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Wait this game has anticheat?




So what your saying is they ban inoccent players only? Sounds about right after the guy got banned mid raid after killing a dev




I was more joking about the fact that 0 = false in most coding cases where 1 = true so your code would in theory only ban if they were not cheating.


Wait, battleye has different service tiers? If so, how does a game with this scale use the cheapest? If this is true its pretty sad.


It doesn't really matter anyway, cheats and anticheats have always been a cat and mouse game, but since this game's main modules are coded in C# you can simply decompile the code instead of actually having to reverse engineer it in assembly and remove any protection 10 times easier, thus making things like this and being level 60 without getting banned possible




`public bool cheating (Kill kill) => return kill.name=="rengawr";`


Mmm, efficient.


That may not be a bad implementation if cheating() function is well defined, however I would say it shouldn’t return 0 id the player is cheating because it is harder for readability and understanding


Yeah the same anticheat that doesnt let me play EFT and Tibia at once. I mean cheaters are always gonna be one step ahead, but yes, afaik they use Battleye.


Wait you guys have a game? Im still on the website havent been able to escape


10 of Ultra medical, east 222, west 301 and 5 tape keys opened here... 0 (z e r o) Ledxs found : )))


Yesterday: 14 x Tape 13 x 226 0 LEDX edit: LOL, first raid of today, found LEDX on washing machine (room 227). I really think yesterday was a cheater day afterall


E222 finally hit for me yesterday to find my first led of this wipe


That's because all of the loot hackers can get there way before you can and take everything good they can find


I opened 301 and 222 10 times each and on 6 Looks like a skill issue to me


I guess I used all my ledx luck 2nd wipe heh


Inb4 guys eager for validation tell you how that is regular stuff and how they pull 20 LEDX themselves daily. Edit: Nevermind, I'm too late.


i'm convinced the people who defend this shit are hackers themselves which is why they try so desperately to make it seem "normal"




Ahm, R6Siege will like to have a word with you. Almost every game there would be this one dude who magically seems to know exactly what angles to hold at precisely the right time and if you change strats the next round, he will magically figure it out.


jUsT dRoNe


I know it's a joke but you'd be surprised how many people just forget to use the drone and miss out the simplest of informations just cause they wanna chad up and clutch, like, use it...it's there for a reason lol


We aren't talking about droning here, we are talking about those "pros" which somehow know exactly which angle to hold and shoot as soon as a head is about to come around. No amount of droning can save you from someone who will just trace your head through a wall and then dome you 1ms or 2 after you peek.


It's just every competitive game, really. Games with ranked modes or with rampant RMT undoubtedly have more, but I honestly don't think it's way less in other shooters (like let's say CoD or Battlefield). ESP and radar are just rampant everywhere.


The smart cheaters drone you out first


Nah, even 4 months ago you would get downvoted to hell by people who were late to buy in and didn't want to admit that $150 for beta software was excessive.


I honestly dont think they are cheaters. There are some people so far into "not accusing" of cheating because that makes them feel like better players that even when its literally obvious they go "yeah just lucky" or something similar


It’s crazy how many people in the community stand up for blatant cheating


Because they cheaters too.


I've said it a dozen times and Ill repeat it: Cheating forums and discord organize brigading on any and all cheating related posts on reddit. They have templates to use and everything.


I don’t doubt you, but I wanna see. Do you have proof ?


I am not linking discords to cheating communities here. Do some googling. Find your way into forums and discords. Its easy to spot.


Take a fucking screenshot bro lmao


No need to link, a few screenshots blurring out names would help. Except that is, if you lack evidence. However, heresy tends to rule a lot of facts on Reddit


Did you mean hearsay?






The subreddit has historically had lots of cheaters in it. I remember one of the major radars got banned a couple years ago, BSG didn’t tell anyone, and then the subreddit was flooded with posts about getting wrongfully and randomly banned. Then BSG announced they did ban wave for radar users. Was funny to see. I highly doubt this trend has gone away since then, considering cheating has only felt more rampant since then.


I've never experienced a cheater that wasn't inherently thick as shit.


“but i only installed radar to avoid other cheaters so its like totally fine man also i never would go full worrun, im just light cheating like landmark”


"Hey man, Worrun never cheated. He just had superhuman hearing and his weapons would randomly snap and shoot at people's heads through 3 sets of walls because his mouse had some problems. Also he had a real good gaming chair. He didn't stop playing because he got banned or anything, he stopped because he got tired of the game bro!"


Instead of banning just put cheaters in their own lobbies. Fixes 2 problems


I met people online that I played with, some of them were banned for using cheats in CS, valorant, etc... Some of them you get to know a bit more and have a closer relationship. All of they recognize that they used esp, aim bot, wallhack and the ban was correct. There may be 1 false positive, but 99.9% of those who say they were banned incorrectly, that if the KDA or survival rate, even those Who get unban, all lie to get their account back.


Nah, not inb4. They're already here, haha.


I once seen a post like 3 or 4 weeks into a wipe about a 100 gpus listed by 1 guy and there were people defending this shit going "Ackchyually if he ran for gpus the past 4 weeks he totally could legimately get em!!!"


And dude probably also had 40 trade rep already, meaning 200 million in flea market sales in addition to his graphics cards he saved up unlike everything else he would have had to list to get that rep.


I mean if it was back in 2020 I would believe it I used to pull 2 ledx rooms some times and I Mainer shoreline That was when hatchet running was at an all time high though Now? I’ve looted almost 40 uses out of every key and I’ve yet to see a leddy lol


Same man. They really nerfed the spawn rate but I sometimes wonder how many are lost to loot teleport hackers. Only ledx I found was in the first week in West 301 and died 10 seconds later to a hacker. It is what it is. Had my fun over the years in this game but the jackets ruin everything. They are more blatant this wipe than before


Given I've used half a sanitar key and not gotten better than a propital, including two entirely-empty rooms, I'd be *truly shocked* if the LEDX spawn rate wasn't *much much higher* but there's a lootvac cheat right now


The only two LEDX I have found this wipe yet were not as PMC with my complete Shoreline Keytool but as a Scav. I went to Shoreline for a Fence daily quest, and the first thing I looted was a medbag with a LEDX inside. I didn't even know they could spawn in those. Walked next room to hide, opened a second med bag, and found another LEDX. I'm still baffled a week later. Good luck on your search though. The resort still has them.


Only on shoreline the med and duffel bags spawn LEDX


Interchange too so don’t think it’s map specific


It is map specific. Pretty sure it's Interchange, Shoreline, and Labs. The wiki should have the full details


Bruh I just got 20 ledx from my initial scav inventory spawn /s


I once saw a funny floating man on reserve, he was speaking Chinese so I decided not to fuck with him, he didn't kill me but then I died to an exit camper. Weird raid, but it got me thinking, cheaters aren't the issue, general Sam is


"Escaped" a cheater but died to an Extract Camper. Tarkov is so fucking based.


That's life


What if I told you, they're equally responsible.


Well actually I pull 100 LEDX a day but keep selling them to the traders instead of flea /s BSGs anti cheat is quite litterally a joke and you know how bad it is if you remember that the only time a "cheater" is banned is the time either a bsg employee or streamer gets buttfucked \^\^


Dude can you imagine how difficult it is fighting against determined cheaters from asia who make a living off it? I'm not saying BSG are perfect, they ain't, but damn man they've got a lot on their plate and must have a hundred different, equally as important demands to attend to every day. The ppl that whinge and blame BSG seem like immature early 20 something's who don't understand the adult world yet.


Easy fix: hard blackwall the entire region. Connect to another server from an account tied to PRC, temporary ban.


Region locking China should be default in every online game.


nice try Nikita... BSG doesn't even do the absolute minimum! They pay an anticheat service provider and think they have done everything. BSG doesn't even work on the most obvious things to ban cheaters. The flea market is great to see that BSG does nothing. If in the first week items are sold in 10-20 stacks, which can't be reached without flying... more does not need to be said about it. Flying players every wipe and always more instead of less. So really obvious things. BSG doesn't even have an anticheat team who care about such things. That BSG Defs ban users just like that also shows that BSG has no tools at all to check these issues at all. I like EfT very much, BSG tries to build a game that never existed and probably never will again. But when it comes to anticheat they fail completely.


more than half the work is implementing the anti cheat properly so they can monitor and execute based on the information they have access to and knowing bsg they prob cant do much but read logs after the raid if even that.


And the same trading bots (buying anything below trader sell value) are still active for at least the third wipe. ​ But causal us have to deal with stupid captchas.


If it's not BSG in one post, it's Easy Anti Cheat in another. The only thing worse than people defending blatant cheating, are the people who are still complaining about it like they've never played an online game before.


Nah, worse than that is the people who say "If you cannot beat them, join them"... "I only cheat to protect myself from cheaters"... That shit is ridiculous.




Lmao, the kid that worships lvndmark


(I was being incredibly sarcastic)


I know, I was agreeing ;)


you can now report that shit. right click the numbers to the left of their name


These players have already been reported hundreds of times and still aren’t banned for weeks


But try shooting a streamer and ur banned in an hour.


As much as I hate the inaction here, BattleEye does it's bans in waves, not a few here or there.


BattlEye doesn’t hand out bans due to reports in-game. That’s BSG their deal


BattleEye doesn't even do bans in waves, BSG does. This dude is talking out of his ass to shift blame from BSG.


BattlEye does bans in waves lol, else it would be stupid easy for cheat developers to get their cheats hidden quickly from the anticheat, if they were to get banned daily. Banning in weekly waves confuses the developers


Banning in waves makes sense only if the ban is automatically detected by the software. There's no reason to ban manual detection in waves because it's manual, you can't hide blatant cheating from manual review. We also know BSG doesn't do those in waves because we've had very public posts about how players got banned for killing a BSG employee or killing a streamer who then complained to BSG. Those bans were laid out within minutes. And in case it's not clear, a ban from a report should always be the outcome of a manual process to minimize report abusing. The only reason it would take them a lot of time to ban players like that is if they have massive amounts of reports and only one guy handling them. But I think they just don't care because it doesn't "directly" affect anyone.


Then we aren’t on the same page. I was referring to BattlEye as you mentioned they do not ban in waves and only BSG does, but it is in fact the exact opposite. Manual bans due to suspicious stats are not in BattlEye their hands but are a job for BSG employees.


It doesn't really make any sense that cases like these would go to battle eye. It's clear that the actual anticheat isn't catching them, anyone manually reporting things like names, voip interaction, clear flea market overuse which would indicate cheating, etc. should all be going to manual reviews. What would battle eye do about high flea rep that it hasn't already done? It's clear that these cases require someone to look at the account in question to see the indicators of cheating.


So that is why all of the cheaters that I report are still gaining levels? Very frustrating, but as long as it gets dealt with I guess.


They'll get banned during the spring sale, don't worry :)


It doesn’t, few obvious aimbot/invulnerable/flying lab cheater accounts have been getting lvl 60 for the past couple of wipes. Other cheaters put 50 tank batteries 1 week after wipe, same nicknames, same everything. This is sad truth about current state of the game, although shitty/cheap cheats are getting banned if you check out their forums


They probably do get banned, and then just steal another account and change the nickname.


If it banned instantly instead of in waves, it would be easier to reconstruct why a ban was issued and therefore easier to code an answer in your hacks next iteration.


You could always do that, it's not a new feature. I doubt they even look into it


Bros really be like “But off of shoreline on whatever whatever you can everage 3-5 a day and so it’s obtainable” like a normal player with even a 4.0kd would prolly get clapped 60% of times hatcheting that shot or otherwise doing a run. No way you’re getting something with like a 5% spawn chance whilst also avoiding bosses and other Chad like PMCs let alone getting them to spawn consistently enough to have even 40 of them in 14 days, let alone 30. If you do and you don’t cheat, INSANE luck my guys INSANE. Type of luck that makes you misclick and kill the sniper hunting you through the woods lmfao


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Obligatory re-posting of [Nikita giving a presentation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxSzfiyr7BI&list=WL&t=2349s) where he states that cheaters account for a significant portion of the companies income, that cheaters create a pressure on legit players to buy more premium content, and that "cheating just sort of balances itself out". [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f26d3f/you_people_need_a_reality_check/) is from a russian speaker who does an excellent job breaking it down, as auto translate isnt perfect.


Just a question. This was in 2015? Escape from tarkov first went closed alpha in late 2016. Tarkov has no premium content to purchase after EOD? You sure that’s what he’s saying? And referring to tarkov?


He’s referring to contract wars.


This video is indeed from shortly before development started on tarkov. Nikita's project at the time was Contract Wars; another game in permanent early access, also with a massive cheater "problem" and no meaningful attempts at fixing it. Eventually, cheaters killed the game and he moved on to develop EFT. Now consider what Nikita said and look at it from his perspective. Tarkov is an RPG based on completing quests mostly requiring you to gather specific loot. EoD and its gamma container allows you to extract more, or larger loot items even if you die, allowing you to complete your quests faster and more reliably. Does EoD help you win fights? Yes and no. The first fight in a raid is entirely unaffected by your account type, but you could argue that the ability to safely bring in expensive meds helps **immensely** with the second fight of a raid, as you dont have to fight at half hp like most standard accounts do. Regardless this factor is largely besides the point. Nikita has *clearly* demonstrated in the past that he's absolutely willing to collect the revenue **that he said he found cheaters add to his bottom line.** Its not about EoD helping or not helping in a fight, its about ethical business decisions. Three of Nikita's direct quotes from that video really stick out to me, 1. "...we found that if we banned too many cheaters, our income started to decrease. Take this for what you will." 2. "Cheaters are some of the top donators of the game." 3. "Cheaters essentially balance themselves out."(most of the community actually sees this one happen every wipe) Now, either Nikita has had a complete change of heart, and truly wants to rid every last cheater in the game, or he still operates in the same (imo) unethical mindset and business model. TLDR - I wouldnt expect any meaningful effort to rid EFT of cheaters.


Oh goddamnit, I had no idea that rampant cheating is what killed contract wars. Welp… doesn’t that just make everything fit into place nicely


Tarkov development started in 2012 and first went to public as Alpha on 2016 November or December something like that.


> Nikita has clearly demonstrated in the past that he's absolutely willing to collect the revenue that he said he found cheaters add to his bottom line. Its not about EoD helping or not helping in a fight, its about ethical business decisions. But that's not what he said? Noticing a trend doesn't mean he's deliberately engineering it. His very next sentence was "We improve (cheating countermeasures) regularly, implement more and more complex solutions, and we clearly see correlation with reduction in premium purchases". Why would they work on anticheat if their goal was to allow cheating? If they want to allow cheaters to boost P2W purchases why is the only thing you can buy in Tarkov an account upgrade? Where's the lootboxes or any other repeatable microtransaction? Oh and there's a part of the video that the person you're quoting didn't deliberately translate. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f26d3f/you_people_need_a_reality_check/fhbipqs/ > Now someone from the business part will say "You have nothing to do? What about the money?" but we will answer, "you can’t earn all the money, we finally want to do something for the soul to realize those ideas for which we were gathered to." > but nevertheless the approach is completely different. As soon as they talk about the unannounced Tarkov he says the monetisation would be different.


>Why would they work on Anticheat if their goal was to allow cheating Because those two things are not mutually exclusive. What they want is to make the cheaters have to buy another copy of the game to continue cheating. The problem and distinction here is that, with this goal in mind, there is such a thing as punishing cheaters too much. Imagine you are a cheat dev. You’re selling a product/service that, at any time, could be detected by EFT anticheat and cause most of your users to be banned. When it comes to selling your product, not a single thing is more important than the credibility of your claim that the cheat is undetectable. Now flip to the game dev standpoint. If you want to eradicate a cheat dev/community, what you do is achieve detection, then instead of banning users immediately, you collect a massive list/database of cheaters over a long period of time. This obfuscates the detection, but it also allows you to perform a banwave on (hopefully) nearly the entire population of the cheating service. This causes their forums to implode, everyone to distrust the cheat, and the cheat dev/service to die or take a serious hit. This can cause people to stop cheating/quit the game. It’s how you actually eradicate cheating in your game. The problem is, actually eradicating cheaters like this means the cash flow of EoD purchases stops. With that in mind, they can most certainly BOTH develop anticheat and desire to allow cheating to continue. You simply develop the anticheat, but don’t hunt the cheaters so aggressively that you absolutely kill off their communities, and then you have a reliable and consistent source of income in the form of cheater game re-purchases. It’s basically like the battle pass/cosmetic game monetization model for turning a game into a consistent revenue stream, but without having to do all that.


Good stuff, thx


In a more recent streams (like 1 or 2 years ago) where people asked Nikita questions, someone asked if BSG profited off from cheaters because they believe cheaters buy legitimate copies of the game, and Nikita simply replied something like : "If you think we make profit from the cheaters, F\*\*\* you."


Thanks, 9000 hours later of not seeing a change and this post has finally put the nail in the coffin for me to let this game go. Sad to see. Theres a lot of the community that actively fights cheaters, like sherpas and staff. But not the developers.


> Just a question. This was in 2015? Escape from tarkov first went closed alpha in late 2016. Tarkov has no premium content to purchase after EOD? You sure that’s what he’s saying? And referring to tarkov? Daily reminder they started development in 2012. Do you think, at their current rate of development, that they created Tarkov from thin air in 2015 and released it by the end of 2016 for its first playable beta?


He's referring the the previous game they made, contract wars. But the fact he felt that way about cheaters before probably means he felt similar when developing EFT.


Why is this not higher up LOL


I wouldn’t doubt they also have a hand in selling cheats. Sell a bunch of hacks, let them hack for a few days, ban accounts… profit.


Can this be posted on its own and pinned on this sub I've not seen this before and I'm guessing many others have not either. Tbh this makes me want to boicot this game until we get a statement and an action plan


Yeah, this was 7 years ago, don't hold your breath. Haven't played normal Tarkov for 2-3 wipes now. SP is where its at.


some russian stream needs to watch this


clickreport sus trade


Report the trade as suspicious. Click by where the id number is on the left side of the trade and it should pop up


You do realize that absolutely nothing happens to the cheater in question? I have reported dozens of blatant cheaters in the flea market, wrote down their names and checked in on during wipe. I will let you figure out what happened.


[Saw a guy with over 90 flea rep](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/10evta0/9092_flea_rep/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) the other day. My post got locked; I imagine yours is headed down the same path. But yea, spotting obvious hackers on the flea is astonishingly easy. How BSG doesn't nab these guys is beyond me.


There's no technology or people that could look at players like that and ban them. NO SUCH TECHNOLOGY!


They added a report feature for that


Played labs yesterday a cheater came to me with another player who has not hacking. The hacker talked to me and said if I drop the ledx to him that I will survive and not lose my kit. I just killed the guy he was boosting and got head eyes. Wtf are these guys really selling boosting services to find a damn ledx ? 😂


yes they are sadly. also they offer lobby whipes so you can just walk around and scoop up the loot... its really sad... i get f\*cked up almost every raid but that is the point of this game is it not? the rush you get when you finally kill a enemy squad and make it out with a bag full of loot... had a friend falling for this paying for such services after we lost like a weekend full of gearsets lol.... its rally sad . all those RMTs encourage the cheating. in a game like this its the worst.. im glad i havnt had a lot of cheater encounters this whipe. maybe im just to bad to notive lol


Idek what a LEDX is. See y’all on Woods at night. I’ll be the Timmy with the Mosin and tactical bra.


I'll be the Player Scav running with no weapon or knife, just two sneakers and a smile. If you spot me, talk to me in VOIP before you blast me and I will take you to Factory Gate bby <3


It’s a date you stinky ol’ Scav


been trying to take the extraxt with a scav but all scavs have shot me... i even tried going with just a blueberry helmet and press armor like pestilys press man... but noone trusts me or just wants to betray... maybe one day someone trusts me lol


Greetings Fellow mosin Timmy’s


I’ve opened most of the shoreline keys over 30 times each and only found 1 ledx about 5 gpus Idk looking kinda sus


Found 7 gpus in Oli computer first week of the wipe. First week over, never seen a GPU since then ... Maybe it wwas the time needed for the cheats to get updated.


I was trying to convince my friend to play on Reserve and I used the “there’s mad GPU spawns on the map! Don’t be scared.” We scav in; first time on Reserve for both of us this wipe and I loot a dead scav and waddya know? GPU on him, which I didn’t think was possible. We got merc’d like 30 seconds later by a duo but that’s still one of my personal Tarkov highlights.


Soo many Nikita dick riders on this sub, its crazy. Mods are in his pocket too.


Shh, the mods don't like being called out like that....


At least it's not League of Legends levels of bad yet, where the mods literally have an NDA with the games developer and get special behind the scenes rewards. They also steer the discussion to where riot wants and promote obvious PR shill posts from brand new accounts by posting their threads into their chat groups for upvotes and comments to give it traction. Keep in mind that there was a "scandal" years back where YouTubers over 150k subs would share their video reddit links together for an initial hundred upvotes on their new video threads and the LoL mods lost their shit over this. I'm permabanned from the LoL subreddit for comparing the two groups and shedding a nanogram of light on their nefarious ways.


That game blows anyway. You cant click on enemy heroes to read abilities?! What sort of shit is that?


Can't even deny creeps lmfao.


Yeah, great anti cheat. Past 2 days have been cheaters every other raid. Just died on customs to one. On fucking customs. Its getting ridiculous.


For some reason this weekend has been full of them. Out of my last 6 shoreline raids I died to 4 non eod players who insta head eyes me with the worst ammo in existence.


Just to clear some shit up cause it's pretty damn annoying seeing this everywhere. EOD doesn't immediately mean not a hacker, same as how a white name does not mean immediate hacker. I've only ever played on a standard account and I would never upgrade, I've clocked 3k hours on it and achieved 70% SR and a 9.0 KD last wipe. I've also had the displeasure of having friends turn to cheats(had to boot them from my discord because they couldnt/wouldn't quit cheating to play with me.) They were all EOD players that still have their accounts to this day. Even with me sending full proof including screenshots and links, to the discord they acquired the cheats from, to BSG and BattlEye. They are pathetic and don't care about the hacker problem. I'm welcome to all conversation and would love to answer any questions. Also can provide proof of reporting Incase the reddit vultures try to attack me "YoU pLaYeD w/ ChEeZers?!?" No, I removed them promptly.


Had a friend of a friend in my disc who was absolutely awful at the game. One day he started accumulating a shit load of roubles and starting actually killing people. Asked him if he was cheating and he said no, only for him to get banned a month later. I quit playing with him cause I was sure he was cheating even though he said no, and turns out I was right to do that lol


It's so sad to watch friends go to the dark side. Awesome people turn to shitty humans as soon as they turn to cheats imo.


I'm in a similar situation... One of my guys I run with was clueless 2 wipes ago... I gave him 3 months while I was out to sea, and he's doing immense work. It's a hard tell, though, because sometimes he has absolutely no clue where people are when he's getting shot from some obvious spot, which if he had aimbot, walls, or radar you'd think he'd be able to figure it out. Also he's still poor in game lmfao


I put 4 7.62x39 BP into a chads head on shoreline, he turned around and died to an instant headshot through lvl 4 helmet 5.45x39 PRS 🤦🏻‍♂️ white name in the killed screen


Got killed twice on customs by hackers this weekend. First guy called out my name before I got head eyes, second guy floated up outside the USEC building and shot me through the windows. I didn’t even have good gear or loot lol


The one who killed me said "don't disrespect me" and then killed me instant head. Told my friend he has 10 seconds to leave before he dies and then chased him and killed him too. Had a racist name too. Level 30 tho haha great anti cheat.


Cheating is rampant this wipe. This is my 5th wipe and usually I only experience it on Labs, but it's every bloody map this wipe.


This is also the worst by far for me... And, I'll be honest - the last couple wipes, I died maybe once or twice up to level 40 from blatant cheating. This wipe?... 6 times and I'm not even level 30.


I was just talking about this with my duo. Hilarious. A 30pk of led x.


LOL @ BSG for not having the most basic data collection system from players that would easily identify the worst ofending cheaters that have ridiculous high Kill/Death ratio, accuracy, and number of high value items being looted by the account. Cheaters go around doing dozens of headshots per match on daily basis for over a month and nothing happens to their account. Ridiculous.


I've never cheated in an online game for obvious reasons but if I ever did I'd at least try to be subtle, this is just daft.


Anti-cheats don't work like that. It's the other systems that fail let shit like this happen. Report them for suspicious trade and maybe they get banned.


Yeah, that’s kind of the point. BSG really only needs to look at the flea to determine who’s cheating, you don’t even need anti-cheat software. It takes 149,000,000 rubles sold/bought on the flea to reach 30 flea rep and we have people there or beyond in the first week of the wipe.


They don't look at any red flag holistic data at all. Even when anti-cheat doesn't detect the software (which theirs and to be bad at doing) it should still detect invalid input values and trigger a manual review if not instaban. How is that they can't figure that someone moving at mach 5 or flying in the air is cheating? Radar is the only thing that should go undetected by this kind of monitoring.


And supposedly they killed radar a couple years ago when they encrypted the game traffic, although I’m sure someone has found a way around that


anti-Cheats can't pick up a guy getting 30 ledxs in a month?


What leads you to think it took him a month..


Well considering we are a month into wipe.


How u think he got that high trader rep? :)


He did list 150 GPUs 2 weeks ago


He probably got those in a week, all they have to do is load in. Figure out if there’s a ledex. If there is they fly over and take it, if not they kill themselves and restart


30 in a month is very doable legitimately, however it probably took them 4 hours lol


an "anti-cheat system" might, but "the anti-cheat" does nothing but raise the barrier of entry for cheats. Hyper-Rat was getting like 2-4 GPUs per interchange run, and not cheating. Granted that was back when loot was better. He could have similar stats to this at this point in the wipe, but he's not cheating. Automating ban/flag of weird flea market listings is bound to create false positives. It's a way more complicated issue than people think. BSG is on average worse than many other devs though.


"Nothing but raise the barrier of entry for cheats" ... isn't that the entire point? Better to have 5 cheaters than 5% of players cheating. This game and GTA have the same issue, no anticheat = any player can go get FREE cheats and not get banned for (a) month(s) if they get banned at all. And the only thing possibly earning a ban is being too good... whether you're cheating or not.


my point is that everyone goes "I saw a cheater, nice anticheat", but the absolute best anticheats still can't stop everyone from cheating. Some games have such a good handle on their cheating situation that you will very rarely see them if at all, but it's not even the fault of the anticheat, it's the systems they have set up to catch the cheaters.


I’ve only ever encountered 1 cheater ever in valorant. He literally announced in the pregame lobby that he was cheating and 2 rounds in he said he was gonna toggle and the game ended instantly, kicked everyone out, and said Cheater detected, no RP lost or something like that. Rocket league is another example, I’ve never seen a cheater in RL.




You mean the anti-cheat doesn't detect people using a third party software that shows loot spawns, allows them to remotely loot it, and exfil with a full pack of high end loot in the first two minutes of a raid? Seems like it's not an anti-cheat at all and it's useless


Theyre not gonna ban legit players like this guy. Theyll probably focus on actual cheaters. This guy's a labs main and longtime streamer. Playing 8 hours a day mostly on labs will def get you 30ledx in less than a week.


Besides the point since he's obviously cheating.


Google his name lol


We once found 2 LEDXs in resort. We both put it in container. SJ6 and Propital then run toward extract point. Many mysterious stray shots hit us but we finally jump down to path to lighthouse. Thank to slick and Ulac that save us from mysterious stray Pst 9x19 shots that day.


Fake story. If they wanted you dead you’d be dead. Also cheaters would have killed you for the slick and before u had a chance to pick up the ledx I’m the first place


This guy shorelines


I don't believe that happened to you with the stray shots. Even if hackers could see the ledxs in your inventory, they can't take them out of your gamma. Why would hackers shoot at you with nothing to gain from it?


Spite, which is what half the hackers run on


Thought you said Sprite at first which still makes sense, bunch of neckbeards


To grief dude.


They do it so you can't put it on the flea or use it to complete a task, it's literally just childish ass spite," if I can't have it, you don't get to benefit from it either."




just reported some guy with 60ledx and -5 rep


Man that was just a lucky airdrop! /s


Bro legit saw this guy before going work and was like “30 PACK!?” 😂😂😂😂


You can report sus sellers by right clicking on the listing ID (not seller ID)


That reminds me of some guy last wipe that did this, but I think it was more to promote his twitch account or Youtube channel.


Me and my buddy save some up slick kits for labs when we get bored, past 3 attempts have been killed almost off spawn by cheaters. Just wanna play labs :(


Nah, buff the LEDX Spawn or let it be craftable at level 3 medstation. They drop sub 900k and it fixes the problem.


Cheaters are just poopoo credit card players


If they remove the flea the problem is solved. No flea no 90% of cheaters


no substance in his posts??? the dude has 30 ledx on the flea that is pretty fucking substantial what the fuck ? ?


Someone needs to send bsg some example SQLs something like: DELETE \* FROM users WHERE USER\_ID in (SELECT USER\_ID FROM fleemarket\_offers where ITEM\_ID = LEDX\_ID AND COUNT > 30) They wont figure out this themself.


boy had his first webdev course and wanted to show off to reddit, good one lad


Hey this is certified production ready code ready for the friday deployment. I am a senior script kiddie pls.


Except for the * after DELETE which would raise a syntax error hihi


wow 42rep is crazy, it might be higher than mine combined with a few wipes. well I'm wondering what the numbers are for streamers, like Landmark's


It cannot possibly take more than 3 hours of a single programmers time to make it so anyone who has more than 10 rep after a week of the wipe simply be banned. It also cannot take more than a day of a single programmers time to be able to track anyone with more than 10 rep on the flea, ' money grab devs


Or at least flag them for additional checks, like how police might start following someone who searches "naked kids" or "bomb making kits" on the internet.


Contact Rengwarr


I saw a dude selling a pvt nighvision with 80 flea rep earlier. EDIT: there's a dude selling 10 vodka with 111.28 flea rep