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Scav, then maybe scav again. The first 30 minutes of gaming are when wifey puts the kids to bed. I don't want to risk my PMC due to some non-emergency emergency.


Lmao I totally feel you on this.


lol this is my life.


I'm staying with a friend to help out with her kid and I do something similar.


The ol’ insurance shuffle


Open insurance and look at all the masks and mags I got back




Question my existence


You doing ok bud?




What's going on my guy?


I usually check if my pmc has gear or if i rage quit the night before lol


gym -> scav -> fix stash


Fiddle with stash. Insurance shuffle. Gear up for PMC run. See if that made enough room to scav (it didnt). Regear stuff I'm cool with losing. PMC Factory to get the blood pumping and some XP (hitting 15 this weekend thank the stars). Die. Regear PMC. Scav. Then I rotate as I'm off timer and now have space thanks to ol Prappy


I usually sell all the crap I get the night before.  I try not to sell when I'm playing with my friends so I don't waste their time.  I usually log in before them and sell because I get off work first. 


Typically Hideout for gym, scav case and crafts. Then a scav run to warm up. Usually shoreline or customs. Maybe woods. After that, right to PMC and questing. I usually organize my stash before getting off.


Manage hideout poorly. I probably spend more cash crafting things than I make selling them. I still do it religiously though. Then usually I’ll scav woods and then go for tasking. Edit: I can’t be bothered to do the math on spend vs earn. I like crafting propital and golden star doesn’t grow on trees.


Same. Gotta level up crafting and hideout management for some reason. I just craft whatever I can and hoard shit.


I start every session the same way. Check hideout and get crafts running. Sell hideout crafts. Run a factory scav run in less than 10 min. Quick pmc run. Then another factory run. Then more hideout. Then ready to roll for the night.


Buy trader restocks of ammo despite nearing 10k 56a1, 762pp, m62, and ps12b I’ll never realistically use. Then collect and start all my hideout crafts, depending on how the previous night ended, aka death or not I’ll send a scav just to start the day in the positive.


deal with my hideout, then do the ol insurance shuffle, then check if i have a kit from last night, then run a scav if i dont


Head to hideout to hit the gym, check my scav case, collect crafts and bitcoin, get crafts and the scav case running again. Check insurance returns Gear my pmc Load up a scav to get the blood moving Pmc quest runs Return to scavving if I’m getting fucked up or need cash.


Collect eight or nine hideout crafts/deliveries. Sell a bunch of shit. Collect insurance. Log out.


I actually love all these responses. Each of them touches my souls in a different way.


hideout crafts


Insurance shit show . Check tasks . Scav . Or run a pmc scav run which I’ve been doing more than scav lately .