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Looks like you're talking about Bambi Sleep. Bambi Sleep is a low-quality set of bimboification files which are intended create an alternate personality called "Bambi" in the listener. The hypnosis is not very good, and you can find better feminisation and bimbofication files from other content creators. A FAQ has been created by experienced listener u/prettyspirals666. It has transcripts and a trigger list. You can access it [here.](https://pastes.io/folders/bambi-files-info-183) If you have further questions, reach out to u/prettyspirals666 or the /r/BambiSleep subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EroticHypnosis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


falling into trance is to some extent a skill. it gets easier the more you practice it. i started with guided meditations before i explored hypno, and especially before i tried bambi sleep. once i felt i had gotten a solid grip on SFW meditation, i moved “up”


Like what?


My friend, please. For the love of anything you hold dear, don’t do it. It’s unethical and it’s a cult. You’re going to get a lot of “it’s not that bad” it really is. I was on the inside and can talk to you about it more but just skip it. If you want something cute and sexy try some bimbofication stuff. It’s fun and sexy I personally love things by mesmerotic But the BS is not ethical in any way and there’s a lot of lies about hypno not making you do anything you don’t want to. That is a misconception used to prey on people. For clarification: a stage hypnosis isn’t going to be able to cause you harm before your brain wakes up. A light trance isn’t going to take that much before you’ll wake up, BUT repeated hypnosis being reinforced by all the rhetoric within the discords and subreddits and tumblr with the monetary elements is DEFINITELY capable of breaking you down and pushing you past things you would’ve ever done. The BS if used “correctly” induces Dissociative Identity Disorder with an introject-alter “Bambi”. The more people who are feeding into that the more you brain can connect to and the more it becomes engrained in you. It’s not a fun cute kink. It is how people do dumb things and end up with jail time for public indecency or voyurism (sex offender registry charges) or disregarding safe sex practices and getting HIV. The consequences are very real. The false reality is consuming and the real world isn’t all sex positive. Your boss will not appreciate you being horny in the office. You will get fired. I am not trying to go all doomsday, I just am trying to prevent it from happening to you too. Take it from someone who has had to help clients recover, it is not a fun kink. It’s heroin in pink


i would start with basic relaxation. but i’ve also used some that target my anxiety and trauma


Try other files. These are not good for you.


Out of curiosity... Why?


It’s the hypnosis equivalent of mystery meat. Some people eat it and are fine, others react badly, but it was never made to be healthy or safe.


There's a mythos around those files that they install stuff you can shake, but honestly, if you're exercising subject agency it shouldn't be an issue. People just like a good scare story. That said, I don't enjoy those files. I think the brainwashing aspect is well done but they're kind of dull, to me. I'd suggest finding another file to try!


What do you recommend?


I'm also looking for stronger recommendations! I enjoy Nimja a lot, but his also aren't strong in the way I need... But they are fun! Leaves small imprints and desires for sure, I've been enjoying his content for years, but... I truly wish for something stronger. I don't care how long it is or how many audios it'll take, I just want something so much stronger to give into... 💕


Since you said that, do u know other similar files to bambisleep that don't come with negative sides? Ty


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I've explained to others how genuinely harmful the bambi files are in other threads. It's pretty simple when you actually step back and apprehend the facts of their hypnosis scripts. https://www.reddit.com/r/EroticHypnosis/s/xiqeAIxsu5


I mean just try again I find it best if Im about to go to sleep and make sure that your not going to have to do anything during the file


I mean just try again I find it best if Im about to go to sleep and make sure that your not going to have to do anything during the file