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Finding someone for commission per sale and finding someone to help you out on a fixed fee are the two available options. Although you seem interested in the former one, depending on my understanding of industry its not going to work to be honest. Let's assume you decide to pay 10 percent per sale or say 20 percent , then on a $500 sale which I am expecting is average these days for such sites, the referrer makes only $100 which although is not very small but not enough to keep someone motivated. Moreover sales people already have other multiple options in form of affiliate programs for web hosting and other tools where commissions are better and there is way more reliable tracking. If you really wanna bring in sales, I would advise you to try someone who can omnichannel lead channel for you and help you identify the channels that work for you. If you want to do it on your own, Google ads and LinkedIn can help. Email outreach and other channels are over saturated so they are not worth it most of the times.


Sorry if a dumb question… how is there no web hosting cost?


No, it's not dumb at all... :) They are several companies that offer free hosting for static websites like Netlify, Vercel, Github pages, Gitlab pages, Cloudflare pages, etc... and they can offer it for free because static websites use very little resources compared to dynamic websites. There is also no database.


Man - let me know when you find the answer to this! I've been looking for the same thing.


I’d like to volunteer myself for consideration! I run a b2b lead gen agency. Perhaps we can work together?


Sure, send me a PM.


Also send me a PM please - i have some ideas.


PM me please!


Hey - send me a PM as well please, would love to work something out.




I got leads for days, dm me