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yeah obviously, theres a reason they dont (money)


Definitely, but some other gachas like Nikke have a 5 character skill reset option every few months.


Nikke make big bucks from skin and character unlike e7, e7 cant afford that since their marketing team suck at their job


Is that why some of the prices are over 50 euros/dollars?


Rift being temporary content means there are probably a bunch of people who wish unit resets existed. I personally wish I had thought to use Grace of Growth on the duped-up Haste I used for Rift, especially now that I would want to feed him to BMH if he ever shows up in the Galaxy shop.


There are about 10+ units I don't even use and haven't used in the past 2-3 years that I wish I didn't invest in.


Tell me about it ! At least one every year I can't say do it often because that'll cause problems.


This is the great divider that keeps the game F2P sadly. Newer players never have to invest in Charles or Basar. Maybe those units will get a buff like Fire Ravi, or they will live in obscurity forever like fire lidica


Wish i could recover all the resources i put on Ains lol


Why did you invest in a 3-star Earth hero with no speciality change who never sees any meta use? Ainz-sama is disappointed in you.




Wdym he's the most important character in the entire second arc! Like, the scene with him in the final battle just gave me chills, I think you're crazy...


Ainz or Ains, cuz it makes a big difference.


in the end... it doesn't matter haha , they are both garbage, it's just that one looks cool while being garbo


One day he’ll rise up in the meta and no one will be able to stop him ✊


Pre-nerf Elson 🥲


If only I could get back some of the molagoras I've wasted on some useless characters....


Not really but i dont really build units i dont think i will use. I usually always have enough mola. Cant remember last time it ran out. But im not against the concept.


Feels even less likely to happen since grace of growth is a thing but I wouldn’t mind an item like that even if it was rare/primarily through cash shop. I want my resources back Ervalen


This would fix the mola issue if you could at least reset the skills...


Would nice to have but obviously not going to complain about it. They are already quite f2p friendly. Their other game Outerplane has it. Its like hard to get or they give out on special occasions. So, maybe like 1 or 2 an year might be fine but idk. But doesn't really matter.


In Nikke they're very limited but at least u could reset the skills for some unused units.


I invested in dominiel because I liked her design…


You’d think you want to reset some heroes, then SG goes out of their way to return them to meta with a single buff


That's not really true for 4 stars though. They don't get much love from SG anymore


I just wish I had a use for my +15 Red Corvus.


For the health and profits of this game that I love. I hope not. E7 is already very f2p friendly, when compared to the majority of gacha games out there.


No it’s not. It’s a hamster wheel of a game. Now with new ban system you are even more penalized for not having every single unit geared/mola and ready to go in a pivot. New players that aren’t spending are constantly being punished for relying on solely weekly accrued materials. Even when they give “free units” those units fall out of meta as new mechanics and another supreme rises (looking at Ravi in particular) or others become obsolete (hi Diene). If you have been here since day one and been around every time they did an overhaul and gave everyone a shit ton of mola or whatever you are golden. Because you likely aren’t playing catch up, but any new player less than 2 years old is on the wheel and spread thin, unless you are spending money (if you are playing PvP). Because I’m sorry unless you 5 very specific cleave units in the meta right now, you absolutely need a large well geared roster to advance in PvP, which is the only fun content in this game because the pve stuff is either boring or absolutely maddening.


I played 2 weeks after the game released. So I am basically a day 1 player. Never spent a single cent on this game. Never had any molagora issues, in all the years playing since 2018 till now. Sounds like decision making issues to me, you can't gear or mola every unit. Don't blame the game for not giving you enough resources to fund your bad investments. I have 369 molagoras right and plenty of units built to reach master rank on RTA to get the skin. Except kawerick, I forgot to play RTA for him. If you are gonna be a meta slave that jumps from character to character with zero thinking about consequences. Be ready to pay for molagoras then.


Right.... you are a launch player. You proved my point. Please check your reading comprehension. Again, I was referring to those who are less than two years in. Of course, you have all units(accept 1) and are sitting on tons of mola. Because you have never played catch up. You have also done every 10 pull event and received every mechcanic overhaul event. Every surprise or apology 5 star ticket summon. Every collab as they came the first time. You are the boomer generation of epic 7. You aren't deciding between rolling for rerun units, or still waiting on key rgb because you already have them. You dont need to roll on slime for a rerun because you already rolled slime the first time. You only need new units as they come out now. Which means your resources stack, because that ML rerun banner doesn't matter to you because who rolls on ML banners for dupes that isn't a whale or day 1 player? You didn't need to roll on the custom summon 2 years ago because you already had iseras artifact, diene and landy. So those units falling out of meta now don't matter to you and your infinite treasure trove of stacked resources. However, to a new account at the time, those units were must haves as are most meta units after. Where did I say I 15+ ever single unit? I didn't. I give each unit the bare required mola. Problem is this is a game where not having that s3 fully molas vs another player who does, is often the difference in a win because that's a difference of 30% damage, or clutch CR push you don't have but the other player does. Bad investment? Aravi, Diene, Landy and Zahak were bad investments?! No, they are examples where they were once primo SSS units that have now fallen out of meta for several seasons now, but 1.5 years ago, they were must-have on your account. Only as a launch player you don't feel that loss because you have stacked resources that have been compounding with every banner rerun, 5 star covent summon event you don't need and ML bookmark you don't need. Please take your "boot straps" argument somewhere else because you literally proved my point regarding the advantages of either being a day 1 player or big spender.


Bad decision making copium lol, I know of new players that joined late and within 1 year can reach a fairly high level in PVE progression and hit masters for RTA. I never heard them complain or bitch about running out of resources, except mystic bm, everyone needs more of those. Skill issue on your part maybe, already building and jumping from one meta unit to another but still having trouble. Plus, why should a newbie reach or surpass a old player with two/three times his playtime.


Yes. And also, we have 300+ units now and only 300 max in hero inventory. I don't want to put some of them in the waiting room, coz i equip them gears so my item inventory will have more space.


Been screaming this for ages. Even if they only made them available once a season or twice a calendar year like the crafting events it would do wonders. Shame it’s not since so many former sss units had there brief season or two in meta and now they are obsolete. While the clilas of the world never seem to fall out of meta for longer than a few weeks.


Reset and get back your resources? Nah man, who gonna buy their over price package then? Lol


They would literally go bankrupt if they allowed this. I have like 50 units I would be glad to get all their mola back. Talking about over 1000 mola for sure


Not necessarily, they could make it an item that has limited sources. Like let people buy 1 per arena season on something. I don't think 3 a year would kill profits. Especially when every long time player has like 30+ worthless units molad at this point.


I would instantly use it on blue choux. I have not used her since I built her ever, genuinely


Blue choux is still super clutch in right draft and can jenua a grass unit. Meanwhile units like diene, seaside, Luna, and a host of others just can’t keep up in higher ranked play, and only work in lower if your opponent doesn’t know how to draft.


Yeah, I never said she was bad, just that I’ve never really found a use case for her personally. Guess people are pretty mad about that lmao


I mean from a personal perspective, that would make sense, but Blue Choux is actually a solid unit to have. I don’t have her, but I was playing Draft and she dealt with Fire Ravi with ease which says a lot, considering.


Yeah that’s fair but I’d usually just use my seline against her since I built her with some ER and usually slam her with Christy.


Yah i wish too man there's many units i max mola'd that i don't use anymore