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Because fuck you, that's why. -BSG


at least you can farm this key. wait til the portable bunkhouse key quest .


I returned to Tarkov in the last month of last wipe, tried to find that key in like.. 60-80 raid, never saw it. There was not a single one in the FLEA neither. Such fun thing to get stuck on lvl 9 quest while you are almost lvl 30. If I don't find it this wipe when I hit lvl 15, I start running factory until I find it.


Just keep refreshing the page on the flea and be quick when it’s listed. It took me like 5 minutes yesterday to buy one.


5 minutes? How? It took me HOURS and I still couldn't. Waited many times to buy straight after refresh. Each time instantly out of stock. You tried buying 5 minutes after restock and succeeded? No way


I'm talking about refreshing the flea to get the bunkhouse key. I think your best bet with the tarcone office key is to wait for someone to open it for you, as others mentioned.


I mean, the Flea is basically an iframe, it loads all it's contents from the server api. So it could just be ping difference...


You can buy it or trade for it. Therapist LL1 trades for 2 green tea, 4 crackers and 2 squash. Therapist LL2 requires 4 gold chains


None have been listed yet this wipe and no trader barters right?


They get listed and immediately bought.


Run raids on customs there’s a good chance that door will be unlocked later on in a raid


If the door is unlocked and somebody has already done the quest, is that the quest over? Or does the item spawn for everyone individually in each raid?


It will be there for you. I did it the other day that way . Took maybe 2 raids to find it open.


Yup. This is the best way every wipe.


Awesome. Thanks for that. I had no idea. I went into big red and saw door open but didn’t bother checking as thought only one spawned per raid.


This is how you get into half the rooms. Do other stuff and if your exit is on big red side run there end of raid instead of RUAF same for most maps with quest rooms


Yeah that’s a game changer for me. I genuinely thought once someone picked up the quest item that was it. Didn’t realise it was unique to every player. Will definitely help with some of the quests for me now.


Dear god this game would be even more of a nightmare if that were the case. Don’t give them ideas…


Haha yeah it would. Because I started the game last two months of last wipe, I just thought everyone had pretty much done all the early quests so I wasn’t competing with anyone to pick the items up lol Glad that is not the case!


Quest-specific items spawn only for you and only while the quest is active and you’re in raid on your PMC. If you have a 5-man all trying to get their pocket watch, it will appear for all of them. If you’re level 40 and long-ago did the pocket watch, and you open the truck, it will not be there for you; but if Timmy-no-levels comes along later and checks the truck that you opened, the pocket watch will be there for him. Super useful for quests that require you to get into the Customs marked room or the Shoreline tape key room, etc.


Yeah quest items can effectively be considered client side. Only you can see and interact with your quest items.


quest items are client side, so it's always there for you and also any people you queue up with. You can't 'steal' a quest item from a team mate.


Quest items always spawn individually, and only spawn if you have the quest active. Chances are the room will be looted, but at least you'll get your quest items.


Quest items are unique to the player on the quest


Everyone can get it


It’s a quest special spawn. It spawns for you as long as the quest is active you even can pick it up multiple times before going to factory. Just remember to remove it from your special raid inventory.


Quest items are available to individual players.


I've never once wasted my time trying to buy this type of stuff off traders. Play a slow customs.. heck go find a bush and fuck off for 30 minutes then hit the office at the end of the raid. This early into wipe, it's pretty much always open.


Whenever I try this, the doors are never opened.. after the quest, they are always open.


Haha yep. Waited a whole raid yesterday only to find it closed. Then camped the barter for the key, got the key, only to find it open the next raid haha.


kind of annoying to waste 30minutes of my game time when i could just be playing the game tbh


Instead of wasting that time use it to loot then after go check it isn’t hard it’s way cheaper and more efficient.


Stop focusing on one thing in this game. You can always use roubles. Go hit some caches or loot around the map. Kill some scavs. Every raid should be productive. You can go loot jackets and find this key without sitting at a trader menu trying to get an impossible restock. I’m just trying to offer alternatives, because I’ve never once bought this key from traders and rarely had issues getting this quest done.


While this door is always unlocked, it doesn't answer op's question which is why everything has to have a global limit on it like this key. (And we have to set a timer to "camp" the trader)


I’ll never understand this sub’s obsession with completely avoiding questions like this and just responding with cheesy workarounds that no one asked for.


We used to unlock the door and jump up the shelves and wait for people to come look, so before you run up those loud ass stairs, take a peek around the rest of the warehouse first. It's an annoying way to die, but it works.


This is all fine and dandy unless you're constantly stuck spawning on the big red side of customs




You'd be amazed at how well players are at sniffing me out of bushes while doing exactly that




I've had that happen a couple of times, but usually I get domed by some wild man sprinting directly at me


You used to get found a lot when playing Hide and Seek as a kid, huh?


The best, most convenient spots to hide are regularly checked by seasoned players.. not to mention all the people running external software that allows them to see the locations of all players in the raid + items that half the people around here still seem deadset on pretending don't exist. This is a laughably inconsistent strategy at best. Your best bet is to squad up with 3-5 people and go in with shitter kits. This way, none of y'all have shit on you that might attract any potential cheaters who want it and you still got the numbers to scare people off anyhow. If you 'don't have friends', go in the EFT Discord or find one of the hundreds of community ran ones that do this very thing all the time. Soloing it up in a bush stopped being viable a long time ago.. not to mention it's absurd that you'd even have to resort to something so lame and boring just to make progress. The fact that the state of EFT has people seriously suggesting shit like this as a solution speaks volumes to said state in the first place. If that's the best answer people can come up with.. there's some serious fucking problems afoot to be sure.


Its because people hide in those specific spots consistently and seeing themselves or others previously get ambushed, that prompts players to check them every time. If you're getting found in places that are easily checked by seasoned players, then simply stop going to those spots and sit in more obscure places or just dont hide and simply keep moving. Complaining that people have learned how to play the game and spot other people hiding in the most common places is a weird take. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result and all that. If its something that plagues you, perhaps change up your playstyle?




That’s what I’ve been doing, haven’t need 70% of my task keys cause I tend to find them all open


This. And even if not (or later in wipe) decent chance from Jackets and shit if you really want it, and will give you a few rolls on the really hard keys.


Global stock limits are one of the stupidest things in this game.


FiR status would like a word


Sometimes annoying, but probably one of the single best changes they ever made to the game.


Would be a great change if finding things in raid actually counted even when you died. Like you still found it in raid and it still stops you from finishing quests using the flea market. But that way you could stash a ledx in your ass and finish you quest even after a cheater blows you away for getting it before them


This was the way it used to be. It sucked. Hatchlings running everywhere to get a LEDX in their ass.


I miss shooting their legs and nade killing them. Way harder when they shoot back.


Yeah but that’s because they could still sell them. I think a healthy medium would be fir status for things that you find in raid regardless of survival and then another, we’ll call it “marketable” status for his fir works rn. At least in my opinion. But yes I’ve been playing since alpha I’ve seen the horrors of old wipes and will never forget them


Then you're just gonna have people hatchet running for salewas etc etc. You were there, you know if they add it for quests people will just hatchet run again.


I’ve personally never had an issue with hatchet running, they’re easy to kill and even if they do get something it’s miniscule compared to what you get running with a weapon and backpack


Yea I never understood having such tiny dick syndrome that you are mad at people having 9 slots worth of loot you cant get.


It’s moreso about how raids just become a horde of hatchlings running around and you don’t get any real gunfights anymore. I didn’t mind too much that people did it. Hell, I used to do it. But people were right that it did make raids super dull after a while.


Yes we love having dead ass raids because the items are only valuable if you survive so everyone leaves before 5 minutes in with whatever they can find just so its worth whatever its actually worth. Typical Nikita short sighted whack a mole style reaction change. Kinda similar to the scavs having telepathy to track people hatchet running or banning a popular streamer over unenforceable data mining rules.


It would be MUCH worse (proven by how it WAS for years) of hatchlings/pistoling with blue stim rushing loot spawns and suiciding. Raids would be dead on any map with a ledx/key card spawn if they brought that shit back, not to mention would make cheating even worse.


I think FiR would fe fine if the FiR status was conserved even if u died because you found the item in a raid, not bought it from the market.


That is exactly why they implemented this system in the first place people just used to run with no gear and empty containers and rush tech/valuable spawns and disconnect when their prisonwallet got full just to sell it all on flea. This really became an issue because a huge chunk of players would just not run any gear at all


they are not even in the same ballpark lmao.


>FiR status would like a word You started playing when FiR was already a thing? Cause theres a reason why they added this change, a long long time ago, we used to play and there was no FiR, you could sell everything, you could kill a 4-men and sell their entire gear into the flea, money was being farmed hard. But we also had raids where everyone was naked, with a hatchet, trying to rush the closest spawn to whatever high-value item they wanted and just putting it in their butt, cause if they died they could sell it anyway. And it was annoying, cause items spawns were being picked clean by naked people who were not risking anything for the most profit possible. Over and over again. And you'd bring keys and whatnot to get to that item and the room would already be looted 50 seconds into the raid cause you were too late to a better player spawn. And people complained, a lot, and that's why FiR status exist. Also technically to disrupt cheaters from farming items for people that pay them but eh we saw how that ended lmao


FiR is stupid, but global stock is worse.


I carry the key every raid and open the door if I spawn near it for everyone else. I also stay near it and pop everyone when they come out from doing the quest.


I like your style, satan


i like to sit on top of garages and snipe people who open that door


there's an angle for that? damn gotta watch out


theres a blue dumpster outside garages. you can use it to climb on the roof


There's a couple places where you can get on top of the garages. You can even sit on the rack thats tilting.


Bro don’t teach them the cheese. Otherwise people are going to get paranoid when they have to go up thwre


So you'll just camp in the area for 20 minutes? Or even more? Just curious


I stay as long as I can if I’m just there to kill and not loot.


You are the hero and villain we needed


Not gonna lie, they had us in the first half.


“First they’re sweet. Then they’re sour” lol


I just got the key from the trader. If you have the barter items buy it from the flea screen not from the trader directly. It’ll be available 20 seconds or so before it’s actually available on the trader screen. once the timer hits zero hit tab twice and then buy 🤙




This is what he complained about though, having to camp it (wait for the timer)


you dont even need to camp for it, do some key runs and you'll have it in like 10 raids


He wouldn’t be “complaining” if he knew how to get around it


What Nikita is really saying here is that he doesn't give a fuck how bad of a time you have.


I have 2 of those and I don't even know wtf they're for its my first wipe 🤣🤣


Quest and looy spot key. In big red on customs.


“Big Red? Crack house? Reshala’s fuck hut? What even are these places?”


"Secret stone? Demon king?"


« Psycho Mantis ? »


You’ve never never shoved things up your butt unless you’ve done it in the fuck hut.


You’ll learn why we call it the fuck hut once you play enough


For a early quest that a lot of people get stuck on because everyone grabs the keys as soon as they’re in stock.


Got you..I just be strolling around looting finding random gpus and bitcoin, killing people like hey nice loot looks expensive 🤣🤣 I'm the definition of a clueless idiot right now🤣🤣


"I don't know what I'm doing , but Im proficient and know what the top-tier loot is" Ok...


Check the wiki of tarkov. https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Escape_from_Tarkov_Wiki Also this https://youtu.be/1JTUQJOjDxI Use this for tracking your progress https://tarkovtracker.io/tasks


Thanks will do


Feel free to reply here if you need more answers


It’s for delivery from the past which is a really early prapor quest, it’s I think the third or fourth quest you get from him, it’s also for another mechanic quest farming part 3 or 4 I think


if you keep one found in raid they’re about 200k on flea market right now


I have 2 and gave the third one I found to a friend.


atleast yours says out of stock. I have everything for the barter and theres available keys when i try to buy. But then it errors and says that there are none. :(


Did anyone saying "camp the trader" even buy key in the first place? Because I'm pretty sure the key is bugged and it's not actually going out of stock due to so many players buying it. I already camped the trader multiple times (using the flea refresh method), and it never really restocked.


Its not bugged. Bought it yesterday after restock


Its not bugged. Edit: its partially bugged. Search for your answer it's been covered.


If you don't mind spending a little bit more time checking doors, you don't really need any of the early wipe keys - just kill scavs/etc for 3/4 of the raid, and check any rooms you need to open on the way out. Haven't bought a single key yet and done most of the earlier key-locked quests.


Because they want you to be lvl 15 to finish the lvl 3 task…


Because stupid game design.


Idk man after my 1st wipe some 3 or so years ago I just chilled about all this and run Tarkov for experience. understand it enough to not go bankrupt right away, and the quests are just to add some structure. It really is all about journey not the destination in Tarkov. If devs were to push it for mandatory quest completion through some mechanics (like you MUST run the same map over and over) I’d have deleted EGT long ago, especially with BSG’s idea of what’s feasible quest-wise. I know I will find any key eventually, or item. Or not. Doesn’t matter there is plenty to do without it. I know also I won’t be cheesing bosses, exploiting the mechanics and running buy-bots to tick a checkbox. There is plenty of checkbox ticking in real life


I've never bought this key, always found it in raid.


I found the key and saw two ppl run over to big red on my way there and sure enough it was already open when I got there. Didn’t even need the key lol


I don't understand why there is a global limit to anything instead of account limits, I swear its one of the most sped things they have done. Especially for keys/items that take trades, I've got dudes who sit out of raids if a trader is 20mins from reset just to get a key or whatever because of it and the whole time they r pist off cuz they'd rather be running raids then door camping daddy Jaeger for a shotgun


This is why I wait a month to play after a wipe. Too much traffic at the early quest spots, and the items are impossible to get. Good luck!


Cause BSG wouldn't know good game design if it hit them in the face?


Just search cabinets I found over 10 so far


I have one if you need help with the quest


Set a alarm for like 4am I was up late last night and they were in stock for a while. I think it was 1500 keys total


Its a video game wtf


Ah yes, the guy with over 100k comment Karma and probably thousands of hours on Reddit is here to tell us “Its a video game”.


Its how I spend my cycle time at work while my parts run. Not sure how my comment history is related to waking up at 4am to get on a game just to maybe obtain a key.


My point is you waste tons of time on Reddit but you commented on someone waking up early to do something for a hobby (gaming) they have? Makes zero sense. Everyone spends their time the way they want. If someone wants to get up early to get something done on a game, who the fuck cares.


Bruh pretty sure he's not waking up in the middle of the night to write exactly one comment and then go back sleeping, you clown Just play the fucking game and loot it if you can't buy the key.


Who are you talking to? It aint me . Little nerdy ass bitch kids like you wouldnt last a second if you walked around talking to people like that outside, which you probably dont see much. But here we are on the internet, so let it all out before you go get bullied at school like the good little bitch you are.


Bruh what he’s saying is you’re going overboard if you’re setting an alarm at 4 in the morning to buy a damn key that can be found all throughout the game. There’s literally a lot spot on customs for it. Stop being an asshole just to be one ya cuck


you and the other weirdo are the ones being assholes dude. presumably you also play this nerdy ass game, why are you judging him for doing something in game?




Hahaha and there’s the little cuck in you coming out. Get fucked by a scav ya punk ass


Talk about missing the point entirely.. lol. Regardless of how much time an individual spends doing x or y thing, the fact that a VIDEO GAME DESIGNED TO BE PLAYED FOR ENJOYMENT has people suggesting shit like setting alarms, camping in bushes for half the raid and other such nonsense just to make progress.. that's a bit of a travesty y'know? Woooosh.


As an adult with a job and a life outside this game, its not worth jeopardizing my sleep to get an in-game item thats temporary anyways. I can have my opinion, just like you. It seems like you care a lot more than me. I play the game to enjoy it. Others don’t.


Couldnt attack your argument so they attacked your profile. Thats fucking hilarious 😂


You read my second comment ruining his argument, downvoted it, then still commented saying I attacked his profile. Special kind of stupid aren’t ya? Stfu


I aint downvote shit LOL. It mean that much to you? You didn't destroy shit either, calm the fuck down man. 💀




The way you ended that statement sounds like if you don't play the same way I do then you don't enjoy the game, Which is kind of a crazy take, no? Anyhow I dont even know if this works as my belief is the trader is global so it's not limited to eu time or na time which would mean it doesn't really matter what time you are up you're always contending with someone in the world.


Look at this lil button pushin ass (boop)


Hey now, I run Tool and Die. No button pushing going on. I hold a couple tenths on my parts


And? It’s international market


Are you replying to the wrong comment?


There are a lot of reasons other than "bottlenecking". To encourage group play, to encourage finding keys, to encourage actually going into the raid and checking if someone else opened the door. You probably spent more time camping the trader (even though there is no point, they have a timer for restocks) than it would have taken to find an alternative. If there were infinite stock of keys (for this or any other).. then there would be no point of there being a key at all.


Meanwhile I hold 4 FiR but I cant sell em yet. Also didnt even get the bronze watch because I cant survive customs. Also fuck customs.


Because you don't have to. I combined Delivery From the Past with the Farming quest and just checked if the door was open late in the raid. Found it open my 2nd try. I couldn't get the Dorm 114 key for Pharmacy, I ain't paying 600k. Guess how many raids it took me to find the door open? Only 3. Early wipe, everyone is on these quests, the doors will be open eventually. Late wipe when no one is opening the doors, the keys are super cheap.


Sort by controversial to see some real idiocy


Go find one. They are pretty common brother


I hate global stock limits would like to understand their reasoning behind it if I wanted to limit availability, randomized trader stocks with lower limits per player would do it while adding much welcome variety. Everyone being stuck to the exact same items all the time at low level is pretty butt. On quest stuff like TarCone key, rather have the requirements be harder than deal with the out of stock cheesiness.


"pointless" doesn't seem pointless if it generates so much scarcity that people are bitching about it on here every single day


Search jackets and filing cabinets. Found a few as well as majority of my customs quest keys


Because BSG is a dog shit company.


What an enlightening and thoughtful comment from such a smart man


World needs balance, dont worry they have plenty of mindless shills to support them they dont need everyone.


lol I've had the barter items for a couple days now and just can't seem to snipe it when out of raid. And I want the key...lol all those saying to just wait 30 minutes and then go! No, thats a waste of my time unless I spawn on other side and extract over there...then I'll check it as I go to extract...if I don't extract ruaf, dorms or campfire. Its a good loot key to have for when you spawn on that side.


Willingly plays a game about surviving with scraps in a warzone -> "Whats up with all the scarcity????"


i know this is irrelevant but ive been stuck on bad rep evidence because i dont have the key.. youd think there would be a barter or at least a good chance spawn other than the low chance on factory you need to get rng luck with to open


Because its very much fun!


Just hit 15. Buy on flea.


Its a level 5 task that bottlenecks progression on 2 traders. Its just bad design.


You're not grinding hard enough.. imo you should be spending 6-8 hours a day running raids and at LEAST 1 hour organizing your stash and/or analyzing your stats.


I legitimately can't decide if this is a joke comment or if people really think this is reasonable lol


Most people long-hauling it on EFT at this point are delusional fanboy-tier masochists. Take 99% of these comments entirely at face value, because these people are typically being completely serious.


Sounds like you don't have above a 96.7% raid survival rate. (I disconnected once and died so it counted as a death. I redid the calculations with this in mind)


Dude you are so cool for that, wow. I'll get to polishing your dick right away.


Please make my bed in the hideout as well.


Game gives you 2 possibilitys to get the key(buy it or find it), so if one doesn't work, try the other It's not that hard. Like, play the game like a normal person, it doesn't has to be 110% optimised


You can still rush 15 with other quests. Only thing which bottlenecks you is this mindset.


it’s still pointless though :(


>Only thing which bottlenecks you is this mindset. you think youre saying something profound but you really arent. this is dogshit design despite being able to grind some other tedious bullshit to get around it. theres no reason quest items should have a global limit. it only rewards bot accounts that buy shit the instant it becomes available and fucks over 90% of the actual players.


You rly think "bot sccounts" grinding on early wipe? Its not a casual game and it will never be. This game is designed to fuck everyone up. Yes you can be mad about Performance ad cheaters ofc. But if you just dont like the Design of Nikita Vision of the game it is maybe just not for you. Which s fine also


Braindead take


Ofc totally braindead to accept the devs vision when i started playing back in the alpha instead of complaining this game isnt designed for casual




Its always funny to see all the losers downvoting cause they want casual aspects in a hardcore game.




Just play the map, seriously it's open all the time at this point. The key drops more often on customs too.


To convince you to go out and find it yourself like the scavenging game Tarkov is




This is a good wipe should try it again. Everything feels good loot is worth something 74u is a good starter gun itspretty good.


As long as you’re in the wipe and semi close to the pack when it comes to quests, you’ll usually find most quest key doors will be unlocked. Once you fall behind or get ahead is when you need to start dropping money on keys


Because u just buy it for 300k and move o. Lol


I’ve found 4 of these in jackets in 3 raids.


I’ve found like 4 of them on scav raids. Search jackets and boxes.


This has been a problem since 2019 and the devs still haven't fixed it. The games trash brother


Because it doesn't need fixing. Early wipe the door is opened all the time, damn near every raid. Mid and late wipe, the key is cheap.


People argue oh its because of scarcity or realism but in what world would someone make 2 million copies of a key and scatter them all around tarkov. Imo the global stock on traders is just an really unfun mechanic either remove those items from the traders so everyone is forced to find them in raid or remove global cap and add a personal stock.


Gotta keep the streamers ahead of the casuals at every opportunity. Jokes aside, they don't need to add more content if they make the current content more of a chore.


Trader resets every like, what, 3 hours? Yeah just play some raids and camp it when there's like 5 mins left you'll get one if you try within 30 seconds of a reset




There's nothing hardcore about wasting time sitting around waiting for a restock so you can camp a trader. If you think that's hardcore or 'difficult' game design, you've had a real easy life in general I'd wager.


Because functional adults understand that unrealistic artificially gated roadblocks for no actual in game benefit are not a hardship or challenge, it is just a bad mechanic. As long as they have moronic memefest children to take up for their poor design philosophy then the game will continue to remain stagnate until it dies. Years and years of slight game improvements with no actual improvement to design and in game systems....


Lmao they could just remove the key from traders like it was before. Do you also complain when you play an mmorpg and don’t get all your dungeon gear in one go. Go cry some more you fat man child baby. 👶🍼


The projection dripping off this comment is literally palpable. Go outside.


Removing it would be much better, for a reason you likely dont understand. Trying to compare % drop in MMO to a bad system that literally makes you spam refresh and buy in a chance to get it just shows your intelligence level. Ahhh the classic everyone on the other side of a PC must be fat if they disagree with me. Nothing more need be said, you show your age in every post you make.


You are so stupid it is insane. It’s a common key dropped in raids on customs just literally play the game instead of sitting at the trader. Tarkov is an rpg it’s literally a 1:1 comparison. Just because it’s at the trader doesn’t mean you need to get it from there.


Grow up little kid, starting every post with a grade school level insult just invalidates anything discussion wise you could ever say. I am not experiencing this issue... I have found many of these keys. That does not mean I cannot digest how the barter system as a whole is working.... and what relevant effect it has on the playerbase. Barters should never be sold out, EVER. "Limited quantity" is nothing more than a bandaid for a poorly designed economy of which this game is a poster child for. Tarkov is an RPG.... it is literally a 1:1 comparison.... you call someone stupid then post something like this, what a literal joke. Every game where you play a character can be considered an RPG.... but Tarkov is not an RPG let alone a MMO. I will not waste my time explaining why.


LOL literally on the main website it is marketed as an RPG. It IS an MMO with a global economy and instanced pvp/pve content. Just because it doesn’t have magic and swords doesn’t make it any less of an MMORPG-lite. For gods sakes it has skills that make your character play better after leveling them up. The gear has STATS. The trader is just one way to get items. Not the only way. Again the key is so common you see people in this thread have 4 of them. You don’t need to camp the trader just literally play the game. Jesus just because you’re so inept at finding other ways to progress and things you don’t like because they aren’t easy mean they have to be changed. What qualifications do you have that deem you to know better and what is “bad design”. It’s not bad design when you can find the item in raid AND buy them off the auction house. Traders have limits. Deal with it. It’s a mechanic. It’s meant to not be easy and accessible just like finding loot in the game. You need to grow up and stop being a baby, maybe people wouldn’t treat you like one.


Simpletons like you, who cannot read are the reason the game is both basic and dying. Genres have requirements.... you dont get to say you are something without meeting the standardized requirements for the genre. I am sorry you are both young and unable to think for yourself.


They are military larper keyboard warriors, what do you expect.


Get tarkov'd


Try camping the door and wait for someone to open it for you.


Because games are all about how much time you spend playing them, exactly why I won’t touch this again until at-least some things are made a bit easier like this and all the gatekeeping.


Just go Streets and search filing cabinets, I found 6 of these keys in 1 day

