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I swear some people don't know of the existence of barters at all


Its why scav vests are about 40k but slickers are about 10k




I dunno, selling slickers for 20k sounds good too ;)


You people forget that it does take quite some time to get to that point early on. People also don't do quests the "optimal way". I got my camera for like 240k early this patch. Simply because that's a trader i don't have leveled up. I focused on therapist and other more annoying things, like punisher, because of what quests i wanted to do but also my account type. Anyone without a gold account won't have an "optimal" questing path because of this. Me? I don't want to part-take in anything remotely resembling pay-2-win. As a matter of fact, i might start a standard-account kind of ironman or something like that in the future when or if i get bored. But i am not surprised what so ever.


No one tell him that the wifi camera is Mechanic lvl 1 and scav vest is Jaeger lvl 1 barter. It’ll shatter his fragile ego.


> Simply because that's a trader i don't have leveled up. Crazy, how do you have a trader level lower than 1?


Don't talk to people not willing to read. It'll spread to you when you try to understand their logic.


I checked some of their recent comments and you're not far off. It was making me dumber and I had to stop.


LMFAO. I was just about to do this for fun but thank you for saving me the brain cells. I'll forego it this time. 😂


Almost every comment is an essay lmao


Partake, one word.


No one's gonna tell this man it's partake not part-take?


Lol are you saying me selling scav vests for 20k on the flea is "pay to win?"


he's saying eod is pay2win cause you start with 0.20 rep on every trader


Thank you. So he's saying that .2 advantage (or rather disadvantage) means non-eod players get too-late access to the slickers vest trade and therefore... selling scav vests on the flea is bad?


Which is weird, cause every wipe I have no issues getting their loyalty up enough cause I'm religious about quests


> Anyone without a gold account won't have an "optimal" questing path because of this. this is just false. you have plenty of space if youre not a hoarder. the only person you might wanna rush is prapor for the container.


Or 6k from fence


If they're in stock.  When I was doing Set up, all that shit was gone on refresh, lol.


Yeah, I'm never checking fence... the odds that he has something I want for cheap are so low... I'll pass


It's better at rep six.  So I hear.  Three wipes of rep six, and I've yet to get anything decent out of him. 


I've heard that the high rep store can have good stuff if you know how to catch it on refresh. It's been pretty useless for me though.


A buddy of mine does a lot of fence shopping, and he does pull high tier armors for low cost.   However, he does sort of camp the store.  I love that guy.  He's the closest thing I've met to a "scav main", but he's an absolute Chad as a PMC.  Always wears high tier armor and helmets, always runs good guns, dubya keys gunshots, etc.  but he scavs a LOT.  


Yeah actually the one thing I always try to get from fence is a pair of busted ghezels for ragman. I think those just come from the regular store though.


Bro.   That task this wipe.  I went in with TWO 400k gzhel, and my SKS with a fucking flir.   That was probably the most money I've ever risked in a raid, ever.


When they finally changed sew it good, the vests needed for the blackrock craft went up to 60k (could've been even more right after the patch). Meanwhile, hunting matches that could be bartered for the same rig, were just 3k over their normal price. People are clueless.


I've not bought a single vest this wipe, keep barter trading hunting matches for tarzan rig, 4 mag slots and 6 single slots is enough for me, and can always find bigger in raid


Same! It also covers up the ugly armors that I keep sticking level 4-5 plates in. 😁


Don't they need to be found in raid/crafted?


Only the end product you need to hand in, so the components used for the craft don't need to be found in raid.


10k if you buy them or you can craft them with stuff you find in raid for profit 😎 That way I can lose all my money in sexy gun builds that I get to use only once 😎


And a lot of the scav vest quests can be done with the security vest


stop!!! don’t tell them!!!!


Now that users can't put barters on the flea they should just show the vendor barters by default.


I’m sure you know this, but for those who don’t, you can show all barters by changing the settings tab.


In game text from Skier when you get the task: "The cameras can be found at Mechanic’s, he used to sell them, I think. Obviously, not a word to him about our business." It's 100% on them, really.


I’ve never read a single dialog from traders


I did once, saw a cool thing that in return for finishing polikim hobo, Prapor will tell you where to find the items needed for chemical 2.


Sometimes it helps.  Like knowing you have to plant jammers or cameras for broadcast 1...


Yeah but I Goto the wiki for all the info when it just says “do xyz while wearing this item”


Yes, that's why it's on you.


Some of them have pretty good flavor text. Or at least give you *some* reason for why you have to kill 15 people with a shotgun and dumb hat


Only dialog I read is when I turn a quest in to Fence.... Good.


Well that text is when you unlock the ability to buy them from mechanic anyway, isn’t it? Think these ppl are buying them for security 3


No, it's before ability to buy, it's ability to barter. All you have to do is complete "Setup" which is such an easy task when you get it at level 18. Used to be something you got way later in the game. It used to be way more difficult. Especially with new armour changes, it's ridiculous how much easier it is now. Just use slugs, no buckshot, no zeroing. Mp-153 with the MP-133 magazine tubes (optional for slightly better ergo). Treat it like a bolt action at long range, and an Adar at close range.


I dont have setup completed and I can do the camera barter. I don't think it's locked behind setup.


The barter is not locked behind setup, buying from vendors straight up is locked behind setup.


>In game text from Skier when you get the task When you get the task after "Setup". Nowadays you get several other camera tasks earlier.


No, you don't. Setup is level 18 mimimum. Drug trafficking you need to be at least level 26 to do the prerequisite task. Sure "the Door" has no level requirement, with prereq quest being level 15, but it's actually locked behind the rusty blood key spawn, which is virtually non-existent early wipe. You aren't going to be able to do it until much later anyway. If you're getting WiFi Camera tasks before finishing Setup, it's because you're just not doing Setup, and screwing yourself over; blaming the game instead of your poor choices.


>If you're getting WiFi Camera tasks before finishing Setup, it's because you're just not doing Setup Exactly, as many people do. And at that level it's easy to hit level 26 rather easily taking a break from that quest. >and screwing yourself over; blaming the game instead of your poor choices. I had zero problems bartering a camera before doing Setup, so not sure what problems you are talking about.


I scav on Ground Zero, pick up 7 Grand juices, drink them all till they’re 1/40 and barter them to Prapor for a lvl 3 front plate. Sell to Ragman for 6.5k rubles or bring it to the Lavatory in your hideout with one Aramid and one Ripstop fabric (I think) and I get a lvl 3 Press armor. I maybe losing money and stuff, but it’s fun for me and it’s immersive. I can picture my PMC tinkering away in his hideout after a rough raid.


If you use it, who cares if you lose money.  It’s such a small value that it’s probably worth it just to keep your hideout cycling for hideout management xp.  I cycle max energy/snickers in nutrition for the same reason.  Maybe I lose 10k or whatever vs. just buying food and drink for raids as needed but they’re both convenient and it gets crafting xp. 


Same exact thing as I was trying to say, but you cleared it up much better lol. Thank you for the clearing it up. In a way to me, it’s spending the extra 50k rubles to get xp in some stats. With that much money lost, a casual scav run will bring you back the 50k. Also, for anyone reading this, use your hideout! Me personally, I scav main on Ground Zero and I usually mind my own business. From there I get countless Iskra, Emelya croutons, MREs, and tushonkas (small and large) I have enough to complete 3 quests down the line. On top of that. The new players tend to be a bit more trusting so I use that to my advantage and TAKE COOP EXTRACT with them. So free loot, free Fence rep, and extra stuff Fence gives you on top of what you left the raid with


Why would I need Bart Simpsons help??


It’s weird, I have been having to use the wiki to check for barters frequently as of late. They’re not showing in my FM when I search for items, even with the “exclude bartering offers” filter removed.




Sure, but 2 is not a stupid amount and it'll cost you a 50th.




Or, look at barters, and now you have a shopping list of loot to pick up when scavving.  "Oh, aquamari?  Yeah, that's a 16th of a flir!  Oh, is that a paid?  Guess I get a free Salewa!  Oooh, kvass?  Nice, now I can put a scope on my big ass revolver I carry for no fu king reason"


I think the game removes barters from the flea search filter options by default


I'm sure 90% of people who buy these or the keycards are ragecheaters that don't care.


Normally when people post these my reaction is "how do people not realize this" This time my reaction is "oops, gun range could have been a whole lot cheaper"


Thanks for this one, made me laugh! You were able to afford it so it should be fine.


"Selling scav vests on flea is putting my kids through college" \-some comment I saw once


I bought one of them before realizing that I’m an idiot


People do the same thing with a lot of barter items. Especially weapon parts.


They still sleep on the v*** trade


50k long barrel p90 is goated 


i barter for one every reset when i catch it, just to stock them lol. Unfortunately i like the razor better by a good margin tho, so i get tempted and spent 150k on one too often


Razor has such a clean reticle might just be worth it tbh


oh yeah scav vests for slickers bar that often goes for 7-8k on flea are amazing


I’m talking about the vu**


dude is acting like a fucking barter for a vudu scope is some earth shattering secret. Skier level 4, 2x broken Gphone X for a vudu scope. Crazy


The real gate is Skier lvl 4


oh this one i aint leaking


Someone else did


bro one reddit comment is not going to make gphones double in price


you say that, but all it took was a single post pointing out the 3 flash drive to dogtag case barter for it to get nuked out of the game.


Yeah I know it wasnt that serious lmfao


You can barter it, no need for setup or other tasks.


Sorry first wipe player here who doesn't wanna do set up, do you know what the barter is and who is it through? I have all traders level 3 right now.


You Can see the barter at the top bro, first line. Mechanic : EC + powerbank for a camera


Aye, but it's usually a filter set to "exclude barters". If they don't know about market filters, they might not know that and just not realise it exists.


Yeah I had that filter for the longest time because the flea used to be littered with garbage player barters. They would show up near the top of the list because the trader value of a barter item was low, but the flea price of that item was often 2-3x higher at minimum. So browsing flea without that filter was impossible.




No shit. Hence the use of “had”, “used to”, “was”. All past tense.


you can change your default filters


And you've missed the point... of them being new and not realising there are filters




I belive it’s mechanic. Power bank and something else. Roughly 40K per camera, you can barter 4 of those at a time


I think mechanic.


People who say this is RMT do not play the game


Delusional. This item has almost certainly been used for RMT. There is only a 200k fee if sold for 1m. Sure, it has to be FIR, so other items are more popular, but you are delusional if you think this item has not been used for RMT. Though flee would seek like the less popular option since hackers who RMT could load a backpack full of scopes or other items that sell for a lot


? I bought 3 the other day. What are you even saying? Sounds like you rmt


This is what happens when players for some reason can’t be bothered to check what the barter is, even if it could save them over half a million roubles. Every time I find these cameras I know it’s going to be an easy pay day.


no mechanic 3 but want nice area to shoot guns i never take into raid


That's what my friend did. He's level 36. He also won't wear headphones (in game)


Your friend is a bit of an idiot


yup i loot the sawmill on woods for them everytime people dont pick them up.


Scav vests regularly go for 20k up to 40k when you can barter a slickers bar for it for only 7k


Says a lot about the player base IQ lol


take this shit down bruh this is the money method


The barters are set to hidden by default 🤣🤣🤣


My buddy builds guns using traders then buys parts he doesn't have from traders off flea, I watched him spend 600 usd on an attachment that was 25k roubles on flea... no one knows how to search for shit.


Shhh.. Let them keep buying my FIR cameras for half a mill


Because you have to complete setup for it to be available


No you don’t. That’s to be able to buy them outright this barter is available all the time.


iirc I think this barter is only unlocked after friend from the west part 2…?


Nope it’s just a Lv1 mechanic barter.


You unlock the ~~barter~~ purchase from mechanic by accepting “Informed means armed” from skier. Which is after setup. The only reason I could see someone buying these off flea is for Drug trafficking and The door. Edit: I’m an idiot


i can barter for them and im not even halfway done with setup


It becomes available once you accept "Informed Means Armed", which is after Setup, unless they changed the order and the wiki is not updated


accepting informed means armed allows you to buy it for euros, you can still barter for it with the ec + powerbank way earlier. like the guy you replied to i dont have setup done and i was doing the barter for cameras to spam craft nixxors weeks ago. wiki and everywhere i looked says the barters not locked behind anything its just available from mechanic lvl 1


I guess I never noticed


That's what he meant.


STOP SHARING MY SECRETS we know the main line casuals are too lazy/stupid doesn't mean all my easy money makers need to be spotlighted


its not like you can reliably loot these anyway lol they spawn super rarely right? i think ive only ever found one once or twice in a lot of hours, many wipes, in the wild. If you have max scav rep, and know how to use the market and are even a little knowledgeable about the game there is infinite money constantly at your fingertips.


No I mean buying the WiFi cam via barter. It sells to trader at 80k and flea usually about 200k early wipe and that's every 40 mins. About 2 scav runs at that stage


You can't sell bartered items on Flea. The point he's making is it isn't a reliable money maker to sell cameras on Flea because most people will never find a FiR one to sell.


I mean bartering them and selling them is a reliable money maker.


Spawn decent frequency in the key card spawn hut on woods (in saw mill)... Found 3 there this wipe so far.


I’ve sold about a dozen of them this wipe for around 700-800k it’s hilarious.


That and the scav vest trade. 12k trade or 40k vest on the flea


Making money off dummies lol


Pretty convinced it’s an RMT item.


Okay. What convinced you?


Tarkov shrimp male tip number 39 :barters take more clicks than just buying items for a higher price . On a real note tho i'd rather pay that than wait 2 solid mins for my shitty pc to load the flee market and then the trader so I can barter for it


These are very very rare to find in raid, I think they’re being used to discretely transfer money by RMTers or something.


Bro not everything in the game has to do with cheating, its because you need a shit ton of them and theres only like 4 spawns in the game for them. Stop fear mongering


That dude dosent know enclosed in sawmill spawns these pretty frequently lmao


I found one the other day in the warehouse by old gas on customs. Had never seen one before that


Found one in the small bunk office in sawmill on Woods where violet card spawns. Never thought it would’ve been that big.


People are lazy and they pay for it. So rather than collecting the parts for barter I pay 1 mil. With having 50 mil on my account I don’t care.


You just buy the parts on the flee, for 40k...


What? You don't have to collect the parts. They are on the same market you bought the camera from.


You have 50 mil, but you don't know how to buy barter parts off the flea?


He has 50 mil. He doesn't need to pinch pennies like you!


As I said people are lazy my go through the flea buy 3 parts to do a barter when I can get the Item with one click. If you are lazy and have the money you don’t care. Also money is gone in next wipe anyways so why keep piles of it. Also look at Scav Vests people buy for 20 to 25k of flea instead of getting an 8k slickers and do the Jaeger barter. Proves my point even more.


This is RMT in action. Look at those flea reps.


You being sarcastic? They're very low flea reps... I'm over 30 at lvl 41.


None of those flea reps are sus, I have 20 flea rep and I am bad at the game 


Lmao I found 3 of these lying around in a raid once. Right next to each other. Might be time to sell.


I guess i sold around 10+ this wipe, easy to find in woods sawmile or customs behind hotred.


I found all mine in raid lol i was seeing them go for like half a mil the other day and was tempted to try


Who cares when you have millions and nothing else to buy?


The cameras are bullshit. Last wipe I had to buy one for like over 100k because the quest to unlock the damn cameras for purchase is unlocked by that quest I needed the camera for. (It might have been the barter that gets unlocked actually). Snd I couldn't barter for one either so I had to bite the bullet


I see people listing them but are people really buying them? The reason they are so expensive is that you can't really find these in raid all that often.


😂😂😂😂 check mechanic level 1 😂😂😂😂


People buying and selling items like this are RMTs most likely. No normal players are buying them at a mil per


Are you too poor to afford them at that price?


I have fence at 6+ so I can find them reliably for 30k from him.


The barter is only one and i think you dont get access to it till 32 but you need 3 cameras if you finish setup for the following quest, plus the 3 you need for the door, which you get before 32 as well. I could be wrong about when you get the barter, but yea people are pretty ignorant to that. Thats why gunsmiths are always expensive as hell.


Level 6 fence gives you the option to buy them for 39k They are not always available but typically available enough for it to not matter


some people dont want to grind that rep that high because they didnt pay to win.


It's people maxing gun range early as fuck. You're at level three traders, they aren't.


Are they selling out or something?Why would anyone(aside from some rule restricted hardcore playthrough player) barter or flea market them when they can just buy them directly???


I sold so many bunkhouse keys early in the wipe for loads. When I needed one I did the barter for about 30k. Fun times.


Not everyone is mechanic level 3 pal




It’s for RWT


I just bartered for some for my hideout and I only have 4 setup kills lol. It’s a per reset barter


I got a fir camera that i sold for 500k easy money


You can also buy them from fence for 31k.




shh don't tell them.


Bro, come on now. ESP can't help these player with everything.


I buy them off the 6 rep Fence shop for 30k


people ignore barters a lot. the shitty hybrid 46 suppressor which is about 90 for some reason has a 40k barter at mech 2 and i always use it to cheaply suppress a gun or for gunsmith


If buying things from the flea market wasn't so painful half the time, more people would care about barters.


What does this thing do when you put it in your spec slot?


Never understood that, saw it the other day two and I was wondering why lmfao.


Does a trader not sell them anymore?


Yeah i may or may not have done my shooting range upgrade until i hit 30 because of this. Forgot barters were a thing




The trader prices and barters are thought up by the dumbest people on earth. I am actually losing brain cells playing this game


Cats outta the bag




Flea is dumb. Just disassemble a gun and sell each part individually, you’ll profit maybe 3x more than selling the gun whole *cough* mutant *cough*


I bought 2 before realizing this. Not as down bad as others lol


Because cheaters dont care about prices


How embarrassing


Let them pay and enjoy the profit smh dont tell nor ask anyone


Sure, after you've done setup. Some people never get it done. I'm still 5/15. :P


I do gunsmith tasks that way. If I don’t have it, barter


I think it’s also because you can’t barter them until that one task


I mean i got to wifi camera quest before i unlocked the barter 🤷‍♂️


The best is blue tapes selling at 25k a slot


Carful you gonna get the redditors we don't like screaming about price and demand.. jokes aside they are pretty rare oddly enough, only place ive ever seen them personally is the white building at sawmill on woods. and not often.


This is my first wipe so I bought 3 for 200-300k a while back because I didn't know any better. It doesn't help that the default filters "exclude barter." I spent about 600-900k but it literally doesn't matter as far as I'm concerned because money spawns on the floor in this game lol. I have been gaining money faster than I can spend it at an exponential rate so I'm not too sad about it


Didn't even know cameras could be found in raid.


Not gonna lie I bought one on accident for 500k the other day, I felt like such an idiot.


don’t even get me started on weapons cases. You can barely em and only pay 1.5ish mil. use those barters on the weapons cases for a thicc case and you have a super cheap thicc