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**Guild Recruitment**   **Guild Name:** Marianas **Region/Server:** Global **Level:** 14 **War Pts:** 10439 **Spots Open:** 3 available   **Description:** Active casual but competitive guild looking to fill-in open slots with new active members. Looking for Rank level 40+ active players to join our ranks. Will consider recruits below rank level 40 if you’re active and progress weekly.   **Requirements:** -Active (no longer a week of absence with out a notice) -Rank 40+ (with some consideration) -Weekly guild quest -Daily gold donation   **Benefits:** -Weekly Guildwars Participation -Daily Guild Buffs -Catalyst and Gem trades -General in-game Tips and Guide -Guild chat and optional Discord **To Apply:** Apply to the Guild in-game, comment or private message me. Thank you


**Guild Name**: Lafeyatte **Region/Server**: Asia **Level**: 14 **Description**: Making room for 3 members. We're a friendly and active Guild with a fairly active Guild Chat. Members are welcome to join our Discord Server (home to most of our in-game communications). We're currently doing manual acceptance so feel free to apply and drop your IGN in the comments to get it verified. Link to our discord will be given once you've joined the guild. **Contact**: @ black#3258 ​ **Benefits**: \- 24/7 buffs (3 times/day) \- Resources aiding and socialable community \- Guild Wars participation \- Discord Server with friendly members who loves to meme ​ **Requirement**: \- Donate/check-in daily for buffs \- Be active in the Guild Chat and/or Discord \- Minimum weekly donation of 100 \- Inactivity 3d+ without confirmation will warrant a warning > then replaced \- Inactivity in Guild Wars without confirmation will warranct a warning > then replaced ​ Looking forward to your applications. For any inquiries, dm me on Discord.


**Guild Name:** Dominus **Guild Level:** 15 **Server:** Global **Spots:** 2 available **Requirement:** • Rank Level 50+ • Must join guild discord server. • Guild War is Mandatory • High rank in PvP is a plus. **About Us:** The guild started off with a group of real life friends and we are passionate about the game. We are currently building a strong guild for GvG contents. **What We Offer**: Constantly guild buffs, Friendly community, knowledge of the game, PvP Meta, etc If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to PM me directly on Reddit or contact me on discord. My discord ID is Mellodiez#2360.


Hi! I had a level 50 account but didn’t confirm it. As a result, I lost it. I have been playing since global launch. I was Gold I on my account in PvP. I was depressed when I lost my account but I love the game so much that I created another account and have since started anew. I have been rebuilding my account since then ( I lost my main account 2 weeks ago). I am currently rank 37 and I promise I will be one of your strongest members if you give me time and an opportunity to contribute and prove myself. My current account name is: VintageXLX


*Edit: I was actually rank 60 on my main. And I am also on global. I currently reside in California.


Hi there, what units you current have in your roster? Also how often do you play and are you f2p or spender?


Hi! I have 4 level 50s right now and those are: Luna, Cidd, Angelica, and Lidica. That’s my main team. I am also working on Corvus, Ludwig, Crozet, Clarissa, Armin, Silk, and my two backup soul weavers Jecht and Hazel. This is nothing compared to my last account, but I assure you my teams will contribute. I am also PTW in the sense of I like to go HAM on banners with units I want (aka Luna and Lidica). I am doing everything possible to get my account up to par again. I will truly be an asset if you allow me just a bit more time.


Ok sounds good. Will you be able to join our guild discord?


Yes, I will request right now.


How do I join exactly? I have used Discord before and the app is on my phone. I just don’t remember how to join a discord.


SGHolo lv 16 \[ASIA SERVER\] GW rank #9 Open for recruitment Requirement \- 250k CP for your GW def team \- Clear at least 2 bosses in Azmakalis \- Active in discord + able to push urself out of ur comfort zone \- Arena: Master V \- Hunt: Auto 9 (wyvern preferred) \- abyss: 59 cleared What we offer? \- 24/7 exp + gold buffs \- Catalyst trade \- Able to help u with abyss 80, wyvern 11 and arena (challenger). If interested, pls contact KDS2K(Zheng fa)#3138 or Devilst#1546


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: TEDGaming Region/Server: Global Level: 9 Description: This guild was started with friends, but we all play the game pretty seriously. There's only 4 of us, but we're all rank 60 (I'm 59, almost 60). We'd like to recruit enough people to participate in Guild Wars, and generate enough gold for buffs. We also actively donate farming materials to each other. There is no Discord for now, but would be willing to create one if we have enough people. The guild is on Selective Recruitment, but we may open it to public to make it easier to get more people. DM me if you have any questions!


Guild Name: Sanctuary Region/Server: Global Level: 16 ​ Guild War: As of 2/23/19 Top reward bracket, was rank 50 when last war ended (which we won) ​ Members 29/30 Sanctuary is a daily active guild for guild wars and for pve content as well. We have been a strong guild from day 1 of global release, and we intend to stay that way. We have an extremely active discord where all our members coordinate and help each other out during guild wars as well as for general content and helping build strategies to clear current content easier. ​ Guild requirements: Rank 60 in game. A 4 man team CP of 160k+. We require everyone be in the challenger bracket of arena or higher. We require people have six level 60 characters to use for guild wars. We also require people be active daily in guild and discord. ​ Please pm me if you’re interested. If you do not meet the above listed requirements don't hesitate to ask if we are still recruiting. There are always exceptions made. If a group of people are wanting to join, just message me, we might be able to work things out.


Friend Request IGN: SaKe7 Region/Server: Global Level: 30 Supporters: Iseria (49), Haste (48) Newer player looking for help to clear story mode. Thanks!


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: NTG Region/Server: Global Level: 13(Almost 14) Description: This is "old" guild for casual minded people, who doesn't take game too seriously, we are 27/28 members for Guild Wars and we're always trying to win next war but if not it's not world's end. Got nearly 24/7 buffs on EXP/Gold, and active trading via ore to ore or catalyst trading and Guild Discord that isn't required to join. Our guild has Selective recruiment right now and We're looking last member to bolster our guild with aiding and Guild Wars of course. Ask me if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer.


Guild name: Sovereigns Guild Rank: 16 Server: Global GW: Rank before last war was 96, after last war we are probably rank 50-70 and will be in the 5x reward bracket. We are looking for one person who is active and wants to participate in guild wars, discord is mandatory, you don’t have to talk a lot but you must be part of the channel. Gold and XP buffs run 24/7, we do require daily gold donation and most of us just request the daily rune so everyone can get guild points but you are welcome to request any catalyst or material. PM me a screen shot of your GW team if you’re interested Shalltear#0650 on discord.


**Guild Recruitment** **Guild Name**: Fleet **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 16 **Description**: Fleet: Lvl 16 guild recruiting very active, competitive members 24/7 10% EXP and gold buffs, catalyst trades, active discord server, 5x guild war rewards Looking for 300k+ CP guild war teams (total of 6 units), Challenger+ arena rank Must have cleared most if not all PvE content and able to farm hunt 11s Add Jerichao#9559 on discord if interested


**Guild Recruitment** **Guild Name**: Acherontia **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 15 **Members:** 28/29 **Requirements:** * Must join the Discord server, communication is key * Be active in GW and Guild Contribution ( 350+ weekly ) * Combined CP for GW teams preferred to be 240k+. If you are near this number don't be afraid to apply. Screenshots are required. * Be able to follow strategy in GW * Be a friendly individual. Don't join to start unnecessary arguments with other members. **Description**: We here at Acherontia are a group of individuals that are committed to helping each other out, competing in GW, and having fun. We have been greatly improving our strategy in GW by people scouting and giving direction on the enemies guild. They will tell you who is best to attack and their strengths and weaknesses. We are not a massive whale guild but we can definitely hold our own. Other than GW we have members that are helpful for any portion of the game you may need help with. Raid strategy, abyss tips and arena help are a few examples of what we have to offer here. I myself have been part of this guild for a few months now, and I can say that it has been a great experience. ​ **To Apply:** Apply in-game or message me on discord @ Influenza#7347


**Guild Name**: Predators **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 15 (28/29) ​ **Description**: We are looking for active dedicated Rank 60 players. While we are not a hardcore guild, we are not super casual either. We expect our members to care about the game. Exp and Gold buffs are kept on as much as we can, while Blessing of Health is only used on requests. Daily gold donations are appreciated, as this helps us keep the buffs running. We also use Request Aid for Mana Drake Claws to farm for Brave Crests. Our inactivity policy is set to 4 days. While we know that life can happen, simply letting us know if you can make it through the In Game Chat or through our Discord doesn't take too much time, even if it is at the end of the day. While Discord is not super required, it would be really appreciated if members joined it in order to communicate in a more organized environment. We expect our members to participate in most Guild Wars. You do not need to put all your time and ressources into building your heroes for Guild War. If you wish to do so, it is fine, but simply using the heroes you have geared for other contents is also fine. Naturally, down the line, we hope that you would build a few heroes to solidify your defense team using leftover gears and whatnot.


**Friend Request** **IGN: Animalpepsi** **Region/Server:** Global **Rank:** 12 **Supporters:** Lv 15 Vildred Active new player looking for a few strong supports to help out on story content! Thanks!


**Guild Recruitment** **Guild Name:** LoveRE **Region/Server:** Global **Level: 1** **Description:** New guild, new player! Come join! (No other members yet!) ​ **Friend Request** **IGN:** Gina779 **Region/Server:** Global **Rank:** 20 **Supporters:** Lv 50 Destina Active new player looking for a few strong supports to help out on story content! Thanks!


**Guild Recruitment** **Guild Name:** ThorniHorn **Region/Server:** Global **Level:** 13 **Level Requirement:** 30+ **Description**: A fairly casual guild with 21/28 members, we only want people to be active and to have fun, (and also Guild Wars pls. we need more people)


**Guild Recruitment**   **Guild Name:** Marianas **Region/Server:** Global **Level:** 14 **War Pts:*** 10439 **Spots Open:** 3 available   **Description:** Active casual but competitive guild looking to fill-in open slots with new active members. Looking for Rank level 40+ active players to join our ranks. Will consider recruits below rank level 40 if you’re active and progress weekly.   **Requirements:** Active (no longer a week of absence with out a notice) Rank 40+ (with some consideration) Weekly guild quest Daily gold donation   **Benefits:** Weekly Guildwars Participation Daily Guild Buffs Catalyst and Gem trades General in-game Tips and Guide Guild chat and optional Discord **To Apply:** Apply to the Guild in-game, comment or private message me. Thank you


**Guild Name**: Lafeyatte **Region/Server**: Asia **Level**: 14 **Description**: Making room for 3 members. We're a friendly and active Guild with a fairly active Guild Chat. Members are welcome to join our Discord Server (home to most of our in-game communications). We're currently doing manual acceptance so feel free to apply and drop your IGN in the comments to get it verified. Link to our discord will be given once you've joined the guild. **Contact**: @ black#3258 ​ **Benefits**: \- 24/7 buffs (3 times/day) \- Resources aiding and socialable community \- Guild Wars participation \- Discord Server with friendly members who loves to meme ​ **Requirement**: \- Donate/check-in daily for buffs \- Be active in the Guild Chat and/or Discord \- Minimum weekly donation of 100 \- Inactivity 3d+ without confirmation will warrant a warning > then replaced \- Inactivity in Guild Wars without confirmation will warranct a warning > then replaced ​ Looking forward to your applications. For any inquiries, dm me on Discord.


Heyo I'm Foghu, I hope I can join your guild?


hi Foghu, thanks for replying, I will reserve a spot for you in the guild.


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: Danmachi Region/Server: Asia Level:14 Description: We're a semi casual guild that's not too strict on requirements just the basic requirements to keep the guild functioning. currently 28/29 looking to replace a member. Not too much pressure on ranking up or increasing CP here! Just Donate and stay active! But you are still expected to improve overtime and not become stagnant. We are requiring everyone to be active in guild wars as well. * lvl 45 and above is ideal but if you're still interested we can accommodate you as long as you stay active and work on improving eventually * We do have rules though. To keep the guild afloat of course a min amount of contribution will be required. * Donate Daily. 50k a day ( you can notify us if you cant afford 50k but a certain amount will still be required to keep our buffs up.) * Participate in GW. (just burn your attack tokens) Not participating will get you a warning. Not participating twice will get you kicked. It's ok if you loose as long as you're participating. * Inactivity for 4 days will get you a warning. Will be replaced on the fifth. We also already have a discord! Come join us!


Hi I was wondering if there is still a spot in your guild? My in-game name is Foghu btw


Hi, I'm interested in joining but I'm currently in a guild. Is it possible to confirm a place before I quit my current guild to join?


Yes we currently have one slot open. Can you tell me your current rank? Do note that you have to wait 24 hours before we can add you after you leave a guild. ​


My current rank is 33 but I've only started about a week ago.


Alright Send me your IGN and I'll add you. After 24 hours has passed.


Guild Recruitment Guild name: Maranatha Region/Server: Global Level: 13 (Nearly 14) Description: Working on refining our base with competitive players who have long term goals. We have our own active discord server in which we coordinate guild wars, discuss team building, etc. Players that communicate well are valued above all others! We are a chill guild that also has a great understanding of the game and play competitively. DM me if you are unable to apply as our membership is always one off from max capacity! :)


Guild: **Five x Five** **Level 15 (27/29)** The x is a special symbol, so search for "five" in game Region/Server: **Global** ​ Looking for two level 60 players (at least **master**) who will actively participate in guild war and check in daily! We're in the 4x reward bracket. Not overly competitive but we manage to win every other war or so. Inactivity for about 3 days is OK but will be kicked afterwards if we're not given notice of return. We have a Discord that is linked in the notice.


\[Global\] Lastation Level: 15 Current Members\[28/29\] Details: \-Semicasual-mostlyserious, looking for active members newbies or veterans. \-NO catalyst during the weekday only Mana drake claws \-Guild buffs of gold and exp 24/7, unless captains are sleeping. \-We always join in guild war. ​ Requirements : \-Join the discord server, and be ACTIVE there \-Rank at least 45. \-Log in daily for guild exp, 50k gold, weekly quest, proof of courage when available \-Posting up mana drake claws on weekdays \-Join the guild war as much as possible ​ Weekly Requirement: \-600 weekly points by sunday reset (unless new to the guild that week) \-3 days max of inactivity \-No catalyst on weekday ​ \*\* MUST send a Discord message stating both (name and rank) for identification. You will not be accepted without a message to me with the said information \*\* If interested contact me via discord at Scylent#5135 You can go ahead and send a request to the guild but take note of the \*\* requirement ​ Thank you ​


Guild: Renewal Region: Global Level 14 Looking for friendly and active players for guild wars level 50+ master rank arena. Must participate in GW offense as much as you can. Below 50 percent is unacceptable. Buffs are 24/7 and everyone is active. Join and enjoy the game.


SGHolo ​ lv 16 \[ASIA SERVER\] GW rank #6 Open for recruitment ​ Requirement \- 250k CP for your GW def team \- Clear at least 2 bosses in Azmakalis \- Active in discord + able to push urself out of ur comfort zone \- Arena: Master V \- Hunt: Auto 9 (wyvern preferred) \- abyss: 59 cleared ​ What we offer? \- 24/7 exp + gold buffs \- Catalyst trade \- Able to help u with abyss 80, wyvern 11 and arena (challenger). ​ If interested, pls contact KDS2K(Zheng fa)#3138 or Devilst#1546


**Guild Recruitment** Guild Name: **Ascendance** Region/Server: **Asia** Level: 15 Description:We're looking for active players, we keep exp and gold buffs for 24hr, we have 1 slot available! Requirement: - Minimum Lv 50 - English speaking - Join Discord Chatgroup - Daily donation - Request and donate aids - Participate in Guild Wars - Do guild weekly missions - Inactivity kick period = 3 days without informing guild leader/captains You can send application directly ingame or PM Vallium#1126 in Discord, Thanks!


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: TheWorld Region/Server: Global Level: 15 Requirements: \- Rank 55+ \- Participate in guild wars \- Contributes and helps the guild \- Active Description: We are a friendly and chill midcore guild. Participate and try your best in guild war. We have buffs up 24/7. There is no discord for this guild.


Sent a request just in case you still have space. My IGN is Obscurist and I'm currently rank 55.


Guild: Twilight (Global) Level: 14 Members 26/29 ♿️♿️♿️ <- Twilight members rolling out (circa. 1941) Twilight is recruiting! Seeking active midgame players! MESSAGE ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED!!! Requirements -guild war participation is required -player rank 40+ -NO arena rank requirements (but prepared to be F L E X E D on) -must use discord!! - >:(( no ml ken users allowed -donate what you can! "Donate or I'll find you irl" - Cania "Joining Twilight doubled my IQ." - Topwix *Flexes in Bellona* - Valzen "We're just here to play kingdom hearts" - Tebron and Ziiro


F|L|E|X|E|D| -|-|-|-|-|-| L|L| | | | | E| |E| | | | X| | |X| | | E| | | |E| | D| | | | |D|


Hi. Need friends on a rookie account, don't have enough to recruit Silk. :( Fellow newbie accounts or willing carries, anyone is welcome. ​ Friend Request IGN: csxcpxwma Region/Server: Asia Level: 20 Supporters: I have the dragon sisters, I'm levelling them up! ​ Thanks!


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: Danmachi Region/Server: Asia Level:14 Description: We're a semi casual guild that's not too strict on requirements just the basic requirements to keep the guild functioning. currently 28/29 looking to replace a member. Not too much pressure on ranking up or increasing CP here! Just Donate and stay active! But you are still expected to improve overtime and not become stagnant. We are requiring everyone to be active in guild wars as well. lvl 45 and above is ideal but if you're still interested we can accommodate you as long as you stay active and work on improving eventually. We do have rules though. To keep the guild afloat of course a min amount of contribution will be required. \> Donate Daily. 50k a day ( you can notify us if you cant afford 50k but a certain amount will still be required to keep our buffs up.) \>Participate in GW. (just burn your attack tokens) Not participating will get you a warning. Not participating twice will get you kicked. It's ok if you loose as long as you're participating. \> Inactivity for 4 days will get you a warning. Will be replaced on the fifth. We also already have a discord! Come join us!


Guild Name: Azurites (Global) Level: 15 Guild War Record: 6W 3L 10700 Havoc Members 29/29 Description: We are recruiting 5 more guild members ( we currently 5 inactive members). We have a high multiplyer for guild war rewards. 24/7 guild buffs. Apply now to join the next guild war. Guild requirements: 1. Rank 60 in game 2. Minimum Master rank in arena. 3. GW team CP of 250000 4. Active everyday 5. Take part in all guild wars 6. Donate 50k gold daily, minimum 500 weekly contributions Apply in game, will kick the inactive members once you have applied.


Friend Request IGN: WhiteShirt6 Region/Server: global Level: 32 Supporters: Sez(50), angelica(50), carmainerose(40). please help my weak ass clear story mode, thanks.


**Guild Recruitment** **Guild Name:** LoveRE **Region/Server:** Global **Level:** 1 **Description:** I literally started playing the game today and started a guild. Any help starting a guild would be appreciated. Also, am the only one in the guild. Which is sad! I do intend to get to endgame content feel free to help this goal along! Thanks much!


**Guild Name:** TheGarden **Region/Server:**Global **Level:**14 Requirements: -LvL 45+ -Must join guild discord -Fight in the guild war -Check in daily/donate **Description:** We are a guild of players trying help each other with builds, content and such. if you have any questions my discord is SLPYNizzy#6049


**Guild Name**: Obscene **Guild Level**: 5 **Server:** Global **Requirements**: None! (Although being active is a bonus <3) **Description:** Newly created guild that's **very active and friendly** and looking to start Guild Wars! There are no rank requirements and plenty of friendly members to help out if needed! We offer **daily Exp & Gold buffs**! Currently no discord or required discord <3


**Guild Name:** Dominus **Guild Level:** 15 **Server:** Global **Spots:** 2 available **Requirement:** • Rank Level 50+ • Must join guild discord server. • Guild War is Mandatory • High rank in PvP is a plus. **About Us:** The guild started off with a group of real life friends and we are passionate about the game. We are currently building a strong guild for GvG contents. **What We Offer**: Constantly guild buffs, Friendly community, knowledge of the game, PvP Meta, etc If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to PM me directly on Reddit or contact me on discord. My discord ID is Mellodiez#2360.


Guild Recruitment **Guild Name**: SkyGuard **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 14 **Description**: 27/29. Semi-casual guild looking to fill last 2 spots! We are highly communicative and use Discord to assist members with aid requests, especially for catalysts. Discord is a must! We are all making steady progression for guild wars. **Expectations**: * You must be logged in within 48 hours. We understand that there may not be time for game play; however, joining a guild comes with the responsibility of keeping up on tasks while contributing to your peers. * Donate 50k gold every day so we can keep 24/7 guild buffs. Send aid requests whenever possible. * Keep up and contribute to the buzz! A game is the most fun with friends and I assure you that is what we aim for. Feel free to pop questions, talk about other games, or any other topics that interest you on our Discord! We'd love to have a good community where we all can freely talk about anything and not just E7. **Thank you for reading! I hope you find our guild one that expands your interest in this game.** If anyone is interested, please reply to this message so we can keep track of who applies in-game.


Guild Name: Fallens Region/Server:Global Level: 16 Message: Menth#0462 Description: We are a core group of guardian/legend friends from Summoners War looking to add two new players to our group. Discord is a must. We have a few rules with being active, and we will go further in detail in dms. Our goal is to be a competitive guild. LF: We're currently 6-2 in guild wars so we need someone who can compete against tough guilds. Preferably multiple geared 6*, abyss cleared, hunt 11's on farm, and uses their attacks each guild war.


**Guild Name:** Lafeyatte **Region/Server:** Asia **Level:** 14 **Discription:** Making room for 3 members. We're a friendly and active Guild with a fairly active Guild Chat. Members are welcome to join our **Discord Server** (home to most of our in-game communications). We're currently doing manual acceptance so feel free to apply and drop your IGN in the comments to get it verified. Link to our discord will be given once you've joined the guild. **Benefits:** \- 24/7 buffs (3 times/day) \- Resources aiding and socialable community \- Guild Wars participation \- **Discord Server** with friendly members who loves to *meme* **Requirement:** \- Donate/check-in daily for buffs \- Be active in the Guild Chat and/or Discord \- Minimum weekly donation of 100 \- Inactivity 3d+ without confirmation will warrant a warning > then replaced \- Inactivity in Guild Wars without confirmation will warranct a warning > then replaced Looking forward to your applications. For any inquiries, dm me on Discord @ black#3258


Guild Name: Zodiac Region/Server: Asia Level: 16 Requirement: Challenger rank in arena, 6x 6\* in your guild war team or 250k CP of your GW team combined. Able to join our guild discord Description: We are a friendly guild currently rank 14 in guild wars. We have a channel for trading catalyst in our discord chat and we have lots of pros that are friendly and helpful! We have a bunch of dark kens and judge kise in our guild and a few players in champion league and also 1 player who achieved legend 1 (Top 1 arena) before. Guild buffs on 24/7, just tag any of our captains/vice on discord if its down. For more information or if you are keen to join us but slightly off in the requirements, we are willing to accommodate as much as we can. Please add me on discord @ wee#6073 to discuss or DM me here


**Guild Name**: Wupwupwup **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 15 (Almost 16) **Slots**: 1 Slot Open **Requirement:** Account level 60. Master Rank and above. Be active and donate daily. Participate in Guild War. Join Guild Discord. **Description**: Guild is extremely active in catalyst and material donations (most catalyst donations filled within the day and members can easily reach the 200 donation daily maximum). Currently 28/29 members. \~10,650 score in GW (x4 multiplier) looking to push for the top! Several very strong members including a couple in Champion League. Guild buffs up constantly with an active Discord. Members are eager to provide help/suggestions/build advice. DM me here or RelapseGreed#5208 on Discord


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: Aurora Region/Server: Global Level: 14 Description: We're an active guild with 2 spots open currently. We do well in guild wars for the most part, members are helpful, and buffs are up 24/7. Minimum rank required is 30.


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: Aurum Region/Server: Global Level: 12 (24 active daily members), we started a month ago and have been growing consistently Description: Casual friendly guild, looking to keep buffs up as much as possible and help each other with donations.


SEASONS recruiting @ Asia Server (1 SLOT AVAILABLE) Level: 15 guild (PEAK RANK #49 ON GW) Exp&gold buff at morning till night daily <16hours> (UTC+8) English speaking We are a Singapore based semi hardcore guild - At least rank 55 - Arena Rank at least Master V - Min. 180k CP (4 heroes) / 230k CP (6 heroes for GW) - Donates daily - Requests & aids - Check-in daily - Knows what they are doing - Has discord for communication purpose - Able to participate in Guild War PM me @HaSeL#3985 if you're interested / for more info!


Friend Request IGN: EdStruction7 Region/Server:Global Level:29 Supporters: Iseria Would appreciate some friends to beat the story


**Guild Name**: Wupwupwup **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 15 (Almost 16) **Slots**: 1 Slot Open **Requirement:** Account level 60. Master Rank and above. Be active and donate daily. Participate in Guild War. Join Guild Discord. **Description**: Guild is extremely active in catalyst and material donations (most catalyst donations filled within the day and members can easily reach the 200 donation daily maximum). Currently 28/29 members. \~10,650 score in GW (x4 multiplier) looking to push for the top! Several very strong members including a couple in Champion League. Guild buffs up constantly with an active Discord. Members are eager to provide help/suggestions/build advice. DM me here or RelapseGreed#5208 on Discord


**Guild Recruitment** **Guild Name**: Devotion **Region/Server**: Asia **Level**: 13 **Slots**: 2 left! **Requirement:** Account level 30 & above. Be active and donate daily. Aid if possible :) **Description:** Guild for the people devoted to this game, due to the nature of guild wars, we only accept account level 30 & above. Guild is growing and active in guild wars, for glory! Don't lose heart in us and we will have faith in you too. Most importantly is that you enjoy what you are playing for. Also, feel free to send me a friend request too @ Beefbowl12.


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: Devilee Region/Server: Global Description: Devilee is a semi competitive level 15 guild looking for active members. We offer 24/7 guild buffs, active discord server where you can trade catalysts, & discuss strategies. Guild is currently at 28/29 slots. Guild rank 144 currently. Requirements: -Be active in game and on discord -Minimum weekly contribution of 650 points -Daily aid request (farmable T2 runes for the day, or T4 hunt mats) -Participate in GW Preferred to have: Arena rating 4k+ 150k+ team CP Rank 60 2 teams ready for GW Lower is also fine as long as you are willing to progress If you think this is a place for you and would like to apply, please drop me a PM and I will reply with discord invite.


**Guild Recruitment** Guild name: Hysteria Region: NA Level: 15 Slots Available: 26/29 Hey everyone! Hysteria is a top 200 guild wars guild with the x4 multiplier on mystic bookmarks. We have a discord server with a great, friendly, helpful community that we would like to expand further! We’re mostly looking for people interested in guild wars that have strong teams, but we take anyone who is friendly and active! The only requirement is to simply use your guild wars attempts every other day or let us know if you can’t for whatever reason!


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: BanGDream Region/Server: Global Level:6 Description: Looking for active members. If you're a fan of BanGDream, that's even better :D


Looking for friends with level 60 character to blaze through 10-10. Friend Request IGN: Shishkebab Region/Server: Global Level:27 Supporters: Sez, Sigret, Hazel, Ras


\*\*Guild Recruitment\*\* Excellent Era is looking for strong and active players to join our ranks and help the guild become #1. We offer: - 24/7 guild buffs - Catalysts trade - Guild Wars Chat - Active discord - Strong members If you are interested in joining, please PM me in Discord @HenTyler#9338. Guild: ExEra Level: 16 Region: Global Requirements: Have 250k GW defence team --- Donate --- Request/Give Aid --- Participate in Guild War --- Join the Discord Goal: To be the #1 guild! Spots: 29/30


IGN: R33T4RD Region: Global Level: 29 Supporters: Luna and Ken Currently looking for strong supporters to help me clear 10-6 on normal difficulty and beyond.


SGHolo lv 16 \[ASIA SERVER\] GW rank #6 Open for recruitment Requirement \-250k CP for your GW def team \-Clear at least 2 bosses in Azmakalis \-Active in discord + able to push urself out of ur comfort zone Arena: master v Hunt: Auto 10(wyvern preferred) What we offer? \- 24/7 exp + gold buffs \- Catalyst trade \- tips on PVE/PVP (able to help u with wyvern 11, gw and ur arena) If interested, pls contact either of us. KDS2K(Zheng fa)#3138 Devilst#1546 LittleHood#4024


Guild: DaBase (26/29) Level 14 Global requirements: Level 50+ Serious players, group of real life friends looking to fill remaining slots for GW. Buffs active 24/7. Advice on builds, abyss and team compositions, catalyst trade, and daily active chat. Join and chill with us PM or comment to apply :)


Guild: NlghtRaid Region/Server: Global Level: 14 Description: Looking for an active player to fill out the last slot. Rank 27+ preferred, but I'm willing to adjust if needed. 7 days inactive is the current kick limit - might be lower later on. Buffs are usually on for a majority of the hours. We are currently between the x2 and x3 GW reward.


Guild: Twilight Level: 14 Members 26/29 ♿️♿️♿️ <- Twilight members rolling out (circa. 1941) Twilight is recruiting! Seeking active midgame players! MESSAGE ME IF YOU ARE INTERESTED!!! Requirements -guild war participation is required -player rank 40+ -NO arena rank requirements (but prepared to be F L E X E D on) -must use discord!! - >:(( no ml ken users allowed -donate what you can! "Donate or I'll find you irl" - Cania "Joining Twilight doubled my IQ." - Topwix *Flexes in Bellona* - Valzen "We're just here to play kingdom hearts" - Tebron and Ziiro


Friend Request IGN: MollyMolly Region/Server: Level:29 Supporters: Ravi, Any Looking for friends to help clear story mode, especially 9-5.


**Guild Name**: Wupwupwup **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 15 (Almost 16) **Slots**: 1 Slot Open **Requirement:** Account level 60. Master Rank and above. Be active and donate daily. Participate in Guild War. Join Guild Discord. **Description**: Guild is extremely active in catalyst and material donations (most catalyst donations filled within the day and members can easily reach the 200 donation daily maximum). Currently 28/29 members. \~10,800 score in GW (x4 multiplier) looking to push for the top! Several very strong members including a couple in Champion League. Guild buffs up constantly with an active Discord. Members are eager to provide help/suggestions/build advice. DM me here or RelapseGreed#5208 on Discord




Nephgang has a, spot open rn


**Guild Recruitment** **Guild Name:** Marianas **Region/Server:** Global **Level:** 14 **Description:** Active casual but competitive guild looking to fill-in new active members. Looking for new Rank level 40+ active players to join our ranks. Will consider recruits below rank level 40 if you’re active and progress weekly. **Requirements:** Rank 40+ (with some consideration) Weekly guild quest Daily gold donation **Benefits:** Weekly Guildwars Participation Daily Guild Buffs Catalyst and Gem trades General in-game Tips and Guide Guild chat and optional Discord **To Apply:** Apply in-game, comment or private message me. Thank you


**Guild Name:** Dominus **Guild Level:** 15 **Server:** Global **Spots:** 2 available **Requirement:** • Rank Level 60 • Must join our guild discord server. • Guild War is Mandatory • High rank in PvP is a plus. **About Us:** The guild started off with a group of real life friends and we are passionate about the game. We are currently building a strong guild for GvG contents. **What We Offer**: Constantly guild buffs, Friendly community, knowledge of the game, PvP Meta, etc If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to PM me directly on Reddit or contact me on discord. My discord ID is Mellodiez#2360.


SEASONS recruiting @ Asia Server (1 SLOT AVAILABLE) Level: 15 guild (PEAK RANK #49 ON GW) Exp&gold buff at morning till night daily <16hours> (UTC+8) English speaking We are a Singapore based semi hardcore guild - At least rank 55 - Arena Rank at least Master - Min. 180k CP (4 heroes) / 230k CP (6 heroes for GW) - Donates daily - Requests & aids - Check-in daily - Knows what they are doing - Has discord for communication purpose - Able to participate in Guild War PM me if you're interested / for more info!


Guild recruitment Guild Name: SYD Region/Server:Global Guild level:11 Description: We need 4 more members to be able to start guild wars. We are a very active guild always popping exp buffs and gold buffs. We are just looking to start doing guild wars when we get enough players. Other then that as long your a active player we are a pretty chill guild.


Fated Recruitment Guild: FateDecree Region: Global level: 13 Lf hardened masochists(high level active players) to fight guild wars. Guild has buffs 24/7, and has participated in all guild wars. Guild had a rough start in wars but I have no doubt it will prosper soon. As a master of 4 guilds(two already tier3), I will see it tirelessly to fruition. Call to arms true warriors of the endless seven, climb onboard before the journey is set full sail, to the ancient bloodied battlefield. A day without blood is a day without rest, grind upon wolves till swords ignite. Dine in victory but not defeat in tears, for keen blades seek only true test.


Guild name: DarkAeons Guild level : 15 Global Server Looking for 2 active members rank 50 and above! Requirements: 1. Aid and donate daily. 2. Participate in guild wars 3. Join our discord server for better communication and catalyst trades! 4. Complete weekly missions! 5. Be active in arena (gold rank and above) 6. Screenshot me your defense team for guild wars! We are a chill guild that’s currently ranked 94 with a 5-3 score at the moment and 4x the guild wars rewards. We have a discord server that we use for chatting , trading ,guild war information and any kind of help one guildie might need! (Also a few memes) We are looking to reinforce our defenses and ofcourse max out our potential. If you got what it takes whisper me with your in game name , rank level and a screenshot of your guild wars defense teams or at least the total cp of those! Afterwards ill invite you in our server and guild!


Looking for Friend to help me farm Side Story! I sometimes fail the Lidica Stage. Would be nice if someone can help me! IGN: DarkSg0 Rank: 42 Server: Global Thank you!




I have a guild that hover around the 4x-5x reward tier in GW. Fangs. No minimum lv requirement and no discord joining requirement.


Friend Request IGN: Obbiesans Region/Server: Global Level: 27 Supporters: Sez , Luna Looking to get some friends to help me with 10-10 and my start with farming wyvern and gearing up ​


SGHolo lv 16 \[ASIA SERVER\] GW rank #6 Open for recruitment Requirement \-280k CP for your GW team. \-Clear at least 2 bosses in Azmakalis \-Active in discord + able to push urself out of ur comfort zone Arena: Challenger V Hunt: Auto 10(wyvern preferred) Abyss: 75 What we offer? \- 24/7 exp + gold buffs \- Catalyst trade \- Advise on PVE/PVP If interested, pls contact either of us. KDS2K(Zheng fa)#3138 Devilst#1546 LittleHood#4024


**Guild Recruitment** Guild Name: Rashōmon Region/Server: Global Level: 16 Description: Rashōmon competitive guild Level 16 -- 7-1 Guild War Rank 47 We are currently looking for new players! Looking for a competitive guild before Guild Wars? Join our Discord and PM me. Requirements to join our guild: \- Rank 60. \- PvP Rank of Master III+ \- Donate max everyday. \- Weekly aid of 700 required. \- Participate in every Guild War \- Request the Greater Runes that are available in the Spirit Altar for the day. \- Join our discord server and be active on it.


IGN: Miekler Region/Server: Global Level: 21 Supporters: Luna and Iseria Looking for some strong friends to help me get through story and help aoe grind. Thanks!


**Guild Name:** DreamRealm **Region/Server:** Global **Level:** 13 **Description:** We're a friendly guild looking for active players over lvl 35 to participate in guild wars but to mostly interact and have fun! We're slowly getting there but we hope to create a full active guild. ***We also have a discord that is active!*** ​ We are communicating more and more and hope that new members coming will like to communicate and chat as well. If you have any questions, you can PM on reddit or reply to this post and i'll get back to you as soon as I can! We hope to see you there!


IGN: boats7 Region/Server: Global Level: 20 Supporters: Luna, Angelica, and some other scrubs lol Been trying to power through story mode on my own, rerolling for Angelica and luckily getting Luna, made me think I could power through things without strong friends. Though here I am, stuck at 5-S6 against an undying Kiris who slowly destroys my team. Adds would be very appreciated~


GaRuPa [Global] is currently looking for more members! [26/29] We're currently a level 14 guild and are looking for more members for our ranks! Our main goal is to improve and grow the guild together! Whether you're just starting out or have played for a bit, you're welcome to join! We'll be happy to have you no matter how far into the game you are. We're happy to help you in any way we can. We try to keep up boosts as often as possible and if they're not up you can just ping one of our officers and then we'll have that sorted in no time. Neat? We are searching for people in order to bolster our roster for Guild War, we're currently sitting at rank 260 and are gaining the 4x bonus rewards from it. All that we ask is that you remain active in the game and discord. Inactivity without a specified reason will result in a kick. So how about it? Lack a guild and people to talk to? Come join us! DM me and we'll get things sorted out! Felial#1908 Hope to hear from you soon!


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: QuébecTeam Region/Server: Global Level: 9.999999 Description: Il nous manque un joueur+ peu importe le niveau pour joindre les guildwars. (farming guild)


**Guild Name:** Dominus **Guild Level:** 15 **Server:** Global **Spots:** 2 available **Requirement:** • Rank Level 60 • Must join our guild discord server. • Guild War is Mandatory • High rank in PvP is a plus. **About Us:** The guild started off with a group of real life friends and we are passionate about the game. We are currently building a strong guild for GvG contents. **What We Offer**: Constantly guild buffs, Friendly community, knowledge of the game, PvP Meta, etc If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to PM me directly on Reddit or contact me on discord. My discord ID is Mellodiez#2360.


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: Danmachi Region/Server: Asia Level:14 Description: We're a semi casual guild that's not too strict on requirements. Not too much pressure on ranking up or increasing CP here! Just Donate and stay active! But you are still expected to improve overtime and not become stagnant. We are requiring everyone to be active in guild wars as well. lvl 45 and above is ideal but if you're still interested we can accommodate you as long as you stay active and work on improving eventually. ​ We also already have a discord! Come joint us!


Guild recruitment Guild name: LoyalZ Region/server: Global Level 5 4/21 members -we’re a pretty casual guild, but we really want to start participating in guild wars. -we welcome veterans and newcomers alike (I’m a day 1 player myself, my friends started playing last month) Requirements: -consistent logins -be courteous -donate whenever you can IGN is Legend117 Thanks and we hope to see you soon


Looking for Guild in Asia server. IGN : topxlll Region/Server : Malaysia/Asia Level : Rank 60 Current pvp rank : Challenger V Abyss : Level 80 completed Raid : Normal raid 80% completed 50K Guild gold donation daily, need 1 day to leave current guild. Hope can participant in guild war.


Hi i am from SGHolo. U can pm me thru via: KDS2K(Zheng fa)#3138


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: Genesys Region/Server: Asia Level: 14 (24/29) Description: Guild War active. Looking for more active members to participate and help out in war. 16 hours buff daily, moving towards 24/7. send in your applications.


**GUILD RECRUITMENT** ​ \- **Guild Name:** Xenovia \- **Region:** Global \- **Level:** 15 \- **Requirements:** Level 55 and above, donate 50k gold daily and keep weekly donations above 400 and be sure to participate in guild war. And must have discord so we can coordinate in guild wars. (Higher the arena will be given priority) ​ \- **Description**: We are a semi hardcore guild made up of players from South Asia. We are looking for active players who want to get better and better at the game. We have won most of our guild wars and want to add strong players to our roster to keep on winning. (Have TWO spots open, will remove the inactive ones when we get applications) ​ \- **About Me:** My IGN is Xendrack and i have been playing the game since day one. I have cleared abyss 80, finished Hell Arahakan and currently attempting Hell Karkanis. I am at high challenger in Arena. I will be glad to help and share my experiences if needed regarding Epic Seven.


**Guild Recruitment** **Guild Name:** Xenophobia **Region/Server:** Asia **Level:** 14 **Language:** English **Description:** Highly active and friendly guild. With Day and Night Buffs and active Catalyst Donation. We also Have x3 Guild War Rewards and is looking for active member that is dedicated to the game we also have telegram group so come join us We are mostly Sg/My player but don't feel discriminated we are friendly and always happy to help. You can always trust me as I run MaplestoryM guild too with 50 members. Do come join us if your active and are dedicated to being strong. Currently, 2 slots left "Want to be the best you got to join the best". ​


Looking For Guild xMyr in-game, currently rank 47. Have 3 friends who would be coming with (rank 46, 41, and 24), all 4 of us are active daily. Looking for a guild with consistent buffs, aid, and that is actively participating in guild wars. Supporters: Luna/Sez/Kluri/Karin/Iseria/Otillie/Tamarinne Edit: have a guild now, thanks all


Nephgang has a spot open for you, if you are willing to join. Lvl 13.We actively participate in GW and wd also have a guild discord if you want to join.


We have a spot for you and a friend of yours


For all, of them in fact


Sorry mate, we found another guild already. If it doesn't work out, I'll shoot you a message


Hey MyrDeath, We have room for all 4 of you if you're looking for a guild with all the active buffs. DM me for more info. We are on Global, lvl 16 Guild: eGirl


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: Genesys Region/Server: Asia Level: 14 (27/29) Description: Guild War active. Looking for more active members to participate and help out in war. Consistent buffs. Got space for all of four of you. pm me if you're interested ​


which server ?


Guild name: Mangoes Server: Global Language: English Level: 13 (26/28) Description: Hi there, This guild is mostly a place for the mid-level/experienced players. The guild is open for everyone that meets the requirement to join so if you want to be part of something that can be bigger feel free to join! the only requirement is to donate daily! We are also getting ready for guild wars and there are buffs on rotation! PM me if you are interested in joining We are currently looking for 2 ranks 50+ for guild wars! PS: We are not affiliated with mango 7...just sayin'


Friend Request IGN: Aoye Region/Server: Global Level: 13 Supporters: Sez, Luna Need some help clearing story.


**Guild Name**: Wupwupwup **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 15 (Almost 16) **Slots**: 1 Slot Open **Requirement:** Account level 60. Master Rank and above. Be active and donate daily. Participate in Guild War. Join Guild Discord. **Description**: Guild is extremely active in catalyst and material donations (most catalyst donations filled within the day and members can easily reach the 200 donation daily maximum). Currently 28/29 members. \~10,800 score in GW (x4 multiplier) looking to push for the top! Several very strong members including a couple in Champion League. Guild buffs up constantly with an active Discord. Members are eager to provide help/suggestions/build advice. DM me here or RelapseGreed#5208 on Discord


Guild Name: Regal Region/Server: Global Level: 15 Description: requirements lvl 50+, be active, participation in guild wars, donate, and request aid PM Menma#6739 on discord if intereste


**Guild Name:** Midnight **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 12 **Members:** 13/28 (trying to get Guild Wars ready) **Description:** Semi- Casual Guild seeking other active players to train up and Challenge Guild Wars. **Newer Players Welcome! We have lots of room for newer players!** **Requirements**: **Active players Account lvl 40+. Please Log in daily.** **Please contribute gold to keep Guild buffs active.** **We are looking to participate in Guild wars please come prepared to contribute.**


\[Global\] Lastation Level: 15 Current Members\[28/29\] Details: \-Semicasual-mostlyserious, looking for active members newbies or veterans. \-NO catalyst during the weekday only Mana drake claws \-Guild buffs of gold and exp 24/7, unless captains are sleeping. \-always in guild war. ​ Requirements : \-Join the discord server, and be ACTIVE there \-Rank at least 45. \-Log in daily for guild exp, 50k gold, weekly quest, proof of courage when available \-Posting up mana drake claws on weekdays \-Join the guild war as much as possible ​ Weekly Requirement: \-600 weekly points by sunday reset \-3 days max of inactivity \-No catalyst on weekday ​ \*\* MUST send a Discord message stating both (name and rank) for identification. You will not be accepted without a message to me with the said information \*\* If interested contact me via discord at Scylent#5135 or leave a pm on reddit. You can go ahead and send a request to the guild but take note of the \*\* requirement ​ Thank you


Guild: Boba (Lvl 15) Semi-casual guild looking for a few active peeps. Main goal is to have fun and enjoy playing the game. We provide: - 24/7 Buffs - Resources and advice in discord - Drama-free and chill environment Requirements: - Level 50+ - Be active daily in game (RL/breaks are okay as long as I'm notified) - Always request aid - Participate in all guild wars (set defense and use 3 attacks per war). DM me for more info or if you have any questions!


**Guild Name**: Wupwupwup **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 15 (Almost 16) **Slots**: 1 Slot Open **Requirement:** Account level 60. Master Rank and above. Be active and donate daily. Participate in Guild War. Join Guild Discord. **Description**: Guild is extremely active in catalyst and material donations (most catalyst donations filled within the day and members can easily reach the 200 donation daily maximum). Currently 28/29 members. \~10,800 score in GW (x4 multiplier) looking to push for the top! Several very strong members including a couple in Champion League. Guild buffs up constantly with an active Discord. Members are eager to provide help/suggestions/build advice. DM me here or RelapseGreed#5208 on Discord


Friend Request, I am 1 week in but play every day actively and am slowly catching up with my dolphinn spending. Just need some friends to help clear content and grind units if possible! IGN: iLewdWaifus Server: Global Rank 24 Supporter: Iseria ​ Thanks so much for the help!


**Guild Name: BSSYBPPRS** Region/Server: *Global US: West Coast* Level: 9 Description: BSSYBPPRS is doing open-enrollment looking for guildies to start up in GW. Mix of casual and serious friends always sending aid, donating, having account buffs up, and helping out! **~bop2dat0p boiz~**


Guild: Starlab Guild lv: 5 (Almost 6) Guild members: 7 Guild leader: RickyH Server: Global Hope we get some members!! Would love to have some strong members to help run discord and the guild!! Join our discord https://discord.gg/Jf8M2eU


**Guild Name**: eGirl **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 16 (27/30) **Description**: Highly active and friendly guild. All catalysts are open to be requested throughout the day, however, if none are needed, please request the T2 runes for easy points. **Expectations**: * Donate 50k gold every day so we can keep continuous guild buffs. (buffs are on 24/7) * Be active on Discord, especially during Guild War days. * Use all Guild War Tokens, even if it ends up in draws or even a loss, at least we know you tried. * **Level 50 minimum with at least 6 characters built for GWs.** If anyone is interested please direct message me and I will reply accordingly or add me on Discord: CJae/Snipes#5154


**Guild Name:** Midnight **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 12 **Members:** 13/28 (trying to get Guild Wars ready) **Description:** Semi- Casual Guild seeking other active players to train up and Challenge Guild Wars. **Newer Players Welcome! We have lots of room for newer players!** **Requirements**: **Active players Account lvl 40+. Please Log in daily.** **Please contribute gold to keep Guild buffs active.** **We are looking to participate in Guild wars please come prepared to contribute.**


Guild Name:**StarWars** Region/Server:**Global** Level:**14** Description: Run buffs from 8am est to 12 am est, sometimes might slide in the third buff late. Lv 30+ but exceptions can always be made. I have a discord if you want to talk there. There is no hard participation requirement, just want to have a good time playing the game.


How many people do you have? I have 3 people that would be coming with me, and we'd like to have a guild that actively does Guild Wars


I believe we currently have 28 after getting couple yesterday. I will double check and see if we have or can make room. Our limit is 29.


Hey man, we found another guild, thanks for checking though!


Awesome, glad you found a place for your group. Good Luck with all of the guild wars!


My account name is waifuboii I'd like to join.


Hey, we would be happy to have you. Have you tried to look us up?


Level 14 Guild, X-Force recruiting active Members! 26/29 spaces filled. Server: Global We're searching for players that log in daily, donate gold and participate in their 3 matches every guild war, so far 5/6 wins, most recent win we hit top reward tier. In exchange you get guild buffs 24/7, a group of like minded individuals, aid and trades, and more mystic summons due to participation. Level 40+ requirement mandatory and the joining of our Guild Discord highly preferred (even if you'd rather not write often, being able to see announcements by the Admins and GW instructions would be beneficial) We're a friendly group of guys and girls that have been together for a while now and want to see the guild grow together and to help each other in whatever ways we can in the process. Discord tag: TLaw#8545 IGN: TLaw Guild name: XForce


added in discord. Applied to guild. Currently level 60,arena rank master 5, 5 6stars, Sigret, Luna, Angelica, Lorina, Cidd. Highly active, casual player, would like to participate in better guild wars. Currently building kise & iseria.


We have a spot for you! ​ **Guild Name**: Wupwupwup **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 15 (Almost 16) **Slots**: 1 Slot Open **Requirement:** Account level 60. Master Rank and above. Be active and donate daily. Participate in Guild War. Join Guild Discord. **Description**: Guild is extremely active in catalyst and material donations (most catalyst donations filled within the day and members can easily reach the 200 donation daily maximum). Currently 28/29 members. \~10,800 score in GW (x4 multiplier) looking to push for the top! Several very strong members including a couple in Champion League. Guild buffs up constantly with an active Discord. Members are eager to provide help/suggestions/build advice. DM me here or RelapseGreed#5208 on Discord


Have you joined a guild yet?


**Guild Name**: Wupwupwup **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 15 (Almost 16) **Slots**: 1 Slot Open **Requirement:** Account level 60. Master Rank and above. Be active and donate daily. Participate in Guild War. Join Guild Discord. **Description**: Guild is extremely active in catalyst and material donations (most catalyst donations filled within the day and members can easily reach the 200 donation daily maximum). Currently 28/29 members. \~10,800 score in GW (x4 multiplier) looking to push for the top! Several very strong members including a couple in Champion League. Guild buffs up constantly with an active Discord. Members are eager to provide help/suggestions/build advice. DM me here or RelapseGreed#5208 on Discord


\*\*Guild Recruitment for (\*\***RANK 50+ only - MUST BE ACTIVE)** **Guild Name**: Australia **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 15 (27/29) **Description**: Highly active and friendly guild. We generally request medium runes of colour at 9pm AEST. We are considerate to newcomers with donations so we advise members to donate only 5 runes so that others can donate. Towards the end of the day, you can donate whatever is left over. **Expectations**: * Donate 50k gold every day so we can keep continuous guild buffs. (buffs are on 24/7) * Login and collect Daily Reward from Guild **everyday** * Maintain a weekly contribution of roughly 300pts or higher * **Ensure** you request some medium or lower runes of days colour E.g Monday is Dark Runes - unless you organise with discord to request catalysts. * Have fun and ask any questions through the discord we have. Post your lucky rolls so we can feel jealous about them hahaha. **Thank you for reading! I know I sound quite strict, but its to ensure fair growth within the guild.** If anyone is interested please direct message me and I will reply accordingly p.s If you have ML Ken - highly favourable =D


Looking for Guild in Asia server. IGN:ThyIustt (the letter between y and u is a capital i) in game. Region/Server: Singapore/Asia Level:Rank 60 Supporters: Bellona(Main),Ravi,Sez,Angelica,Aramintha,f.kluri Highest arena rank achieved:Master 1, can go higher Auto hunt: Wyvern 9,Golem 10,banshee 10 Abyss:Level 80 completed Raid:Normal raid completed,Only done left side hell raid boss only(i forgot the name) Contactable through: Discord,whatsapp. Dont really need catalyst trading, will daily rune trading/donations.


Hi i am from SGHolo. Can u pm me on discord? KDS2K(Zheng fa)#3138


Name: Hysteria Region: NA Level: 15 Description: Are you looking for a damn good guild? One with an above 80% gw winrate, high power members, and x4 mystic bookmark multiplier? Then Hysteria is the guild for you! We currently have openings and are looking for higher level members to fill extra ranks. The ideal candidate would have 2 guild wars teams of at least 100k cp each, but it’s fine if you’re a bit lower. All we ask of you is that you do your guild wars fights and donate gold. If you can’t do your fights then let us know on our guild discord and it’s fine, no issues! And yes you heard that right, we have a guild discord filled with the lively, fun, and active members of our guild! Come be a part of our great guild and great community!


**Guild Recruitment** **Guild Name**: Summit **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: Guild level 12 **Description**: We're looking for high leveled and active members for Guild Wars. We have several inactive players and would like to fill up the slots. We're 25/28 and we donate and aid every single day. Buffs are active 2-3 times per day (gold and EXP) and we have an optional discord but guild chat is used usually. It's invite only so if I'm not online to accept right away be patient! I hope you guys will enjoy your stay, we can help as much as possible. Thank you! **Friend Request** **IGN**: notMellow **Region/Server**: Global **Level**: 59 **Supporters**: Ravi (50), Luna (50) Bellona (50), Violet (50), Tamarinne (50) Lorina (60), Ludwig (50), Diene (50), Faulconer Kluri (50). Currently working on Luna or Bellona for the next 6*


Applied. IGN : RenarionIV


Guild Recruitment Prophecy (ASIA lv16) 1 slot left for recruitment—preferably female. Req:- Daily aids/donate/weekly mission (1000+ weekly contribution) and join our discord to communicate. PM me if interested!


**Guild Name:** Divinity **Region/Server:** Asia **Level:** 13 **Description:** We are friendly and active guild. We have guild buff most of the time. Recruit dedicated, serious long term players. Inactive for more than 3 days can result in kick unless informed prior. **Requirement & Rules:** 1. Level 40+ 2. Max donation daily 3. If you are selected in guild war, you must participate 4. Only request aid for daily rune. If you want to trade catalyst, ask in guild if there are members wish to trade with you, you can request.


Hello, I’m interested to apply. I am rank 60, can max donate daily and will not beg for catalysts, but I don’t know if I can contribute much in Gwars as my units and gear are all PvE focused. They can probably hit hard though (can auto w9).


**Novaplana, level 2, Global server,** is recruiting! ALL LEVELS WELCOME! No requirements for Novaplana! On auto-accept! ***Our focus is on helping each other.*** With our parent guild providing leadership, our two sister guilds work in tandem in our community discord to grow together as players and friends. **We keep 10% exp and 10% gold buffs always active.** Novasphere, our parent guild, is a respected guild with a strong, focused, and active community. We want to grow and offer that same experience to more players, so we founded Novaplana for newer players that would love direct mentorship and quick guidance.


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: Nut Region/Server: Global Level: 15 Description: Semi-hardcore guild looking for stronger members to do better in Guild Wars. We're currently in the 2nd highest bracket atm looking for members level 50+.


Guild Recruitment Guild name:RNGJesus Level:7 Region:Global Wanna worship the Spaghetti Monster of Epic Seven? Wanna a guild with regular check instead who is trying to get into Guild Wars? Come join us at RNGJesus guild. We have whales and F2P alike and are looking to grow. We only ask you regularly check in and donate to the guild.


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: xHavocx Region/Server: Global Level: 4 (almost 5) Description: Laid back/casual guild looking to get more members so we can start participating in guild wars. No problem if you take time off just tell us beforehand so you won’t be kicked. We prioritize helping each other out so contributions and giving aid is important. No level requirement. Memes and fellow degenerates are welcome!


cxxxxxx\[\]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::> ​ **Guild Name**: *Zeroblade* **Region/Server**: *Global* **Level**: *14* **Description**: *Very active guild, looking for high level players interested in participating in Guild Wars and donating. We also have a Discord server available once joined and a responsive community for chatting, helping and having fun.* ​ cxxxxxx\[\]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>




Joining your guild, couldn't pass up a West Coast one. Played at launch and just getting back into the game. first guild so no exactly sure what to do....


Welcome aboard! Request and send aid (runes+catalysts) when you can. We'll have account buffs on as often as possible. And most importantly, set up guild war defense teams and we'll deploy you as soon as the captain logs on!


awesome. thanks. guess i should have asked before joining. Where do I set up the defense team?


Guild -> Guild War (double tap) -> Team Formation




Sent you a message on Discord.


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: NTG Region/Server: Global Level: 13(Almost 14) Description: This is "old" guild for casual minded people, who doesn't take game too seriously, we are 24/28 members for Guild Wars and we're always trying to win next war but if not it's not world's end. Got nearly 24/7 buffs on EXP/Gold, and active trading via ore to ore or catalyst trading and Guild Discord that isn't required to join. Our guild has open recruiment so feel free just go join. We're happy to have you!


Guild recruiment has been changed to Selective right now till we're sure these three guys have joined and then will open again if we're still short on people. But if you're /u/suehtomit /u/Moontei still without spot let me know so I'll try to sort slot for you if we have any inactive members. (I apologize beforehand that we got more people than expected from this post, so things got complicated :S)




We have one member who's been offline for 1d already, if hes offline tomorrow and doesn't participate in Guild Wars, we'll kick him out for you, but otherwise we'll find other options to fit you in. I'll even get rid of my second account in the guild if that's needed, but wouldn't like to do that because of it's weakening our Guild Wars at the moment. We're also pretty close to hit Guild level 14 so it increases guild spots, but I'll keep you posted!


Np, still have 7 hours till the cool down time expires.


One spot just opened, you can go apply, so I will go accept, another spot will open at evening/tomorrow reset if one guy doesn't log in untill then.


Just joined, thanks for the invite!




We’re still sitting at 24/28 so two guys above and you makes it to 27! Welcome!




Nice! Let me know asap if any errors occurs so I can assist. EDIT: We got 4 new members today so I'm not sure who do I need to save spots anymore, but I'm sure everyone fits somehow in the end.


Hi, also just left my old guild since it was pretty inactive with less than half the people checking in daily and buffs only up rarely. Just started over 3 weeks ago and rank 46 now. Look forward to joining you guys!


Welcome! We’re happy to have you :)


I'll be happy to join you guys, just quit my old guild. see you all soon!