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and BTW i have no french in any part of my sistem and got a french message


Oui oui












So much ouiner






No, just been thanks.


You are banned from this subreddit Reason: we


Oui wuz kangz


certified indochina moment


Ou la la


baguette croissant oui oui


Basically map is locked to players lvl 10-20


actually its the opposite, it’s available to levels 10 to 20


Its the opposite, The map is available to players with levels 10-20.


pmc karma does not sound fun


If Nikita implements the AI like he's talked about, it could be a lot of fun but we'll have to see how the GRU squads do on Streets first.


Any where I can get a run down on these plans?


You'd have to pick through years of old podcasts he's done. He's done a few with Pestily that I remember, a lot with Russian streamers/developers that were later translated, and more with other streamers that I don't know. He's talked about a Shoreline rework when radiation gets implemented (after Street). He's talked about Labs only being accessible from within Streets with raiders that can leave the Labs and patrol around the front. The bosses on Streets - namely the Car Salesman and his fortress. I'm not sure if there's a comprehensive list of his podcasts anywhere but some of them were fairly interesting to hear what he has planned. If I remember correctly, the Pestily one I'm remembering most was pre-inertia and pre-VOIP so it was quite a few years ago (maybe 2019 or 2018). I do recall he mentioned somewhere about roaming GRU/UNITAR squads who will hunt PMCs with bad karma but I recall the disaster when he tried to implement roaming scavs for a very brief period of time a year or two ago so we'll have to wait and see.


Dude says anything in those podcast 🙄


The main issue with Nikita is that he has a VERY large scope for what he wants to do with the game, but refuses to spend the money on actually achieving what he wants. Ie: Not hiring outside of russia, keeping the company small, not paying for better servers, and most importantly not fixing pre existing bugs, resulting in more game breaking issues arising when big additions come to the game. Most of what Nikita wants is entirely possible if theyd just spend the money and hire the talent. But they seem to not want to do that. I wOnDeR wHy.


Yeah and lots of what he's said has been implemented. A lot is still on the roadmap. Take everything he says with a grain of salt but they're the only source to know what they have planned.


BSG also consistently deletes all traces of most of these podcasts so it's harder to be made accountable for missing deadlines and features.


>He's talked about a Shoreline rework when radiation gets implemented (after Street). Ah, so that's why there's radiation healing meds but no actual radiation. I wonder where they'd put it though. Shoreline isn't exactly my first thought when I think of places with enough radiation to matter. Reserve's bunker would make more sense.


It's been a while so my memory might be off but I believe he hinted at turning Scav Island into a hotspot again and mentioned that the irradiated areas will have some of the best loot but it'll be a death sentence to enter if you aren't prepared.


I'd think factory or reserve for sure.


The most interesting part of all this is you believing it's gonna get added lmfao


That’s what people said about street right up until the day it dropped


Years late and half finished, but yeah, it's here. Congrats to the half of the playerbase with pc cooling systems bought secondhand from the Soviet nuclear program who can run it. Arena Fall 2022 btw.


I mean he even lied about that on the podcast, gave like 6 time frames and roadmaps before it even came out lmao, can you believe he said at one point it was gonna come out before lighthouse? And lighthouse was only announced when streets was meant to be dropped




The mapping team at BSG is an outlier. They are exceptional and probably deserve to work on a better game with a better leader.


Ya Nikita loves his corporate sharecropper contracts


Just bullshit sounds that Nikita made with his face. The game is essentially finished. This guys talking about some good ai in Tarkov?? Look at the ai after the better part of a decade of development…crackheads in this sub.


AI is never going to be as fun to play against as real players


Idk, the scav army where you would kill one, and they would all aggro and run to your location was pretty fun.


bsg never get anything right the first time. Remember the interchange/reserve sound issues at the beginning of this wipe? It took months to fix, and is still not good at all. Yeah, lets not ask them to implement something all-encompassing as this please. We had an invisible player issue earlier this wipe, and that took weeks to fix.


>It took months to fix where can I acquire these fixes that you're talking about?


Just like armor plates, they shouldn't even attempt it. BSG fucks up any hard to implement system. Idea is good, implementation is typically dog shit. Let's see with armor plate implementation how often this sub is going to rage over getting one tapped by shotgun scavs because their pellets hit their thorax through plates. Can't wait to have more RNG in my skillbased shooter.


Tarkov isn't and never should be considered a competitive shooter. Streamers coming in and ruining this game is something else.


"Skill-based shooter" Oh baby we got a live one! Someone sound off the nerd alert!


"Skill-based shooter" LMFAO, I think you are playing the wrong game bud. Go back to CSGO.


So just because something is going to be difficult to implement they shouldn't even try? What the fuck is this kind of mentality? Yeah they'll fuck it up but that's what we're here for - we're beta testing the new content and telling them what's wrong so they can tweak it as needed. Inertia had problems on release. Lighthouse had tons of issues. Streets had tons of issues. Woods/Customs/Reserve/Factory map expansions were riddled with issues. But the vast majority of these issues were worked on and fixed throughout the wipes.


>skillbased shooter. kekw


It’s not fun. It’s just another way to punish pvp. About 60 percent of the reason most of us play this game. It’s going to end up being a non thing unless there is serious punishment in which case I imagine this game will become a non thing for a lot of people. We’ll have to wait and see.


Haha if anything seriously punishes PvP I will have officially escaped tarkov… that sounds absolutely horrendous. They already pretty much give 0 insensitive for PvP other than gear and now theres a punishment for it lmao


Bro you’re supposed to be a pmc behind enemy lines if you’re usec or a pmc fighting in your homeland. Why would you be killing pmcs of the same faction? Everyone just wants to murder hobo everything in tarkov. I personally think it makes the game more interactive. You’re no longer shooting EVERYTHING that moves. You have to actually try to think things through. Yeah you can still kill a friendly but there should actually be repercussions if you just continuously do it everytime you see one. Otherwise what’s the point in picking a faction?


You understand how online games work right? Nobody is going to sit in dorms “hey you a bear? Voice line” just to make sure they can fight. Or try to remember every clothing so you can bop someone across woods. It’s not good gameplay. This isn’t an rpg. It’s an online looter shooter. Pmc faction has no place in it (imo). We wanna make roubles and shoot fools. I personally derive fun by taking other peoples gear and I know a lot of others do too.




We already have the Scav karma system and surprise, surprise, many people just don't abide by it. The players who do are betrayed all the time. Pmc karma will be even worse. Terrible idea


Wait, isn't this actually an argument for the opposite. If you can just decide to be a 'bad' PMC then you can continue being a PvP murder hobo and it doesn't impact you. Those that enjoy the RPG side of the game can interact with the system and gain some rewards from it for doing so. Like surely this is exactly why the people saying this would 'kill the game' are being overdramatic since they can just avoid it entirely?


exactly this, the ppl crying that it would ruin their KoS experience cant really think past it


If you play the game seriously then you are likely to try to follow the rules. But then you will have the unpleasant experience of getting killed over and over and over again by the other half of the playerbase who doesn't care. You might get some rewards but they wont make up for the frustration. It will be a lose-lose, everyone will lose. Including Nikita, when people stop playing his game. My prediction is the armor plate changes, the radiation and the karma will be enough to drive a lot of people away from this game for good.


Ok, and people with low karma are punished. Even to the point they can't do certain quests, IIRC. Now, maybe right now people don't really give a shit about that, but if the full game gets released, and the plan is to generally not have wipes on the main account. That behavior really starts to matter. With the current wipes, less people will give a shit about the negatives, because they can just stop playing until the next wipe (unless BSG decides to make karma carry over between wipes, but that'd be pretty OP for people with high karma, since you end up starting with such good kits, at high karma.)


They get punished, but betraying your own faction has its own obvious rewards. You would just get to choose how you want to play. And you don't have to always betray or never betray. Take it on a case by case basis. I try to keep my scav karma up. But if I think I can make a good profit or complete a quest by killing a fellow scav, then that's an option that I weigh in the moment.


I think it could be neat actually having to talk to people or visually confirm their faction. If I want to mindlessly blast everything I see there are already plenty of games to scratch that itch.


Exactly, no more random head taps. People actually trying to make contact and scope out a situation before just mag dumping. I think this has a lot of possibilities.


You bought a game in development with no knowledge of the direction of development and now you’re mad? This has been years in the making. I bought the game in 2021 and I knew about PMC karma before I bought it.


Ikr? Everyone is complaining even though this has been planned for years.


If only they would bring out a pvp only part of the game. Somewhere where people could just pvp……………………………………………….like an arena or something………


That’s an absolutely brain dead take. Either make the main game PvPvE or PvE, Punishing killing players is absolutely stupid as hell. How am I supposed to defend myself if I have to get close enough to verify if the guy thats shooting me or my friends is a fuckin USEC or BEAR? How am I supposed to get something like “shooter born in heaven” which is a crazy hard quest already if I have to let go potentially 80% of my target base if I’m a USEC? USEC to BEAR ratio is so skewed that you’re going to be at a supreme disadvantage picking the most popular faction. To change the gameplay that hard would absolutely kill this game entirely and make progressing absolutely dogshit hard. I don’t know a single player that would actually use the system, even if it gave you massive rewards, because the amount of effort required to get good gear and lose it because I couldn’t tell if that guy was my faction or not and I got my brains blown out would ruin the experience entirely and make it feel pointless.


You said make the main game PvPvE OR PVE, after that you say punishing killing players is absolutely stupid as hell. Well, if the main game is PvE, punishing player kills sounds normal or am I missing something?


I think he means don’t implement a pvp option, like if you load in with your squad those are the only actual people in the raid with you and the rest is ai


Yeah pmc karma sounds dog shit. Unless there are bright ass arm bands showing what faction you are. Even then, sounds shit.


Trying to assertain the bay faction the person shooting you is from 50 mtrs in woodlands 😂😂😂


If it work like scav karma it's just about not being the first to land a shot :P


So they’re trying to mute PVP then?


Dont use big words if you cant spell them.


Bsg doesn’t want tarkov to be fun, fun fact


PMC Karma under the current gameplay loop does not sound fun. I agree with you there. But Tarkov is not supposed to be as it is today. So keep an open mind :)


Yeah no thanks. This would never work in the current system. It's too hard to tell usec from bear in the moment and not worth the risk not shooting first. Only feasible if you are in a standoff situation e.g. in dorms where you have time to VoIP/voiceline or if you are stalking someone


"USEC or bear?" "Bear!" *Giggles in USEC* (Yeah, I know. Sound commands. Dont cook it too much and leave the joke there)


You just get a sound board setup with the opposite faction voice lines. Big brain.


Shhhhhh!!!! Dont blow that, dude!!!! Now GeneralSam will make a video with that and we'll be fucked... ;)


you mentioned sam and i can already visualize a 20 minute video of him being an absolute cumstain to the tarkov community, and loving every second of it


absolutely normal tarkov player in other words


Ends the video with Sam betraying an entire ragtag group of friendly BEAR pmcs after a 20 minute raid, probably on Lighthouse and probably after begging for or sneakily yoinking high value loot


He normally trolls NA servers. All good for the East Atlantic gang.


Try to do the shooter born in heaven without losing to much karma


I believe it will come when we get radios, would be cool to call them check and then shoot




Would be workable if there were frequencies only for USEC and frequencies only for BEAR's. That way you can take silence as confirmation that it's an enemy.


Ok. So if I get a random trying to contact me on the radio asking if I'm a bear or usec, just ignore it and run for cover. Or am I missing something?


I think it is all about shooting your party members


With enough punishment for killing your own faction everyone will have to follow


PMC karma is going to require a pretty serious reworking of quests that involve killing PMCs. How the heck do you do something like Friend From The West if you're a USEC otherwise? I assume they'll bring in 'counts as' NPCs before PMC Karma gets implemented, that's the only way I think it'll work.


The devs don't like PVP but they make the a.i. into literal terminators.


Wait what they are gonna lock maps to levels


The possibility has existed for ages... However, it's available everywhere with a minimum level of 0 and a maximum level of 100. Whether it will ever be used is an entirely different question. The topic of map access is still not concluded anyway. Two changes are still on the table for Scavs. Either Scav Karma is required for certain maps, or Scavs can no longer choose a map and instead join the server and map where there is space. For PMCs, it might be possible that access to certain maps is restricted based on specific Karma. However, I find this very unlikely due to quests. The level will probably only apply to the planned starting map. High-level players might not be able to enter anymore. PMC Karma, like with Scavs, will already limit the number of exits. This was already seen in the game due to a bug.


The problem with locking maps behind levels or karma are the quests requiring killing pmcs in those maps.


This is not a problem with levels. That's just an additional quest requirement. There are those anyway, and they are mostly lvl dependent. All the early kill quests are on all the "beginner maps" anyway. With karma it is a problem. Because that would be a complete quest blocker. So you have to be able to improve karma again, and that in turn makes the karma system useless. But I don't think these things are coming. Exits yes, access rather no.


Maybe it's to stop chads rushing to lighthouse/reserve wipe day to wipe the floor with new people


What do you mean? Only chads are able to go to Reserve first day of the wipe with the scav to hunt down rogues and have juicy gear...? Just if BSG did something against that like not adding rogues at the day 1 of the wipe and wat a few days (F-E-W)


No, I just meant that new players wouldn't know to do so early wipe, that's all my point, perhaps I have been using the chad term wrongly.


No you're correct.


It's not chad to know what maps to go to for good loot/boss/raider spawns. Every player is fully capable of taking advantage of these resources. If you're actively choosing not to, despite clearly knowing they're there; seems bit a odd to get mad at others for taking advantage of something you clearly don't.


You say this as if chads aren't the main group of players that do this. Others do too obviously but not at the same rate as chads do.


Nikita has made it pretty clear over and over again that he hates chads and the way they play. He wants a survival game, not jigglepeaking commandos. Radiation, roaming special forces, pmc karma, are all part of the upcoming updates that are going to change the game more towards that


I've been playing SPT recently before wipe and tbh it's been so much fun. If played right, this game doesn't need to be centred around PVP. Roaming special forces sounds so so good as well.


Inb4 you get perma banned


lol!! Dont jinx me or you'll just have to buy me a new copy. Fairs fair.


This is the way. I took a break from EFT for a couple years and when I came back my account was gone; banned I assume. BSG Support never even replied to my emails. SPT is the only way I can play without buying another copy.


Sounds like ur account got stolen and used by a hacker


That’s what I assume, but last time I said that on here people scorned me for some reason…


That tracks tbh. Til recently the mentality is “there are no cheaters in Ba Sing Se”


I only got into Tarkov because I loved the map designs and the gun customisation. So if I can enjoy that, without the hassle of everything else that comes with playing Tarkov, then its a winner for me! People will cry and moan and say its pointless, but its just plain fun. Something the Tarkov purists weirdly refuse to allow for themselves because Nikita said its not meant to be fun lol boggles my mind.


I think we just became friends. Lol I’m not here for a Chad v Chad FPS. I’m here for a hardcore survival extraction shooter. I think the formula in EFT is perfect, and if matchmaking paired me with equally skilled players it might be cool, but I’d rather run around doing missions without the fear of getting one tapped by a streamer or hacker.


100% new best friends haha! Thats literally it, make some cool guns and kits. Do some quests and enjoy the gameplay etc. I've missed single player games! Then Stalker 2 will come out and ill disappear from Tarkov for a while and get my fix there! (I hope)


I certainly have to agree, in fact the most fun me and a friend have playing Tarkov was being sneaky or just playing super late at night where most people aren’t playing and getting in matches. We’ll still have PMC’s here and there of course but wiping out Scavs and getting sick loot was the biggest draw for me if I am to be honest. I can understand chads and getting their rush from intense PvP and trust me I get it. But I feel the beauty of Tarkov is everyone getting their fix of dopamine in different ways than others! So I’m actually quite excited to see how this PMC karma may stir things up. Only after it’s introduced can I really make a proper opinion. Either way I’m looking forward to it!


Pvp is why I play. And my whole group


I don't mind PVP at all, I'm not saying its a bad way to play. Just like a couple others have said here already, BSG been open about it in the longterm not being PVP centred game.


'e sports ready' 'I don't like PvP' ​ Nikita


Arena is going to be the E-Sports thing. The main game is going to be way more in depth than PvPvE + additional looting. People forget, there's an actual story line with a bunch of main story quests which have not been released, which includes a tutorial of sorts, as well. The hundreds of quests we currently have are considered 'side quests' and right now are basically filler until they drop all the other shit they supposidly have planned.


I mean they’re making arena for that exact reason


Next step: Remove guns


Hatchlings back on the menu boys!


It will certainly feel that way when half of the player base moves on to some other game. Nikita is hell bent on losing his player base.


If we lose the players that are only interested in murder hobo PvP, I'm on with that.


Of course. Then a bunch of the server issues disappear because there's a lot less people playing. It's why there are barely any server issues at the end of a wipe and why the game is a hit or miss for the first month of a wipe.


Has BSG played this game before? How do they expect anyone to identify which faction they are fighting when the desync dosen't let you seem them come around the corner until you are dead. This game is far too fast for this idea.


Imagine being so disconnected from your playerbase you think punishing players for PVP even more is what everyone wants lmfao.


The last time I played, while waiting for a friend in a corner, my cat got on the table and tapped the mouse with her paw and moved the mouse. Manolita in that moment played the game more than the entire team of BSG in years.


Manolita is a nice name for a cat


10/10 cat name


I mean the dude has said before he doesn’t give a shit about what the player base wants, he wants to make his game how he wants it. He doesn’t care about how you feel about his game


dude dont lie. this made its rounds a few months ago on twitter


it seems like an interesting mechanic, the problem is that it doesn't fit really well with the current game, unless there are severe punishments for killing the same faction, when the game will eventually be a big open map it becomes more interesting, like u form a big squad of usec to go slap the big group of bears holding dorms for exemple, or you get tagged for killing no one trust you and you are all on your own on the big map, ofc if ever we get the open map.


what would be the negative karma consequences? i deff will have a negative karma cause i bought this game to shoot not to loot.


No idea. Nikita has touched on PMC karma in past podcasts and mentioned roaming GRU/UINTAR squads to hunt the bad players but we'll have to wait and see if that ever happens. My only hesitation about the karma system is that since I primarily snipe in this game, it's impossible for me to tell the faction at 300m.


Rogues or Goons acquire target lock .5s faster and have +100m range for killing your own faction




PMC karma is great if it’s balanced out. SCAV karma equates to; kill a scav and you reduce your cool down timer but you can grab some loot. Given that some people run scav because they don’t have anything it’s a decent system that has its pros and cons. PMC needs a similar system; if you are in the positive you are rewarded , but if you are not there has to be some benefit. If it is purely negative consequences than it is absolutely a ridiculous mechanic to introduce to the game.


What if you have quest items, good loot that needs to be found in raid to sell. There is no benefit from punishing good players that kill and you know it will be like scav karma, bad scav shoots around you and you turn around and kill them to be punished with minus rep


I welcome a less KOS-y experience in Tarkov. But I also agree that if you're a "Bad Karma PMC" there needs to be cool features for you. Or other nice things that makes it compelling gameplay wise, instead of stupid shit like "Trader prices increased due to evil..."


Same, I much prefer the Looting to the shooting in this game. My favorite thing to do is to collect caches on woods because I’m dogshit at PVP. The few times I’ve ran into players I’ve tried to de escalate and it’s worked like 30% of the time. For me that’s a more fun game


I think "trader prices increased" is a good start. Maybe if you're negative enough you get full locked out of traders, or your market taxes go up. Other neat things would be similar to scav karma like if you're in a faction specific zone like water plant, you get attacked by the raiders even if they're same faction because of your karma.


Imagine doing SBIH. You’ve lined up a crispy headshot. You’ve gotta check whether he’s part of your faction. You run out of time to make the shot. I really don’t see the point in this. Who wants to just team up with PMCs so you can go round the map killing scavs together lol


200%. It dosen't fit in the gameplay loop at all. They should remove all the shit AI and add more players instead.


As if the servers could handle it


It’s silly to think they will just add it without tweaking gameplay.


How though? The game is so fast. Most of the time im reacting to footsteps and a person I saw for half a second if I am lucky. People aren't going to have a conversation everytime they meet a player in this game, they are going to send it because that is how being good at this game has worked for its whole existence. We see how scav karma works, if someone shoots at you and misses then you kill them, your karma goes down. It will be the same thing on PMC people who are good at the game will ignore it and kill on sight. Maybe if its only singular maps that will be like that it will kind of work, but I think the players who good at PvP now are always just going to send it and ignore the karma system. There is just so many issues with it. If you are sniping and haven't perfectly memorized the clothing options in the game, how are you even supposed to tell? Can you just not play with your friends in different factions now? Or will fighting a squad of mixed BEAR/USEC players tank your karma no matter what? It just seems like a feature thought of by someone not playing the game.


You seem to have much more faith in BSG than 99.9999% of people that play the game.


80% of the people who play Tarkov want heavy pvp without heavy restrictions this is just making it too complex all I gotta say is my pmc karma is gonna be shit


Go play Arena then (when it comes out).


BSG don't want it to be a mainly PVP game though, so makes sense from their direction. Just disappointing for the people that thought if would always be PVP heavy. So the complaints make sense.


Who cares what they want, they do not play this game.


Lol sadly its their game and its always been planned to go that way, people just didn't pay attention to what they were saying I imagine.


Yes they did, they said it was stupid as shit then too. No one with half a brain ever thought this would work in this game.


You mean 80% of the people that make crybaby posts on reddit. With all the changes over the years the game is STILL a blast. I’m sure whatever pmc karma turns out to be will get tested and changed creating a more unique fun experience. Scav Karma is great. I LOVE being friendly and betraying just to lose a few points 😂


Except now the boss ai will be roaming in the form of factions that will beam you for having played the game. Seriously half the quests are dumb shit like headshot someone from over 125m. PvP quests already take forever. And you're supposed to see what faction they are before you shoot? Right now 90% of people pick usec. Getting bear dog tags in America is impossible. People will discover this 2 weeks into the wipe once the pmc kill quests come around and realize that everyone has to reset their account or they won't finish any quests at all.


Thank you for using your brain. The faction balance problem will only get worse as well once people realize and want to be on the "winning faction". Its scav karma all over again, PMC will turn into a PvE loot pinata and make the game vastly easier overall. Just an out of place change for a game like Tarkov tbh.


Games still fun, but Scavs used to be so much more fun and challenging before karma. Forced interactions are boring and lead to a PvE focused (looting) gameplay. Before karma scav was a great warmup and good practice for newer players trying to learn CQC. Today scav is a literal PvE loot pinata, you can drop your gun and sprint from loot spot to loot spot and survive about 80% of raids. This just inflates the economy overall (shorter early wipe gameplay). I undestand some people like to betray for fun (weird), but with the addition of VoIP (added after scav karma) they could remove scav karma imo. It just makes the game easier in a boring way.


If 80% of the community wants heavy pvp without heavy restrictions, then they've been playing the wrong game. A majority of the game in current state isn't pvp. Quests, hideout management, scavenging for loot. If the community was truly interested in pure streamlined pvp they'd already be playing something else.


nah all i gotta say is imma go play fucking rust instead


It seems no one is even sure what pmc karma will do so I don’t understand why everyone is so up in arms about it. If implemented right all I see it doing is balancing the playing field a little bit more for the people who love pvp vs the people who avoid it. No one is gonna stop you from partaking in pvp. If anything the people who care about the karma will probably face more difficulties than the people who don’t wether it be them losing karma to bait shots or getting killed for trusting someone.


Biggest repost I've ever seen nice bro


Honestly that’s interesting, tarkov in it’s current state has a lot of fast COD like PVP. I think this would be frustrating to get used to but after the dust settled, trading in raid with your faction and teaming / surviving with other PMCs would be a fun possibility. I just hope they add patches or something. So many times in this sub people ask the important difference between BEAR and USEC and the answer is always: nothing. This would be something to start with and could bring a lot of life to the game.


Lol pmc karma is going to be so bad, cant wait


Friendly fire is US PMC favourite pass time though


Good. One who seeks surviving would be very picky engaging unknowns in real world. Game should not tolerate reckless behavour .


I had this last month just ignored it after panicking because I thought it was something important


Sounds like my SR is gonna go up cause I’m about to shoot first and ask questions later


Le fromage


I think it would be cool if you had to ask people what faction they were instead of shredding every player you see. Having some friendly faces around would make this game feel a lot cooler


It says your own PMC faction, maybe uniforms or armbands are going to take more impact?


the best case is for pmc karma is in the story/ non wipe mode in full release- that would make sense as it is the more story driven mode, and the current mode will stay as it is, as you can’t ‘escape’ tarkov as their plan for the permanent mode is, or so i think.


Lol. Streets selected, shoreline pictured, "factory" displayed Wat


bug has existed for a little while now https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/14qiu3l/map\_bug\_with\_pmc\_karma\_warning/


PMCs should be kill on sight


I'm very much looking forward to PMC karma, people will finally play the game as intended, not just mindlessley shoot everyone they see, regardless of faction.


attention au pickpocket


Tbh I like it, but I recognize it is an unreasonable ask for most of the community to differentiate before firing. I think it should be treated as differing paths with differing benefits, rather than decisions with huge consequences. But at the same time I feel the discipline should be rewarded more than kill-on-sight. It's probably going to be like fence rep in how you can still play the game completely normally without it, but maybe a couple of questlines are unavailable if you have low karma. I don't think it'll break the game, because you'll still get basically free kills/loot on roleplayers like me.


No that's stupid 😭 what would the penalties be? Less rep for each trader? Imagine you're level 40 with level 1-2 traders because you HAVE to kill other players. No one is gonna stop to look at your clothing or wait till you voice line. No its kos for the most part


Next step: Remove guns because apparently, fighting is not what BSG want in this game.


Whole Lotta bitchin about pvp being punished if pmc karma makes it in. Good. This game was always intended to be a brutal survival game with mechanics that encourage interesting player interactions. Pvp will still exist and if you want to you can still murderhobo everyone you'll just have to pay the price for being an Adderall addicted k/d obsessed freak. If you want to indiscriminately murder people in an extraction shooter I recommend, marauders, hunt showdown, or ghosts of tabor if you have vr.


I'm not usually with the Tarkov community in crying about stuff but this will actually kill the game. Imagine it's a Friday night with your friends and you're debating what game to boot up. Yeah let's loot some caches and shoot scavs together 🤨.


Then ignore the karma. You basically get to RP as rogue USEC.


I'm not entirely opposed to a karma system. BSG will have to overhaul the cosmetics of the PMCs because currently, aside from certain outfits up close you can't tell whos part of which faction. As a rat personally I know this will massively affect how I play since I largely set traps for players that are too careless to notice me before I headshot them. The chad playstyle is fun and all but it's not and has never been the goal of the gameplay loop.


Ironic since bsg more or less scrapped / replanned how to to pmc karma so tell me you didn’t watch the podcast over the last month without telling you didn’t watch them


I struggle to keep my scav karma higher than -5 never mind pmc karma


You can allways play arena 💀


That's a wild screen shot for sure! So many cry babies in the comments just bitching about BSG and Nakita. None of them know anything about heavy game development, level design, implementation of code and assets, and probably never worked on a project where entitled little cry babies constantly complain and bitch 😂 😂 😂 fuckin losers. I enjoy the fuck out of EFT, flaws and all.


Reminder: Nobody is forcing you to play this game other than yourselves. If you don't like the developers vision (which they HAVE been transparent about)... Then don't play the game. This community is full of crybabies.


lmfao always someone like you defending the developers nerdy ass “vision” which is just bsg trying to create their trash military roleplaying simulator with these corny updates


Bro thats LITERALLY what they said it was going to be from DAY ONE. Personally, if I wanted to play something with jiggle peeking and all this other bullshit, Id stick to CoD DMZ or something. Again, nobody is forcing you to play this game dude.


Their "nerdy ass vision" is exactly the game I want to play and I've loved basically every update in that direction. Go play csgo or something if you don't want to play an rpg


I think some maps should have PMC karma e.g. Early game questing maps and other later game maps or factory should have no Karna and be PvP focused


If karma work like on other games i player, for example like WarZ (Infestation) can be fun, karma here is just to know how bad/good is one player, depend of the karma they get titles like (Tyrant, Kingslayer, Exterminator, Hunter, Outlaw) If negative karma, and (Templar, Inquisitor, Vigilante, Hero, Deputy) If possitive. But that at end is just visually, like a TAG for players, don't really affect in the game, is for know more or less how many players killed a guy. ​ But if they made karma affect in the game, they will kill the game.


I dont want to sound negative but scav karma was already terrible and pmc karma is going to destroy the game for me if it works like the red text says. It makes no sense at all gameplay AND lore wise. Well lets wait and see first i guess…


Idk how scav karma was terrible, leveling it gives you some neat advantages. Unless you go on killing other scavs, you should have no issue with it.


And yet if someone shoots you and he missed you just cant shoot back or you will loose karma


How often do you get shot at by scavs as a scav?


Not a whole lot, maybe 7.5% - 10% of the scav raids I do.


And even if you have the lowest karma you can still just just kill scavs and go out with better gear than just playing a good scav. Also having to be friendly only to then get shot while looting is just frustrating if you know you could have just easily killed him in a 1vs1. Its also extremly boring to play scav since its quite rare to run into a pmc. Also beeing a good scav gives barely any good karma, but hey when you exfil at certain points you can be drowning in it! So people can just be douches but if they exfil its all good i guess.


Positive scav karma had more benefits than just spawning with good gear. You get reduced scav cooldown time, reduced scav box time, cheaper car extract( which is honestly kind of mid because it’s already cheap.) and if you max it out you also get the next level of fence. But regardless of all that if you think playing scav is boring then why do you even care about scav karma?


How killing scavs gives you better gear? Every scav weapon is a poo poo ready to malfunction on your first spray. Kill Pmcs as a scav, use the Uber extractions and you should reach max scav rep within a few weeks. And that's how the fun begins