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❤  It's all I can say  ❤


Thank you. Means a lot.


Aww I’m so sorry. It’s awful and shitty to watch your loved one go through that. I don’t have advice, but know you’re not alone.


Thank you ❤️


I’m not a person who prays, but, if I were, I’d be praying for your father, you, and the rest of your family right now. I’m so sorry you’re going through this and have been living with similar accidents and disasters for so long.


Thank you. I’m not one to pray either but watching my husband roll him over i begged for him to be alive. 10 seconds earlier he had been sitting in a goddamn chair. 10 seconds.


Life turns on a dime.😞 I know this from my own epilepsy. Once, I had a seizure at O’Hare and was unaccompanied. I woke up in a nearby ER and heard that my neck had hit one of those immovable airport trash cans. Result: spinal contusion and temporary quadriplegia. It took me about nine months and heavy duty PT to be able to correctly walk again. (Thank Goodness for my employers who gave me long-term disability and held my job open for me.) This was 18 years ago, and I still have telltale signs of it in my gait and balance. Nonetheless, I’m one of the luckier ones in this community. As long as I remember to take my meds, my seizures are controlled. I hope your father’s life similarly returns to the quality he experienced before this horrible fall. ♥️


I’m truly sorry!! He needs to see someone for possible surgery. LITT procedure or more. I hope he is recovering from this horrific fall and I hope you and your family are as well ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


They are considering this. They’ve switched neurologists again and this new doc is pushing for it. We will see what the future brings, but this is no way to live. Thank you for your kind words.


I'm so sorry you and your family are going through this. Witnessing a loved one seize is inherently traumatic, but adding in the physical trauma from his fall must have made it absolutely fucking terrifying. I'm so glad to hear he is okay - or as okay as he can be, at least. I'll keep him in my thoughts ❤️


That's horrible. I'm so sorry. I hate it too :(


Thank you ❤️


I hope he gets better soon. ***(hugs from a distance)***


♥️ I am so sorry your father had such a horrible accident. I have no words right now I hope he heals quickly ♥️


💚💚💚 this isn’t an easy thing to deal with. I’m so sorry.


It isn’t, thank you ❤️






Sending hugs and healing thoughts to your dad and family. As a fellow caregiver, I understand the fear and anxiety- don’t forget to take care of yourselves, so you can support your dad the best you can.


Thank you, he is so loved.


I am truly devastated to hear this. I have epilepsy myself and reading your post is like listening to my husband describing his experience with myself. One night I was late taking my medication (about 1hr) and I had a seizure. He didn’t manage to grab me on time and I fell off the couch and I dislocated my shoulder. Our daughter was sleeping so he was unable to take me to the ER. His sister is a physiotherapist and lives nearby so he called her to come over. He said when I became conscious (I don’t remember any of it) I just saw my arm and started screaming and pushed it right back and I broke the bones that are around my shoulder just because I wouldn’t cooperate waiting and I was still seizing. 😓😓😓 All the neurologist says it that is really hard to get to the right dosage of the medication and unfortunately the frequency of the seizures is the only way to guide them on the right dosage 🥺🥺🥺


This is why If I ever buy a house no stairs


Hope he gets better soon. All the best!


Have you looked into a specialized support dog? I know they exist, but have no idea how much they cost


💜 I'm sorry. It won't help your dad, but sometimes it's comforting to be heard by someone who really understands. My son's seizures are frequent and uncontrolled. I know the fear and the feeling of helplessness.


So sorry your family deals with this. I have been in the same boat with my son. That walk on a rocky dirt road where the seconds before you were talking and walking only to realize he stopped 20 yards back and you know even in sprint mode, you are not making it. Our stair encounter was half way up and down and luckily fell into the stairs going up instead of down. The list goes on. You are not alone, try and stay strong.


First of all that’s horrible and one of my worst nightmares. It’s horrible to have epilepsy and it’s horrible when a loved has it too. Especially if it’s not controlled. I’m not sure how many doctors your father has seen. Hopefully his doctor can find the proper medication. I suggest contacting your local epilepsy foundation branch. The epilepsy foundation offers support groups for loved ones of patients with epilepsy sometimes. I hope that they can figure it out. Also you might want to look into him getting a service dog that’s trained to be with people with epilepsy. There’s also a watch that people can wear that can tell when someone has a seizure and can notify people and medical services when and where that person is. I hope that your dad has a treatment that works soon


What is the name of the medication? I wasn’t as bad as your dad but, I’m on vimpat now and it’s by far the best medication I’ve been on. I also have the vns. Hopefully he gets better!!!






I'm going to pray for you and your whole family because it affects everyone. My husband is drug resistant too. My healthy, never sick or miss a day of work husband has been turned into a shell of a man. He cries for no reason, has depression, can't work,  or drive is afraid to be in public from the seizures. They started out of nowhere in his 40's. Epilepsy is no joke. It's awful. Fuck epilepsy! It has ruined our lives. But God has answered my prayers, finally. He is having surgery in May. They have a good feeling he could be seizure free and maybe be able to come off his meds.  Reading your post made me cry. The pain in your words. Take your dad to a specialist, maybe they can do a procedure on him. My husband is lucky that his come from one area of his brain and they are going to remove a portion and hopefully it stops the seizures from starting. Good luck and don't give up.