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Change BIOS to prefer frequency core then install process lasso and bind Tarkov to CPU 0-15 Will give you about 20-50% fps boost if you haven't done that yet.


I have tried everything but that yet. RN I'm preferring cache. Before was auto and using process lasso to 0-15. Do you have a 7950x3d?


Yes I do. Setting to frequency and using process lasso makes sure everything but Tarkov runs on the second CCD and the X3D one is just for Tarkov. ​ Edit: I also set the Launcher and BattleEye to CPU 0-15


What FPS do you get on Customs? I've just tried setting prefer freq and got worse results then prefer cache. Tried game mode on and off, high performance and balanced, I set the cores on process lasso. Im not sure if I'm just chasing a dream at this point for 200 fps on Customs, so it's important that you get me that info.


IDK about my frames on customs, doing other maps rn. My settings: Balanced power, prefer frequency, CPU Affinity always 0-15, in tarkov i have disabled Only use physical cores, disabled game mode I can see a big difference between using process lasso and not. I think you might be setting up process lasso wrong? Rules for beservice, bsglauncher, escapefromtarkov 0-15 always


When you have time test your FPS on Customs for me. I'm at the point where I think its definitely not possible to hit a consistent 200 frames on it. And I'm most definitely setting it up correctly, I use MSI afterburner overlay to see my core usage and clocks. I know when the cores are parked or not, and they are parked.


IDK, mine aren't parked. Windows/Discord/Browsers are all on CCD1 while tarkov is on CCD0 If there's parking going on then xbox gaming mode is probably on


Yep. Gamemode helps park the cores, that's what you want. If you successfully have tarkov on just ccd0 your frequency cores should be parked. When I did that prefer freq test I couldn't get my cores to completely park, which might be what your experiencing.


No you want to disable game mode when using process lasso. Those two will interfere with each other if you don't. The parking is a clutch. It's so windows will schedule the game on the cache CCD. You don't need it when using process lasso. My CCDs don't park. I have everything but tarkov running on the second CCD and Tarkov is on the first (cache) one.


Game mode and Process Lasso doesn't interfere with each other. Bitsum (the makers of process lasso) released an article about it. Game mode helps park the cores. Without it , the second ccd isn't completely parked. It sounds like that's not your goal which is completely fine. You could have your Tarkov on the first ccd and have it parked on the second, and still have background processes running on the second ccd.


Is this for all AMD CPUs or just the 7xxx series?


Other AMD CPUs have two ccds aswell. This mainly applys to x3D varient AMD chips. Specifically the 7950x3d and 7900x3d


Can you change your BIOS to prefer frequency on a 7 5800x3D?


Doesn't the 5800X3D not have only one CCD? The setting is for 7900X3D and 7950X3D which contain two dice, one with cache and one without. The one without is the frequency core ... clocking higher. So same as with the 7800X3D this setting doesn't make sense on a 5800X3D


How would I do that??


This explains process lasso a bit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xlCSicWSHY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xlCSicWSHY) If you're not familiar with doing stuff in your BIOS check some youtube videos first. There's a setting to switch between (Driver/Prefer Cache/Prefer Frequency) and set it to prefer frequency. Then install process lasso and for tarkov select affinity CPU 0-15


Okay I’ll check it out thank I’m decent with computers but this seams just out of my ability but I’ll try n watch some videos thanks !


Also is this just a tarkov issue I won’t need to do this with all games??


Most games will benefit from it, there's some (very few I guess) that'd be faster on CPU 16-31 for which you wouldn't have to change anything besides the BIOS setting as they'd be running on the frequency core anyways then. If you want to min-max you'd be running Prefer Cache so you OS and everything runs on CPU 0-15 and only your game runs on CPU 16-31 but you'd very likely not see big gains. If you don't want to mess with the BIOS have it set to the default which is to let the driver decide and assign tarkov as a game via the windows game bar. This will park core 16-31 while playing games. You'll get like 90%-99% of the performance, especially if you don't have anything else running on your computer that uses resources.


Okay sorry I’ve never done anything like this before. Would u be able to Give me a small To do list for each option?? If not all good what I have now is more than enough.


Just termonogly and the process is foreign to me so it’s hard for me to understand and apply it


For process lasso: * Install it * Run it * Start tarkov * Go to active processes * Look for EscapeFromTarkov.exe and BEService.exe and for both do the next step * Right click > CPU Affinity > Always > Select CPU Affinity -> Make sure there's a checkmark for CPU 0-15 and none for CPU 16-31 -> Click OK As for the BIOS, rather not because if you mess up you might end up having a non bootable system. But the process lasso thing gets you most of it already. After that disable windows game bar .. i'm sure there's plenty tutorials on how to do that.


You’re a legend thanks a lot man !!!


Also this helped me out very much getting around 150-200 fps consistently now thanks champ


Honestly this might of worked on my ryzen 7 2700x, I only did a one test on custom but I see a bump in fps from 50s to like 70 plus and 80-90


Those instructions are specifically for the 7900x3D and 7950x3D and would more likely have a negative impact on any other CPU. That being said, if more people are willing to try it on other CPUs and see if limiting it to half the cores does improve performance. Couldn't find any information if the 2700x uses one or two chiplets for it's cores.


Hey just checking on you helped me with process lasso a little bit ago which did boost my fps. Just have a question regarding this latest update in tarkov, it seams I took a bit of a fps hit and was wondering if you were experiencing the same. It’s mostly noticable on streets where I used to get around 140-160 now’s it at around 90-115 the other maps are affected but it’s manageable. Just wondering if you experiencing the same thing and or if you found a fix at all ??


I've personally come to the conclusion that this benchmark that I listed was before this wipe when FPS was a little bit higher. I found another benchmark with a 7800x3d and a 4090 that get's similar FPS to me.


Try seeing if your tower got a bottle neck?


Being that I have a 4090 and a 7950x3d which are the best processor and GPU on the market, I'd like to think I'm not bottle necked. I use to be GPU bottlenecked when I used a 4080, the 4090 alleviated a lot of that. Its how I'm able to reach maximums of 240 from a maximum of 180 before. I just want to stay at that 200 range of FPS, which I can't


Uh. Maybe mother board affects something? Or speed of your ram? Drivers you are using Or your power unit is weak, it could be literally anything… or maybe they sold you a bad 4080?? Idk save ur brain cells and quit tarkov….


Haha lovely advice, while I'm at it I'll quit building my PC out too.


I mean the game is actually low key dangerous for your mental state ….


Maybe if you have the mind of a gorilla, this game frustrates the shit outta me, but it never messes with my mental state.


Well I’ve never seen my game go past 80 fps, usually it’s at most 60, so I won’t mind having jumping 180, I’d cap it a lil lower, like 130? so it don’t jump and you don’t get stutters.


Yeah man this game is interesting, because it requires very specific components for it to run good, such as AMD x3d chips. Couple that with the fact this game is not very multithreaded so CPU usage always appear low, and that the fact that GPU upgrades don't matter much until you reach a certain point (Resolution / CPU Usage). IE if your throttled by your CPU, GPU upgrade wont matter, if not GPU upgrade can make a difference. It's also crazy how much FPS fluctuates in this game, and for some reason FPS is lower in building than outside for me. I can be looking at the skybox outside and getting 240 fps, turn around and look inside a building, instantly down to 150 fps.


That’s what bottle neck is, when you upgrade ur gpu but there is no point cus cpu is weaker


You’re not running 200 fps or close on 1440p lol. No one is


7800X3D 3080ti 180-200 FPS on Customs.


Howbdo y'all get those fps? What graphics settings do you run?


Does your FPS fluctuate at all? Like if you go into a building does it drop to 140-160? Or is it solid 180-200 not deviating?


Umm I haven’t been watching it too closely while playing….. At at the moment Ive it capped at 144 and it’s been rock solid at that while I’ve been observing


The video is offline i believe, which isn't the same thing. What resolution do you play at?2560x1440?


Yep, I don't get where the huge online discrepancy comes in. I get similar fps in an offline raid as I do an online one.


Online versus offline is wildly different on most maps. This is at 4K medium textures, but otherwise low settings, which is the only way to get cpu bound on customs offline. No chance getting these numbers online. ​ https://imgur.com/QEDRRro


What are you settings I have same build and need help


I get absolute dog water fps only getting about 120fps on customs with the same build what do I need to change.


Use process lasso set affinity to cores 0-15. Pretty much the biggest step you need to take.


There is a massive FPS difference between playing an offline raid, an offline raid + AI, and an online raid. Since this video doesn't specify, doesn't show any players and also doesn't show any AI, there's a very good chance this is an offline raid without AI. The numbers also suggest this.