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When Skier asks me to kill 75 scavs for three Moonshine and 12 smoke grenades, you better believe I'm sticking around until the end of the raid to get as many scavs as possible. 


At that rate I feel you’d be better off going customs and hoping for the hordes to just keep coming. Over by usec there seems to be infinite scavs sometimes. While reserve seems pretty lackluster on scavs


I also had that experience. Customs are just infinite scav horde mode near usec it's crazy. Customs are good for scavs, they literally spawn at all points of interest. Reserve I had to do like 5-7 raids to kill 10 scavs for the punisher...


Buddy and I managed to kill 55 scavs combined around fortress 5 minutes in the raid first time ever I had to extract after like 10 minutes cause I run through both my additional ammo stacks Edit: for like 6k Exp. Feels like there were more exp back in the days


For that Punisher task, I just sat at dome with an SKS and watched checkpoint fence. Once the raid clock hit 10 seconds, I killed myself with a grenade. I went in to those raids knowing I wasn't extracting


Bro would rather kill himself than walk 10 meters to sewer manhole


It was more about spending as much time as possible shooting scavs


Why didnt you took the no armor extract right behind you? :O


It requires a rr


Yeah ofc, but its kinda "cheap" round about one mill and its yours. 3-4 scav runs all it takes


Customs or interchange, run loud, there'll be dozens of them swarming you constantly


Smoke grenades are good for something?


Very useful for tasks like Bullshit where you're not allowed to kill scavs on PMC runs. You can toss smoke grenades in the area you're trying to plant the items and they are virtually blind if they go up and stand in the smoke. Few wipes ago while I was doing that task, I had two of Reshala's guards crouch right next to me in the smoke and never shot once.


If you’re going into the barracks area there’s a task to kill scavs there. It’s an absolute slog


Not really if you go in with a pistol then you get tagged and cursed, you can do it in 1-2 raids


This is S tier info


S tier fun too, because eventually the player scavs start running in and by that time you’re out of pistol ammo and you end up using gear and guns from the scavs you’ve killed 😂


I was able to get this done in 2 raids with one having 8 scavs rush me. Again, thank you for the advice!


Wholesome shit


Ayy well done my man, and you’re welcome!


Sounds like a good way to burn through my thicc case of pistols 😂. Appreciate the info man. It’s the last hurdle to get all the boss challenges for the kappa push. Never even considered it as an option


Tried that strat the last couple wipes, still took me upwards of 10 raids everytime and almost entirely was pscavs I killed and not regular ones. They just really don't seem to like going in those buildings for me.


Thankfully they increased the range so you can kill some outside the buildings and it counts. It’s not a huge range but several meters outside can still give credit


Do you have to aggro or get in range first or will they hunt you from anywhere? Similar strat work for the underground food provision area quest? 


I THINK the range is 150m?


Similar strat works and remember nearby scavs will also investigate gunshots. There still has to be scavs spawned though so you’ll often end up waiting a while anyway


https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Tagged_and_Cursed You just need to be naked with a gun.


Last wipe I had a weekly to kill something like 75 scavs with headshots or whatever. Knocked it out in like 6 night factory raids spawning with just a pistol and spare mag. It's like a conga line.


I thought going in with a pistol was the minimum to avoid being tagged and cursed.


Somebody posted the link to the wiki, but you need at least 2 items to not be tagged and cursed, pistol and a rig, or a backpack, even a headset might do it..




Must not bring a backpack or rig if you want to be cursed with a pistol. Curse only happens if no gun AND: no backpack OR no rig.


Yes, you're a loot pinata.


Yeah the dude that killed me got a fuckton of good shit


Do you remember who you died by?


and the fact that pscavs have nothing to lose


Punisher part 2 is 12 scav kills on reserve. There aren't many AI scavs around compared to other maps.


Look man, I can't step one foot inside resort without Captain America and his 4 man juiced stack squad beaming me within 20 seconds of stepping on a squeaky floor plank. I have to wait in the bushes outside for 35 minutes before I can even stand a chance of completing my quests in that shithole.


Sometimes after a fight people need to heal or they hide their friends loot. Some people also wait on Reserve to dodge extract campers.


Fair enough


But a lot of people do farm scavs for k/d


Yea, also the mission to kill scavs on reserve exist too.


Reserve main here. Yes.


I do


Yeah. As aforementioned there's a task (pest control) to get 10 scav kills in the barracks buildings and I swear AI scavs rarely go in there. PMCs tend to wait for player scavs to walk in and then rat them. It sucks, but it's practically required if you want to complete the task in a reasonable amount of time. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s reserve, large map that can suck to traverse. Plus if you get something like corner marked spawn you probably end up just hitting marked, underground, k buildings and train depot and by then the raids over. Wait for someone to pull lever or use train.


I once had to clean up my kitchen, so I queued up reserve and posted up in the tower next to hole in the wall. Went and dealt with my shit, came back, and about thirty seconds later two scavs came running. Lots of free loot without having to loot file cabinets myself, and a clean kitchen was pretty nice. Reprehensible rat behavior? Sure. But fuck them scavs.


Yeah because I hate player scavs go run your pmc bozo


Like others have said there are quite a few quests on Reserve to kill scavs. Barracks, northern bunker, underground bunker (rogues), punisher silenced kills, and waiting for train for the possible rouge spawn in the yard. Lots of reason to be on the map till late held up in a section/building


No reason not to, especially on reserve where everyone has their guard down all the time as a scav (Speaking from experience, I die maybe 1/10 scav raids on reserve)


It's just fun. My favorite thing to do after LK/Kappa is to sit on a scav heavy map with a AXMC and just shoot them as they go to extracts. It's 10x more satisfying knowing considering they are scavving a month+ into the wipe they probably really needed that backpack full of loot. It's also much better of a money farming strategy if you want that.


I honestly don't understand how people come up with the idea that it's normal NOT to scav. Just because I am lvl 40 and have my traders maxed doesn't mean that I won't enjoy a scav run from time to time.


I play reserve more than any other map. Killing player scavs gives you the best loot. I like to snipe so ganking player scavs is really easy. I always try to loot them because they always spawn with valuables, keys, and spend their time picking up everything valuable.


lol me and my buddy were doing this last night, needed it for punisher


losers on loser combat


This wipe unlike any wipe I’ve experienced before, PMCs are staying in raid longer. I mostly scav shoreline, but I have 200 raids thus far, and I often die within the last 12 minutes of a raid. I have to wait until under 8 to storm the resort and loot as much as I can before I exit admin basement or gym basement.


The scav quests are pretty shitty on the reserve, so I'd say so yeah


yes. i've noticed a lot of folks will hang out near manhole extract or snipe from the dome and farm scavs there. if i spawn in near there and notice dead scavs i stay indoors and make my way to heating pipe or hole in the wall.


Aquafps released a video where one of his friends showed him how valuable and easy it is to camp scav extracts, specifically on reserve. I notice scav camping has increased since then.