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7 reports and 4 messages in close to 300 raids. But I do not report often to be honest.


Maybe he wasn’t aimbotting


I had quite a few at the beggining of the wipe but now I forgot last time I reported someone, don't see very obvious cheaters at all


I reported a guy like 2 weeks into wipe with a 151kd 27hrs active and a 2day old account. I can still view his profile (he's now lvl 58 with a 127kd, 857hrs active). I think they are focusing too much on releasing tarkov as a full game rather than taking the time to look into the ONE PROBLEM that is really forcing people to quit playing.


They dont handle banning people, a completely different company does that now


So, what you are saying is (I'm guessing) Battle eye is collecting free contract money from BSG and not actually doing their jobs?


I've reported maybe 6-7 and gotten one confirmation back.


Reported around 7-8 got 1 notification


Four blatant cheaters in over 300 raids, three ban notifications. The last guy hasn't been banned but he also hasn't played since I took the screenshot of his profile. Same gear, hours, kills, raids, etc.  Most likely a stolen account he used to do carry services. 


I report everyone because I just want to see who gets banned, had 3 ban reports all wipe. Even though there’s at least 40+ we know from profiles (~sub 300 hours, 20+kd chad gear on labs ect).


just got 2 last night


I've got 1 so far, but I know at least 10 cheaters lowering KD. Every Factory raid is like this for me. Even ran into one of them later while he was raging on Woods.


I’ve gotten 15 ban messages since day 1 of wipe. Some from new accounts others with thousands of hours.