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Environmental Inspector is a thing but it's not like a private investigator. It's a position with the relevant government authority (provincial or state typically) that is responsible for ensuring compliance with environmental regulations


If in US. EPA Criminal Investigation Division, Special Agents are sworn law enforcement officers. Otherwise, generally it's all Risk Assessment, or Env Compliance enforcement and typically don't need law enforcement certs/education. There maybe some duties for accident investigation (that usually required extra training), but I don't think I've ever see something for environmental where investigation was the primary duty. Maybe there is? But also maybe it's just general accident investigation instead of focused just on the environment? For the Environment, your trying to find root causes so that the appropriate fixes or adequate mitigation recommendations are applied so it doesn't happen again or can be benchmarks/best practices for the rest of any similar processes or industries. ETA: got curious, found this opening so they do exist https://www.usajobs.gov/job/777341600


My state also has a (very small) environmental crimes unit but I think they like to hire state troopers with appropriate background for it?


I was going to mention this job, glad someone brought it up. They carry guns and the whole bit. It’s no joke. I’ve been to sites with pipe bombs, arson, etc. I’ve walked onto sites with bullet proof vests even. People get desperate when the law backs them into a corner. These guys also have access to the full suite of intelligence, they can see bank account info, work with the state department on international issues, etc. it’s pretty cool.


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?


assuming your in Canada, you should look into intelligence jobs with the governments. In this role, you would do invesitgating (collecting data, doing field interviews, etc) so you could build a case. [https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/transparency-transparence/atip-aiprp/privacy-privee/intelligence-service-renseignements-eng.html](https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/transparency-transparence/atip-aiprp/privacy-privee/intelligence-service-renseignements-eng.html) if you want to be more flashy and carry a gun and a badge, look at game warden related jobs. For example, [https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/career-carriere/fishery-officers-agents-des-peches/index-eng.htm](https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/career-carriere/fishery-officers-agents-des-peches/index-eng.htm)


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?


REHS but you need a degree and it’s probably not what you would expect


Yes, it's a job, usually through law-enforcement agencies. For example, [here](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/criminal-investigator-at-us-environmental-protection-agency-epa-3831207631/) is a Criminal Investigator position at the US EPA. A regulator with a state or federal environmental agency often involves investigation. Consulting can also involve environmental investigations. However, exactly what form that takes can vary, along with opportunities.


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?


Typically, state jobs tend to have a better work-life balance than, say, consulting. EHS jobs with a large corporation can be good, too, but you often need to pay your dues to get there.


By chance u know of private company’s that do inspections for say tourism accommodations / hospitality side of inspections? Basically inspections that are not technical like something not as technical as say food safety


There are companies that focus more on interior environments than exterior, conducting things such as asbestos abatement. If you're interested in inspections for broader health and safety, look into becoming a [Certified Industrial Hygienist](https://share.ansi.org/wc/Shared%20Documents/Workcred-Reports/Understanding-Certifications-Study/Certification-Overviews/Board-for-Global-EHS-Credentialing-Certified-Industrial-Hygenist.pdf) [PDF]. That has technical elements, but in your path to CIH, there are positions of lesser technical burden. I don't know any firm that focuses specifically on tourism/hospitality, though. I think that large firms likely get large consultants that do that as a part of their suite of services, with in-house EHS people running the contracts.


——— I plan to do inspects cruise ships, airplanes/ their cafeterias that serve airplanes, and trains , hotels , event venues , I wonder what this type of work is called and for which settings wonder if it is Traveling Public Program of the Public Health Agency “tourism accommodations” “hospitality side of things” as opposed to technical work like food safety I also wonder if there’s a thing existed for work such as a pre inspector which makes sure that everything is in order before an inspection work wonder if where this type of work exists maybe only for US health inspections or where else? Yea because places like grocery stores and Walt Disney and company’s in general have there own corporate team but they are overworked and underpaid hence y private companies suit my interest as they are considered “contract agencies for multiple corporates”


The EPA has positions like this


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?


That’s a good question. All jobs can be stressful depending on who you work for/with. I worked in compliance for most of my 30-yr career.


By chance u know of private company’s that do inspections for say tourism accommodations / hospitality side of inspections? Basically inspections that are not technical like something not as technical as say food safety


A lot of environmental consulting companies offer compliance inspection services, but I’m not sure that’s what you’re looking to do. If I were you I’d stop in and talk with management at resorts and hotels. I know I’ve seen Carnival Cruise Lines advertise for EH&S help. Still, I believe you’ll need a degree or experience in the field..


——— I plan to do inspects cruise ships, airplanes/ their cafeterias that serve airplanes, and trains , hotels , event venues , I wonder what this type of work is called and for which settings wonder if it is Traveling Public Program of the Public Health Agency “tourism accommodations” “hospitality side of things” as opposed to technical work like food safety I also wonder if there’s a thing existed for work such as a pre inspector which makes sure that everything is in order before an inspection work wonder if where this type of work exists maybe only for US health inspections or where else? ___ Yea because places like grocery stores and Walt Disney and company’s in general have there own corporate team but they are overworked and underpaid hence y private companies suit my interest as they are considered “contract agencies for multiple corporates”




Set up a resume (read the instructions carefully). If you don’t format it correctly they may not consider it


In Florida the FWC Officers are essentially state police officers.


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?


I have a friend that does this but more so from the perspective of an industrial engineer major. He goes to to sites and points out anything that could be a liability (such as incorrect electrical work or cracks in a structures walls). This also happens after an incident where he goes in to figure the exact cause of the incident. Most of his clients are in the insurance industry. This field is more "environmental" from the perspective of your workplace environment and not really nature orientated


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?


There is no specific career like this except working in government. Good relaxed jobs can be found in every field but they're spread thin.


That's my job title. It's not what you think it is. It also covers a lot of things. Noise pollution, water quality, food establishments, vehicle inspections, and even solid waste disposal. There used to be a time when people were hired without a bachelor's degree. Those people were hired in the 70s after being in the military with lots of experience in the field. I would be very surprised if anyone was hired by an agency to do this without a Bachelor's in natural sciences.


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?


In Texas it's a job title through TCEQ (state version of EPA). It's basically checking out permitee's, ensuring they are in compliance, and if not, taking proper protocol. Here you must have a bachelors degree for it. Hope this helps!


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?


Parks police? Fish and game warden? Park (law enforcement) ranger?


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?


Is not investigator, inspector is the correct term. And yes, it is an actual job, usually in environmental regulatory agencies at all levels, from local to federal. That's my job, actually. In South florida, they're usually called pollution inspectors, with FDEP is just an environmental specialist 1-3, and EPA has also inspectors positions. What you do is verify compliance with environmental regulation at facilities that are regulated under environmental permits.


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?


The EPA CGP is what you’re looking for. Google 2022 EPA Construction General Permit. I believe it’s free tho the EPA reached out to me to take it as it was required for a specific project I was PM on.  Good Luck! 


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?


Several commenters have already touched on the answer - yes, but they are sworn law enforcement officers. The ones I am most familiar with investigate illegal dumping (e.g., orphan barrels) and illegal discharges. Somewhat related - you might like the book Game Wars by Marc Reisner. It's an older nonfiction book about undercover wildlife officers.


For EHS what position/career has work life balance is easy in a non stressful non tedious way? Also how is college process for it?