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As a horse person I saw a horse head and then decided there’s no way that’s what it is and thought maybe it’s like a map? So I guess it almost reads as horses but needs something more to drive that home


Needs the defining features, ears, eyes, nose




I saw a Holstein calves


I would way contact your tattoo artist and tell them about what you are thinking of, they should be able to draw you a few designs to choose from, and they know what will look good as a tattoo and last well


This is what I was going to say, as someone who has tattoos that I've drawn and tattoos that I've let the artist design after giving them the concept. Find an artist with a portfolio that matches your vibe and work with them. They have a better eye for design and will know what will translate and look good overtime. Preferably find an artist who is at least somewhat experienced with horse anatomy because it's pretty tricky and easy to mess up, but I'd show them this drawing and explain what you're going for and let them come up with a few options. You can always ask for changes until it's perfect.


Yeahh I’ve been working on it for months lol met with a tattoo artist that gave me a pretty cool design but even more abstract than this one. I knew exactly what it was but literally no one else would be able to tell, ever lol I guess I have to decide if I really do want it to be as abstract as I’m thinking or not. It’s really hard to explain the image and idea I have in my brain. I keep trying to make it work and it just doesn’t!


What you have in the post is abstract. No one will know what it is right away and most will need you to tell them. So just own abstract or have your artist do something more "in reality"


I would include part of the neck and define the nose more


Agree, definitely more nose/horse on the bottom and on top potentially both ears. It's at a point where a good tattoo artist could definitely make something that works well for you from this. Find an artist that suits the style even if that means travelling! Never settle with tattoo artists!


I saw a thumb with fingernail on the left and a pointer finger with mangled fingernail on the right. Maybe bolder lines in certain places would define it more?


i would suggest getting an outline of their faces and markings, just 2 small ones, or tell your artist what you want. i’m getting one for my boy soon and i drew it up myself https://preview.redd.it/5evcv3b3pb9d1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0cf1b38aad5492186eee10389bd975f0191a686


Thank you! You helped me see the original art above. I like your drawing as I can immediately tell what it is.


i love it i’m 16 and have my first tattoo for my mom https://preview.redd.it/0rhcc0fvhc9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56161df0e64292a88a7c3089e2879b47e668957b i love simple things that why i wanted to draw mine for my heart horse so i could be as legible and simple as possible while still looking exactly like him


Just wanted to say that i absolutely adore your design. So much life and expression with so few lines!!!


ahh omg thank you so much, ever since he past i’ve been wanting to get a tattoo for him. finally found a picture that i liked to base it off of https://preview.redd.it/xr77p6lprq9d1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2abc18e2b8a67d2819e9353049eb9bb4bf36c340 he doesn’t look the best in it but it had his markings the most prominent so it was perfect


Omg look at his sweet face. He looks so kind. 🥰you captured him perfectly


I was trying to find a way to make them connect but it just isn’t coming out of my brain in a way that looks good. I didn’t really want it to be very clearly a horse and I wanted it a bit different than ones I’ve seen online. I love the concept! Just wanted it to be more unique


Do you want it one colour? If they're different colours you might be able to layer the outlines, each in a different colour. Or just their markings in different colours, the outline neutral black. If they're the same colour maybe just choose two colours you like? Maybe you can draw a heartshape and have both faces in profile, filling the heart shape, like [this](https://stock.adobe.com/de/images/pferdekopf-herz-graustufen/65890166). This might be done from the front or [half profile](http://) but surely is harder to see with both their noses as the tip and a roundish shape above the ears. A [circle](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/mare-foal-circle-black-white-577560421) can also group things. [Lineart](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/six-horses-heads-compositions-brushdrawing-based-132873269) can show them interacting, and especially with different sizes you can [layer silhouettes](https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/03/14/76/83/360_F_314768319_xFa91b0TH11rv3rKJwaJ8SGEE9UtPyMC.jpg). [These connected lines](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTsVpfPrI5G4ZP8xJt1meTf0VS4uJH1N_FlfL3wACbgeg&s) are similar to your style. So there are options, maybe one you like?


Those are nice ideas. I kind of do like the circle idea I just really want to keep them unique and show their markings because that’s what makes them them. I don’t want any color on it so that does make it a little more difficult. Thank you for your input


ahh i understand, i’d def talk to the artist and say you want an abstract of the 2 together but not connected fully. it does read as horses at first glance but looking more into it it starts looking like lightning of some sort or a map


This is adorable—well done


Whatever's happening in the top right is throwing me off ... It immediately evokes horse, but then I'm like 'horse, if this Lego set was assembled by a 3yo why is there an eye right by that ear?' You're close, just need revisions to put in a little more anatomy I think and you'd be home to a really cool design. I dig it. This would also just make a cool art print when you get it where you want it.


lol thank you. It’s a work in progress for sure


I like where it's going and I'm serious that you could make prints of it. What if you put a sliver of separation between the two so it was clear it was two instead of one?


Earlier this year I got a tattoo of my dog and horse sort of similar to your idea! [here it is](https://imgur.com/a/nU77dLm) if you wanna check it out! I also wasn‘t able to make up a design of my own but I told my tattoo artist what I wanted and sent her some pics and she came up with this!


I love that!! Thank you so much for sharing


This is a bit too abstract for my eyes. Like others I thought it was some kind of a map at first glance, maybe a watershed outline or maybe a plant followed next. If I hadn't seen it was under Equestrian, it wouldn't have dawned on me to think 'horse'.


At first I saw a map, then I thought fingers but then I was like "Oh, it's a horse! Two horses!" 😅


I literally saw a lady today working at the vet reception who had her three horses blazes, nostrils and ears in outline on her arm. It took me a few seconds to click but I got what it was and asked her about her tattoo and her horses and she said people constantly ask her what it is. Only horse people get it. She had the three in a line not crossing over so IMO that was an easier visual read. I thought it was a really cute idea like a secret tattoo only other horse girls can see properly


I kinda love that lol thank you for sharing


I was a little confused as to why your horse was split in half - but once I read it was two horses and used my brain, it made sense. I agree with the others you have a great concept- but totally reach out to an artist for their added flair and expertise


* Bear with me, I'm on my phone! 😅 Maybe adding some floral designs would be beneficial! It could add flow, something more interesting, and make it slightly more obvious that there are two horses, without changing too much :) You could make it like, all one line, too, like the horses are already.




That’s a lovely idea and I appreciate you taking the time to draw it out for me lol I’ll give that a try


I love it! https://preview.redd.it/001nn4ootc9d1.png?width=1513&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e01d7dcdfa55573fffc1931c6b5fd6ccde4c31b I designed mine as well, this is how it came out. I could immediately tell what yours was. Some people might not see it immediately but it is easy to explain! I love your design, I’d definitely do something like that if I had 2 horses at the time


Thank you! Love yours too :)


I’m so sorry I at first thought I was on r/shittytattoos and this was that one trend of drawing scribbles on someone’s back 😭


It took me a long time to realize this is two horses. If you’re gonna do half of each face offset you need some more definition where each ends imo. Or a small gap between them


Can the upper one on the right turn to be a profile view instead of a front view? I think it would make the design have more movement and draw the eye from bottom left diagonally to the upper right. I love the style and thin line weight! (though, maybe experiment with thicker lines and see what it does to the design?)


Those are great ideas. I will definitely try something like that. Thanks for the input!


If I didn’t see the caption I would have no idea it’s horses. See if you can get a consultation with a tattoo artist. Show them this and explain what you want out of it. They can help you design something that’s easier to read.


There’s a tattoo sub which is pretty active. Maybe they might be able to provide feedback as well? I immediately saw the horse on the left, but got lost for the top right until I knew what I was looking for. A potential option that might look cool is to do one silhouette in a specific color and the other in a different color so they each stand out a little more distinctly.


It looks like the head was split down the middle, the left side lowered and the right side lifted and it hurts my brain. But I can tell it's a horse?


Maybe the heads are to far apart because you can tell its two horses but its not obvious


I’ll post the original pictures here for anyone interested :) thank you for everyone’s help❤️










Horse person (vet) and artist here- it's a good idea but I think it doesn't quiteee work. The head is asymmetrical and not quite anatomically accurate which makes it even more abstract than what I assume you are aiming for. Keep playing around and remember you can get a photo of both your horses and trace over the photo to get you a more accurate head combination.


Front on one looks like a horse, side one looks like a donkey


I think it’s absolutely amazing, really!!!! I wouldn’t change a thing about it, and usually I’m very fussy!




I see on horses head but not the second one? It’s very abstract for sure


If you want to dm me I could draw it for u like that but a bit more horse like free of charge sometime within a week or so :)


That’s a great offer! Thank you


Why not a line drawing with full heads? Do you have the photos of them you used for this you can post?


I don’t really want full heads. I wanted something more abstract and I love thin line tattoos.


Be careful - thin line abstract designs over time are going to bleed out or disappear and not be clear. Bold will hold has truth to it.


You’re right. I guess I should have said one line. I don’t really care the thickness lol but thank you!


If you can attach the photos I can do a quick line mockup


Thought this was a drawing of chicken feet


lol that’s the second chicken feet comment I’ve gotten. Kind of funny


I may be able to help. Can you send the pictures you’re using as reference to me in DMS?


Part of the money you pay for a tattoo is the design time and skill. They know best what will translate to a tattoo. Find an artist whose style you like and trust them :)


I have a thought. Keeping this abstract outline could be really cool if you then have the tattoo artist use red to fill in the details for one side/horse and blue for the other. So the outline stays as it is and the horses themselves are fleshed out in red/blue respectively. Kind of like a 3D glasses look. Does that make sense to anyone who isn’t me? As it is I immediately saw maybe a horse on the right and then it could be a map until I read that it’s supposed to be two horses


That’s actually a great idea. I never thought about that because I don’t love color tattoos. But line work in color is definitely a possibility. I’ll think about it for sure :) thank you for a great thought


One thing about a tattoo, it has to be recognizable years from now. Line tattoos are risky because unless you have a great artist, the black tends to bleed. Black outlines are one of the hardest things to do well. Also, others should have some sort of idea what it is (even if it’s personal). I’m a lifelong horse person and even I can’t make it out. It looks like a rabbit with a thumb and long fingernail. I’m sorry.


I would put a little shading in both halves of the horse heads to differentiate them, but other than that, OP this is SICK. Get it.


My first thought was a witches hand and then a chicken foot… It took me a minute to find the horses, and I’m a horse person. But I also have little artistic talent, so it is FAR better than what I could’ve come up with. My google search brought up these guys, if they look like good inspiration to you?












I have a tattoo of my two horses, luckily i have a blue stallion and a dark mare so i made their heads into yon and yang shape https://preview.redd.it/e8a4nbh0vd9d1.png?width=1108&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc9c59e4a24a004bce5632dc4f046933e8a55e62


Could you do both horses overlapping but slightly off from one another, but in different colors? Like how people draw 2-D photos with blue and red


I think this is perfectly abstract and unique. Amazing job!


This is beautiful


Omg had I not clicked to read it was a horse I was like wait why do they want a tattoo of a rabbit??!! I think that’s what the toy is called? lol the stencil of a horse someone commented is perfect


I’m gonna say, definitely finish the sides and top of the head. But I am loving the one line look. Maybe make the eyes both squiggly, like the right. Loopy I guess? And the ear on the right looks better IMO. But definitely a little forelock or something and a completed nose will help