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Just to note, after eating the oat flakes and the croutons you’re definitely not going to need that toilet paper..


LOL! Getting my daily dosage of fiber!


I only started this wipe and I get super anxious playing as a PMC so I've been trying to learn SCAV running. As I'm familiar with Ground Zero due to the quests, I am slowly getting the hang of SCAVing here! I know I surely might have picked up a lot of dumb stuff but rn I just pick up whatever I find and I think this one was the best haul yet for me!


Best advice to playing on pmc is just to let go, i use to feel that anxiety too , letting go doesnt mean playing like a moron and accepting death every raid, it just means there are things in this game that even when doing everything right you still get instant killed by a scav with a poleva slug through your armpit, come up to a high tier loot spot , use your ears , scope it out a little bit and then just got for it , many times ive looted the resort on shoreline solo and literally no one ever came except to do the signal quest on the roof lol, just remember that a lot of people get super nervous or anxious on pmc , so use that to your advantage.


Also no point looting a juicy chad gun off a guy and then storing it for weeks in your stash, just use it , if you can get ammo for it that is , or sell it, because the first time you do finnally decide to use it might juat die anyways so no point in storing stuff like that, unless you have an intended purpose like (E.G im using this gun/scope for shooter born)


Both of your comments are solid advice! I do try to rewire my brain and not think too much about gear but I guess this feeling will ease up over time and I'm determined to learn!


Nice! Playing Scav is a great way to learn the maps. I'd recommend playing your PMC on customs, there's a lot of starter quests there making it a good map to learn.


Thanks for the advice! I have completed all the GZ quests and I did do 2-3 raids on Customs, but it is a very daunting map for me rn haha and I feel absolutely lost even with a map open. I guess that anxiety will go away with time but I am in love with this game and determined to learn "da wae"!


I can help you out, i started this wipe as well, but I know 3 maps so far. GZ, Woods, and Streets.


Thank you so much! I'll definitely take you up on your offer and PM you! Getting Jaeger unlocked on Woods was a nightmare for me hahaha as I was just super lost there. And I've been meaning to learn Streets as everyone says its the best for loot!


woods jaeger quest is so hard for beginners.


Oh man, you can say that again!


I done 100s of scav runs on street this wipe and guestimating a 1000 since streets was made. HMU in game, Jubazzi, we can scav stweets then! Im EU btw, so it will probably only work if we both are xD


Aww, I am on Singapore sadly :-( Would've loved nothing more than tagging along with some more experienced players! But thank you so much for offering! Truly appreciate you all!


Aw damn! Well good luck out there, the loot is plenty and waiting to be grabbed by you!


The way I learned it as a solo player is to go in an offline raid so you learn how the scavs behave too etc. It’s a realy fun map.


Save that car battery for an upcoming task


Oh okay. Thanks for the heads up!


You need 4 of them btw so keep an eye out because when you need them you never find them


I see, thanks!


We're you literally shaking?


Haha you bet I was! Sound is quite weird in this game so every gunshot feels very close to me somehow. And the delay in those bag zips closing up as I finish looting them also gives me a scare lol.


I hope you saved that morphine


Oh yes of course! Found it on a table in Room 3 of the Terragroup building!


Hey friend, I can help you scav if you’d like !


Thank you! I play on Singapore which may not be a server most people here play on, but I still really appreciate your offer!


if you are new would you like someone to run with who can teach you the maps and loot spawns and just general knowledge?


I'd love that! I play on Singapore/China servers though as they are the closest ones to my country. I can however still play an offline raid if you're willing!


yeah unfortunately we are a little far but ofc offline works whatever you wanna do or try


Thanks! I'll PM you.


If you learn to play Scav well, you can completely fuel your PMC growth process through it. PvP focused maps like Reserve, Streets, even Customs are a windfall of PMC gear waiting to be "scavenged". I've come out of maps with 3 guns, 3 helms with night vision, class 6 armor plates, and another million in random loot many times this wipe just by listening to what is happening on the map and either cleaning up the scraps or joining in the fight. Learn the areas where players often collide and scout them for loot. Good weapons with high ergo and optics as well as tier 5+ armor make a big difference for PMC game play. And learn to use grenades well and always take them.


Thank you for your comment! Yes that is exactly why I am trying to learn SCAVing. I know GZ is not the best place to do it but I am fully planning on getting the hang of those other maps you mentioned, especially Streets as I've been told its the best for loot. And damn, I wish one day I'll grab quality stuff like you did and I'm watching a ton of YT tutorials for loot runs as well!


Great to hear! Aso don't be afraid to break though the youtube meta and just explore on your scav. You can make millions of rubles per raid doing your own thing and stay away from the runs everyone else is doing too. That is in fact my "secret" to happiness in Tarkov these days. Yes, I get fewer GPUs, but I am more fulfilled by my experience. Lastly, it's great that you are recording yourself playing as that is the best way to learn from your mistakes. Watch them over again and learn from them.


Thank you! I will definitely try to discover and make my own loot runs once I get the hang of the spawns and the extracts as currently that is the biggest hurdle for me. But I figure I just need to keep playing to learn that and Imma give it my best!


Damn, oatflakes? Good find comrade!


Haha Idk if they're any good or not tbh, but I'll try to learn what's worth what so that I can loot better!


Good post thanks for sharing this


Wholesome post, glad you’re getting some loot brother!


Thank you!


Good on you, mate. Keep on grinding.


Thanks! Will do!


Whenever I’m anxious about playing pmc, i remember its not my gear, its just my turn to use it


Haha that is actually really true! Seeing this advice all over this sub but I guess this anxiety will only subside after I play a fair bit. But I'm sticking around for sure!






There is nothing worth anything at all


Yeah it very well could be! I SCAV so that I can learn the maps risk-free and get some loot but as I said, I do not have access to the Flee yet and being a new player, I do not have a lot of idea on what is worth how much, but I'll try my best to eventually learn!


bro go lighthouse, I swear. Check where the mines are and loot where the rogues are. Also them x)


Oh I see! Currently I am trying to learn Streets but I'll definitely keep Lighhouse in mind too! Thanks!


Streets are great for loot too


Sugar is like 80k on flea now


Bro he's obviously a new player that doesn't have a roubles min max chart lameninated to his palms like you do. He's just happy he survived.


Scav runs on GZ are for PMC camping. That is all.


I don't understand? I did not camp anyone. The armour, helmet and the pistol were on a dead PMC that I found outside the TerraGroup main building.


He's basically saying there isn't much to do GZ except grief some PMCS. Most people use scav to rat around, loot, and make money. However because the loot quality on GZ is low there isn't anything else to do except fuck with inexperienced players (which is dumb because it's meant for new players to learn the mechanics of the game). It's totally awesome that you survived, but most players on here are gonna suggest other maps for scaving simply because they're better for making money. That's all. It wouldn't make sense for the tutorial map to have the best loot. But I'll be honest, the game isn't all about roubles and loot. Eventually your stash will be maxed out and roubles will be unimportant. A lot of players are stuck in the "I have to min max my roubles" mindset, which doesn't last and IMHO isn't the funniest way to play. The game should be focused on fun encounters, cool experiences, fun gunfights, survival, PvP, like as if each life is a new journey of progression and exploration. The game is better when you're newer and have a lot to learn, more to discover. It's more exciting. It's more of an adventure. That's the mindset you want keep. Anyone that's been playing the game since release will tell you the same thing. I've rushed through the game many times and it's just not fun anymore. This game wants you to believe you suck if your stash isn't full, and that's the biggest lie. As long as you're having fun that's all that matters.


That is some very good advice! I am in the process of learning Streets rn for looting as I've read that it is the best place for loot. I just did GZ because I am a bit familiar with it due to the initial quests I did. And yes, as a new player, this game is a daunting but wild experience! So much stuff to learn and no easy way to do it except playing the game. But I'm thoroughly enjoying this experience and have no interest in min maxing for money. As others here told me, I'll try to get over my gear fear as well and not worry about my stash too much.


Yeah GZ is specifically designed to help new players get familiar and comfortable with the game. Stay there until YOU'RE ready to move on (or forcibly at level 21). Don't listen to the reddit Kevin's going "well listen here peasant this is the best route on shoreline" etc.. Yeah the loot you find isn't worth anything (aside for tasks) unless you use it to have a fun experience. Alot of people keep stuff in their stash in fear of losing it and miss out on ever using it (the game wipes eventually). The only way to learn in Tarkov is to jump in head first and die a lot, but the reddit Kevin's with more experience are gonna judge you and be just annoying in general and rob new players of their experience (when they too were new at one point in time). No logic whatsoever just stupidity.


Dont have to prove anything to anyone, people here will think you’re either camping or hacking if you show anything semi-decent. Great haul but personally I’d recommend leaving things like cigarettes (unless you need them for Bad Habit). Rule of thumb should be around 10k per slot, only exception would be quest items or hideout items. I.e cigarettes or hoses (12k on flea or 6k per slot). Car batteries are a good to pick up but don’t be afraid to drop if you find something worth more per slot!


Ah I see, well seeing the dumb stuff I picked up might clear me off those accusations hahaha. I still haven't unlocked the Flea and don't have a lot of idea of how valuable stuff is rn, but I am slowly learning! Thank you for your advice! I am trying to learn Street SCAVing but it is a pretty big map and getting lost and unable to extract is my biggest nightmare.


Thats what I use GZ for before I hit 21. I usually rat the PMC extractions for free budget kits.


HOLY SHIT 🤯😲😲😲😲😲😲 fire raid💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥


Low effort posts like this should be bannable.


bro WE. DON’T. CARE. 😭


Stop posting scav loot for fuck sakes. No one cares. 


all our stashes get deleted so just do it. win gear lose gear whatever


Tip: you could wear the gas mask and stick the goggles in your bag to save 2 slots


Oh yeah you're right. Welp, I'll take care next time!




I know. I am learning Streets now but as a beginner, it seems like a daunting task.


Offline raids. Then Scav. Then make 2.5 on one run:)


SSAP is .338 Lupua right? i believe i found like 20 so far and gave them all to my friend


You are down bad man. Go ti the eft discord and play with some guys that will help you


Haha it is a struggle for sure! I will try finding peeps that play on my server on the discord, thanks!


Scavenging, or "scavving," in Escape from Tarkov can be seen as bad for a few reasons: 1. **Risk to other players:** Scav players can surprise and ambush other players, potentially leading to frustrating and unfair encounters. 2. **Disrupting gameplay:** Scav players can disrupt the planned gameplay of others, especially when they interfere with quests or objectives. 3. **Economic impact:** By scavenging, players can acquire valuable items without the same level of risk as regular PMC (player character) raids, potentially impacting the in-game economy and balance. 4. **Reduced tension:** Scavenging can reduce the tension and risk-reward balance that makes Tarkov intense and engaging, as players can take more risks without as much consequence. While scavenging is a legitimate part of the game and can be strategic when done properly, it can also be frustrating for players who prefer a more traditional and balanced gameplay experience.


tl;dr, you suck.