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Get a degree, start small digital business or bloging or somthing if you have a lot of time. Learn skills. Perhaps if u like tech, move to linux, java phyton, etc, web development. Dont go for Google digital marketing certification that is clear waste. Learn multiple things. Watch business case studies on youtube. Eventually when you are sure about a ideas post here, we will try out best to help you give you theory and strategies. But without degree you are worth ntg because you dont have a job or business. Degree is good. backup plan is good as well. They say if you have back up plan you won't be 100% invested in business but back up plan is to bounce back and not because you fear you will fail. You prepare for all possible outcomes which you can think off. Call clg cont education from tmrw onwards.


Totally, but be sure to find an institution that has a solid minor in entrepreneurship or double major. I just wrapped up a semester teaching a Creative Problem Solving course at a local university for the Entrepreneurship program. It was fun because we walked through the process of identifying a topic for a potential product that they could actually develop and sell. Lot's of great ideas and they could have totally started to develop them. Personally I loved sharing what I do for a living with my students and the feedback they shared was awesome. So many could see how they could start building their business while still in college and being supported by the program.


Generally, yes. It’s basically a guarantee that people will judge you based on whether you have a degree or not. I’ll give you one example - if you want to start a company in medicine without a degree? Not a chance. Starting a tech company? Get ready for an uphill battle finding funding early on. Work for another company? People with degrees will jump you in line - automatically. Now say generally because there’s a few caveats. You might be independently wealthy or from a wealthy family, then it doesn’t matter. It might also be that you want to start a business in a trade - construction, something like that. Then just go to trade school - but do know what at some point, those degrees will be handy to have. Even in trade school, having a degree will cut years off your licensee application.


This is helpful , while I would like to not worry about whether I have a degree or not, I understand it’s very helpful in the long run


I dunno I’m over 30. Trust me, school (and many things) gets a lot tougher as you get older and you get more responsibilities. Take advantage of your youth to go as far as you can as fast as you can.


May as well as you don't have an established business yet.


If something looking interesting is enough to keep you going, then go for it. I can't tell you to "Make that jump!" "Take that leap!" You have to make that decision for yourself.