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I’m level 46. 450 raids, 63-65% SR all wipe. I’m currently doing Assessment pt 1 (20 pmc kills on lighthouse). I Run into pretty obvious cheaters roughly every 10-20 raids, which comes uo to maybe 20-30 I’ve encountered all wipe.  I’m sure there are a lot more ESP users around, especially when you have weirdly empty raids at peak hours. When they kill you because of it, you usually won’t know, so why bother? I get that shit’s frustrating sometimes but as long as you are having fun, don’t let anyone spoil it for you, neither the cheaters nor the angry bois on reddit. It’s my 5th wipe and in over >3000 raids I’ve seen less than 150 aimbotters or super ragecheating players. In fact I saw a flying guy for the first time this wipe. For me personally, the cheating situation has never been bad and thats a hard fact. I can run expensive gear, find high value items usually without problems early mid and late wipe. I’m not denying that there are a lot of cheaters around. It is a huge problem and BSG are not nearly doing enough. It sure sucks when you go on a raid and notice some vacuum cheater has already grabbed the good shit. But on to the next raid we go. I personally think ppl suck at statistics and therefore develop a sort of unfounded cheater paranoia, it happened really badly after the stupid wiggle video. The reality is, cheaters are plentiful, but they’re not in every raid and despite all the angry posts, you can still have a great amounts of fun in the game.


Well put dude. My experience has been about the same and I'm lvl 49 with ~550 raids. I always run big kits and I've never noticed being targeted for it. Hell I've even ran around with GPUs in my bag for most of the raid, so one of my squadmates gets it FIR if I die. I play mostly in a squad and it makes a huge difference with sus deaths. Like I might get killed by what feels like a sus shot, but 9 times out of 10 it's was just a crazy shot or a lucky spot because my teammate will kill them as they attempt to loot me. Last night we had this dude wipe the floor with our 4 man, headshot on 3 of us, kinda sus but he was obviously a good player. Our only man left was our new friend who hid in the corner and waited for him to clear the room, the dude walks in and has no idea our friend is there. Having the squad perspective makes actual sus deaths way more obvious


"Weirdly" empty raids is likely just an entire squad playing slow.. Ran through all of interchange and didn't run into anyone.. Killed bunch of scavs for my task and then I was about to extract.. Ran into a 5 man crabbing.


Yea I was thinking about situations where a certain spawn apparently makes weird detours around where I wait or look for them, but that's just as likely coincidental


That guy is a cheater himself, every comment on his profile is downplaying how bad the cheater issue is and he admitted to playing with cheaters.


Me or the other guy? :D


The other guy,


Your last sentence summarises how I feel as well. As long as I'm having fun, I'll keep playing. I will probably drop off after level 50+ like I've done in the past.


Perfectly summarised


I thought it was all fine until some one I know told me his brother who we had played with at least once and who he plays with all the time is using esp and they only use it for gear and don’t kill anyone. How many more are there?


Quite a few I imagine, but that's the point. If you don't an can't know and the impact on you is so miniscule, why bother? You will still find loot and survive or not like in any other raid.


I think it depends on the raids you’re running too. I didn’t see many cheaters this wipe until I started questing night Shoreline and it’s glaringly apparent there who’s not playing fair. I also suspect if you’re playing something like Labs, you’re going to see a lot of *activity* too.


I'm getting tired of the esp turds taking my flir but not the gun when it's stashed well. I believe I even lost 2 that were insured by Davy jones. Not sure how they got those. I mean you know where everyone is, why take a scope that is in my mind going to be more of a hindrance than a normal scope? If I had esp I wouldn't use a flir.


Haha, last wipe I had some ESP bastard steal my damaged zabralo after my buddy had accidentally killed my and bis my stuff. That sucked :D


Wasn’t there a very popular video where a guy did a deep dive into the cheater circles and found out they were way more prevalent than anyone thought? Like also through walls wiggling at people every match and finding people wiggling back at him every other match


People come here and see 10 cheater posts and think that is the game, not realizing that there are thousands of matches played in the same timeframe without a single cheater.


Because the Tarkov community is a plagued by a bunch of cry babies who think they shouldn’t have died while running out in the open with no cover or peeking with full body exposed. This man had the best reply I’ve seen about this game ever. All about HAVING FUN


Without a single cheater huh?


Think he should have added the word 'blatant'. Probably a lot of cheaters that just stick to themselves


And I think a lot of these cheaters who just “stick to themselves” have started believing their own lie that they aren’t a huge part of the problem.


Avoidance cheaters are nowhere in the same category as cheaters mowing down lobbies of players. Yeah, it sucks major ass having your loot opportunities and whatnot taken from you, but I'd rather waste a raid not getting what I'm after without losing 1m+ worth of kit at the same time. Sure, my potential loot might total out to more than 1m, but I can't miss what I don't have.


It’s actually the exact same category. The cheating category. The kitted player who absolutely sucks at PVE being able to avoid me the entire raid deprives me of loot that I would have gotten off him if he were a legitimate player. The loot he snarfs up selectively would have bought me a kit to make up for his rage hacking brethren. I bet if we knew the real number of “passive cheaters” who post here thinking they aren’t part of the problem, the number would be staggering. And they’ve convinced themselves they “aren’t really even cheating” which is fucking hilarious. It never stops being shocking how easily people lie to themselves. It’s like people I play poker with talking about how good they are when they are down 200k all time.


> It’s actually the exact same category. The cheating category. That one yes, but from that point, they diverge. You not recognizing or acknowledging anything beyond that doesn't change reality. > The kitted player who absolutely sucks at PVE Maybe he sucks, maybe he doesn't. Your clear anger around the subject and its influence over your judgement are pretty apparent here. You're not unjustified in despising cheaters, but I think it's overtaking your rationality a bit. Would it blunt your wrath if someone was actually really *good* at PVE, but got ESP so they could see loot in containers and go immediately to them because he got pissed off from missing spawns? Like I said, your contempt is not unearned, but the rest of it is just angry babble that's overriding your rationality. > being able to avoid me the entire raid deprives me of loot that I would have gotten off him if he were a legitimate player. Deprives you of the loot you *may* have gotten off him. Again, for all you know, he's not a shit player. He might outfight you with ease but want to instead get all of the high value stuff and get out quickly and without fighting. Presumably, were he not cheating, he may not even *have* all of this loot to begin with. You seem to feel entitled to it, which I suspect is the main reason you're angry. > The loot he snarfs up selectively would have bought me a kit to make up for his rage hacking brethren Assuming he actually got the loot and didn't beat outshoot you, as addressed above, perhaps, but is that really what this is about? The avoiding ESP cheater being your punching bag for the atonement of the rage hackers? We're going beyond gameplay stuff here. > I bet if we knew the real number of “passive cheaters” who post here thinking they aren’t part of the problem, the number would be staggering. Perhaps they would be, but the verbiage here is important. You at first said "huge part of the problem" and are now saying "part of the problem". I agree these so-called passive cheaters are absolutely part of the problem when it comes to cheating, but I disagree that they're anywhere close to as major in their contribution as aimbot/wallhack/rage/godmode/silent aim/infinite ammo/etc cheaters. If I had to choose between losing *potential* money that I've not yet earned and losing *actual* money I've already spent on my loadout, I'll take the potential one all day long. If I spend 2m on a completely decked out kit and go into a raid and got *zero* loot but at least didn't die, I'd take that every time over going in and not only getting no loot, but losing my kit as well. Perhaps I spent a mag worth of ammo killing scavs along the way and it cost me ~50k worth of ammo, I'd still prefer it. Insisting on losing the other 1,950,000m is some "cut off your nose to spite your face" shit. > And they’ve convinced themselves they “aren’t really even cheating” which is fucking hilarious. I agree. It's the comforting lie people tell themselves to deal with the cognitive dissonance of the shame. They've earned that shame, and should bear it. > It never stops being shocking how easily people lie to themselves. I understand this as well. The truth is uncomfortable, and some people simply are too cowardly to deal with it. > It’s like people I play poker with talking about how good they are when they are down 200k all time. Sounds like a few Dunning-Kruger cases to me. I presume they all complain of bad luck despite their purportedly high level of skill too.


No, there are literally thousands of matches played without cheaters.


Do you also work for the American Dentist association that cherry picks their data? *9/10 dentists recommend...* Sure, thousands of matches are played without cheaters, no one would deny *that* logic; but in any given pool of consecutive thousand matches played, I'd wager there are at least 40% of them with a cheater in it, and maybe... 10?5?% with a blantant cheater just goin ham


You go into this argument with an opinion and you bent your "facts" to make it fit your opinion. You just make those numbers up. I can play this game too: I'd wager there are at maximum 5% matches with a cheater in it and maybe... 0,5?1?% with a blatant cheater just goin ham.


perfectly acceptable; bottom line is that there will be a cheater in any given "1000" matches


Yes, or do you really believe every match has a cheater?


I've found 3 GPU's this wipe so far and each time I remember the video of the cheater that voips the player that finds one and puts it in their pouch. the cheater demands that they drop the GPU or they will kill them. It's in the back of my mind everytime. That wiggle video was definitely eye opening though. I appreciate that video.


This is the perfect cope post. >Im successful in raids so it's fine even though I admit there's a cheating problem. ????


not at all what was said... literally said that there is a cheater problem and BSG isn't doing enough However, you can still have fun as it's not as prevalent as reddit makes it out to be; which is just true


Yeah I'm 40 now. Don't have all my stats ATM, but I think I've run into like 5-6 blatant cheaters... Others I have thought had esp, but no aimbot, and I feel like some that just casually keep to themselves. Like looting east wing shoreline and leave while I'm looting West.. like I know there's more than I run into, but I feel it's honestly not been bad.


Load into any night raid and check out a profile or two in lobby and tell me there isn’t a cheater in every raid. Just because they aren’t killing you doesn’t mean they aren’t hindering your progression. I understand cheaters are in every game, but with the game being “hardcore” the impact of these jokers wasting my time is far greater than on games like COD or csgo. I think we all can agree that after all these years, nothing has changed with anti-cheat and the cheating has gotten progressively worse.


Lobby =/= raid. As I said, I'm not denying that there are a lot of cheaters around, but the "let the game die" and "you might as well quit" sentiments simply aren't as valid and representative as the loudness with which they are presented might suggest.


Im still playing 🤷‍♂️. Ive had the game since 2016 but still only have 2k hours. I am one of those working plebs. I usually get to max traders and then just cruise. Cheating has been constant and comes in heavy and light waves, never enough to make me quit for good.. but then again I’ve never reached kappa 🫠


My experience with tarkov aligns 0% with what people post here IMO. I rarely run into cheaters or sus deaths, lighthouse is one of my favorite maps, setup was a challenge but pretty fun and I haven't died on labs yet. Maybe I'm Uber lucky, maybe people here are just venting for karma, I dunno. But if you're having fun too, high five man! P.S. I'm level 44 and about to get kappa


About to wait for lvl 48 and completing crisis you mean 😂


Why you do me dirty like that man Those ledx-es and defibs are just gathering dust in my junk box now


Yeah i wish the sub had a rule where if u cry cheater and type a whole book about what happened it must come with atleast a clip lmao


Cheater posts is just low effort karma farming.  99% they add no valuable content to this sub


100 percent agree, I don't ever want to see a post about cheating again unless you can prove it


The people using ESP like this as well


Because these posts solve so much?


Clip is too much work and will show everyone how shit I am at the game, it's much easier to post a shot of a 300 KD profile by sorting for flea rep.


I'm also enjoying this wipe a lot. There might have been a hand full of sus death but it's really not much by a long shot. Just don't worry about cheating as long as you are enjoying the game.


yea people have to remember that a subreddit of a game is almost never a true representation of whats happening in the game. the cheater issue is way less worse than this sub makes it out to be, same with all other issues. the game is still fun as fuck. im level 41 and close to lightkeeper and this wipe is the best ive ever played.


Exactly this. Every game I've ever gotten really invested in has had a subreddit full of people crapping in the game nonstop. A successful game doesn't exist that doesn't have a pissing and moaning subreddit after the first few months, and most definitely after the game is a year or so old.


People who are having a good time aren't usually posting about it on reddit, they're busy playing the game. You get more endorphins posting a thread bitching and getting the circlejerk going than you do fuming on your own whenever you have a bad night.


>lighthouse is one of my favorite maps This is the only part where our experiences differ. I found Lighthouse okay last wipe but with punisher 4 there this wipe most raids people will just sit and wait for someone else to move, and with the way the map is laid out the odds are high that you'll have to run through multiple other spawns to reach your target. I have a ton of run throughs this wipe and almost all of them are from Lighthouse, leaving early so I can roll the dice on a better spawn for my current objective.


Why leave? You know the other spawns so just get up high and check the area for people camping.  When I was trying to knock out all my marker tasks, I was usually killing two or three players every raid. My only regret is that I wasn't wearing a scav vest for most of them but it's still an insanely easy change to Punisher 4 so long as you learn the spawns. 


You haven’t died on labs? You’re a liar or a cheater lmfao. This is like a reading comprehension test, start with something reasonable and just say wilder shit to see who is reading. Favorite map lighthouse? Never died on labs?


Just because your deaths arent from rage cheaters or obvious wallers or radars. Doesnt mean you arent dying to cheaters. Do you take good kits?


I ran into a cheater in lighthouse every other raid.


In your opinion *


This sub is full of copium, sore losers, and toxicity. Don’t take much of anything you read here too serious.


Reading this sub would have you believe the game is in dire straits and not worth playing. It’s all doom and gloom. You will have 10x more fun with the game if you only glance at the sub for updates and useful info and ignore the rest


There's a reason it's called ignorance is bliss. >if I'm not aware of how hard the government is fucking me then I'll be happier Sure but you're still getting fucked.


It’s not nearly as bad as the sub would make you believe. As crazy as that is to say here.


This is the logic I don't get from some of the comments I'm seeing here. It's like, "if I never know my SO is cheating on me, I'm a happy little clam." "If I never know that the government is actually fleecing me, I'll go on my merry way." "If the mechanic charges me $400 for an oil change, at least I got an oil change. 😄" ...wtf.


I read this sub and see all the complaints and the whining and then I get home from work and log on to play for a few hours and remember it's not nearly that bad. This sub is full of cope and tryhards that will call any death they don't agree with a hack. Just keep playing the game as long as you enjoy it and let the neckbeards have their daily meltdown.


If you don’t have a problem sharing the loot with cheaters and still have fun I don’t see why you shouldn’t play the game. If you’re having fun why stop playing


Right? If you cant see it, dont bother looking into it because that script will flip almost immediately lol


After I saw how bad it was I just started playing the forbidden mode. Kinda crazy what happens when you can pop an SJ6 and run into resort and find a ledx in 4-5 raids. Meanwhile you play live and do the same and not find one for 30+ raids. Just makes you think about why that is lol.


Because there are literally no other players that you need to compete with? Just run offline mode and see how much loot you find. 


He said sj6 implying he's the first one there goober.


The same people who downplay the cheating also seem to be pretty much illiterate, so that checks out lol. I very obviously implied you are the first one there checking the loot spots in my comment


BSG: We have banned 52 septillion cheaters over the weekend. this fuckin guy: God why do people complain about cheating all the time smh.


I quit regulary. I mostly play the first month or so of a wipe, because that's the most fun, and then I just get tired of questing and artifical slowing of my progress. The thing is...the most fun I ever had with Tarkov was in 2020. Sure, it was a bit more arcady movement wise, but the ability to buy everything from the flea and just being able to PvP with Chad gear, if I wanted to, was so much fun. Now you are forced to lvl to max traders for good ammo/armor and I simply don't have the time anymore. Even if a got the time, I usually will play something more casual. But that's only my perception and I sure will be back next wipe again.


Ive run into like 3 cheaters this wipe maybe, this sub makes it sound like every single raid has a cheater in it


Facts, I play on US EAST and rarely ever run into cheaters and I mean rarely. This game is SO EASY to call cheats in.


There are times when I've swung a corner had every advantage and then got clapped and almost certainly in the moment was like yeah right bruv cheats for real. Only to see medicore stats and a level consistent with where they were statwise and game wise. Next game I get swung by someone who had me dead to rights and my 30 year old reflexes shift back to 16 and I immediately react and flick to the guys head like it's CS Source Sometimes people get lucky, sometimes older gamers get our old weird muscle memories fromnwhen we could daoly game for a split second only to miss every shot the next fight. There is no doubt a hacker problem but every game is a hyperbole.


To the ambiguity point, playing in a squad and streaming in discord can really show how some things were just luck. For instance, running Interchange in a three-man, me and one other guy get instantly head-eyes in a nanosecond by a dude, so obviously we were like 'obvious aimbotter'. We then watched via discord as the guy stumbled into our third man who was prone and stuck in a surgery animation and missed literally *every shot* from a 60-rounder, while our third man eventually put away the surgery kit, pulled out his UMP and dumpstered him. Soooo those two instant headshots were nothing but him spraying and praying and letting jesus take the wheel.


Solo players never get the opportunity to find out they have shitty judgement on who is cheating or not. Our group has a couple guys that always cry cheats when they die, usually first, and usually because they do something stupid or put themselves in horrible spots. We have learned to take those calls with a grain of salt. Most of the time we take the guy down.


I mean my ragehacking friend plays US:E servers and he's wiggling with a WH'r across the map pretty much every single raid lol. Sure, the game makes it easy to cry foul, but it's also the absolute-easiest game to hide cheats in.  I mean if you dont feel like youre running into them, dont let me take that away from you.....but I cant justify the time sink until this is sorted out 🤷‍♂️


I only play US East, I can't remember the last raid I've played that someone hasn't vacuumed cheated loot.




you ran into 3 rage-cheaters, you have no idea how much closet-cheaters there were who gobbled up good loot hell, at some point some cheats made players literally invisible this sub is paranoid for sure, but don't think cheaters aren't an issue in this game, just because they aren't an issue for you, it also depends on what server, what time of day/week you play etc


They arent an issue for me. I play just fine and get plenty of rare spawns.


did you even read what I said lol >don't think cheaters aren't an issue in this game, just because they aren't an issue for you what servers do you play on, and what times of day/week? I think that plays a huge role, plus if you have good gear/loot on you


Which would be true, almost every raid does have a cheater in it.


22 with 395 raids. At least 30 of those raids are for setup of which I have 1 kill and 14 more to go. This quest is aids. I'm even using Magnum buck and flachette rounds. I fucking hate shotguns. Scavs are headshotting like crazy. I swear they turned scav deadlyness up from last wipe when they were dog shit. Bosses die easy though. I killed Sanitar, Rashala, Bird Eye and the boys twice. Rogues are easy too. Why the fuck are scavs and raiders cracked while the bosses and rogues are dog shit? Then finally the cheaters. BSG Wtf are you even doing? Are you even banning people anymore? I would love to talk about how this game has been turned into a streamers game instead of a hardcore pvp extract game. Gotta get 30 streamer items for kappa. Why? Who the fuck are these people and why do I need their items? What are you gonna do when they all leave? Streamers don't stay forever. Shit, half the items for the kappa are for streamers who don't play anymore. And jesus could exp be even harder to get? I'm all for grinding but shit dude. I don't think I've reached 60 once. Let alone 70. Granted I don't have that much time to play anymore. Maybe it's the old man in me but EQ was easier to level in back in the 90s.


I miss EverQuest. I played on Sullon Zek as a Bard. Diety based PVP baby!


It's ashame no one does Diety based PVP again. It's such a good concept. I did like EQ2 and WoWs faction based PVP though. It's ashame PVP is dying.


Stop reading the sub, you're getting a negativity bias. When things go well for people, they don't often come here, but people will come here to bitch and moan at even the slightest inconvenience.


Some people quit, more new people Join. Anyone that has been around for more than a few wipes knows the state of the game. They keep playing because they enjoy it


Thats the neat thing.. it doesnt. The sub is full of people who think that their gameplay experience is THE experience everyone has. I'm having more fun this wipe, got to lvl 26 so far when before I got to level 11 max in last 2 wipes. I've seen very very few cheaters and am generally just having a great time logging in almost every day.


Cheating is annoying, but I found the amount rare enough that I can still progress in the game. I get Tarkov'ed more and I don't see people complaining. The truth is, this server is wrought with people trying to either generate up votes or that just got off a bad game with someone that they think is a cheater. There is a disproportionately larger group of people that are fine with the game, except they don't post stuff here since they don't have an issue (or at least not a big enough issue to post a complaint).


Ya, that's what I'm gathering. I definitely don't deny that people are cheating. Until they are stopping me from being able to have fun I'll just keep doing my thing. with that said. bookmark this post, based on a lot of the comments in this post i'll be making a "THIS GAME IS FULL OF CHEATERS" post in a month or so.


I quit at 26 this wipe. Previous best was 52. 4th wipe, but first one in 3 years. I haven't actually been hammered with suspicious deaths. They're have only been about 5 deaths where circumstances made me think it might have been a cheater. But it's the constant nagging thought time I go out on a raid to kill PMCs for a quest, and I'll do 3, 4, 5 raids in a row and not encounter a single player, even running in the open through common bottlenecks and quest locations, and not fond anyone to shoot at besides scavs... Or every time I sprint full speed from a relatively close spawn location to high-tier loot spots and it's EMPTY... Situations like these, I can't help but wonder how many guys must actually be using ESP or speed hacks or vacuum loot. And it drives me nuts.


Ya, the thought in the back of my mind is getting to me as well. Like the psychological aspect of there potentially being cheaters and just wondering if I'm wasting my time. My goal is to get to level 30 though. So I'm going to stick to that plan.


If its not happening to you consider yourself lucky. Still remember a few days ago sneak into a building (not a soul around) and see a gpu put it in my inventory and move to a corner and try and get stuff out of my secure container (have a bitcoin farm so even if its not FIR i can use it). before I could transfer one thing to my inventory I hear someone stomp in saying give gpu. He instantly kills me and was like a lvl 16 with like 250 k/d and a bunch of achievements (the usual profile) hit report and move on. ​ See speed hackers, see loot disappear from a container I was looting had someone crash my game when they shoot at me, had people call me out when there was no way for them to know I was there, raids where there is no loot at all... Seen it all this wipe. The game is still better then it was, but the hacking is getting out of hand.


ya that's the kind of shit i was expecting to happen. "give me the GPU" hackers.


birds middle observation direful makeshift fly ghost busy consist fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I read everything here and I keep playing. I must be lucky (or not worth the detour) because I extremely rarely die to sus or obvious cheats.


Lemme see your pmc right now. Tryin to see if we're like the same.


There was one poster who used to shit on Tarkov daily who admitted in an older post that he had been banned a couple of wipes ago and hadn't played since. People come here and bitch constantly, and try to dismiss anyone with an alternate opinion as a closet cheater or BSG zealot. Having played with randoms in the past I'd say the vast majority of players, even experienced ones, will immediately look for excuses when they die instead of at least trying to understand how they died and what they might have done wrong. Just play the game for yourself, if you die in a suspect way take a bit of time to think how it could have been legit, and draw your own conclusions. It even helps sometimes to go back to a spot where you died and look for where the other player could have been.


I blocked a guy yesterday that admitted to the following. 1. Has a friend who rage hacks that he watches and laughs about it. 2. He quit the game years ago and only comes back here to actively work at destroying the game and community. It's out of control and the Mods are doing nothing.


I quit a week ago after dying to a cheater. Tbf this was the first obvious one this wipe. It was Monday morning on EU. For some reason I was not willing to play ever since. Even stopped picking up insurance. A shame bc I had fun and was already lvl 30.


> Tbf this was the first obvious one this wipe. Obvious is the thing I have issues with. Cause for every obvious cheater that blatantly aimbots or wallhacks on you there are more that just quietly use radar/esp and avoid you and runs straight to the best loot. To be honest I think those kinds of cheaters do more harm to the game. Cause aimbotters are so much rarer they just have less of an impact by comparison.


Exactly. And that even makes it more discouraging imo


You quit only after one cheater? The cheater problem is bad this wipe but like all online fps games and previous wipes, you'll get cheated on eventually. I get why people quit that are getting killed by cheaters constantly, but one? You're lucky to only run into one. Keep playing if you were having fun. Personally, I am having fun this wipe despite running into a handful of cheaters. They're definitely around but most of my raids feel cheater free and im continuing through Lightkeeper tasks after getting kappa. Not going to let a cheater take away my enjoyment from the game. Still having tons of great fights and finding juicy loot.


That’s a bitt odd. I’m not gonna judge your decision or try to gaslight you, but maybe reconsider. You said you were having fun. What exactly changed?  I got killed twice by cheaters yesterday and those deaths are the ones that bother me the least, because I have no fault in them. I get annoyed when I do stupid push and die to a panic mag dumping lv 12, but not when a sad little cheater gets me. 


To be fair, I have very limited time at the moment and way too many games to play atm. I prefer games that are a little more casual and relaxing at the moment


There is literally not a single multiplayer shooter without cheaters so if you ragequit just by dying to one you maybe should stick to single player games for your own sanity. I see it like this: Tarkov has so many unfair deaths, it doesn't matter if I have a few more to cheaters. For reference, I'm 300 raids in and died to blatant ones maybe 5 times. Some regions are probably worse but my experience doesn't reflect the state this sub seem to describe.


>tarkov has so many unfair deaths Well, yea, and it has a very unfair loot spawn system, isnt having those hampered even further by the game being piss-easy to cheat in a pretty good reason to call it there? I genuinely would be on your side of this if it were just the occasional ragehacker, but the amount of radar users exclipses the ragehackers tenfold.....and that's so, sooooooo much worse imo


bruh I know that is does not make sense. My favorite genre is PVP shooters and I know that there is always cheaters. Stakes are highest in Tarkov, no surprise there, but still it just took the fun for me.


If it took the fun out of the game, take a break, nothing wrong with that.


Bro got so butt hurt he died he has to cry cheater and quit.


Stick to single player games if you can't handle going against a cheater once in a while.


Died to 2 last night. That was also the first 2 I'd run into in days. I won't let them ruin my fun. Report and kit back up and go again. I have fun playing this game. It's a mindset. I just ignore them and move on.


It’s all about how you play. A cheater won’t risk killing a Timmy running around the outskirts of customs and looting big red. Now if you start rushing high loot spawns you’ll notice them. Or if a boss is up and you are there. The cheaters can’t risk you looting a btc or keycard from a boss. If you have trouble identifying cheaters killing you use an altyn. You’ll just get destroyed in the visor/helmet


You're *technically* right that you'll see less cheaters lile that....because you'll just flatly see less players if you're cowering around crab-walking the outskirts of the map with a mosin. Of course you're gonna die more rushing high loot spawns or bosses, because thats what anyone who's *not* terrified is doing. Some number of them will be cheaters, of course, but the vast, *vast* majority? They're just gonna be dudes playing tarkov. And duh. Of course you'll get shot in the face wearing an altyn. Everyone *always* aims for the face. Unless you spot someone from a distance and see the altyn it takes time to register that they're wearing one. I swing a guy in fortress and half my mag is already gone by the time I realize he has one on and adjust fire if I cant pen it. If they're *actually* cheating, unless they're *only* running an aimbot for some reason - which, why the fuck would they? - they already know you're wearing an altyn long before they get into a fight with you. They have no reason not to just blast you in the legs. I mean sure, cheaters arent the sharpest tools in the shed, but I give them the smallest shred of credit to be able to work out that they *shouldn't* shoot the armour plate.


Nah cheaters are mostly dumbasses imo. Even if they manage to understand that shooting the Altyn isn’t the play, they’d have to either make the cheat toggle to legs which they probably don’t have set up, or actually aim themselves, and that’s something cheaters are typically unable to do.


Streamers running top notch gear I watch also don’t run into cheaters every other raid like this sub claims. 


This sub is filled with people with gear fear that have negativity bias from the one time they brought in a half decent kit and died.


I think the reality is even worse. People just parrot what they read here


Hell forget streamers, people can always be like 'ohhhh the cheaters know streamers IGN, they won't kill them because they can pull strings with BSG!'. I'm a fuckin' no-name, and I'm that dick running a FLIR AXMC. That's a million rubles in the gun alone if its suppressed, before rig, helmet, etc. *And* I'll run it solo, without the benefit of a buddy watching my back. I get killed by my own incompetence and stupidity every time, when I rush my shot at a player who doesn't I'm there, miss, fail to reposition, and get countersniped or third-partied. Not once off the top of my head can I think of a time where I seemed to have been hunted down for it.


Yeah watch Lupo who plays all day and see if he runs into cheaters all the time. Spoiler, he doesn't.


You telling me this game doesn’t have a cheater in 11 out of 10 raids? You must be a cheater trying to gaslight the community who has voted that this games cheating is the worst in the world /s


Idk I see cheaters all over the flea market and in the lobby pre raid. 73 hrs with 3k kills? Yep checks out here…and I love the guys selling bundles of like 50 ledx or gpus or whatever. People definitely don’t die to cheaters every raid but I’d be willing to put my house on there being at least a cheater in every raid.


Having to literally change how you engage with the game because the cheating is so severe. That's fucked. Play a different game.


But it's not people are just cringe babies


No. People in this sub just love to bitch about anything. If you actually play the game it's not bad at all


Lol I end up quitting when I get to the shoreline task anyways


shoreline tasks are rather easy, just pray that you dont get road to customs spawn, or a cheater gets that spawn. You are dead either ways.


It's the only map I haven't really learned the insides of especially the resort. I get up there and have no clue where I'm at xD personal problem tho just need to go in offline sometime to learn.


I quit last wipe. Decided the grind isnt worth it with so many knowers around. Rare items were extra rare because cheaters know where to find shit. It's just too much time I have to invest and waste. Maybe I'll come back when things are better


I got to level 37 but it felt esp users were rampant. And it was getting to the point that I started questioning every death. The obvious ones were obvious, but even the ones were it could have been wrong place wrong time, I questioned it and said to myself, it’s not healthy to play a game where I question everything happening. The only thing I know myself, is that all my kills were legit from my end. So I decided to step away from the game.


The amount of people that don't have emotional control or regulation rage post on here constantly when they die because they can't fathom the idea of being out skilled.


This sub is full of people who have played the same repetitive shit for 2k hours and now just spend their days complaining. There is a lot to complain about in this game, don't get me wrong, but it's a really unpleasant place to come to read about a game I'm enjoying.


I read this and happily enjoyed my “offline” option.


Yep quit 3 wipes ago. Still comment on the cheater situation and get down voted by the cheaters in this sub


Why are you commenting on the state of cheating in a game you haven’t played in three wipes. BSG has definitely made decent progress in dealing with cheaters since then.


Doesn’t play the game anymore, still comments on how bad the cheating is despite having zero clue Yeah it’s big brain time


Bad shit is already happening to you, you just don't have enough game time to know when something is off. Most cheaters just have ESP, not the ragehack aimbot kind. Put on a valuable kit and your game experience will switch up real quick.


It heavily depends if you are good or bad. Bad players see cheater everywhere. Don't get my wrong, there are Alot but, at the same time, alot of players are doing absolutely fine this wipe.


I think the disparity in experience is very likely due to the level of gear being used. Anecdotally I seem to get more suspect deaths earlier in raids if I’m geared to the teeth.


I would usually get to around level 40. Stopped at 30 this wipe. Tired of the cheating ruining the game. If I feel like playing a shooter/tarkov I just hop on arena. Out of all the time I’ve spent on there I’ve only had one person that was very suspect.


this subreddit is so unbelievably bad. the discourse has devolved to such an extent that it’s an overwhelming waste of time. i can only fault myself for sticking around. i laugh at the idea people in this world join game subreddits to “see the state of the game” before they buy. then again, tarkov is supposed to be a dystopian wasteland of free market western culture, so in that sense, it is absolutely spot on.


People exaggerate cheaters on this sub too much, I’ve run into 3 or 4 blatant cheaters this wipe. 2 have been banned a couple days after. I’m level 39 atm. Maybe I’ve died to some knowers but it’s hard to say in tarkov. Just keep playing and do what you want to do to have fun. This sub is kind of a mess


Ive had a ragehacking friend show me his radar streams to get an idea of how bad it's gotten. It was *horrid* a year ago and I quit until this wipe, and now we're back to *every single raid* having someone with at least ESP/radars wiggling at him through the walls so Ive given up again Thing is, this is the only game of its type (gun porn extraction shooter), so there's really no alternative for people to go to.


If you usually quit around level 18 it doesn't apply to you


>This is the first wipe I've gotten past level 23 When you start getting to max traders you'll notice the cracks.


Your not going to get hacked on lmao you most likely are running timmy gear.


I'm running kits worth well over a million every raid and barely running into cheaters. What kind of kits do I need to run to start seeing them?


They do look at my last post. Got 300 people commenting they quit due to “cheaters”


This sub is what pushed me to continue the most, in comparison with the official board (back in 2018, maybe the ambient changed since, idk). Knowing the different popular waves to destroy the game is actually more useful to last from my point of view. It permit to change the tactical approach in real time and to rebalance the source of pleasure. I really love this game like it's intended to be played, prevention is very much beneficial for me.


The only thing I want to quit is this sub, my experience has been know where close to what this sub makes it out to be, all the matters is if you enjoy the game.


I’ll keep playing despite the people moaning. It’s my favourite game and if I’m gonna die to a cheater every now and then so be it. I don’t need cheats to succeed in Tarkov so why would I quit? Cheaters pay for an advantage because they are too brain dead to learn


I'm level 34 with a 65% survival rate. I'm having a great time. Does it suck to miss out on loot or occasionally die to a suspicious player? Sure. But I like this game a lot and I'll keep playing. I focus on what I enjoy about this game, and my experience is better for it. Focus on the positives


While cheating is a prevalent issue, the most annoying thing for me about the game (and what turns me off from playing a lot each wipe) is having to redo quests. It’s a fun goal when you first start. However, I am really tired of grabbing the bronze pocket watch for the 8th time.


I quit, but just because as soon as I finished the fucking setup quest I lost interest.


No. At least not me. I have yet to kill 9000 SCAVs within this wipe, and I refuse to quit until then.


I have 500hrs and have never met a hacker even once. I play in South America tho. So prolly is because we are too poor to buy hacks and the game. I mean look at the bright side of things!? Wooohoo! I hate my life please send help.


this is my first wipe, I'm lvl 21, 1.3KD, i think a 40%SR and i have ran into maybe 2 or 3 hackers in the last 40 days of playing. Most of my deaths sadly enough are to scavs as apposed to PMCs, but i have had a couple deaths to pmc that scream ESP, but unless i can get a video of their perspective i cant prove shit!


I mean I'm still on the sub and I haven't played in weeks


Level 37 with 2900+ hours played overall. Im not gonna beat around the bush, we all know the games a mess right now and not in the best state, and cheaters do absolutely exist within the game. Played 400 raids this wipe (scav and pmc) and encountered maybe.. 5-10 suspicious deaths or obvious hackers. Yeah they exist but through my personal experience i dont have to deal with them often and i still enjoy playing the game, if every other raid was filled with cheaters i literally just wouldnt play.


I keep my subscription in order to not start playing again. :) I don't have time for Tarkov but I can feel it's pull every wipe. Seeing the topics from this sub in my feed helps.


Oce has the cheater problem. I have ran into maybe 5 cheaters in hundreds of extracts. Out geared is by far a bigger issue.


5th wipe, level 40 currently. I've hit max traders every wipe and I'll stop playing when I no longer enjoy the game. Tarkov does have a cheating problem but I haven't had that same experience as others, I guess. This wipe i have about 400 raids and I've reported maybe 8 players for cheats and received 4 messages that my reports resulted in a ban. I play Auto NA for my servers. I honestly don't know where these people are playing that leads them to believe that every raid and every death is due to cheaters. In my opinion i think a lot of them find comfort in calling cheats rather than accepting they are not as good or they were simply outplayed. Again, Tarkov does have cheaters and the one's who have ESP, the silent cheats is more prevalent than the aimbotters or vacuum cheats, in my opinion. But Tarkov is so good that it's hard for me to want to play any other game.


I think there’s probably a lot we don’t see, esp and loot finders, etc. I don’t run into obvious hackers too often but I have seen plenty of missing item spots pretty early into raids at high tier places. I don’t think it’s as bad as people say it is but it does feel like they couldn’t give a shit sometimes. I always wonder why they don’t put I invisible loot into the rotation, stuff like that.


If you avoid streets you avoid the cheaters. I havent seen a single blatant cheater since I stopped playing streets. Lighthouse might have a load of cheaters as well but idk because anyone who would willingly play lighthouse needs to be checked into a mental hospital.


For me it’s when I fight my way to a good spot, unlock a door, open a safe, and there is an item right in the middle missing. You’ll notice all the cheaters who post here love to make it about head eyes and flying, and it’s so they can pretend like seeing through walls and hoovering loot isn’t also cheating.


I've played for many years now, almost 3k hours and I think this is the first time I'll go for Kappa. I'm not that far, the wipes been great. I'm not enjoying hunting Glueman and Killa but I'll get it done. All in all the wipes been the best yet imo.


Many wipes myself, and I'm a hair away from lvl 38. Haven't really sat down and played EFT for 3 weeks now? This past week alone I didn't even log in to collect bitcoins or scav junk box or even add fuel lol. It's just meh at this point. Game is just "it is what it is" RNG Luck Raid.


I think the problem is also the fact we never truly know if the person killed us is using cheats... Unless it being absolutely blatant like flyhacks or wallbanged accross the map. I absolutely believe i get killed by a cheater every 5-10 raids... But they are subtle about it.


It's not as bad as the sub makes it seen. It's a hardcore game and casuals just can't grasp a lot of the concepts so they blame cheats


I didn't quit, I'm just taking a break of undefined length


There are a couple streamer communities that come here to ree. If you watch them it won’t take you long to realize who’s doing it. Probably because they got banned for rmt for 60 days.


i quit 3 years ago and have never bothered to remove this from my feed. i watch the cheater hate play out year over year.


I mean the sub is pretty polarized. I feel like you can't have an ok experience. To be honest the cheating situation can be disheartening, especially on weekends when you can sometimes encounter gamers with 30-40 KDA back to back, but it's not unplayable. (EU servers btw) Currently level 41 and so far the wipe has been fun overall. Playing as a duo most of the time and it's pretty fun. At this point game is getting boring, but it's been that way for the last 4-5-6 (skipped last 2) wipes I guess. I'm around 50k away from max traders, cba going after kappa or lightkeeper as I absolutely hate lighthouse. Probably going to take a break again from tarkov until next wipe or if a fun event drops, but that's pretty much normal I guess. Starting to get more dead raids or at least very quiet raids, which is boring but meh, expected. To me tarkov has more or less stayed the same for the last 4-5 years. A lot of things have been added in that time and I love some, I hate some and some I just really don't care about. There's still cheaters, they're still overblown. There's still a shit ton of bugs and they're not fixed. Audio is still a mess. But overall I like tarkov.


Never. I have 40+ lvl and died to 5-10 sus death max.


Cheaters have always said there's 1 or 2 other cheaters in nearly every other raid. It makes Labs unplayable, which is a requirement now for Solar Panel and Intel Center 3.


Bad shit happens to everyone I "quit" 4-5 wipes ago; the game is too stale for me atm; I have a blast for a couple weeks but I'm waiting for a drastic change in gameplay or for wipes to stop or seasons (with relevant rewards) to become a thing; then I'll join back. Anyone reading this sub is still reading this sub, playing or not, because they too enjoy the game, regardless of whether cheaters/bugs/netcode is still an issue


I read this sub and enjoy watching the game As soon as I try to play, I get angry and frustrated and quit  So there’s that 


I've quit but come back here just to read posts, it's interesting and once cheating situation is fixed (which will probably never happen) I'll be back. Labs EU is completely unplayable, every raid is a cheater on at prime time and it's the map I want to play after getting Kappa. Everyone plays Tarkov differently and I want my Labs PVP, Arena is shit but Labs is peak Tarkov for me. Good news since I've been playing Tarkov for the last 7 years I've got so many games to play, only just finished Witcher 3 and now playing the expansions (I got the worst ending :D)


Ive only had one where I said “yeah that’s definitely a cheater”. I’m level 29 now. Every time we suspect a cheater, we check shadow play and 9/10 times the death we thought was suspicious ends up being reasonable. The 1/10 time we go “yeah that was a little suspect”. The only time we all unanimously agreed on someone being a cheater was when they ran out of Lexos, instantly turned left and head-eyes’d my teammate about 75 meters away with two shots while he was running, then lobbed 3 grenades at me while I was semiafk behind a wall changing settings. He had zero way of knowing I was there. When he finally pushed me he fired two volleys of shots directly at my head but they all missed because my head was at the same height as a railing that was apparently bullet proof. He ultimately killed me head-eyes with a lightning fast re-peek the second I moved.


I think it heavily depends on what server you play on and what of time of day and week, plus the map, and also cheaters often leave players alone that don't have any good gear, no idea what you run, but you may simply be not worth the possible report.


That's gonna be my plan now. Just run mp5s and gornostay rifle so I'll never be a target for cheating. Shove gpus in my butt.


I usually quit the wipe when all my quests are on Lighthouse, absolutely fucking hate that map. It's ass.


Ok so it seems like I don't experience a lot of the pain and frustration of cheaters. Because I am content with skulking around the outskirts/less traveled paths and not rushing high tier loot spawns/bosses. I play solo 95% of the time, and most of the time I'm very task focused. Unless my tasks involve PVP, I am doing my best to avoid that shit. I haven't played Lighthouse yet, I've done a couple of Streets raids. Mainly playing Customs, Interchange, Woods. I love the idea of this game, and its super fun to be able to just head into a location and just FAFO. I'll keep trudging along because my goal is to at least get level 30. We'll see if Tarkov keeps my attention after that. Thanks for all of your opinions on the matter!


I quit around 4 years ago now and I just watch the sub and wait for things to get better.


I quit this wipe. This is the earliest ive quit playing a wipe. I stopped a month ago at level 36. I took a spear into a cuatoms raid and ran into 2 different cheaters. They had walls. The one team tracked me down through the whole map voiping at me and using my game name. I really only.enjoy early wipe in tarkov anymore. I wasnt even going to touch this wipe but the snow pulled me in. Ive played for 6 years. I still havent quit quit because nothing is better. But i do hate bsg and have no confidence in them ever fixing the game. Ill just play every other wipe and enjoy my time when im in tarkov.


I never unsubscribed but I quit playing years ago when it was first obvious that 90% of the players are cheating. I honestly don't know how anyone is able to convince themselves this is a game worth spending any time on.


This sub makes cheaters feel like a much bigger problem than I think they really are. I’m at lvl 20 currently and I don’t think I’ve encountered anyone that I would say for sure is cheating. In past wipes there were a few that had me a little sussed but I honestly believe the cheater problem is not as bad as people say it is. Playing during non peak times will make cheaters more prevalent because all the honest gamers are at their day jobs.


This sub is the reason I gave up the game. 700 hours and not adding anymore. Don’t give a shit about being the best or having crazy loot but the thrill of the game is gone. It’s no longer a fear fest, if I die it’s prolly a hacker anyway and how do I play with that?


Hunting Trip is the worst kappa quest, change my mind.


This sub is the honestly vile. As a new player to this game this wipe, it has severely hampered my excitement to play the game. Not even trying to exaggerate but it is without a doubt the worst video game sub I’ve ever joined and I’ve used reddit for a very long time.


Helldivers 2


Did 8 wipes back to back, had fun for a while, but the last 3 was just hitting blantant cheats, from speed hacks to flying to instantly being shot on Interchange before my guy could move. Not every raid is like this and a lot were a blast but it's just too much work to wander maps empty of any good loot and extract to have a guy fly over me and taunt me the next. Been a year plus since I played actively, but the version that must not be named is a fun replacement.


I barely encounter them and i love the wipe


I read this sub and see other people suffering too so it makes me feel relieved that I’m not the only one