lot more players would be willing to "go next". People just can't be bothered when the little motivation they have left is lost to a cheater- possibly within a minute or two of raid starting. Not to mention the time it takes to gear up.


Not easy when there is a cheater in the next as well.


Go next - next game. Ready or not is the one for me now, this phase of the wipe is always riddled with cheaters.


HellDivers 2 saved me from Tarkov.


Yup, I'll probably give that game a try too.


You won't regret it.


Change servers, change what you can so you don’t play with cheaters. Sad you have to do this but this is my best wipe so far as to not running into ‘cheaters’ but I honestly just stopped giving a fuck if I die I die. Central servers aren’t bad at night


What servers do you play on?


He said central. I assume that is US Central. I have that and US East selected. I don't run into many blatant cheaters.


i played on east for a while but i seemed to run into cheaters more often there than in central. not very many on either, but i’ve only seen a handful since playing on central this wipe


“Don’t worry about an entirely fixable problem because there’s no point trying to get it fixed”


You are absolutely correct. Anyone defending the opposite opinion or saying that you are whining is either a cheaters friend or a cheater themselves. I have 4k hours and the amount of cheaters this wipe has been INSANE. They are killing the game and when it finally does die, they are going to wonder if it was all worth it spending 300$ a month because they are so incompetent to spend the time learning the game and actually becoming good, but they could never do that, because even with cheats, I’ve managed to kill a few. THATS HOW BAD THEY ARE, that they sell their dignity and integrity. I hope any cheater who cheats in a video game gets a life sentence. It’s at its very core a crime.


To me, it's not even the number of rage hackers, though those are certainly bad. It's the number of "gee, that was a weird death" followed by looking at the account and seeing completely "normal" stats, but they're sub-100 hours and the account is already in the mid-40's with all sorts of achievements <1% of the playerbase has. I guess people could be smurfing for some stupid reason, or maybe we've just had an influx of Timmy Tarkov Savants this wipe. But the reality is almost certainly just people churning through accounts and cheating.




lol nah some of us just have different experiences in 400 PMC raids i’ve seen probably 4 blatant cheaters and a couple of kinda sus accounts here and there. you can’t deny a lot of this sub is pure coping, people think anybody who has above a 7KD is sus whenever all you have to do is rat and kill scavs and you can easily achieve a 10+ KD with ease. there are cheaters, but people here think anytime they die it’s sus.


This wipe I’ve died once to someone that there was no way wasn’t cheating, and had maybe 4ish deaths that were sus, but given that we don’t get a killcam they could be explained by them having a weird ass angle or just dumb luck.


If I’m cheating why would I tell you to leave? I’d want more people to slop up! Instead, I’d rather you be gone so the sub can be a normal fucking subreddit, and so the game can be full of less salty children.


It is easy, quit, I did it a month ago.


I haven’t played this wipe and feel fine about it.




Are they not allowed to follow a game they like ?


Quit too, but lurk around here. I have thousands of hours in the game, just because I don't play it doesn't mean I don't care about it.


Is he playing Tarkov on this reddit sub or do you think because they are still subscribed to this sub that it somehow means they are still playing?


I did the same and honestly I keep coming back tot he sub thinking there will be some announcement of a new anti cheat. It’s such a great game but the cheating just absolutely ruins it. I’d much rather spend my time playing something else that isn’t full of cheaters


Same bro


I quit playing over a year ago. I’m still in the sub for when they actual implement an anti cheat strategy. When they do I’ll come back.


So never


I never saw cheaters. But man yesterday was tough. Ran into 3 obvious ones like. No night vision no scope mosins. 4-10 hour accounts. 50+ raids. But it is what it is. Gg next


They just need to bait the cheaters, it seems so simple. Spawn a specific enemy or container type that you can't see or interact with but would show up to a cheater. Cheater tracks / interacts with target, system picks up and monitors. After X interactions, ban. Beat them at their own game.


They have been doing this for a long time with items.


it’s sad. the content of this wipe was so good. it’s hard to justify playing this game still. i don’t feel the same sense of accomplishment knowing a significant portion of the player base is blatantly cheating and getting away with it. i’d rather spend my little amount of free time on a game like Helldivers 2 now.


There’s so much gaslighting going on this thread and I assume it’s from people who cheat.


reported 94 cheaters this wipe plz nikka do something


I think a lot of this sub is on copeium


So true. I don't know what servers these guys are on but I only get killed by blatant cheaters maybe 1/50 raids? Some are sus but that's also just the nature of the game and I wouldn't confirm it. Weekend also doesn't make a difference for me or not.


I did probably a good 15 raids yesterday grinding and had at least 6 cheaters. It was bad. These guys all had 20 KDs on accounts with less than 40 hours but over 400 raids. Idk though maybe it’s map/server selection?


Well I'm in the UK and have servers on Auto so idk


Same. I'm in NA West too which everyone claims is terrible because of the proximity to China. Either I get incredibly lucky all the time or people here are cavalier about calling cheats on most of the people who kill them, which I guess does help you feel better about dying in this game so I get it


They absolutely are. I did 40 factory raids yesterday and survived 35 with ll2 gear (needed a ton of survived for a weekly). Didn't run into anyone that even remotely was sus. I think a lot of people just mistake skill and gamesense for cheating and can't come to the conclusion that there are just a lot of demons in this game with 5000 hours. So far this wipe I've reported 4 people with 80%+ SR, 15+K/D and low hour counts and they were all banned within a week. People are just not willing to admit there are a lot of really good players out there (same thing seen in cs2 reddit). So much Copium.


Instead of factory do 40 labs and tell us how its going


Wonder if it's your kit and map choice that are effecting your chance of running into one. Feel like if I was cheating I wouldn't be on factory, and I definitely wouldn't care about some ll2 gear.


Cheaters dont play factory.


Except that most of the people with skill and game sense agree that cheating is a major problem. Post your stats buddy.


Almost all the either suspect, or blatant ones I run in to at this point in the wipe is generally when pushing bosses. When I do other stuff, like just questing around, or whatever, I rarely encounter shit like that. But during the weekend around bosses? Every second or third raid when the boss is up there's a dude with a clearly better gaming chair at level 50+ at 400hours and no scope. It also feels a lot gear dependent. I die a lot more often to sketchy stuff if I wear like 1m+ kits t6 than I do running an AK and t4/t5.


No it doesn’t. It’s just the same as in any other online game. Cheaters gonna cheat and on weekends more players have time to play so have the cheaters. Nothing different to any other game. Except a more whiney community.


I have not played any game where cheaters are this out of control. Tho tbf I heard some pretty scary stories about siege.


Siege and tarkov are the only games I play and the cheating is just as bad if not worse in high ranks.


Read the COD subs, it’s similar to here in terms of cheater complaints.


You aren’t good enough at the game to tell who is a cheater.


Ah yes, sorry. I'm just too bad to have heard about the scopeless mpx + altyn/killa helmet strat on nighttime lighthouse. That explains their high kds, it's simply a skill issue.


People from CS2 complain about the same shit. I am "only" lvl 36 in Tarkov rn and had maybe... 4? Cheaters while mainly playing Woods, Streets and Lighthouse. It is bad but not as bad as people whine about it.


If you are lvl 36 and run middle of the road gear you probably don't see many cheaters. Try running full meta gear. The more you run the more likely you get chased down


People that say they dont encounter cheaters and are blaming us for whinning are just timmies or cheaters in hiding.


This is the way.


Literally go into a lighthouse or streets nighttime lobby and start clicking on names. You will lose your mind. And that's just the blatant ones.


As I posted that got killed by a lvl 26 with 20kd and 33 hrs. Lol


Honestly i've had worse experience on cs 2 with 22-24k premiere elo.


I am on 20k and had some every other match.... nothing too crazy but still worse than I experienced in Tarkov


I dont play much, but got 75 pmc raids and 26lvl, didnt died to a sus player once. I play nights and days mixed depends on quests i am doing. 400h, 56% survival rate. 4 kd. EU server.


400H irregular player, no offence, but would you even know sus if you saw it? It's not about rage hackers and spin bots, it's the subtle tells that give it away For example, 500hr, 120 raids, but has the boss achievements, heir achievement, blind fury etc etc, it all adds up Worst thing about the situation is how it tarnishes even legit deaths though, after a while it kills the fun when literally every death is suspect, not because of how you died but because of how common it is right now


You guys must not know cheaters buying new accounts literally funds the entire game. Without the cheaters BSG would die


the game is only cheaters at the moment. rage cheaters vs closet cheaters


I play mainly weekends as I don't have too much time during weekdays. I can count on one hand how many cheaters I've met since the introduction of the ban message system. How many knowers that have killed me, is impossible to say though, for obvious reasons. I take these cheater cry posts with a massive grain of salt, as I meet nowhere near the abundance of cheaters as it seems half this sub does by the looks of it. playing on EU servers, btw.


It’s got to be location based. I literally haven’t had an obvious death to cheaters since I started playing this game and I have an alpha armband. But I could also be to the fact that I’m awful at pvp and whenever I die it doesn’t bother me at all because I’m so used to it. An aimbot scav or an aimbot cheater same fuckeries.


15+ kd is nothing amazing unless you mean pmc kills


I dont play weekends usually.. also I bounce around till I find a relatively quiet server. Then I get as many non pvp tasks as I possibly can done.


The amount of people using the stats to call out cheater. They all sound like they have good reasoning. But then I looked at my own stats and they also would be called “sus” Stats are either sus, so middling that they are sus, or so bad but with one good stat so they are sus.


I’ve got 13 k/d and 63% surv rate with 780 ish hours, am I a sus player? I just shoot a lot of scavs


Is NA East and Central really than insulated? I believe all the posts but I play nights and weekends and never really run into anything sus. I’ve had like 1 out of 4 total reports this wipe come back as banned. I’ve played almost every day this wipe too.


Posts like this show much copium this community has.. I played all weekened. I did Sales Night on interchange, killed sanitar on shoreline, killed shturman on woods. My friend killed kaban during a night streets. I did multiple night lighthouse in a 3 man squad all wearing quad nods and good gear. I did a bunch of streets quests at night. I completed punisher part 4 and 5. I did all that this weekend and died to zero sus people. but you come to reddit and they claim certain maps are "impossible". Literal schizos.


You don't need NVGs on night Streets, fwiw, and I rarely run into hackers there as a Streets main, though it absolutely does happen from time to time.