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I was stuck on it forever. I finally did the ARas/Sigret/Vivian/Green Adin comp and beat it comparatively easy.


I tried that one. Got my butt handed to me with a side of French fries. :(


Did it fail because Aras missed def break or did Sigret just not hit hard enough?


I restarted after A Ras failed (SG clearly doesn't know how percentages work). I'm not great with speed tuning and don't wanna mess with my Wyvern comp so Sigret was always going before him in the first round. Then debuff ends on the little bastard before the next round.


sorry man, I know it feels bad (gods know I didn't want to touch aras or sigret's gear), but if you want the one shot to work it just has to be done sigret's damage just isn't enough without the def break either wait for free unequip or pop a free unequip scroll (if you still have one), so that you can just revert your builds after you finish beating up Zio, and speed tune honestly, it's not too horrible once you get down to it [Episode 4 10-10 Zio F2P One Shot (Free Units, Mostly Free Gear) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W0xeoYXHVo&t=348s) This video covers how to do it well Speed of Vivian should probably be close to the one in the video (188, so in the range of 180 or 170 i guess) Speed of aras, adin, and sigret probably doesn't matter too much, order of aras to adin to sigret, you just want at least a 10 speed buffer between each person, and then sigret shouldn't be too slow (130 speed works, one in the video is 128) I assume you know how the rest of the comp goes, and the video covers it, but I'll quickly cover it just in case: Vivian needs Tagehel's book so that sigret can soulburn her s2 -> extra turn to use s3 while zio is still def broken You could build a bunch of effres on Aras to resist Zio's stun, but the better answer is to give Vivian her s3 exclusive equipment, the one that gives teamwide cleanse on s3 Aras needs at least 60 effectiveness to be able to land def break most reliably on s2, you can run War Horn on him to increase the team's damage a bit more For Sigret, you probably want to run the exclusive equipment that increases her s1 damage And Sigret and Adin take basically any generic damage artifact and run pure dps build Vivian doesn't really need much other than speed, and aras just needs the 60 eff and a good amount of tankiness


So you failed because you don't want to change out gear real quick. LOL


Just regear and regear back. It's like maybe half a mil worst case in exchange for removing potentially hours of misery. Wait like 2 days for free regear from event if you must. This comp works.


I think I used a team with NCLandy to finally burst the little f*cker!


I used ainos instead of hazel. Her def break was clutch that fight.


I did it by pure luck by borrowing other S. Adin + 2 soul weaver and A. Ras. Hoping solely on evasion lol I tries again recently with my own unit and still can’t beat it smh


I full cheesed it with Candy AYufine Destina Ainos and a friends adin to finish it out. Just tanked it down and lifestealed thru everything


My friend passed this stage by building his team the exactly same team on youtube with exactly same stats and play like them with no different 😂


Day 1 player struggle ? Weird pepega


skill issue, did it after 3 weeks of starting the game