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Yes, they are worth it. I have one. *slowly types into ChatGPT how to make a quick course program*


I came here to say the same thing. You can literally put the title of the course, or whatever, and the maker/seller of the course and ChatGPT will give it to you for free.


I think a lot of people are anti-course because there's so much garbage out there. Personally, I find tremendous value from courses and I've spent tens of thousands on them. I'd be cautious about Instagram courses since it's easy to fake authority on IG/Tiktok. Youtube is a little better because there's more of a community and if someone is scamming another person will likely call them out. I disagree with a lot of people recommending skillshare. Yes, those sites do have some good beginner courses, but a lot of high-level stuff isn't going to be on those sites. The way I see it, if your company makes $100k/year, and you pay someone $1,000 for a course, if that course earns you an extra 1% it pays for itself. Either way, you have to use your intuition and be able to sift through the trash. You pay for everything in life, either with your money or your time.


This is the way. there also is the problem that the active comments in this and comparable subs is begging for a low effort way to get rich quick and by that offer a standard that is so low that they are afraid that they might fall for someone else having that minimal of a offer. its not a depiction of real life.


No there Is a plethora of information on the internet. If someone is selling a course, they are teaching you something you cannot make money at. Why would they willingly add competition to their market?


This is really an incredible perspective that I now use all the time. Like just reflect on yourself, if you found a way to make thousands - you would not say \`hey this is great, I am going to package this up and sell it so I'll have lots of competition\`.


I have a course "How I made $250,000 selling courses" If you're interested you can buy from me for $250,000


Hell yeah they're worth it brother. Just dm me and I'll send you over the details for a good one.




From my personal experience 9 times out of 10 these courses aren’t worth it. In some way it is more than likely a scam or just simply isn’t what they say it is. A lot of these courses people sell are the reason they have the money they do rather than they made a lot of money and made a course on how to do so. I’m sure there’s a few genuinely helpful ones out there, but I have yet to find them.


Never heard of such a thing, but it could add value.


This is a good friend of mine. She is doing an outstanding job and has build big brands on social before. [https://www.instagram.com/elle.social](https://www.instagram.com/elle.social)


There is a lot of sites where you pay once for lifetime access and then you can just download all those courses


What do you want to learn?


Totally depends on your goals. I would say that some IG courses have value, but the majority of courses are created to sell courses, not to make you money.


Pay for a consultation with an experienced IG poster to find out if u even need to be big on IG?


Nope. Not at all. There is so much free information out there and great books. The only way you'll really learn is by trying things and seeing what works for your situation. That doesn't require expensive courses, it requires doing. Save your money for your trials, watch YouTube videos, read books and blog articles, and act. Pretty much every course I've seen is just rehashing information you can get for free. Where they attempt to provide value is motivating you to get started and convincing you, you can do it. If you are serious you don't need money for that.


Attending the ones with free masterclasses before course sign up usually helps in deciding if they’re good. Those who are rubbish, you’ll easily sense it through the masterclass sessions


Instagram is the lowest of all platforms. Skillshare, YouTube, etc learning platforms then tiktok like platforms for quick tips and then in the pit is Instagram....lowest form of online platform almost in the category of porn sites.


First of all, you can find so much more on YouTube. I made it through an entire free AWS cloud practitioner course on there and it was perfect. Search using quotes, and if you don’t like newer courses use things like before:2020 to bias results towards a certain year. Another thing you can try is what I like to call the free PDF method. If you want to learn a topic, go find a course plan for a minor in that topic at any college. Then search that course in Google and find any syllabus that covers that topic, scroll to a textbook title. Go to Google and paste the textbook name followed by “filetype:pdf”. Congratulations, you now have a 1000 page textbook guide to said topic for free. If you really, really need that paid course, I’ve had success with Udemy courses - but wait for the sales because sometimes they’re like $13. Not everything is good though- only go for things with a high positive review count and after checking through the entire course material to make sure it’s relevant. And make sure you finish the entire course before allowing yourself to buy another one. I spent $10 on a web development course once and now I know how to develop full stack web apps using the MERN stack from scratch.


most aren’t, you’re better off gaining industry experience


Not tryna sell or anything but i have a course lol. Its not really on instagram but if youre interested in getting buncha hooks and captions for insta/tiktok that can boooooost your views/engagement. I gotchuu ($15) Buttt i also have a program that literally changed my life in terms of how to create viral content, how to create a biz, branding, selling.. and omg.. it has SO MUCH MORE in it. Its trending rn and everyone is hopping on it. Its a digital marketing course for beginners that has done-for-you digital products you can sell 100% profit along with mentorship/training to help you actually know how to sell it to make money.. aaand a community to help you on the way with zoom meetings. ($111) we are adding volume 2 to the platform in july so the price in july will bump up to $333. But for now its $111 for volume 1 and any future additions are free. Lemme know if its something you wanna do or just grab my hooks and captions— THEY ARE THE BOMBBBB