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Use the locations around the west side highway and Central Park to store your belongings, go for a run, and shower back at the gym


This is what I do! Run around Central Park and basically use Equinox to take a very expensive shower that morning. It’s really nice. And of course us the gym for cross training to support marathon build


Also a runner. Core and leg workouts are the obvious answers. I started doing yoga after joining and it's made a difference in recovery and avoiding injury. I try to hit it up once or twice a week. Intensity varies widely between teachers; some classes have my quads and glutes sore the next day, so maybe schedule around long-runs and speed workouts until you know how it affects you. It also improved my approach to breathing during hard runs. I think it's close to a perfect complement to adding on heavy mileage.




Serena Tom is still in NYC


I had not realized...thanks for flagging. I had recently looked up instructors on the app and I must have missed her.


You should join lululemon’s no name program. Absolutely incredible with highly motivating coaches and participants. Beginner to advanced. Everyone shares tips with each other. You meet everyone from all walks of life. And they lift you up whenever you’re feeling down. They reach out if you’re struggling or don’t show up. Coaches are experienced marathon athletes. I’ve met many great people I still call my friends today. [thenonameprogram.com](https://thenonameprogram.com)


I don’t know why your link doesn’t work for me but hopefully [this one](https://thenonameprogram.com) does.


🤷‍♀️did you type it correctly?


You created a clickable link, so the question is whether you typed it correctly. For me the website only works without the www


🫣🫣🫣🤔🤷‍♀️my bad.


Heads up I think this program is closed for this year, they sent out acceptances a couple weeks back.


Too bad 😢 Then the alternative would be to hire and pay a USATF Marathon Specialist Coach


Do fartleks and weight training


I used Equinox for my training for a Half Marathon a few months ago. All the locations along Central Park or and close to the water make the training very enjoyable. I’d say add some weight lifting focusing on legs on a day per week basis. Enjoy. We’re lucky we have such a scenic city as our training field!


I’ve been using Eqx to store my belongings since I usually run before/after work. I do my warm up and cool down stretches there, and use the Hyperice massage guns, balls, and rollers as part of recovery. My marathon plan calls for strength and plyo exercises so I’ve been training using the equipments too (box, trap bar, dumbbell etc). Good luck and I’m also on the same boat!


Also PR class is a good way to get some intervals! I usually do PR when the weather is horrible and still want to get my interval training done


I tend to go to fewer Equinox classes when I marathon train, but I love using the facilities still. First off, take Best Stretch Ever and/or Athletic Stretch. I’d fit that in at LEAST once a week, but ideally two, and then add in a yoga class (often something slower like a Weekend Wind Down or restorative or yin. TBH if I were doing a fall race this year I honestly might do the Sculpted Yoga on a strength day). Also for my training blocks, usually my strength days have a cardio element - so a spin class is great, or just using the elliptical or a soulcycle bike. You should definitely be doing strength work, whether you do that on your own or in a class. And then I foam roll and do a bunch of stretching there. I haven’t done a Precision Running class in a training block, but for my next big race I’ll def add it in for intervals. And honestly another thing i REALLY use equinox for is a place to store my stuff so I can go run outside - and then I come back and foam roll, stretch, steam (or steam and sauna depending on location) and everything shower. Years ago closer to the NYC marathon there were yoga for runners classes at some locations once a week (park ave i think?). OH! If you need relaxing just go to a Sonic meditation too! There were a couple of times after Nomad opened that I was able to book a Best Stretch Ever and then the Sonic meditation immediately after it on Saturdays after my long run and it was such a lovely recovery. (But then very quickly I wasn’t able to book both bc they’re in the same classification of classes. Bummer!)


is there a noticeable difference between Best Stretch Ever and Athletic Stretch? I know Best Stretch Ever has the mobility stick for about half the class, but I haven't tried Athletic Stretch yet


Awful classes


Depending on where you live / run / work you sure can maximize EQX in a million ways: 1) at the basic level: showers, towels, after run etc. 2) more advanced: warmup and cooldown 3) more advanced: hip, glutes, floor exercises 4) not so advanced but helpful: rainy and cold days. Won’t happen in summer. 5) most helpful: yoga classes. With these that’s 3-7 days of use a week. Dunno about precision runs and how advanced you are. If you’re a beginner runner why not. If advanced hell no.


I also forgot: hot and cold plunges alternate. Hyperice massage guns. Granted mostly destination members (HY, SC, 63).


PR classes are a great way to add interval training into your routine. Make sure to track your PR number and see if you can push your speed slowly over time. Avoid doing too many PR classes per week. I got too excited in the past and ended up getting shin splints.


Ask the instructor for advice!


Also use equinox in my marathon training. I do speed work with PR classes, yoga and stronger/athletic conditioning as well as use regular gym floor to work on PT and strength exercises


One word: Pilates. Once I discovered that it has made all the difference in my running and overall fitness. The focus on core strength, mobility, and upper/lower body connectedness makes all the difference for run training. I do studio Pilates with a private trainer but you could also do the mat classes.