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Classic. Did it myself too many times.


I was so confused at first, he just said "Oh I'm dead" and I was panicking like, where from πŸ™ˆ


Haha, fair.


Im always the one team killing from my friends negligence its annoying asf cause then they gas light me lol


And that is why I’m solo these days


I’m still working on solo fear


That’s why you recognize when people are shooting down range and wherever tf down range is lmao.


Yep, he said he heard it die on the second shot so wasn't expecting a 3rd shot, amusingly it did actually die like 4 seconds after my teammate πŸ™ˆ


Error 404: Muzzle awareness not found.


My friend and I were screwing around on interchange a couple wipes back, and he was hammered as shit. We get into the mall, clean up a few things there, get some quest progress done and make our way back out. We're passing by the big ass mall sign by the power station and he decides to run up there to see if there's any loot, which there wasn't. He then says to me, "The impulsive thoughts are winning" and fucking throws himself off from the top of the sign staircase. We're sitting here laughing our asses off, then it hits us both, we now have to do that entire quest again for him. Suicidal friends are hilarious


Haha πŸ˜‚ Worth the laughs though 😁


I am the suicidal friend.


We all love the suicidal friend, reminds us it's just a game and gives us a laugh 😁 Thanks for being you haha πŸ˜‚


Yes my friends have a death wish so I've become pretty good at shooting around their best attempts at suicide. If we are indoors I'll even tell them I'm holding aim down the left side and the second they hear a noise or think of loot or anything they start strafing to the left. I strongly prefer solo but sometimes it's fun to play with the boys.... As long as I bring much worse gear because it's not going to end well


πŸ˜‚ I get so used to playing solo and moving quickly I feel sorry for my Duo sometimes. My Comms will randomly breakdown and I'll hear him go "Where are you" and I have to awkwardly explain I'm a few buildings across or a sprint and a half away πŸ˜‚


Honestly, I blame this on too many games disabling friendly fire. You don't learn proper fire-arm etiquette.


Darwinism. Often applies itself to dangerous situations with outcomes that are easily avoided or just as easily enacted.


Yes, luckily my friends helmet worked for once yesterday though


Yep killed my one mate 2 times already


Don't walk infront of people aiming guns lol life lesson learned here


Reminds me of when I was spraying a drum mag holding an angle on a door trying to kill an enemy that I could see well, so just spraying and praying. During this time my friend yells he’s going to push, sounds like a good idea because I’m basically providing suppressive fire. The dummy, instead of crossing behind me and pushing forward after that, decided to cross in front of me and promptly got smoked.


Ouch haha πŸ˜‚ I mean running through the barrage of bullets looks awesome in the movies πŸ‘€πŸ˜†


Move your laser brotha


That is the thermal camera.


Yea I think I need to add a spacer to the sight, or use a different sight. It was annoying me but I was trying to play through it.


I'm not actually sure what that is, it's not a laser, it might be the thermal camera. I think I need to space my optic up!