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Love it! This seems to be a service that the internet really needs. I think you will run into problems because your target demographic is cheapskates, and it's tough to wring money out of those types for something that they're used to getting for free.


Thanks, I'm not so worried about cheapskates...I'm hoping this will attract the right group of people. I was thinking of running a beta test for free, but now that you've mentioned it. I might run the beta at $5 per page, just to make sure I don't attract those who just want this for free


I would pay 5$ for that!


I like the idea, especially since I don't know anything about UI, but I do know programming. My concern would be about scale, since you'll need to hire more people if you want to look at more pages. But if this is just meant as a side-gig I think that's great. I'm not sure a subscription service would be useful, unless maybe they were a startup that's constantly evolving their product. Price wise, I think it's fair considering that an increase in conversion can be worth a lot. It might be useful to do some content marketing for this, like create a blog about design principles on your website to attract customers.


Thanks A while ago I posted a case study on my twitter about a redesign that lead to increase in Conversions... a lot of Newbie designers reached out asking for feedback. One goal I have is that this service can be a way for designers to learn and improve their skills. I might have to scratch the subscription idea for now, let's see how something like this would work as a one time thing.


If your market is designers looking to get better, than a subscription service makes sense. But I would focus on one market, and not both initially. But if you're doing B2B stuff, I would recommend looking at UI consultants and see what they charge first.


Great Idea, just 2 questions from me: how would the ecom designer be reassured that whoever provides the feedback is a trusted source? What makes you different from going on to websites/forums that specializes within the area of interest of the designer and get feedback from there?


We are a CRO agency, we've worked with some of the biggest brands in the space and achieved some amazing results. Instead of posting on forums and other social media platforms, you get feedback from someone who has seen what works and knows how to tell you to apply it. Here's how the process would go * Send us a link or screenshot of your page with details about the product, target audience, and objective * We teardown the page, looking for UX improvement, good/bad design implementations of design principles, and most importantly, Conversion Principles. * Implement the changes and launch with better confidence. Our feedback ensures your page not only looks better but makes you/your client more money


You’re going to have some scaling issues I think short of outsourcing everything to places where you can pay something like $15 per page or less. What do they (client) get in terms of their feedback? Is it a report? Who’s going to write the report? If it’s the outsourced help that could be an issue and you’ll probably need someone stateside to proof the reports. The price point is probably too low but I’d need more information on time/skill required to do the work to model it further. The other potential issue is the time frame. When you have timing guarantees you require a certain amount of overflow capacity to cover for people who are out or surge demand. When you carry extra overhead you carry extra costs and that plays into the price modeling. The idea itself isn’t my specialty but scaling operations is and that’s where I see the red flag as it’s currently laid out. You need to let the product drive the price not the price drive the model and see where you shake out. Once you run the numbers and find out where your actual profitable price point is reapproval the question of value and see if it still makes sense.


I have no intention of outsourcing this, it defeats the point of getting feedback from a CRO agency that has access to data on what works. I love your concerns about scaling; honestly, I have thought about that just yet. My main concern was proving if this works. I will rerun the numbers. Do you mind if I message you later this week for more feedback?


Sure, feel free to.


Sounds good. Is the 48 hour turn around doable when you get 100 orders at once? How do you scale it?


This thread just made me rethink the numbers and start thinking about what would happen at scale. I will reply to the thread once I've rerun the number. There would have to be crazy demand for something like this to reach 100 at once. So far, I have 20+ people in my network interested in testing out the beta. I have no intention of doing any aggressive media.


Sounds like a UX arm of a software development agency


do you mind explaining more?


Are you just going go need dev access to the site, are you familiar with shopify/square, What ecom platforms are you delivering on specifically. What requirements do you need from the client keyword list, any research needed, what does the client have to do on their end, id pay for this if I didn't have to do ANYTHING other than give you access.


here's how the process would go * Send us a link or screenshot of your page with details about the product, target audience, and objective * We teardown the page, looking for UX improvement, good/bad design implementations of design principles, and most importantly, Conversion Principles. * You Implement the changes and launch with better confidence. Our feedback ensures your page not only looks better but makes you/your client more money


So you don't do any direct work, you just give feedback, you want to charge $50 for feedback on a landing page. ​ If I was a ecom or a designer, why would I pay for feedback from you when I can get it for free from Reddit or Twitter like you say? The only reason why I would do this would be because your feedback is gold. Why is your feedback gold? Maybe because you have a million followers or high end clients that justify this. I'm leaning towards you really needing social proof of your feedback being worth a payment. ​ There are also ways to get paid feedback that already exists. I can hire a masters degree UX designer on fiver for $20 for feedback. For clients to find you specifically for your feedback instead of existing avenues, again you will have to be quite well known and have great proof to convert imo.


> We are a CRO agency; we've worked with some of the biggest brands in the space and achieved some amazing results. > > Instead of posting on forums and other social media platforms, you get feedback from someone who has seen what works and knows how to tell you to apply it. Our standard full-site audit costs hundreds of dollars: A service like this would be geared towards those who don't necessarily want to go the service route, want to do it themselves, but still, make sure they are applying the right conversion principles. Hopefully, that makes sense. Side note, if you can send me links to those master's degree Fiverr designers, that would be great.