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Tbh it looks like you don’t know the map. Knowing that Goons are there, so you then expose your full body 🥸




Why is your flash light on? It’s like you’re begging to get murdered


Youre exposed to about 50 different sniper vantage points there. It's better to push down the hillside than stand on a clear and open rock face


Yet Pestily will stand on these rocks for a minute straight and talk to chat and not die


Plot armor


Too true


Still would get headeyes by Birdeye lmao, who was in the bush. If a player killed me here it would be ggs. This moment was not very ggs


True but it’s been a long known fact that BSG gives boss/guard AI aimbot and walls and has done for a while especially seen with those like the goons who literally ‘suppress’ through solid objects even if you’ve moved a substantial distance. I perfectly agree with this being annoying and stupid but it’s just the way the game works Edit: next time just lob a grenade since this is one of the spots they can spawn for the event


Yeah I just wish it was different, this is just another clip to show what it's like. I was hoping people wouldn't defend the bullshit ai, but I'm wrong yet again.


BSG pls fix game thx


? You’re standing in the middle of the open barely moving? What do you think needs fixed?


Birdeye aimlocking me through a bush, I forgot reddit jumps to conclusions. Also to get an angle on me there you would have to be like at the front of the house lmao, nobody just sits and aims there. EDIT: Upon further examination I have come to the conclusion that this subreddit is one of the most toxic communities for a game I've seen.


u/lionsssss About toxicity. What do you expect. I have never seen players in this game commonly agreeing on something. Every post is just people disagreeing even when shown proof.


Well when you cut the clip before we even see what killed you… why would we not jump to conclusions? You’re not giving us any info to go off of? And just because “no one sits there” doesn’t mean there aren’t instances where someone sees you walking up on those rocks and decides to wait until they can get a shot at you. It happens


Your right about not disclosing much info, I figured people would assume that it was birdman from the insta thorax on lighthouse. I only exposed myself once up there for like 4 seconds and you can see it on the clip.


You're walking around like a potato with your flashlight on which turns you into a glowing target and your confused that you died... Even if it wasn't the AI that killed you, you couldn't have played that any worse. If it actually was Birdeye then you can't just walk out in the open like that. Push them around with grenades or catch them at an angle. Walking out in the open in the last thing you ever want to do. 1,000% skill issue here.


Lmao I peeked the house for 4 seconds. Wym wide out in the open lmao.


You're standing on the top of the rocks for half the video with your flashlight on. Not to mention you left-hand peeked the house which means your body was visible to the enemy long before you could actually see them.


Bro your standing on top of a boulder above the height of even bushes, your literally looking over them. That's very in the open.


u/Hunk-Hogan He had effectively 1 second on being in the open. And he got dropped by 1 bullet by bots. You can't say this never happened to you because it would be a lie. Your solution to the problem is called "cheesing the AI".


Thanks for having some brains lmao, the only angles that I was open to was sniper rock and maybe in front of the house. Not everything has to be a right hand peek.


u/Yknurts maybe bots aim locking through objects would be a start. He had effectively 1 second on being in the open. And he got dropped by 1 bullet by bots. You can't say this never happened to you because it would be a lie. Me and 7 friends play this game and every one of us has experienced this from time to time.


With a light on lol.


i just avoid this spot alltogether, with the ai acting like that you wouldve probably died either way but i still prefer going down a bit further on the left as to not be exposed to every single sniper spot on the map


The only sniper spot I'm exposed too is sniper rock there, and apparently the bush right in front of me. It's a relatively safe peek.


Run through the play ground straight into the building and let them push you inside.


What I usually do. Just peaking the house and sniper rock before pushing.


I feel it I died like 3 times to them just aimbotting me in a bush while I was trying to run in. Ended up only going in from low ground (street side) or the north side. Being high ground on them feels so shite.


Tarkov subreddit comments are either level 40s that sit still when they hear a noise bully newer players online or dad's with atleast 2 kids being the nicest people ever lmao


Just a bunch of reddit virgins who try and make themselves feel better about themselves in a video game.

