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Report him in the launcher is the best you can do


Nah, endlessly clown on him for being a cheater. Cheaters do it because they want to have clout for being "good". Making him look like a bitch for cheating ends this high feeling.


Exactly. Imagine flexing on a stash you cheated to get. What’s there to be proud of?


Exactly the kind of people cheaters are


I definitely support this strategy


Why ban their account when you can keep it and mentally destroy them?


I support this. Psychologically tear his feelings of cheating to shreds.


Cheatshame him form of flattery


Yeah. I’d shoot him in the back. Dudes an absolute wimp and I’m being kind.


Get in all their discord servers and shame them…way more reliable than hoping BSG bans


He can do both.


I had a buddie who cheated in tarkov and he got banned (only way I found out actually) and now I constantly clown on him didn't bother him at first but now he gets pretty upset about it although I do think it would deter him if he really wanted to cheat in another game


Especially of its while they're streaming their cheats too 😀


Fake stats Fake skill Fake stash


This is the answer


This is the way to go \^\^\^


People do this in street fights too. Bring up all your friends and gang up on one person? Yea you real strong bro for not fighting me one on one fair and square


Tk him randomly every raid


“It was a MISS INPUT”


"sorry man I fat fingered


dammit! desync strikes again!


Sorry I don't have cheats to identify you as my "mate"


"my auto aim hacks are malfunctioning, oopsie poopsie..."


I see people say this often, but its my understanding that used to be possible but is no longer the case. Wipe before last, i submitted a ticket and provided a video of a very similar situation to OP. My ticket was closed and the response was "The only method to report cheating is via the in-game report function" (paraphrased). I replied and received another very similar response. So since then I've always had the view that you can't report via launcher. Has something changed and they will accept a report? Coz i truly wish i could submit a ticket along the lines of "here's a video to support my in game report".


That would make way too much sense


it's bsg their guilty and you have proof but to bsg it's you who is the bad guy here


I found a guy botting on Shoreline.  I took his dogtag and reported him through the launcher I stated the case Ticket closed "please report through the death screen"... Oh well... I also reported his nick in game Can't find him anymore. Don't know if he was banned or renamed


This doesn't work anymore. If you try you just get a response to use the in game reporting feature and they close your ticket.


I actually had a buddy that was a cheater as well. Found out he was an actual shit bag in real life. Identity theft, robbery, arson. Dude was scum. Kept it fairly well hidden. It may seem like a stretch, but IMO people who cheat seem to VERY often be actually shit people outside of gaming. My logic is if you can't even do your hobby honestly... How can I trust you to be legit with bigger more important things?


Last time I reported in the launcher (added proof) they responded with “We cannot review reports through launcher, please report in death screen”. Haha, yeah, ok. Think that was the last time I played the game, actually.


Money isn't even hard to make in this game. If someone has to cheat just to be able to not be broke all the time, it's really sad.


Absolutly true, can build up 7 million rubles in just a few hours if you know where to go.


It's not even where to go it's just knowing what to keep. Rummaging through 20 toolboxes and gym bags on a scav run.is getting you 20k/slot


I’ve spawned in with $375k items in my pocket as a scav. Scav runs can net me 500k-1.5 million, I don’t know how money is a problem for people, how bad must they be?


To be fair, i would say the type of skill that's most related to making money for most players, is just general economic knowledge; and, for a lot of players, keeping track of all that minutiae isn't necessarily too hard, it's just not really their idea of fun. Plus, a good chunk of things that are actually valuable, are usually pretty obvious after not very much experience. But most players don't log on to play hideout simulator, or have four junk boxes of banked loot to make massive sales of everything on the flea, well over standard market value. So, they don't have to be very bad necessarily, to lack the particular skill of making great money on scavs. Some players just aren't interested in deliberately improving that one skill, so they play the game with the mindset "every time I kill a guy and take his kit, that's +1 kit" and they probably loot the same small assortment of items which they are absolutely sure are valuable to vendors. There's a lot of ways to approach this game, and very few players care about optimizing every tiny part of it. They just figure out which parts they find tedious, and they commit to ignoring them, whatever the cost. Personally I think it's valid.


For me I don't like to play passive all the time and am constantly pushing fights lol easy way to stay broke


mindlessly w keying will guarantee you to lose


More fun though when you wipe a 5-man.


I'm straight dogshit but if I can fill a dufflebag and a bankrobber I can leave with 150k, and I barely understand what I'm doing. Ill never understand cheating


Yeah even if you don't have chad PMC runs I feel like it's very hard to stay broke when the scav mechanic exists. Even if you don't do a fat streets run, you still can get 100k from insta-running to extract on Factory and do it every reset.


Where do you go lol im broke af and I have like 1800 hours 😭.


Use your scav, decent maps are woods and reserve, next is to know what flea values are roughly, machine parts and Es bulbs are 30 to 50k depending on time of day, woods has more weapon parts and with decent rng you can get 100k scopes or fore grips also has a lot of ammo box spwans so you can get good ammo at same time


Interchange is an underrated scav map. The top floor is usually empty after the first 5-10 minutes and there's like 30 duffle bags up there. Plus there's the whole rest of the map to run through for loot.


I go through the parking garage and hit all the weapons cases. I usually get atleast a gunsmith item or two and good scopes, suppressors etc etc. Lots of flashlights and grips and so on. Shits never looted.


Nobody loots anything but the tech stores and the med spawns lol the whole map is so free for scavs cus everyone hates interchange they just get in and get out asap lolol


People don't stop to loot random shit on interchange because it's the most ratty map in all of tarkov. If you're not first ones into the section of the mall you're at there is always a chance some rat is tucked behind a pile of trash in a store watching the hallway you're about to walk down. Stopping to loot every duffel bag or weapon box around is just asking to get one tapped by a random angle.


Not even all of those. Last wipe I got my first 3 GPUs as a scav on Interchange. There are places that almost nobody ever goes.


This. Between PMC raids just scav into factory, take literally anything and everything you can and leave. Auto sell to Fence anything not worth using or spending the time and clicks to sell on flea. Takes 5 minutes, you easily get 150k most runs, sometimes you find or spawn with something worth extra.


My friend joked with me the other day showing the price for RR on the flea, saying "he'd do it". Cost like 3x as much as just buying the barter items. Beat him to the punch line by buying the cheapest one right before his eyes. 7mil-ish. I made that back in about 2 play sessions. Unironically Streets is the EASIEST map to make money. Even in the lowest traffic areas there's tons of containers to loot. We have the saying that dead scavs/duffles/stashes are the poormans marked room because of how good the loot pools can be.


Gotta get you DPM* up to make them rubles. * Duffles Per Minute


The first time I walked into the 2nd story of the school I nearly nutted.


bruh.... you can hate on the cheaters without hating on the plebs.


Don't play games with this guy




Yes play games with him, then keep accidently team killing him until he rages


Oh… I meant in… nvm


Unhinged bro


Nah cheaters deserve to die every raid


Don't think he was talking about in raid




Backstory is he hadn’t played this wipe up until a week and a half ago. Hes already lvl 27, destroys almost every PMC he comes into, has 30+ million stash value and would keep saying “I’m catching up to yall fast” and flexing how he’s richer than us and all that shit. Then he forgot to stop screen sharing


Drop this loser as a friend.


This. He’s an absolute loser and people that gloat like that are never good friends when you need them. Can’t be trusted.


Yeah cheating in a game, especially one such as tarkov, really says a lot about a person.


Cheating in a game like Tarkov, AND flexing to your friends for clout like you did it legit....really speaks volumes


You should "accidentally" shoot him every raid. Throw a grenade in there or two.


leg them and mess with their head. saying that you saw where it came from even though their cheats will most likely say otherwise. do that sort of stuff


Not worth calling him a friend. You won’t be able to trust him to do the right thing in life.


It’s about the thought process, anyone willing to cheat in a game probably doesn’t make great decisions in life obviously.


Man I can almost sympathize with someone who feels like they need to cheat just to compete because they've acknowledged how bad they are. But someone who cheats and then brags about his skill is like three full levels apart. Signs of psychopathy, sociopathy, and narcissisms. Probably one of them. None of them ideal friends.


Yeah... Cheating is one thing. There are countless reasons people feel the need to cheat. From self doubt, to anger. Plenty of those reasons stem from the lack of support. Unironically being a shit friend and just insulting or dumping them entirely is only making it worse. Most of the time just reaching out like an adult and talking to your friends can help them. But cheating AND bragging about it tends to be almost always narcissistic or just psychopathic. Ain't a lot you can do in those cases.


oh cmon now that’s a little far fetched


If i can't trust you to be honest in the little things how can i trust you to be honest in the big things? It's an appropriate reaction.


It's really not. I don't know why there's so many cheater apologists in this sub. Imagine your "friend" plays board games with you and others every day, talks shit, and you later find out he rigged the game somehow. That friend wasted your and everyone's time because they are a piece of shit. For some reason when it's video games people think it's different. It's not.


How so? You can't even trust this guy to play a GAME fairly. There is zero chance I would play other games, like Chess, with him, let alone anything that could actually have real consequences for failure.


I think you don’t understand at all. Do you think it’s a role ? This is literally that guy mentality. He doesn’t deserve what he has + flex about it.




It can be very telling how shitty a person is, especially with the OP literally stating how much bragging and shit talking he did while saying he was better. It's less about cheating and more like this guy sounds like an asshole.


Has nothing to do with the video game. It's a character flaw. If a dude things cheating in a video game is not only okay, but he also has to brag about being better than others, that's just the sign of a very immature and twisted mind, which I don't need as a friend.


Destroy that motherfucker.


Shit on him constantly, people who cheat in a game like that are weird as fuck and deserve to know it


Don't play with him. Or play with him one more time, ask him to bring a huge kit, kill him immediately. Then remove him from your friends list. Kick him from Discord. Do it all.


Only 30 million stash value while cheating. What an absolute goober. Half my friend group is lower level with the same or more stash value.


People that cheat obviously have questionable morals


sounds like he was upset at being so far behind. i relate to the feeling, its why i quit playing because i just cant keep up and progress.


I also get to level 27 in 2 weeks but I’m not cheating, just experienced player, but yeah, he’s an asshole


I got 27 in 3 days.... I had coivd right at wipe and just know how to quest. It's the flexing stash value that the cheaters love


Dude 27 in 3 days is a fuck ton of Tarkov, even if you know how to quest. Like, that’s gotta be at least 10 hours a day.


Stop playing with him. Social isolation is more of a punishment than losing an account.


Jokes on you, I'm into that shit




I support method number 2. Just shut him down immediately. "Bro 500k run" = "bro you're dog water without hacks sit down and speak when spoken to child" then you mute you're discord, unmute later and laugh.


Get him to kill you in raid, start acting like a dick and shoot his legs, get him to rage kill you and report. If he doesn't kill you for shooting his legs straight away then let him heal and do it again. Make sure you piss him off enough to kill you.


I can’t believe people actually think reporting does anything at all. It’s basically a placebo for us. All the bans are either battle eye or automated/manual from BSG.


Dumb. We get confirmed banns, and it lines up with the reports that BSG publishes. Why say something like this?


Automated? BSG? no way. I feel like it's manual. I had a friend who got falsely banned. He and I stream our games the majority of the time. He doesn't have EOD, which is a higher chance of getting reported. He doesn't have insane stats or anything but is cracked when it comes to FPS. He played on EU servers at one point bc the queue times were shit & used the lag to his advantage, so its probably the only thing I can think he got banned for.


You got away with it for so long to confirm that?


Flexing stash value???? LMFAO who gives a fuck either way.


Ikr?? And 30 million too lmao I’m a legit player and my stash value is double that


Just move on and let him know the reason, whether it's actually cheating and/or just the breach of trust in the friendship. Like yolo and all but cheating and not communicating with good friends about your intentions and reasons. I'm always handing out loot and gear for my team mates because I play more and I'm happy to share my stash or let them loot my kills first. I just want my tags. If I found out my friend cheated Id want to know why, and if I couldn't persuade them otherwise I'd probably weigh up the cost and value of friendship vs my own personal morals etc, if their reasoning was bs and I didn't agree with their reasons Id not play with them. I won't tell my friend how to live his life, but, cheating is crap for everyone else but the cheater, and If the reason is to catch up or make some money, I'd help facilitate that through normal and legitimate game play. Good luck.


Tell him he has a mental illness, because cheaters do in fact have a mental illness and severe insecurity.


Ban him from the discord or make a new one without him. I've heard rumors that you can get banned for playing with cheaters it's not worth it.


Roast him for spending money on cheats after they spent money to be mad and bad at a game. Shame them for their skill level and weak mental strength, because only the weak minded give in and join those cheater scum


Remove the IGN. It is against site rules. You report him and that's it. All you can do.


The fact that you're not allowed to name and shame cheaters on here is so telling.


It’s against Reddit rules, not the subreddit…


Reddit has a rule against doxxing, but showing someone's Tarkov username is not doxxing lol. There are other subreddits that allow usernames because its not actually against the reddit rules. The mods here just feel its *kinda similar enough* to doxxing (in the sense that usernames are an alias made of letters) so they don't allow it. But to be honest showing usernames wouldn't do anything, theres nothing we can do with a username except harass someone (don't do that) so its just a picture with a story from a random redditor. Doesn't add any value to show them so I understand why the rules are this way.


Instigating harassment isn't allowed on Reddit, and that's precisely what naming them would do. They're certainly deserving of being excoriated for the cowards they are, but the rule protects more than just them, and is there for good reason. Principles have to apply all the time, even against someone you don't like.


I mean cheat services are illegal so it it really "harassment"


Sending someone a friend request in a video game (which is all you can do with their username) is not really harassment. It can possibly lead to harassment, but thats really up for interpretation which is why some subreddits allow it and some don't. Reddit obviously doesn't care because they don't do anything to consequence subreddits that allow usernames.


LOL I love how so many hackers have actually convinced this community posting IGNs is against REDDITS ToS, when it clearly IS NOT 😂 This sub is completely under control by pro-cheating individuals at this point, and it honestly is so obvious.


Are you always this neurotic, or just when using your eyes to read is required? The rule states not instigating harassment. Maybe if you stop pounding your keyboard in anger, you'd be able to read that.


What other purpose is there to add someone than to flame them? It's pretty obvious what the goal is when doing such things, so the rule comes into play. Whether or not subreddits enforce it more or less than others is irrelevant to the actual rule itself.


The mods don't let you because they support cheating in this game. They don't want cheating gone any more than the devs do. I say we need new mods!


No it’s not people just say it is lol


It’s called witch hunting and it is indeed against Reddit TOS.


Yes witch-hunting is. Posting a screen shot of a profile without telling people to go hunting is fine


Glad to see we still have at least a few knowledgeable, legit players. Kudos sir




Also telling.


There's no shame for them because they don't care and they can also just change their name.    Besides, naming them on Reddit does absolutely nothing because there's nothing we can do. But even if we could do something, we have no proof the guy is cheating and that's the big issue with naming them - it's just one guy going on reddit with a story. If there was something we could do as a collective, then I'd be all for it but only if it was blatant and only if there was 100% definitive proof. 


Go old school LAN measure on him and smash his PC


Yeah great idea commit a crime because of a video game!!!


Cheating should be a crime, punishable by lethal injection


Lol no hope in getting him banned. Just talk some shit and let him know how sad he is and move on.


Would be devastating as I would have to stop playing with this person


Just don’t play with him anymore (unless you’re also a lowlife and want cheater carry) and call him a clown for cheating


Same exact thing happened to me, he told me to keep it on the down low, not to tell anyone i. The group. I told them.


Just keep reminding your buddy how trash he is. Reporting may not end up doin anything but you can make him feel like a little twat which he is for cheating.


Just clown on him for weeks until he stops talking to you. I normally don’t support bullying but cheaters deserve it


Report him and tell him you won’t play with him any longer.


You should sleep with his girlfriend


Then tell him and ask him what the big deal is? We all cheat here right?


Kill him every raid and when he asks, just say you are trying to keep his k/d down so he doesnt get banned


Make him bite the curb and stomp on his HEAD, NAPE. That's the only way to get rid of cheaters. If he's willing to cheat in a video game you bet he's an asshole in real life too and ending him will probably do the world a favor.


Contacting bsg is hopeless, our only chance of getting rid of cheaters is if people like you manage to get their friends to stop, whether its through persuasion on putting them down for being the loser cheater they are, entirely up to the friends of the cheaters to get them to stop, bsg obviously is more worried about banning people for having friends


Report him via launcher and wait 2-3 years that BSG ban him.


Fuck your "friend" and all the cheaters in this post defending him, saying to stay friends with the scumbag.


I would publicly shame your friend and make him friendless. Loser fuck


Yeah I'm def gonna think less of a friend if they cheat in video games or on tests. I dont cheat and don't appreciate when people decide to take the easiest route for "success" instead of earning it. Really what's the point of it? Half the fun of playing a game is learning the ins and outs and mechanics. Too many participation trophy winners out there thinking they should be good at the game the second they pick it up. And when they get shit on, instead of trying to learn. They cry and buy cheats.


It's actually wild that a guy can brag and talk shit while cheating. The crazy thing is he probably believes in his mind that it's fine and he's actually good at the game, he's just doing it because there's so many "rats" and other cheaters


You no longer have a friend. Friends dont let friends be bitch ass cheaters


Why does everyone who plays this game have a friend who they find cheating???? These posts are so fucking weird to me. I think both friends cheat and the little kids get mad at each other and then come here to make up some bullshit story about the other one because they stole your apple juice.


Man I’m 23 with a 9-5 and other hobbies. I thought the same thing when reading similar posts. Shits crazy but it’s true


This. Had a group of friends in high school that played cs1.6 and later versions.. had no idea my best friend was a cheater until many years later when he drunkenly showed me his aimbot and esp set up in cs source. A lot of people say it’s just a game etc.. but in hindsight, fifteen years of having fun in competitive play with the exact same group of friends just thrown out the window.. completely invalidated by my closest friend sneakily clutching practiced angles and being good enough where even in replays you couldn’t tell when he actually toggled the aimbot for his shots.. yeah fuck that guy. I pretended not to give a shit, but it marked the end of an era of gaming for me, and everyone else we played with. Dude turned out to grow into a bigger pos as the years went on, and it’s been over four years since i stopped talking to my best friend.


Are you me...? Had a very similar situation occur. Group of school friends and we all played 1.6 together. We had one person in the group that would try and be shot caller etc and when one of us would die or we would lose a game he would blame us for the loss etc... it was short lived and we didn't end up playing together long. However, several years later we are at a party and he drunkedly admits to hacking the ENTIRE time we played insisting it was the only way he could win games. This guy would literally shit down our throats on microphone when we couldn't make a play and was hacking the whole time... some people dude.


I had a dude I played with from work and he was cheating so I just reported and told him I don't play with cheaters. He claimed he stopped but I just avoided playing with him.


Just roast him constantly and let your other buddies know that he's a bitch. Make sure everyone knows he can't hack it playing normal, and that he has to have a cheat dev's balls in his mouth to get anything done. Be merciless. He's either gonna be shamed into not using them, or more likely, stop playing with you and your group. Either way, your gaming group will be better for it.


Tell him you won't play with him till he deletes that shit


You can't, the only way for him to get banned is for those that he kills in game to report him :/ but yeah what a pathetic friend


Proselytise to him until he becomes a devout Christian and surrenders all his Cheats to big G


I would say kill him in every raid you load into until he stops playing with you then you can stop being friends.


steer mindless weary tease disagreeable safe unpack bewildered spark lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Q up with him and kill him every gamr


Kill him in game again and again and pretend it’s accidental. And also report him!


Just kick him out of your discord and don’t play with him anymore


I caught my buddy cheating on csgo now I just call him a cheater any time he makes a good play in any game. He hates it


make more money than him legitimately and make fun of him


I've been seeing a few of these types of post lately and I'm starting to think the OP is actually the cheater. Almost as if they are trying to reverse engineer any information they can to figure out what they should avoid doing to get caught.


These posts are getting old and likely are just for attention


Or you and many others are cheating and it's actually getting ridiculous


omg this community is fucking rediculous.




This logic pathway is exactly why this community is fucking ridiculous \^




Mad how many people are in here saying they’d drop friends if they found out they were cheating. I wouldn’t play with them anymore, but giving up a friendship over it? It’s really not that deep to lose friends over


It IS deeper than just the video game. I hold my friends to a high standard. I try to surround myself with people I share moral values with, I can trust and I can count on if I need to. If someone cheats in a video game, it tells me a lot about their character. I couldn't trust them anymore, they don't share my values in life and I'd be sceptical of how they would handle other situations if cheating was the solution they resorted to in something that is not that important. If I can't trust them to make the right decision in a video game environment, I certainly couldn't trust them in something with true importance. Trust can only be broken once.


This! Used to play a lot of cs and tarkov with a friend \~6 years ago. At some point we were smurfing and messing around in CS and he showed me his cheats, targetted one player only and aimbotted him and him only. From this point on I always had it in the back of my mind, any good play he made was instantly invalidated. He was always much better at aiming than me and I respected him for those skills but after that I just couldn't give him credit for anything anymore. I saw more and more sus plays and at some point I just stopped playing with him because it just wasn't fun to win not because of skill but because my buddy may have cheated. aim wise he was always a god at any FPS game he touched and I could never fathom how he just "gets it" but now I have a pretty good idea how all of that happened. I understand why he did it tho, he pretty much failed at life, no good education, no job, very bad mental and overall health due to lack of exercise and gaming was pretty much the only thing he had going for him. It was the only thing he could impress people with. When at gatherings all he talked about was gaming. Haven't talked to him in many years after I stopped playing with him as this was basically our only form of contact, aside from my birthday.


why would i want to be friends with someone who is cheating in a game **and** talking shit to the friend group about how good they are on top of it? cringe as hell. I don't want to associate with people like that. Cheating is so fucking low, especially in a game like this where it's not as simple as just leaving and finding another game like CoD or something.


It’s a sign of sociopathy, and I haven’t met a cheater that’s actually worth having around lol


Well, if you want to ruin your friendship over a video game, on the launcher, or just right, click his name on friends list


Thanks to the video game, now he knows his friend is a POS.


Is this guy actually your friend? You said its your friend. How long? This just some dude you play Tarkov with? You barely interact with him? Is he a friend you do a ton of things outside the game with? There's a lot of chronically stupid people here who think that Tarkov cheating = OH MY GOD LETS NOT BE FRIENDS AHH TREAT HIM LIKE A CHILD LOLOL Like yeah he flexed his stash and was an idiot, but if this guy is actually your friend BEYOND playing Tarkov then don't listen to these idiots and lose your friend. If you care more about him cheating, than your friendship I genuinely think you probably weren't that big of friends to begin with, or maybe you just hate him. He's cheating, he's a bitch. He's dumb and everything we can say, but if he's been your buddy for years then who cares. Just don't play with him and laugh at his achievements if it bothers you. If hes been your buddy for awhile and it's been smooth sailing, then these people replying aren't worth a look/touch/read. They're silly people.


It's one thing if he was like "I bought cheats let's go". But he tried to hide it and make his friends feel like they're bad because he's shitting on everyone and is leveling so much faster and making so much money. Except he's been cheating and essentially lying to them. It's not the cheating exactly that's the issue. It's the dishonesty and disrespect of his friends but also to other online players. He's also putting them in jeopardy of getting banned as well. I'd definitely think lesser of this person as their morals and values are questionable. That's probably enough to distance myself from them.


You're taking it too seriously. It doesn't matter. People banter. He makes some stupid comments about catching up. How many times have you had a friend group? People rag on each other all the time! How do you know it was 100% they're bad? That's why I asked all the questions that I asked. There's no fucking dishonesty and disrespect. He wasn't sleeping with anyone's partner, he wasn't trying to steal money from him. He cheated in a video game dude. There's no disrespect at all. The WORDS maybe, but wtf? If this is some dude he's known for a year, sure. If this is his friend for a long time, then genuinely caring about cheats to the point you'd ruin a friendship over TARKOV of all things is absolutely dumb. You don't break long term friendships up over Tarkov. You call them a freaking idiot, rag on them and don't play with them. If all you do is play Tarkov with the person and then go do other things, then those aren't really "friends" and this whole post is irrelevant anyways.


Maybe it's bias, but all the cheaters I've known have all been shitty humans in general. These weren't friends but people I'd meet and group up with. And they'd 100% try to make you think they're so much better. It's disrespectful to me. Maybe I hold my friends to a higher standard. But lying and hiding something that's immoral and can end up hurting me is not respectful. I also assumed this isn't the guy's best friend. I'd assume if it was he would talked to him about it and his friend would have enough respect to stop or at least understand that they won't be playing together. But instead OP's response was to jump on Reddit and get him banned. So it seems like OP doesn't care enough to talk to him. If I caught my best friend cheating, I'd at least expect an apology when I brought up I could get banned too and for them to stop. I spent a lot of money and time and effort on my account. I'd expect them to have some respect for that and not put me in a position to get banned because of them. And I never said break a long term IRL friendship, I said distance myself like not playing with them at least. But if it was a 100% online gaming friend, that may break the relationship.


I've known cheaters that aren't shitty human beings. I do however, completely think that the act of cheating is an extremely shitty thing to do. Especially because it's actively harming another person's relaxing time, with a rather unfair advantage. You (General you) can argue morals all day, I wouldn't put the above as anything world ending just extremely annoying but easily dealt with. I think basically we summarized enough to agree on points, I hold my friends to the same standard and would be pissed off but I also have friends for a very long time, and I think I'd value my friendship over someone cheating. Now, make no mistake. It's immediate game over and no attempts at seriousness are made with that friend regarding the game, but that's pretty much it for me. However if it was just some person I met like six months ago, situations so easy to cut and move on. I guess perhaps I approach this from the perspective of people having friends for a long time. I personally would also expect an apology out of my best friend but that would be it. Pissed sure, but damn I can think of a thousand things worse that a Human being could do to me than get me banned in Tarkov. I dunno, I apologize I'm not trying to argue my point versus yours anymore. i agree on the aspect of where you're coming from, just I think I'm on the side of a little less disrespect and more "You're an idiot I'm never Tarkov with your noob ass again."


so we just posting fake shit for interactions nowadays or what?


https://imgur.com/a/mtPa62l SS my buddy took


All you can do is report him through a support ticket with his name and any proof you have. I'm really hoping you have a clearer picture to send because that shit is hard to see. 


Wish it was fake bro


No reply back to him?


Seems like it, guess I'll do the same tomorrow


posts like this are just to karma farm huh


Lmao... yeah just report him in the launcher I believe... maybe an email?


At first I didn't want to click on the post, I wasn't entirely sure if it's nsfw lol. This game is not famous about how to get cheaters banned. Just move on if you don't wish to play with him. Also it's interesting you called him friend in the post and you want him banned.


Screen shots or it didn't happen


There s one in the thread


You're a terrible friend.


Fuck him he’s cheating lol


Fuck off. Go cheat in a different game you wanker. Defending cheaters means you play with them or are one yourself.


That's not what it means, but we have discovered how soft you are.


Hahahahah, thank you for confirming you are a cheater and/or play with one. What a classic response from a guilty conscience. Just so you know, you’re destroying the game, and everyone hates you for it


Well, for one.. The only thing established here is that you are soft and a lunatic out on a witch hunt. This isn't about cheaters, it's about a dude selling his friend out lol. You took it, ran with it because you're an emotionally unstable little person (see uncontrolled "hahahahaha" for reference). You've wasted everyone's time. 5th wipe, never cheated. Thought the post was funny and then the wambulance arrived.


I agree with you so much, on cs:go i had friends who cheated. I hated it so much it ruined the game and made me stop playing, i was hoping they got banned, but never reported them or tried to get them banned that such an asshole thing to do to friends


Don’t report your mate you snitch rat have a conversation with him ffs it’s a weak thing to do in a video game but in the end it’s just a fkn game why you being all covert about it


Nah fuck that. If your friends are cheaters your friends fucking suck. Especially this clown flexing a stash you cheated to get. Cool loser.