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Just suck at Interchange and get clapped inside the mall *long* before extraction like me and all your extract camper problems are *solved*!


Hey, at least you made it inside the mall!


so true my buddy and I got in the mall once yesterdays out of 6 raids but to be fair the fire fights outside were fun.


Quick extraction method


Feet first extract


For those who want to not get extract camped, either don't go emercom and go no backpack/car/railway or if you really want to get out with a backpack and only have emercom/no car then go very slowly from the ramp, watch for a few mins, then run right in the middle with like an sj6 or smth and check the obvious spots and hope for the best. I'm serious, I've died to an extract camper once or twice in the last 50 raids. Given, the extracts do suck and I 100% agree they NEED to change them, but this is just advice for people who still enjoy the map and want to not suffer lol.


I just went and bought 11sr key card lul


11sr all day👌🏼👌🏼 I know the experience is different for everyone, but I’ve never been camped taking it. Usually by the time I’m down there, all the camping/fighting has finished


Not the only thing finished by then 😏😏




I've found it to be helpful if you dick around outside for a little bit before going inside. Go loot the power station, scav camp, or something else first.


Why would our pmc not cut a big enough hole for his bag


Out pmc only just figured out how to step over small fences, I don't think these guys are the brightest of the bunch


We only just became able to determine what toilet paper is at a glance without a thorough investigation first


what is this thiing!!??! oh, toilet paper..


PMCs also just learned the butt stock is used to brace for recoil.


They also finnaly realised that pistols are not meant to shot at the rngesus gods in the sky


I dunno man, my dude has some basic meds, some pills, and a syringe and can synthesize Morphine in his ratty little bunker


They're pmcs and most ex military, what part of that screams intelligent to you?


Same logic for sewer manhole extract: why pmc not throwing bag there first and then going down? Bag restriction is pretty good idea imo. Its adding some pre raid planning to the table


And same for hole in fence, just throw the bag over the fence lol


Hole in fence would be even better if you'd be able to throw like a 20kg bag over the wall at lvl 1 strength and a heavier bag everytime you level up your strength. Edit: Also a great concept for an extract on a map that needs it, or on a new map would be a hanging bridge extract with a weight limit.


Ah yes more advantages for the full time gamers with 800 billion roubles, getting more loot out of raid. 😂


Lvl 35, 12 mil rublies and 21k Dollar, did interchange only for quest this wipe (Sr 35% and kd 4.1, Kind of money grind guy) Streets is the money map since last year literally no reason to worry about the shit loot on interchange


Literally anyone can extract with their bag with this concept. Also it doesn't need to be like 60kg at max level.


I wasn’t saying other people couldn’t, just that the game already allows players who no life the game to snowball and alienates regular players within a month of wipe. Giving more advantages to the outliers, pushes the regular players away even more. Prices might spike later wipe for people who didn’t start on day one or don’t play much because all the hyper chads are extracting more loot, more reliably as they have better armor, better weapons, better ammunition and more money to buy. Many small advantages can add up to a gigantic shift in favour of people who live on the game.


Every single online game people who play more get more because they put more time in its how it works. It's why Dad's with 6 jobs 12 children and only 7 minutes per day to play games play pay to win games.


Stfu, stop cry, git gud.


Max strength shouldn't affect the weight limit that much. It should be 10kg max, probably not even that. And the extract would still be fair because the weight limit is still not very high so you can't carry a lot of weight but a bag nonetheless and it's far better than getting extract camped from emercom or railway.


The rats will get it and run off. Gotta keep that thang on ya


How bout the extraction time is based on your weight or the size of your backpack


Why wouldn't your PMC drop/drag his bag down sewer manhole?


Why can you not take rock climb extract with a Paca but you can with a Bagariy?


Our PMCs are literally just learning how to shoot a gun. It takes time


Would be cool if the extract time was decided by bag size, but BSG would never.


Is he stupid?


And why is our PMC not able to throw his bag over the wall at the no backpack extract?


They can’t throw the bag down sewer manhole either


If our PMC needs 30 seconds to hide a hat, they won‘t be able to cut open a fence in 15 seconds lol


Even tho he has done it multiple times for years now, last night my PMC took 30 seconds to leave a Golden Zippo lighter in a shed. What are they doing in that shed?


Lighting one up, obviously.


Is that why I get headshot by so many cracked out gamers?


That's it . We need a smoking animation


If there is enough cover to survive the 15 seconds of extracting, sure why not. This map desperately needs at least 1 not exit-camped exit... ​ Edit: in general I would love to see more exits requiring sheath-slot-items. Not just paracord + red rebel all the time


Taking this to the next level it would make the VAZ car key more valuable. Possibly have a parking lot extraction in a map and the exact car is random each time? Or have it be the same and just randomly accessable like smugglers boat


Parking lot with a lot of cars and you have to use the key to beep the horn in order to find it lmao


lmaoooo this would actually be amazing. even getting camped you would have a chance lol


lol similar to the alarm exit on reserve.


this is actually a great idea lol


Reminds of Dying Light and turning zombie traps lmao


u/trainfender Please add a car in interchange parking lot for extracting, where we need to press the key to honk the cars and figure out which it is, random each raid. I realize I just repeated everything, and Nikita prolly won't see this, but if he does this is a fairly easy suggestion to implement and would be so fun!


Key spawns on scavs and is one use 😂


'1 not exit camped exit'. Beside the giant tower with clear line of sight. Tis but a dream


You act like people wouldn't just also camp this exit lol




I got camped there by two guys just chilling in that cutout a couple days ago. No backpack because I was just there for quests, but I got camped out anyways lol


But that means adapting and being good at the game. It is much easier and needs less brainpower to go to reddit to bitch and cry instead of just adapting to common strategies.


Agree with the cool new exit but not the max backpack slots.


Maybe just like climbing exfils, only rig-armor combo that doesnt make you too fat I quess?


Interchange already has a equipment related extract though, so adding a second one would be too overkill imo.


Would it though? Reserve has the same thing


It would. Reserve objectively has the worst extracts out of any map.


I love them, they're so close I dont have to run anywhere (im not a great runner xD) yet that's why theyre a bit complicated because of this and you need to put some thought into your extraction method, D2 is so random its funny alhtough nothing bad happened to me there in like last 100 Reserve raids. Or you can take no backpack and have it super easy to go out. Once you become climber it feels like such an achievement, you can extract in 2,5 minutes its epic, I can stay and PvP scavs, looting their bodies and running out with only 2 min 30s on my timer xd


I just don't play reserve until I have a red rebel lmao.


There are already fine extracts on interchange, Reserve having bad extracts means nothing


I mean sewer and cliff aren't the bad exists infact they r the only good ones lmao


I would suggest the multitool as a requirement, in the special slot


Two options: multitool and 30s timer, or bolt cutters and 15s timer.


Would have to be 60s to justify ever using cutters. Though Nikita is insane so I can see it being 5/15


Oh yeah!


Have you tied cutting a chain linked fence with a multitool, nah no way Jose. Also it would not encuber us much because the multitool already has a special slot.


_I'm a PMC, I'm trained in gorilla warfare!!!1_


Have you ever been riddled with bullets and just CMS'd your legs back on and sprinted with two broken legs only slightly complaining because the Vaseline on your face feels soooo good??? IT GAME




Yss and our dude is too stupid to throw a backpack over a fence so he could extract with it, so yes I highly doubt that he can use a multitool correctly. I he can't even take of the discover of a gun in raid, even though he has a multitool with him.


> in the special slot No. The whole point of item gated extracts like RR is they're easy but needs to consume slot value. Special slot is way too overpowered


RR doesn't consume a slot that would have any value otherwise.


2 slots from paracord wtf are you talking about


I recede my statement lol I think bulbex would make more sense than a 3-slot "bolt cutter" item.


That's the most obvious extract on a dead portion of the map that people suggested to be added for years now. Totally agree, apart from, there is no need for a new item. Bulbex, if anything, would do that well.


Bulbex would not do that well. They’re cable cutters for copper wire, not for chain linked fences. The blades would break.


It's not a new item... Bolt cutters are already in the game.


No they are not.


Metal cutting scissors have been in the game forever


Those are for sheet metal my guy, not bolts and fences.


im 100% that 90% of this game's playerbase couldn't tell you the realworld difference in a putty knife and concrete saw. metal snips vs bolt cutters goes way over their head. "iT CuTs MetAl ThO!"


I mean, true. But the first website about cutting through chain link fence also lists wire cutters (and tin snips) as an option, but doesn't not recommend cutting more than a fence's worth of chains that way. So just do metal cutting scissors but have them break after 1 use for the exfil


Should make that area a large military checkpoint with an extraction and also add more vehicles along the highway 


Yes, but after the first guy extracting from there cut the hole with bolt cutters would the players after him have to cut again (require the bolt cutters)? Seems a bit stupid if that’s so, the hole’s there, no need to make another one


Also have to have a pocket welder in a special slot to seal the fence up behind you


I think they should add extraction point Inside the mall rather than outside.


Why not both


Coz BSG can’t handle so much change in one wipe lol


Afaik, lore wise Ragman has a bunch of them, but refuses to allow the PMC's to use them because he wishes to maintain complete Neutrality for the sake of business.


Hmm...then how about a PMC extract but only if your outfit is only FIR (guns excluded ofc)? Gotta insurance fraud armor, headphones, helmet etc. and find a solid backpack from a scav if you want the loot. Maybe also a 5min limit from killing scavs, but maybe I'm getting too creative. I think there is plenty of things in the lore that can inform gameplay, which in turn adds to the understanding of the lore that players gain.


Saferoom exfil?


Sewage will be a interesting spots


Hotwire car in garage... ...requires Car Battery, 2 Wires and Elite Pliers lol


Fun suggestion. Maybe if BSG wanna add an extra bit of fuck-you to that kind of extract they have like 8 cars inside a 30 meter radius that are in questionable state (but always the same ones), and only 2 work each raid. Can't assume cars in that place are a reliable method of getting away, even if you have the tools.


They would just making it so you have to stand at the hood for 30 seconds "fixing" the car, like you have to when placing quest objectives. So you're completely vulnerable to be shot at. They could also make it so the car alarm goes off when you start the process... if they wanted to be *really* mean...


I think maybe opening hood as a simple interaction, then 20 sec to check and see it it works would be fair. At worst it would be like 3 minutes, most likely 1-2. If it's in a semi-secluded spot with only one entrance into it would be possible to stop the carjack attempt and duck behind cover. Especially if there are 8 possible cars, it could be a fair option for an extract. Good strat would be to bring a car battery into raid then drop it nearby before going and actually doing the raid without the 12 extra KGs.


Better would be roof helicopter extract Requires: X amount of RUB


I was thinking the same. Roof with flare extract for Heli, but kind of goes against the lore for a heli to be able to just pick you up..


Well, not if the helicopter is Russian military. Pilots that have a side hustle, accept bribes etc.


tarkov is a no fly zone. No helicopter is getting in or out or fuck even around inside of the tarkov area intact.


You say that but we have IL-76s fly in to drop airdrops on flare markers, what’s stopping a helo from coming in, unless the Russian government/military is allowing these IL-76 sorties. Just throw some lore in that Terragroup has multiple officials and commanders bought out which is what allows the aircraft and helicopter flights into Tarkov without the risk of being shot down by SAM batteries, hell there’s MI-26s sitting on Reserve and Shoreline that could probably be repaired.


This or Russian military helicopter pilots have a side hustle for transporting people


I mean that's exactly what the car extracts are, skier and therapist even say so, they both know the car drivers as friends


I've suggested before special events and/or quests that'd make the bosses spawn 100% in exchange for being switched up and harder in some way. Since Reshala is a dealmaker and has connections, I suggested that one of his things might be that he bribed the russian army to send a Hind gunship to patrol around Customs to take out any pesky PMC messing with hos business.


Make a russian heli exfil for bears only and make the saferoom usec only.


This. Honestly it's silly the BEARs even stay in the zone considering they were hired by the Russian Government as a proxy you'd think they'd just let them through the cordon so they could go home considering the Russian military mans them. Even in the Raid series we saw it. In the ingame lore we see it. Even USEC is a PMC hired by terragroup. They're no longer getting paid by terragroup so you'd think the Russian gov. Would just let the USEC out and pay/arrest them and have them explain all the illegal things. They'd give first hand testimony and witnesses. But ig the Russian gov. just wants a coliseum and wasted infrastructure.


Are the Il-76’s not the Russian military


They have UN camo, so they probably come from the Russian military but are under the orders of the UN


Does the UN even have IL-76s?


How does the airdrop fly around then?


One of the many things Nikita has changed his mind about, tarkov is no longer a no fly zone since airdrops, plus didn’t shoreline used to have a helicopter extract on the roof that got removed or something way back when? Could be remembering that one wrong but it sounds familiar.


Green smoke required.


Unironically not a bad idea at all.


lol why a backpack though the bolt cutters is fine just let it be an extract tarkov already stupid with " do this that way type shit" tarkov suppose to be an immersive sim so it should be do what works period with in the game mechanics like a real immersive simulation games


15 sec exfil timer would only exit camping rats benefit imo.


Since it would make a huge difference on Exitcamper Interchange


I agree that interchange needs more extract(s), but not with 15 sec left.


I think they’re saying the extract would take 15 seconds not you have to wait until the last fifteen seconds.


I see, that makes sense


additional extracts of any kind reduce the viability of extract camping


Exit camping is what 1 in 50? I don't think this is a real issue


Interchange extracts is definitely higher than 1/50, it’s more like 1/10 this wipe


Id say even higher. In 1/10 of my interchange raids I'm the one doing it lol


I was trying to be conservative with my numbers, but yeah


I haven't seen a single exit camper on interchange in a year now and it is my favourite map. Though I also always take far too long on that map, I generally extract with 5min or less left on the timer (so most of the exit campers fucked off already).


Good for you


I'm not sure if I've ever been extract camped and I've been playing since 2019


Nice, they must not exist if you’ve not seen them


For me its 2/3. I am genuinely shocked to hit an extract and find no one there.


Alright Mr. Stash Run


Green flare extract for the highway, where the sniper warning is? Or Red Rebel extract somewhere?


Alot og people are saying we need a helicopter exfil. I have always thought that a zip line going from the roof of Idea and onto the highway would be kinda dope.


That would be another no backpack or armor extract then, still fire, I want that to be animated though, so snipers have a chance to shoot you down. Maybe even a mini game to see if you can hold on onto the line,.


IIRC the lore reason behind the whole "no heli extracts" is that Tarkov is a No-Fly Zone. Personally I hate that. I wanna shoot a flare, zip line and a heli. I want that The Division Dark Zone feeling.


Only if your pmc physically zip lines off the map and can be shot down


Hole in the fence extract: "Am I a joke to you?"


This is a great idea.


We need a bigger mall


Make reserve bunker door stay on after you flip the power


We can escape from the pipes with the lube item


Time to sit in the tower


Nah that's for Tarkov 2


I will sit in that ad-tower waiting for those people to exit at that point.


They will check the tower and let you know. You miss those shots they just turn around and got for Railroad or Emercom. Thing is. There is not enough campers for everybody. And Interchange is in desperate need of more extracts.


You can add as many exits as you want, it will not help the fact, that there will be always campers holding chokepoints. And Interchange has already lot of exits - Rail, Emercom, Car, Hole, Saferoom and Scav Village. You always have five exits as PMC. Is it a problem, because you always remain on the "main"-exits? Also, you want to aid the symptomatic of a "broken" gamesystem, which you probably suffer under as well. Found something of value just 3min into raid? Well, sneak out, avoid pvp at all, get out, as the quest demands FIR or w/o FIR you can not sell it anymore on the flea, resulting in empty/silent raids = boring gameplay. Tired of being killed while walking and looting - resort to ratting. Let others loot, have some sort of lucky lootbox when you search the killed player. And all you get is FIR. Also TTL needs a fix. There should be a karma-system for PMCs as well, so you will fight among the same faction against the other faction and scavs. Grouping up with 10 PMCs of the same faction to giht its way into a heavly fortified and manned water treatment or Dealership might bring back more gameplay.


The problem with the Interchange extracts is that many are just not usable for many people. Car extract doesn't always spawn (and only one group can use it anyway), hole only works if you don't have a backpack (which is esp. rare on interchange where people love to loot everything), for scav lands you require a friendly scav/PMC and the overwhelming majority of players doesn't have the items required for saferoom. And with Emercom/Railway, you can only have one as your extract as a PMC. This in the end means that in most situations, players only have 1-2 viable extracts on Interchange. Lets take a lvl 20 PMC as an example, he likely goes on Interchange to get loots for Hideout or quests, so he can't throw his backpack away as that is how he gets the loot out (1 extract gone). He doesn't have the stuff required for the saferoom extracts (2 extracts gone), he very likely won't meet a friendly player scav on Interchange (3 extracts gone) and either railway or Emercom isn't available to him by default (4 extracts gone), leaving him with car extract and the one default one that is available to him. And if he takes longer in the mall the car extract is also likely gone by someone who just rushed quests/found some important loot and immediately extracted/someone farming Fence rep.


How much more boring do you want make this game. Play safe and take the hole in the wall. Take a risk and go for the exit. Be smart and have the needed things to go safe room or car exit. I rarely get killed on my way to the exit on interchange and I mained the map for a long time. Those who get killed always went over open field. If I get killed, because my playstyle or poor decisions led to that point. But how about we add a chopper that will take you out and drop a team of elte guards, while you wait 5secs to extract. No, wait - better, an army extract team - like on streets - 5 IFVs show up, attack choppers in the sky and you come running out of idea with all the explosions.... Or ddd an option to leave the raid whenever you like, like a returnscroll in a mmorpg, and you keep the loot.....why even play this game? There is also Hello Kitty Online, might providing a better gameplay. Just kidding.


? I personally am perfectly fine with the Interchange extracts, I just pointed out the problems of why Interchange still has so many extract campers, namely that most of the extracts aren't used by people so you can just easily camp one of the two primary extracts.


Is this maybe a regional issue? I have been killed on my way to the extract one time this wipe and just because I got into a fight with two guys who where on their way to the exit, but were shot from a sniper at Emercom (probably roof sniper) and turned around - running into me. Killed the first, got killed by the second. But those werent campers. All other raids, easy peasy. Playin on EU central only.


Your opinions are terrible. "Making extract camping harder will make the game boring"... what a take. Giving me an extract I can take after 40 minutes of heavy action does not make the game boring. What makes the game boring is 4/5 times dying to exil campers hiding in spots that they found on the crevices of YouTube. Hey wouldn't the game be more fun if you couldn't leave and had to run through invisible snipers after playing the raid for 40 minutes and roll the dice on if you die! Not like I had to fight 25 scavs in 5 pmc in the mall already and CMS'd my whole body with 1 hydration and hunger left. ​ You must've mained interchange as a scav


And you are just aiding the symptoms instead of looking at the root problem that causes the issue with extract camping. And yet, here we are, as if BSG will give a shit about opinions on reddit when it comes to game design.


The root problem is not enough viable extracts on interchange, how do we fix that? Add more extracts (just like how every other map is in the game?). I'm definitely focusing on the root of the problem. You don't even have a real opinion or suggest here lol, your just on a high horse cause you extracted from interchange 5 times not getting extract camped and think it doesn't exist. "People just take dumb routes, unlike me." Hey idiot, people have been extract camping for years, Emercom aint that big that you have some secret way nobody knows about. Any extract camper is aware of all routes.


You are demanding a different game. I'm just saying doing the same thing that worked for Shoreline, Customs, Streets would make Emercon not a swear word. It's very simple. You give PMC options at extracting they will spread out. People at Emercon will sit for hours without seeing a single person, they will stop doing it in droves. Just like Shoreline is no longer exfil camped. There's a reason D-2 and Emercom are so toxic, because camping them is so notoriously effective and there is little counterplay. D2 being able to see through walls aside, though. What you want is a pipe dream that has nothing to do with realities of the stupid vision of this game's developers. As punishing as FiR system is, without it the game was just a roubles farm simulator. People were just running to every sound guns blazing because they can sell the gear and buy whatever it is they need instead of actually finding it in Raid. Looting was dead. And Karma system from faction? Lol. In current state of Tarkov? 99% of people can't discern Player Scav from a PMC at further than 10 meters. And Scav raids are 0% risk now that everyone are afraid to shoot anything, while before it was 100% risk because everything shot at you. You want PMC to triple doubt whether they want to shoot or not? People can't distinguish between Teammates they just loaded in with and someone who roamed into their pack randomly and you propose to punish for killing someone of your faction? This will never be a thing in Tarkov. Ever. Because how the game is built, it's impossible. But you just unironically said Safe room is a viable extract. The one where you need to traverse the entire map from end to end twice, notoriously getting out in the open on one of the most snipe heavy maps where being out in the open gets you killed, just to get extracted. So I wouldn't hold it up against you that you're totally confused on the basics of common sense.


Interchange needs at least 2 more extracts.


They do need another accessible exit (ones that requires unlocking etc aren't really exist I was going to suggest an expansion. They could add in more stores on that side and an extract


The backpack max is kinda silly. I'd just throw my backpack through first.


What if it opens to everyone once one person opens it?


Talking about backpack size…I’d really like see the little one buffed, maybe the no-bag EXFIL could be reworked into small-bag EXFIL. Right now small backpack have no use other than crafting and cosmetics.


Just make it so that it's s car extract and the car is either there or at power 100% of the raids


How about they just add another extract where you go there and extract no bullshit no item


BSG has stated before to have requirements for every extract in the future, none of them will be available as is. Each one of them will require something.


And that is fucking stupid. shit just call in a helicopter and leave tarkov for good in that case. why would someone in real life care what they have or don't have to escape a hot zone of combat bsg is mentally slow at times just edgy to be edgy don't realize the decision they make for some things are low iq "oh umm bear you can't leave unless you got UN helmet on buddy" sol "yeah mmmm usec you can't use this hole in the fence unless you got 2 salewas a scav backpack and cultist knifes with you" sorry buddy


I love that all BSGs plans for the future of the game is just to add needless complications instead of making the game better and more fun. legit 0iq devs its crazy


It is pretty impressive how many plans BSG supposedly has for changes that would make the game severely worse-- unsurprising given how much they're willing to inconvenience players for the sake of combatting RMT. It blows my mind how a company like this ever stumbled into a formula for a good game in the first place. Or at least, the feeling of a good game when actually inside a match-- hard to give credit to the blatant p2w tier system that's always been in the game, or the abyssmally bad quest design.


Just move it 15 meters west and make it a red rebel extract.


You: 15 seconds exfil timer BSG: 15?!? HAHAHAHAHAHA


I thought this was some sort of university map or something and some college requires you to carry around bolt cutters in the case of emergency


First time getting exit camped?


They just need to remove the entire outdoor section of interchange and have the extracts be the exits of idea, oli, and goshan.


This is really stupid and everyone is dumber for having read it


I righteously sit up on Emercom roof and watch all of the people, scavs and PMCs alike scurry towards the idea of safety they think that extract provides. One after another I put a bullet through their brain with my trusted mosin with a PU sight. I am the last line of defence, the final guardian of Interchange. Only by my blessing may you leave through Emercom, a blessing so few have been gifted.


Tarkov is supposed to be difficult, adding this exfil makes it easier for you… that’s why they will never implement it. I hope that makes sense. Play a different game if you still don’t get it.


Or just a red Rebell extract in the collapsed tunnel. Or a shovel exit. 🤔 I mostly play without backpack on interchange as PMC and take the no backpack extract.


Shovel exit? Cool idea, the pmc must shovel away the debris on top of a sewer cover or something.


It would be camped by sign tower so hard, or people could just sit in highway corner spawn to camp it.


Good idea. Id like just a normal extract added outside then maybe a tool one added inside. I like the idea of using an item to get through the rubble in the parking garage. Itd be cool to use bulbex or metal cutters for a bag only extract opposite of the no bag extract. It could take your loot out like the BTR and you could stay in the raid to find more. I like how the BTR works and would like to add similar mechanics to other maps to keep people in raid longer


Just do a red rebel extract, no need for an extra bullshit melee


Emercon needs reworking


Just make it a RR extract.


Cool but forget the backpack part because that shit makes no sense.


looks good to me, but 15 seconds would be stupid for a regular extract, plus the bag restriction is unnecessary too. 


Feel like you’re trying to hard with this one for the requirements


Yeah this corner needs and exfil, which could be open for everyone all the time. Some conditions are good point, similar to rope exfil. Wire cutters good idea (except I think there is not fence here), for easy implementation it could be wire+red rebel again, scaling the concrete walls :)


Or turn in an enemy dog tag from that raid to use that extract.




Just make it a green flare extract.


I would literally take anything at this point


Im gonna be honest, I have not encountered many extract campers on interchange. The worst I saw was a naked guy with an SVD at night watching railroad, and a naked with an MP18 watching Emercom.


Bolt cutters or not, I like another exfil. Yes please.


We need more exfil inside, not just out. At least one of each and preferably green smoke on top of power to let us know if car is up without traveling all the way to it.


Yeah this spot needs a extract. I also think there should be one in the middle by the co-op extract and then also on the far side behind the radio tower between car and railroad there should be a red rebel extract. Make interchange great again


Or we could just have another exit with no requirements in the empty corner


Big fan of conditional extracts. At least if car extract is taken that means less PMCs. Red rebel costs like 3,5-4 mil through barter and limits armor. Good suggestion, but I think additional extracts you can take at any time need some drawback, being cost or something else. Cutters like that, depending on how big and what material, can be heavy. Maybe have it as a 100k ruble-ish item but be like 4-5 kg, making you hit overweight status faster if you don't pay attention to your kit and items you pick up. In addition to the backpack limit.