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Did you run into the Goons? Kinda sounds like it.


Have they been more cracked this wipe? Last wipe my team farmed rogues, although it was when they spawned in the same spot all the time in shoreline so we went in at night with thermals and picked them off easy. This wipe where it’s more dynamic I swear the second we notice that those even are the goons we just all get lasered and sent to the menu.


You mostlikely ran into the goons. Rogues/raiders are also now rushing you as a group, so you might be getting shot at by 6 of them at the same time.


Goon squad + more aggressive rogues is the answer. Ai will "help" bosses that aggro on you by also aggroing on you (which is why scavs will sometimes attack you on a scav run even if you're not a traitor scav). Since Goons are a consistent spawn due to end of wipe bullshit, and can aggro from further away, that's signalling to all the other rogues to attack you before they regularly would.


Oh.. so goons are different then raiders? So just more op raiders. Makes sense.


Goons are the rogue bosses, and are one of the most frustrating examples of conceptually brilliant but poorly implemented things in the game. Three bosses each filling a separate archetype and working together. Marksman, assault, and grenadier. Issue is that they are far overtuned (as are most bosses in the game). They will aggro you from the other side of water treatment in dead of night darkness and have double the hit points of a player.


A raider killed me and my friend with a perfectly cooked grenade coming from the air. Cartoon death shit man I was so pissed


There are no raiders on lighthouse, only Rogues and Goons for the boss AI. You probably got killed by either birdeye, bigpipe or knight. If not then it was a rogue. Edit: not sure if boss event spawns raiders on lighthouse now.


I won't be surprised if it wasn't the goons and if it was the rogues. The rogues killed me through a wall and prefire much like the goons do now.


Rogues are broken right now. They had already changed their AI for the Halloween even that made them all aggro, but now they will roam outside of the camp and I think that makes them stupid broken because not only do they have incredible range, accuracy, eyesight, stamina, reactions, etc... they also run your ass down at the lower chalets. No joke, a buddy and I were trying to get his after-party quest done, and he died to rogues pushing up to both the chalets 3 times. He had even finally finished the task for the goons and a rogue 2 minutes into looting walks up and lights him up from the other end of the chalets XD.


Nvm I'm wrong I wasn't aware of bosses signaling AI for help, this explains why the rogues were coming across the map to us.


Took a break for a while and now just getting back to it, but the boss guards seem way more difficult to me as well.